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  1. #1
    sol82's Avatar Banned
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    Scammed! The Uber Gold-seller Butt Kicking!!!

    Ladiesand gentlemen, I have recieved 4000g for $16! The site I used was I originally ordered 2000g for my toon. I never recieved it because I was suspended for 3 days, so I contacted the live support for WoWmine. I started another order and got all the way to the payment screen like they told me to do and not enter a payment. They sent another 2000g to a different toon of mine, in turn I mailed that to my main. I contacted the GMs and told them my brother lost a bet and was going to send me 2000g, but it was lost during my suspension. Perhaps I had a good GM, because he verified the outboxes of the gold sellers and sent it to me. BAM! 4000g for the price of 2000g. I thought to myself, hey, if WoWmine believed I didn't recieve it the first time, they would probably believe my account to be flagged if I told them I didn't recieve it a second time. So, I gave it a shot! Below is my conversation, with all the personals cut out:

    Due to a sharp increase of our business, we are currently handling a significantly high volume of chat requests. As a result, waiting time may be longer than usual. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you. A support agent will be with you shortly. Your wait time will be approximately 3 minute(s) and 22 seconds. Thank you for holding. The queue is 1 long and your position is 1.
    All agents are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. A support agent will be with you shortly. The current queue length is 1 and your position in the queue is 1.
    All agents are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. A support agent will be with you shortly. The current queue length is 1 and your position in the queue is 1.
    You are now chatting with 'Ryan'
    Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK7103519128X
    Ryan: Welcome to the live chat support, sol82! Let me know how I can be of help while I go pulling up your order details (if you have filled the pre-chat survey). Although I may be talking to only 2-3 customers at the same time, you might expect slower than usual response at time due to server or network latency. Unless I am unqualified to help you, I will not disconnect this chat until your problem gets resolved.
    sol82: hello. i never got an email or phone call letting me know my gold was sent, and it wasnt in my mailbox
    Ryan: One moment please, I will check for you.
    sol82: thx
    Ryan: US *SERVER* A *CHARACTER* 2000g?
    sol82: yes
    Ryan: and a re-sent order?
    sol82: yes. i recieved the first shipment of 175g, but i didnt recieve anything else
    Ryan: could you please your ingame mailbox?
    Ryan: it has been sent
    sol82: i did check it. i just checked it a few minutes ago after i saw it was sent on the website
    Ryan: We suspect that Blizzard has put your account on the alert for RMT activity, intercepting every subsequent gold delivery. Therefore, I am sorry to tell you that we decide not to re-send you the gold. We will issue you a partial refund of the non-receipt portion just to thank you for sticking it out. In the future, if you want to make gold purchase again, we strongly suggest that you use some other accounts of yours or your friends'. Thank you.
    sol82: ok, its such a shame that i cant buy gold from you guys anymore. thank you for all you have done for me
    Ryan: You are welcome! Please do not hesitate to contact us again if we can be of further assistance.

    Special Notice:
    MMOMaven is one of our partner sites that offers gazillion WoW guides, exploits, strategies, cheats, methods, tips, bots and macros, especially the ones that quickly put you in the know!

    Ryan: the refund is being processed. you will receive the refund later

    As you can see, I paid a measly $16 for 4000g because I told them I recieved the first shipment of 175g. This has to be legendary! I think for this to work best, you should let the seller believe you were suspended during the shipment period. I hope the mods don't mind, but I have to put the legendary tag on this!

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    This post is copyright by the user posting it and - World of Warcraft Exploits,Hacks, Bots and Guides, where it was posted. You may not copy or reproduce the above on any other site without written permission from both the poster and

    Scammed!  The Uber Gold-seller Butt Kicking!!!
  2. #2
    Demonicmaster's Avatar Member
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    Re: Scammed! The Uber Gold-seller Butt Kicking!!!

    That is pretty nice. Man gold on my server is expensive. 240.69 USD for 1000g.

  3. #3
    lawllawl's Avatar Member
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    Re: Scammed! The Uber Gold-seller Butt Kicking!!!

    im just thinking that, if people from these websites go to this site and read some of the scams they might figure out who you are and know how to not be scammed by us again ... but nice scam , kinda hard to do since you gotta be suspended first before u get gold

  4. #4
    Spronni's Avatar Member
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    Re: Scammed! The Uber Gold-seller Butt Kicking!!!

    What server are you own this gold that cheap!

  5. #5
    Tsai's Avatar Member
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    Re: Scammed! The Uber Gold-seller Butt Kicking!!!

    988.19 for 5000g on Area 52
    207.97 for 5000g on my server.

    23.46 for 100g on area 52
    4.16 for 100g on my server

    That's ONE big difference. Obviously EU servers are cheaper than US servers :P

  6. #6
    Maq-'s Avatar Member
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    Re: Scammed! The Uber Gold-seller Butt Kicking!!!

    Ehh.. nothing in your "quote" of what was said supports the fact that you recieved 4Kg for $16... Actually, from the information you gave us...

    First comment --> "sol82: yes. i recieved the first shipment of 175g, but i didnt recieve anything else"

    First shipment of $175G.. that's a wee bit shy of 4K.

    Shortaly after.

    Ryan: We suspect that Blizzard has put your account on the alert for RMT activity, intercepting every subsequent gold delivery. Therefore, I am sorry to tell you that we decide not to re-send you the gold. We will issue you a partial refund of the non-receipt portion just to thank you for sticking it out. In the future, if you want to make gold purchase again, we strongly suggest that you use some other accounts of yours or your friends'. Thank you.

    So, even if you >did?< receive the "first" shipment of 2Kg, then really, you only received 2,175G.

    Where is the copy of the e-mail blizz sent you stating that the "good gm" sent you the gold that the >seller< said that they would >not< re-send to you, because Blizz was on to them?

    I call shenanigans on your entire post. The statment you made at the end of your message --> "As you can see, I paid a measly $16 for 4000g because I told them I recieved the first shipment of 175g. This has to be legendary! I think for this to work best, you should let the seller believe you were suspended during the shipment period. I hope the mods don't mind, but I have to put the legendary tag on this!" <-- DIRECTLY contradicts what the "Customer Service" rep told you in his conversation..

    He said they would >NOT< send you the additional gold. He in no way said you would receive the additional gold due to your account being suspended. Only that you would receive a >partial< refund for the cost. No. You lied in this post. I assume you thought since you colored the text black with the background being black that no-one would think to highlight and read what it actually said, and take you for your word.

    But, you sir, were wrong.

    Big time shenanigans.

    Originally Posted by sol82
    Ladiesand gentlemen, I have recieved 4000g for $16! The site I used was I originally ordered 2000g for my toon. I never recieved it because I was suspended for 3 days, so I contacted the live support for WoWmine. I started another order and got all the way to the payment screen like they told me to do and not enter a payment. They sent another 2000g to a different toon of mine, in turn I mailed that to my main. I contacted the GMs and told them my brother lost a bet and was going to send me 2000g, but it was lost during my suspension. Perhaps I had a good GM, because he verified the outboxes of the gold sellers and sent it to me. BAM! 4000g for the price of 2000g. I thought to myself, hey, if WoWmine believed I didn't recieve it the first time, they would probably believe my account to be flagged if I told them I didn't recieve it a second time. So, I gave it a shot! Below is my conversation, with all the personals cut out:

    Due to a sharp increase of our business, we are currently handling a significantly high volume of chat requests. As a result, waiting time may be longer than usual. We appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you. A support agent will be with you shortly. Your wait time will be approximately 3 minute(s) and 22 seconds. Thank you for holding. The queue is 1 long and your position is 1.
    All agents are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. A support agent will be with you shortly. The current queue length is 1 and your position in the queue is 1.
    All agents are currently assisting others. Thanks for your patience. A support agent will be with you shortly. The current queue length is 1 and your position in the queue is 1.
    You are now chatting with 'Ryan'
    Your Issue ID for this chat is LTK7103519128X
    Ryan: Welcome to the live chat support, sol82! Let me know how I can be of help while I go pulling up your order details (if you have filled the pre-chat survey). Although I may be talking to only 2-3 customers at the same time, you might expect slower than usual response at time due to server or network latency. Unless I am unqualified to help you, I will not disconnect this chat until your problem gets resolved.
    sol82: hello. i never got an email or phone call letting me know my gold was sent, and it wasnt in my mailbox
    Ryan: One moment please, I will check for you.
    sol82: thx
    Ryan: US *SERVER* A *CHARACTER* 2000g?
    sol82: yes
    Ryan: and a re-sent order?
    sol82: yes. i recieved the first shipment of 175g, but i didnt recieve anything else
    Ryan: could you please your ingame mailbox?
    Ryan: it has been sent
    sol82: i did check it. i just checked it a few minutes ago after i saw it was sent on the website
    Ryan: We suspect that Blizzard has put your account on the alert for RMT activity, intercepting every subsequent gold delivery. Therefore, I am sorry to tell you that we decide not to re-send you the gold. We will issue you a partial refund of the non-receipt portion just to thank you for sticking it out. In the future, if you want to make gold purchase again, we strongly suggest that you use some other accounts of yours or your friends'. Thank you.
    sol82: ok, its such a shame that i cant buy gold from you guys anymore. thank you for all you have done for me
    Ryan: You are welcome! Please do not hesitate to contact us again if we can be of further assistance.

    Special Notice:
    MMOMaven is one of our partner sites that offers gazillion WoW guides, exploits, strategies, cheats, methods, tips, bots and macros, especially the ones that quickly put you in the know!

    Ryan: the refund is being processed. you will receive the refund later

    As you can see, I paid a measly $16 for 4000g because I told them I recieved the first shipment of 175g. This has to be legendary! I think for this to work best, you should let the seller believe you were suspended during the shipment period. I hope the mods don't mind, but I have to put the legendary tag on this!

    ----(please leave the copyright info below intact)----
    This post is copyright by the user posting it and - World of Warcraft Exploits,Hacks, Bots and Guides, where it was posted. You may not copy or reproduce the above on any other site without written permission from both the poster and
    "There are 10 types of people in this world. Those who understand binary and those who don't."

  7. #7
    sol82's Avatar Banned
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    Re: Scammed! The Uber Gold-seller Butt Kicking!!!

    Pay attention. I stated first that 2000g was not delivered during my suspension. Instead of first talking to a GM, i talked to the site. Then immediately after, I talked to a GM and the original gold order was delivered. Bam, 2000g. Then the site sent me a small portion of my "second order", which was 175g. A coupld of days later, I recieved the rest, but I got a wild hair up my ass and went back to the site to tell them I did not recieve it, when in fact, I recieved every bit of it.

    Now, the original order of 2000g was not sent immediately due to a suspension, but it was sent later from the GMs. The second order of 2000g came as planned, but the site doesn't know that. They think all in all, I only recieved 175g out of both orders, so they refunded all my money, minus what 175g would cost on my server.

    For those wondering, I play on a US server where the prices are about $400 per 2000g.

    If this post was hard to read, please PM me about it before you attempt to flame it. It's kinda hard to contain oneself with so much gold for so little RL money.

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