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  1. #1
    Despite's Avatar Banned
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    [Mass Gold] Rip off china farmers

    This was posted a while back, the topic seems to have been lost somewhere. However, it is such a great idea it should be brought back.
    Ok guys, you may have seen my post earlier, in the previous "scam gold sites" thread. I love the idea of scamming gold sites as opposed to people, because I see it as retribution.

    Well, I came up with this idea... No more threatening to sue, no more dissatisfied customer, no... I was going to represent myself as a Blizzard Representative. I dug up some legal terms, I sifted through the Blizzard Agreement Contracts, and put together a nice little alias and story. The result, x amount of gold, there is no cap. Onto the scam.

    A lot of balls.
    Must be articulate

    The scam:
    I'll let the chatlog speak for itself. Please note, I chose Derek Jenson as my alias. When you do the scam, just make up whatever name.

    All operators are busy now ,you are in queue in 1 now and you will be talked in 0 minutes .Please wait for a site operator to respond soon .
    You are now chatting with 'Flora'

    Junebug: Hello?
    Flora: Hello, nice to meet you! How may I help you?
    Junebug: Greetings, let me introduce myself. I am Derek Jenson, a Blizzard representative, and lawyer specializing in virtual property and virtual contracting. Sites like these are detrimental to our company and we can and will file claims against gold selling sites that do not cease operations. I am here today in order to clarify certain legalities, and hopefully come to an informal negotiation, in order to avoid long, expensive formalities.
    Junebug: Do you understand?
    Flora: hold on
    Flora: how can i believe you ,sir?
    Junebug: Flora, I am on a tight schedule, this is not the only site I have to visit today. There are plenty of sites such as this one, committing criminal offenses.
    Junebug: How can you believe me? I don't think that's a question of debate, once your company receives multiple claims.
    Junebug: Are you aware that;
    Junebug: All rights and title in and to the Program and the Service (including without limitation any user accounts, objects, characters, character names, stories, dialogue, catch phrases, locations, concepts, artwork, animations, sounds, musical compositions, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, moral rights, any related documentation, "applets" incorporated into the Program, transcripts of the chat rooms, character profile information, recordings of games played on the Program, and the Program client and server software) are owned by Blizzard or its licensors.
    Flora: oh
    Junebug: This site infringes upon several of the statements listed in our Terms of Agreement. You were not aware of that?
    Flora: so
    Flora: what do you want us to do ?
    Junebug: So? It's a criminal offense.
    Junebug: Under section 8 of the World of Warcraft Terms of Use, we have reason to file claims against your company.
    Junebug: A direct quotation of said section:
    Junebug: "You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void. Blizzard owns, has licensed, or otherwise has rights to all of the content that appears in the Program. You agree that you have no right or title in or to any such content, including the virtual goods or currency appearing or originating in the Game, or any other attributes associated with the Account or stored on the Service. Blizzard does not recognize any virtual property transfers executed outside of the Game or the purported sale, gift or trade in the "real world" of anything related to the Game. Accordingly, you may not sell items for "real" money or otherwise exchange items for value outside of the Game."
    Junebug: Were you aware of the above legalities?
    Flora: how do you know our company?
    Junebug: We have immense, extensive records and logs of all in-game, virtual currency transfers and trafficking. Our database stores various sources of information.
    Junebug: Blizzard technicians have monitored that unusually large amounts of virtual currency have been stored on several characters.
    Junebug: It has been linked to this company.
    Junebug: "You may not purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, or offer to purchase, sell, gift or trade any Account, and any such attempt shall be null and void. Blizzard owns, has licensed, or otherwise has rights to all of the content that appears in the Program."
    Junebug: This site directly infringes upon the terms of agreement.
    Junebug: The quotation above simply states one of the many infringements.
    Junebug: I understand that you are only a customer service representative, but you are aiding and abetting, and are included in the counter party, claims filed will affect you as well. We at Blizzard do monitor the transfer of virtual currency from character to character, and account to account. We allow certain percentages of virtual currency to enter the market, although recently an exceedingly large amount has been pulled from our in-game economies.
    Junebug: Do you understand?
    Flora: yeah
    Flora: but i am only a staff
    Flora: ill tell our boss about this
    Junebug: I am aware Flora, but you are aiding and abetting none the less.
    Junebug: Blizzard has not filed claims vs. companies such as yours, we are aware of these kinds of operations, but have chosen not to sue.
    Junebug: We have filed claims vs. Peons4hire, but only due to spamming in-game gold selling messages. We have however taken a new stance on gold selling.
    Flora: what do you want me do ?>
    Junebug: We prefer to keep negotiations informal, in order to protect the public representation of our counter parties.
    Flora: but i am only a member
    Flora: i cant be the representative of our company
    Junebug: I understand that. Blizzard does not seek to shut down your operations. Do not worry Flora, we are not asking you to be involved in the legal actions that will undergo.
    Junebug: We have not stated that any legal action will be indefinitely taken.
    Junebug: I simply represent my company; Blizzard Entertainment, in order to provoke awareness, and possible legal repercussions, to sites like these.
    Junebug: Do you understand?
    Flora: sorry
    Flora: my english is poor
    Junebug: Do not be sorry Flora, it's ok.
    Junebug: As stated above, we do prefer to keep negotiations informal, in order to avoid the long, in court legalities and expenses.
    Junebug: I have already explained that we do allow a certain percentage of in-game, virtual currency to exit the economy, but there has been a surplus. We only ask that your company deposits said surplus back into the market.
    Junebug: In order to re-stabilize our in-game economies.
    Junebug: When dealing with millions of customers world-wide, we cannot afford to allow the damages being dealt to our in-game economies to persist.
    Junebug: Do you understand?
    Flora: i am trying my best to understand you
    Junebug: Thank you, that is all I ask.
    Flora: bye
    Junebug: The surplus has come to 13, 456 gold.
    Flora: have a nice day
    Junebug: Flora, this is not over.
    Junebug: The in-game surplus of 13, 456 gold must be re-entered into the market.
    Junebug: Do you understand how to do that?
    Flora: i am sorry
    Junebug: Do not be sorry, do you understand how to re-enter the surplus?
    Flora: i dont know how to do that
    Flora: sorry
    Junebug: Due to our constant currency transfers, the value will rise and decrease constantly. The current surplus on Cho'gall (US) Horde-side is only 2120g. All you must do, is send the 2120g to our company's currency holder, "Junebug".
    Junebug: If that is done, all legal pursuit will cease.
    Junebug: Neither you, or your company shall be filed against.
    Junebug: Do you understand?
    Flora: which site are you in now?
    Junebug: Your's Flora.
    Junebug: ******************
    Flora: not mine
    Flora: our boss's
    Junebug: I am aware of that Flora.
    Junebug: 2120g must be sent to Junebug, horde-side on the US server Cho'gall, if that is done; all legal repercussions shall be removed, and no claims will be filed. We simply need to re-enter the surplus into our in-game economy.
    Junebug: Do you understand?
    Flora: ok
    Junebug: It must be sent immediately. Thank you. You shall not hear from Blizzard Representatives again.
    Junebug: Just remember to watch the amount of virtually currency you store. A large surplus will result in claims.
    Flora: we will send you the gold soon ,are you sure that you will not ban our account ?
    Junebug: As stated, as long as the surplus is payed, all is well. There was a surplus of 13, 456 gold, but the 2120g is enough for now. If you send the entire 13, 456 gold, you shall never hear from Blizzard Entertainment again however.
    Junebug: It is your choice, and do not fear Flora, I will not contact your boss. Your identity is safe, and you will not be fired or sued.
    Junebug: I will not jeopardize your position of employment.
    Flora: but we havent got 2120g in stock for the moment ,what can i do ?
    Junebug: That's not true, you certainly do.
    Junebug: Our database confirms that you hold a large sum of gold.
    Junebug: M'am.
    Junebug: Do you understand?
    Flora: i have to ask my boss
    Junebug: You are lying about the stock, we have the records to confirm the stock.
    Junebug: You must send the gold to our currency holder, Junebug. On the server Cho'gall (US), Horde.
    Junebug: If you do not send it, then WE will contact your boss, and you will be deeply sorry.
    Flora: ill ask our boss now
    Junebug: Do so then.
    Junebug: You have thirty minutes to send the gold, or you will hear from Blizzard Entertainment again. Thank you for your time. I am on a tight schedule, I do not have time to explain your position further. The details have been stated. Failure to comply will result in repercussions. Good bye and have a good day.
    Flora: He said the 13, 456 gold will be sent
    Junebug: Thank you again, good bye.

    [Mass Gold] Rip off china farmers
  2. #2
    Krip's Avatar Contributor
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    Was this written by you? If not you should just let the thread be or bump it back up.

  3. #3
    Norea's Avatar Member
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    Wow that looks pretty sweet! Might try it out sometime seems pretty hard to pull off.. Thanks anyway!

  4. #4
    Wario's Avatar Banned
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    Yeah none of them fall for this anymore, oh well.

  5. #5
    Ease's Avatar Member
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    They figured it out all ready :[

  6. #6
    MDN's Avatar Member
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    Wow very nice, gonna try this now and see what happens. +Rep if it works

  7. #7
    knutase's Avatar Member
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    what about using a fake mailer and send something like this to them from [email protected], with the standard blizzard mail setup. Maybe that will work if the chat dosent work anymore

  8. #8
    richie's Avatar Member
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    I tried with Fake mailer but they wont answer

  9. #9
    knutase's Avatar Member
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    ofc they wont, cus then they will reply to an adress not ending with @blizzard.com so they will understand that you are messing with them.
    But if you state all the demands in the mail, just tell them what to do, you might get lucky

  10. #10
    TheOther's Avatar Active Member
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    Tried on several websites
    Total phail....

    One of them only answered oh, ah, i see, oh ah etc.
    One said "Oh its you again" "you want free gold?"
    Another one said: "You are not blizzard representative, they not work this way" (yes very bad english haha)

    So either someone has been doing this on all sites, or they are just getting smarter :P

    - TheOther

  11. #11
    crazyd22's Avatar Member
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    lol nice, its kinda risky tho... but good idea

  12. #12
    Despite's Avatar Banned
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    Use it in live chat, that what it is for.

    And don't use the same name in the original post.

  13. #13
    zoidberg891's Avatar Member
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    ROFL this is epic, hope it works

  14. #14
    lars1414's Avatar Member
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    not all chinese are that dumb lol

  15. #15
    gkh2's Avatar Member
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    Wow this takes ALOOOOOT of balls i might not have enough to do this one. XD

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