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  1. #1
    Muryllis's Avatar Active Member
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    To the Scammers: How to Keep Your Earnings

    Horrid as I am, I can proudly say that I've been using the giftwrap scam whenever I get I chance (I usually keep it to people spamming 'wtb' on the trade channel). As soon as I found out about the exploit, I went out and 'sold' about 40 epics.. needless to say, I was 2000gp richer within a day, and I went on a 200gp spending spree right away. Soon enough, I got the 'this account has been temporarily suspended' message when logging on, and patiently waited out my three day time out...

    When I got back on, I found that 1500+gp I had left over gone, along with the mount I had gotten for my 42 hunter. Instead of being discouraged from scamming again, I began to think about what I could do to keep this money... I could, of course, send it to a friend and ask him to hold it, promising him a share for his troubles, but greed overtook me. Then I checked my mail and found the auctions I had bought before my suspension still there: expensive toys. That gave me an idea, which I promptly tested...

    500gp off a Krol Blade later, I sent 450 of it (in 50's, to escape detection by anti-farmer GM's) to an alt, and patiently awaited my suspension. Note: I did NOT open up the letters, I simply let them sit in that alt's mailbox. Again came the suspension, and again I waited it out... upon my return, I happily discovered the 450gp still in my alt's mailbox, and the 50 I had on me taken away.

    The moral of the story: after a grand scam, mail the money in small amounts to an alt, and do not pick it up until after the suspension.


    To the Scammers: How to Keep Your Earnings
  2. #2
    Matt's Avatar Legendary Authenticator enabled
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    money laundering
    this made me laugh +rep

  3. #3
    Vel0city's Avatar Member
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    what exactly is the "giftwrap" scam?

  4. #4
    Tbone's Avatar Banned
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    lol thats funny plus rep too

  5. #5
    Muryllis's Avatar Active Member
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    0 Thread(s) <-- Giftwrap scam.

    P.S. I think I may have gotten banned, but coincidentally today is also the day my account is supposed to expire; once I get another gift card (I'm playing without my parents' knowledge), I'll see

  6. #6
    jacca's Avatar Active Member
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    lol this is awesome.. ^^ i got banned from my scamming being the idiot i am i spent the money right away and ended up getting it all took away -.-

  7. #7
    myojinyahiko's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: To the Scammers: How to Keep Your Earnings

    Question - If i get scammed and GM's dont get my money form the scammer...will the GM's Poof up (however much money was scammed)?

    if so this could x2 ur profits.. have a friend report u for scaming him, do Muryliss' meathod, have Gm's poof up (however much money was scammed)

  8. #8
    JaguarXJ6's Avatar Member
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    Re: To the Scammers: How to Keep Your Earnings

    This form of laundering has been around for ages, for farmers in particular.

    I know account sellers/reclaimers as well as farmers and none of them keep their valuables on the same account. Naturally, there will always be a small percentage of items in transit, in AH, etc that will be lost but make it a habit of funneling everything from trades goods to epics and gold to another account is strongly advised. I've seen at least thousands and a hundred BOE epics go up in smoke between them. It sucks.

    The rule I use is never keep more than 10gp on your main account and characters used for mailbox purposes only half that if not 2gp or less. I'm only an AH trader, and with the amount of complaints people can levy against you for harassment, offensive names, etc. its just good business.

    Many of us have 2nd accounts and access to others, using the neutral AH as well is just another way to transfer money into items and into a different faction by parking an alt for each faction in Booty Bay and one of each in the major cities near a mailbox with a couple gp on each of them.

    1000gp in items transferred to an alt, purchased by an alt of another faction on a different account through neutral AH to be stored or disposed of is about as untraceable as it gets. Even if the GM knew you had a second account, its simply not worth their time to go on a witch hunt for you. They just perma ban and move on with the next ticket.

    Originally Posted by myojinyahiko
    Question - If i get scammed and GM's dont get my money form the scammer...will the GM's Poof up (however much money was scammed)?

    if so this could x2 ur profits.. have a friend report u for scaming him, do Muryliss' meathod, have Gm's poof up (however much money was scammed)
    Not in my experience. I tried this once and they told me that they were unable to refund or create gold for me. They do have the ability but maybe not at the GM level, only by the Account Admins. If you have a character thats locked/lost/transferred and it glitched and has to be recreated, thats the only time I've seen money also be 'fixed."

    What a brilliant idea, though. Especially if your pitch is especially good.
    Last edited by JaguarXJ6; 09-21-2006 at 12:02 PM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

  9. #9
    Wiseguy42's Avatar Member
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    Re: To the Scammers: How to Keep Your Earnings

    Meh gms dont make money they take it. Friend and i shared account so he could lvl faster. Then oney day he sent 300g to his char needing for expenses he claimed. I didnt know about that and was furious missing 300g. I went to gm:s.

    They banend us both. Took 500g from him (+ my 300) and gave me 134g. Later they claimed they could not physically find the money they deleted. Hate GM:s
    Welcome to the internet, where thoughts turn to facts.

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