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    Arms Warrior/Holy Paladin 2v2 Guide

    Just a basic guide on how to play a Holy Paladin and Arms Warrior setup... I presume you all know what addons and macros to use etc so I won't go into details about it.
    (credits to Tankz from AJ)


    As a warrior, you should have atleast 4-5 PvE gear to not GIMP your damage output so I would suggest:

    - The PvE DBW trinket (obvious)
    - The 95 badge cloak
    - The 95 badge chest
    - The crafted boots
    - The Ashen Band of Endless Might ring

    I would also suggest going for the softcap which is around ~50% ArP if you don't plan on doing that then you can go for hardcap.

    Note - this PvE gear is based on if you don't have a PvE raiding guild, if you do get the i277 items of these. You should also be aiming to get the hitcap which is ~164 hit rating


    This really depends on what kind of stats you need if you're goinf for the soft/middle/hardcap of ArP. You do however, need atleast 1-2 blue gems (depending on if you use the Chaotic or Relentless meta) and yellow gems if you lack hit rating. Your enchants should be focusing on as many offensive stats as possible combined with resi chants where it’s needed. Tuskars vitality on boots is mandatory though and berserker on your 2-hander combined with blood draining/12 resi on one-hander + shield.


    Major - Mortal Strike, Rending and Bladestorm
    Minor - Bloodrage, Battleshout and any other


    I would suggest going for the 57/14/0 build: The World of Warcraft Armory - Tankz @ Stormrage - Talents



    As a Paladin I would suggest going for a full PvP gear set (excluding ring) and getting one of the ICC25 rep rings alongside any +int trinkets that you can get (badge one works.) I would suggest getting atleast 1k+ resi as a starter then you can progress from that.


    Red - SP/INT or pure SP (depending if you want mana or not)
    Yellow - Pure int. or SP/int.
    Blue - SP/mp5 or SP – it purely depends on if you want a big mana pool or loads of spell power.
    For enchants, stack as much spell power as possible with Resi or Crit in the other spaces and of course, Tuskars vitality.


    I would suggest going for the 52/19/0 spec: The World of Warcraft Armory - Ferno @ Stormrage - Talents


    Major - Seal of Wisdom, Salvation and Holy Shock
    Minor - Lay on Hands. Blessing of Kings and Blessing of Wisdom


    I’d suggest the FoL libram hands down, as it is your most spammed spell and 510 more healing power on it will help a lot. The other libram can easily drop off in CC chains and you have to stack it up to be useful, and finally sacred shield have to be up for max effect, which can easily be dispelled.

    Fake Casting

    You can fake cast most stuff, Unrelenting assault, pummel and just school lock outs in general – learn to fake cast and be good at it for profit in arena. Fake casting is really important in pvp, as a lockout on your main casting school can often screw up your CC chain/kill chance/you can die.

    Stopping CC Chains

    Stopping a CC chain is a very important part of the pvp and it can easily be done without too much hassle, however, stopping it will reward you with a lot and put the enemy team behind.
    An example could be, the enemy druid is playing with another CC class that for example have instant CC, lets say a hunter.
    If you can time your stun/CC/whatever for when he for examples scatters, is about to fear, cast the clone and whatnot, you can easily save trinkets and time as well as putting them in a rather bad positioning.

    Having a Plan

    This is really important – always have a plan of what you’re doing and how you’ll do so. You should always make sure to know what you have to do to achieve this plan – and if plan A fails, don’t be afraid to have a back-up one as well.
    Don’t just use the same tactic over and over, change it at times so you’ll confuse the enemy.
    I can’t stress with how important this is – if you meet a new team that you’ve never faced, take a few seconds to create a quick plan and while you try to execute it, find other openings to exploit – for example, if you see the druid/lock is playing pretty badly, try and exploit it to your use by going hard on the druid/lock, etc.


    Communication is the most important thing during arena. You have to be very vocal and make sure your partners know what’s going on/what you’re doing/if you’re stuck in a CC, got stuff on CD and so forth.
    Basically – you have to make sure everyone know what’s going on.
    A good example is when I play against a druid team – I make sure to let my partner know when he pops NG so that there’s a huge chance I’ll get rooted and in case it happens, he can dispel it instantly.
    I also always let my partners know how many trash debuffs I have, so he maybe shouldn’t be dispelling but rather use the global on surviving if it’s needed.
    A good example here is against mages or against locks – make sure you let your partners know if you have UA up or not, if you have 1-2-3 trash debuffs and if they should borther dispelling It or not – and of course, the duration of the CC so they know when they can expect help.
    Defensive CD’s as well needs to be reported, when you use shieldwall, sac, pain sub, ice-block, deterrence and everything and if/they are up so you can afford drinking if needed and so forth.

    Pretty much everything should be told, even if your partners do know what’s going on – saying it once or twice doesn’t hurt, which is why it’s good to have partners that can take criticism.


    One of the most important things in pvp is in my opinion how you position yourself and when you should position yourself in different ways and so forth.
    Most healer classes should always stick to a pillar, but it really depends on what the enemy team is – if it’s a CC heavy team, staying near a pillar so you can easily LoS the CC is really helpful and should be done all the time – however, you can end up LoSing your partners peels as well if they decide to switch on you.
    Against most cleaves – positioning yourself really depends on your team. If you’re for example playing wizcleave – positing yourself in the middle will often help a lot more then do harm, as you can easily get a HOJ on the enemy healer/DPS and if the cleave switches to you, your army of wizards can easily smash them into oblivion – this is of course, only if you can survive the cleave for the seconds it takes them to pop hero and kill them.
    It all depends on the setup as stated above, but these are just 2 examples of how to position yourself well – a thumb rule however is to always stay near a pillar if you’re unsure on how to position yourself and make sure to be there in time if you have to pull off a CC chain.

    Pulling the enemy behind a pillar is a good way to **** up their entire position – simply because they have to get to you, which means you can easily CC them or drop the enemy behind the pillar – this of course, works best versus melee if you’ve some CC in your setup but is also good to simply make it possible to for example, switch on the healer.

    The best way to improve your positioning is to watch a lot of movies/streams and simply practice on it – remember, practice makes perfect (or atleast near perfect)

    ---------- Post added at 10:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:52 PM ----------


    ---------- Post added at 10:55 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:53 PM ----------


    Setups are rated from a 1 - 10 scale, 1 being the lowest 10 being the highest which are all based on my play from 2500+ rating.

    Druid/Warrior - 5/10 (bad ones) 9/10 (good ones)

    Buffs for this fight – Warrior: Battle shout, kings. Paladin: Wisdom, commanding shout if possible, if not, just battleshout (a trick to get battle on you and commanding on the pally in this fight is that you keep commanding up, if your paladin gets cyclone or you’re far away, just battle shout and you’ll both have the shout you need)

    Warrior druid is a pretty simple match that is overall all about gibbing either of them, as you won’t ever run a decent druid oom, even though, you can pressure them on mana if the game drags out and they play too offensive.
    The tactics in this fight really depends on who their warrior will be training, however, the general tactic in the end is always to try and gib the druid – however, there are cases where you can end up gibbing the warrior instead.

    If they go on the paladin: The druid will CC you as much as possible via roots that will be covered with FF and IS (if they’re IS specced, generally the defensive fully resto druid is easier to win against simply because they lack the offensive pressure), or cyclones, while he will be applying dots and spam wraths or bash your paladin.
    What you should do in this case is to simply make sure your paladin is always fine – keep communicating all the time, make sure he’s alright and if he needs help, try and be there as fast as possible – your paladin shouldn’t ever really die against a warrior alone, only if the druid is assisting with burst and whatnot.
    The warrior should swap a lot, but mainly stuck on the druid with help from the paladin – keep justice up on the druid, keep your warrior free from roots at all time and simply force the enemy team so defensive that they can’t play offensive.
    The more you force them defensive, the higher the chance is that you will eventually kill one of them and the higher the chance is that you won’t die or lose on mana.
    Keep up high pressure, swap hard on the warrior if the druid gets away and HOJ + BS if the trinket and barkskin is down.
    A good way to force trinket is to fear them while their warrior is low from pressure, this will force a trinket in 9/10 cases – leaving them open for a full hoj later on.
    Forcing a barkskin is the hardest part, but it is more than doable, simply keep making hard swaps and high pressure on both targets if the druid get away and eventually he’ll pop barkskin.
    Combine BS with HOJ and eventually the druid will fall over and die.

    If they go for the warrior: This game they will simply train the warrior forever, sunder you up, spam clones on the paladin and warrior to reset DR or when CD’s are popped. The way you can handle this is by either: Training the warrior back and trying to kill him once he’s out of hots (which does happen eventually) make hard switches on the druid with a HOJ or simply with a bladestorm and catch them both in it – make sure you pop Divine sacrifice when you bladestorm as the enemy warrior will in 9/10 cases try to retal it.

    If they switch a lot – this is the hardest one, you have to stop all clones with focus charges and keep switching as much as they do.

    They will play really offensive, so eventually you’ll catch the druid/warrior without hots and then its simply a matter of time before they will die.
    You aren’t gonna oom ‘em as usual, but in this setup, they can get low on mana if they don’t have a solace, so abuse this to pressure them hard and make it hard for them to drink (example, if they go drink, hoj warrior n gib him in it)
    There isn’t much really to say about this playstyle – just stay alive and try to gib either of them, they will create a lot of pressure but try to be as offensive as possible.

    Shaman/Warrior - 2/10

    This setup is really easy and should only be lost if you completely cock it up or they get a chain of crits on your paladin or your paladin forgets to bubble.

    They will either: Tunnel the paladin the entire game with random peels or tunnel the warrior the entire game.

    If they tunnel the paladin: Stick on the shaman at all times, have your paladin LoS the shaman while tanking the warrior – the shaman will run oom or die fast unless your paladin mess it completely up. Peel when needed – you will win on mana, so just play it safe – try to never be in LoS of the shaman as the paladin, because then you will get raped by purge/shocks.

    Keep killing the shaman, UA/bash his heals, hoj the warrior to reduce pressure and just win, it’s really hard to lose against ‘em.

    If they go for the warrior: Stick on the enemy warrior, sunder him up and have swaps on the shaman – again, they will run oom, play defensive when he bladestorm or pops Bloodlust/heroism and simply just outlast them - again, easy, if you don’t mess up and gets instant gibbed.

    Priest/Mage - 7/10

    Ferno and I tried a lot of tactics against priest/mage, but the most recent one that we haven’t lost with yet is simply just to go hardcore on the priest from start to finish and kill him insanely fast – lots of dispel, hoj and so forth – make sure the paladin is near a pillar at all time and avoid as many burns as possible – pre freedom novas or anything like that and hump your dispel button till it breaks to keep up sacred cleansing.

    Stay mobile as much as possible – focus charge/intercept/pummel/reflect sheep, call out debufs and when you get sheep to make sure your paladin doesn’t waste too many globals, if you for example have 5 Winter chill, frostbolt, frost nova and a sheep on you.

    If you don’t kill the priest before you’re out of CD’s, you’re screwed, so kill him fast.
    This tactic might not work for everyone, as you need quite some gear to pull it off – if you’re lesser geared, I’d suggest sticking on the mage with hard swaps on the priest to avoid burns and simply run them dry. Outlast them by getting full plea/melee them when shield is down and dodge mana burns like a mad man – and of course, keep your warrior mobile at all cost.
    To sum it up – stay mobile as much as possible, dodge/interrupt CC and keep up high pressure and win.

    If the mage is arcane, the game is much more simple, train the mage till he dies, he only got one block, so he should die by the second bladestorm. Reflect as much burst as possible, LoS sheep and interrupt them when your pally gets feared in the open (can’t avoid that really), eventually the mage will run oom or die.

    Shaman/Warlock - 1/10

    You should never ever lose to this setup unless you fall asleep or they get 3094034 crits in a row.
    Sit on the lock the entire day and oom the shaman, or make hard swaps on the shaman and kill him that way.

    They should never be able to kill you if you just stick on the lock, simply because his pressure will be laughable low, plus the shaman will be too busy spamhealing the warlock.
    Few switches on the pet aswell to drop it, if you kill it twice, you save around 2-3 mins of fighting.

    An important thing however is, don’t be too cocky, if needed, go defensive and you’ll win no matter what, they should never be able to kill you if you simply go defensive while needed/during bloodlust.

    There isn’t much else to say really, ride the lock with random swaps on the shaman while your paladin try to LoS as much as possible and collect loot.

    Disc. Priest/Rogue - 8/10

    This setup isn’t too bad really, A lot of people have problems with it, but I guess it’s more understandable after the patch.

    The main thing to do here is simply keep pressure high and for the love of god, NEVER let your paladin gets feared. Focus charge/intercept and PH spamming aswell as pressuring him really hard is what’s needed – BS once the rogue is away/stunned and it shouldn’t be too hard.

    On to the tactic – they have two tactics they use a lot, either: Blow up the paladin or “train the warrior till it dies”.

    Blow up the paladin simply means that they’ll rush in, sap the warrior to force a zerker rage so he can eat a full fear and in that time kill the paladin with an MD on the bubble.
    You will have to zerker the sap and get on the priest fast to create pressure, your paladin should be able to tank the rogue for some time, unless the priest helps with dispels and damage, which he shouldn’t be able to when you’re training him.
    BS the fear or get it dispelled instantly so you can keep pressure high, if you eat a full fear, it’s pretty much game over there. Have the paladin stun the rogue out of LoS of his priest, if he trinkets it, give him a full fear when needed and gib the priest during that with a bladestorm if it’s still up, or just kill him through unhealable damage.
    This fight is simply about surviving the opener which isn’t too hard, so I really prefer when they use this tactic.
    If you lack gear to kill the priest, I’d suggest peeling the rogue a lot, intercept freedom on the paladin and away he is, however, you should still pressure the priest a lot, just play the game more defensive.

    If they decide to train you into oblivion and back again, they will open with a sap on the paladin and CS KS you with tricks and everything with the priest assisting dispels.
    The key to this is to survive the opener which isn’t that hard, you can easily trinket the sap (which we do in most cases) or have the warrior trinket + SW the opener – both works.
    If you trinket + SW, be ready to intercept the priest just as sap runs out so your paladin won’t eat a full fear. If he does, disarm the rogue and intervene charge to get MS up atleast and have your paladin pick you up afterwards.

    After this the fight is simply, dodge fears and create pressure on the rogue and priest. Most rogue/priest will run oom insanely fast and try to pillar hump, rotate freedoms after kidney and keep the priest in combat while killing the rogue/priest and you’ll win eventually (unless they’re really good at pillaring, hydra, I’m looking at you)

    A third tactic, which they can use is the same as above, just that they try to burn your paladin 24/7 and win the mana fight by outlasting and so forth – save the fear for the fiend and make sure to slam off the fear ward before you fear it, and pray that you won’t crit so there won’t be any deep wound up on it.

    Rotate freedoms after kidney and make sure both of you keep the priest/rogue in combat – don’t get double feared with zerker down, your paladin will get sapped and you’ll be stunlocked for 10 seconds while the priest drinks to full, which will most likely make you lose the mana war.

    If you simply keep up high pressure and don’t let them drink, you can eventually gib the rogue in a HOJ bladestorm, or eventually kill the priest, it shouldn’t be a too hard fight, but it can be difficult for lesser geared players.

    SPriest/Rogues - Good ones? Impossible/10

    This fight is an uphill battle, however, we don’t really have major problems against the bad ones, but get farmed by those who can actually time a kidneyshot with their DoTs.

    The fight is pretty simple. They’ll start out with a sap (try to avoid it, this however, is really hard against a good team) and blow your warrior up. Make sure your warrior is in d-stance with shield out asap and keep sacred shield on him. They sap the paladin, dispell spam the warrior while opening on him and toss up all their dots, followed by a fear into a silence and the warrior/paladin should have popped most CD’s by now, next fear will be a PH -> fear and the warrior should be dead by now.

    To avoid this, trinket the first kidney and SW instantly to make sure your paladin saves a trinket, intercept the priest just before sap runs out and have your paladin run like a little girl and slow the priest afterwards to dodge the fear.

    Now you got SW down, but you still have 2 sacs and a trinket plus bubble up.
    Stick to the priest and keep damaging him, overpower, rend, reflect and so forth – look at your afflicted and time a bladestorm with the second kidney (it’ll get disarmed instantly) and stay on that priest as much as possible, or bladestorm when he vanish to dodge the vanish CS. Keep the priest slowed at all times and HOJ him if he ever gets near, eventually you’ll be able to wear them down if they’re bad and can’t put out pressure and you can win.

    If they’re good and know how to put out pressure, your paladin will get feared a lot, simply because he has to heal all the time and stand still.
    There isn’t much else to say really, we farm the bad ones and get farmed by the good ones.

    ---------- Post added at 10:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 PM ----------

    Mage/Rogue – 2/10.
    The only time you should ever lose to this setup is if your paladin forgets to bubble, HOJ into the cloak or you forget to shieldwall.

    If they open on your paladin:
    They’ll sap your paladin, rush in and nova + sheep you while they assrape your paladin in a CS -> KS with improved CS on top of it.

    Make sure you both stand near a pillar, when they rush in, LOS the mage as much as possible and try to avoid the nova -> sheep, if you avoid it, they’re ****ed as they have to open on the paladin with you not being CC’d.
    If you don’t avoid it, have your paladin trinket the kidney, freedom instantly and run away like a little girl, dispel you (or you can trinket the sheep and get a bop on the blind) and you simply fear the rogue and wait, if he trinkets it, you HOJ + bladestorm and he dies, if he doesn’t, you rend + HOJ, force the trinket and either kill him or kill him in the next HOJ.

    The only times you should lose if they go for the paladin is if he forgets to bubble or get his HOJ vanished/cloaked, or if you allow them to get a full reset and they kill you after. With this tactic, they shouldn’t be able to beat you if you don’t mess around.

    If they go for the warrior: This hasn’t happened for a long time, but it’s simple aswell. They will rush in, AOE root you both (if you stand next to eachother that’s it, else they’ll just root + sheep your paladin while you’re in a CS and go hard on you, trinket the sheep, divine sac up, fear the rogue, if he trinkets, smash him with a HOJ + bladestorm, if he doesn’t, rend and HOJ, force trinket and kill him 40 seconds later, you should easily be able to survive if you abuse LoS, stop the mage cast and simply just outlast them with all your CD’s, make sure your paladin sac the sheep and you’ll be fine.

    Retribution Paladin/Rogue – 2/10.

    Start in d-stance and a bit away from your paladin – he will get sapped and they’ll open hard on you. Try to intervene + demo shout, you’ll get the rogue in most cases.

    Trinket the kidney and fear them to force a trinket, get a freedom and PH kite them, if the paladin gives freedom to one of them, stun him – never stun him if he got freedom up.
    After you’ve recovered from the opener, try to create pressure on the rogue and force some evasions – charge, rend and get MS up and just slowly kill him with overpower spam.

    If you just rotate your defensive CD’s, he will die eventually – don’t let them reset if your paladin blows bubble and if the enemy paladin bubbles, you can always swap hard on him with a bladestorm if dismantle is down.
    The fight is simple, just outlast them and eventually smash the rogue.

    Spriest/Mage – 9/10.

    This setup is one big counter and it’s best if you simple just queue dodge them.
    Their tactic is simple, dot up the warrior, DF + sheep the paladin and smash the warrior. If that fails, they will simply reset forever or try and blow up your paladin if he eats a RNG fear out in the middle of the arena.

    To avoid this, you have to go really hard on the priest and avoid all CC on the paladin. Sac the sheep and hope you can kill ‘em really fast.

    They will outlast you with dispersion/evocate/sfiend as well as dispelling the plea, so don’t try to outlast them.
    It’s basically mage/priest with 5 times as much damage and better mana regen.
    There’s no “real” strat for this, just try and zerg the priest down and hope he’ll die, if he doesn’t, there isn’t much you can do, as they will outlast you or kill your paladin once they get the second good fear on him.

    Druid/Warlock. – 3/10 for bad ones, 7/10 for good ones.

    You should be farming most of these by simply reflecting clones and keeping high pressure on the lock/druid (the druid is mostly the kill target in this setup, unless you can kill the pet twice)

    There’s only 1 tactic that really have worked against us – everything else seems counterable, but I’ll go over both of ‘em.
    “Drain the paladin with auto-devour and kill him after” or “cc the paladin into oblivion and rape warrior”

    The first tactic is the most annoying one. The lock/druid will be rotating fear/clones/roots as well as dots on the warrior and paladin, while keeping the pet on auto devour and mindlessly following the paladin to get all his buffs/plea.

    Eventually, they’ll outlast you and you’ll lose the mana war.

    The only way really to counter this is to strike gayness with gayness and simply pillar hump while killing the pet over and over.

    Once the pet is twice, do everything to prevent resummon. Trinkets, reflects on clones, HOJ, belf silence, Seal of justice and so forth. The warlock WILL eventually die without a pet or the druid will go oom.

    There isn’t much to say if they try and drain really, just pillar hump and kill the pet over and over and it should be a win after a few minutes of fighting. – just avoid getting stuck in too many CC chains as the paladin/warrior, you’ll end up losing if that happens.
    The other tactic can be a bit more tricky – they’ll simply keep dots on the warrior and just try to zerg him down with CC chains of cyclone*3 + fear*3 into a bash on the paladin.

    Your job is simply to avoid the CC chain, pillar hump as much as possible and interrupt/UA all their casts and you shouldn’t ever die really. Train the lock with hard switches on the druid when possible – always remember to judge justice as well as judging before you HOJ for another trash debuff, or simply fear the pet so it can’t dispel the HOJ, both works.

    Eventually you’ll kill the druid/lock or have killed the pet twice and you should win – they will NOT be outlasted as they can simply drink whenever they want – if they wanna drink, try to go really hard on the lock to force the druid out, or if you’re lucky enough kill him/the pet.

    Paladin/Warlock – 3/10

    You can’t kill the pet here if they’re half decent – you shouldn’t however lose to them if you just play it safe.
    They should never be able to score a kill on you, in the same way, you can’t score a kill on anything but the paladin.
    You’ll be starting out on the lock and simply make some hard swaps on the paladin and train him till the end of tomorrow till your paladin needs help.
    That’s ‘bout it, you’re never going to kill the lock unless they’re horrible, so the paladin will always be the best target. Keep swapping between them if needed and eventually the paladin will drop (they usually use a lot of PVE gear in this setup simply because they aren’t the target by a lot of teams and they really need the regen)
    Time your HOJ with bladestorms and make sure you got zerker rage and trinket up for the kill, force bubble and kill him afterwards.
    That’s it, force bubble twice and kill him or kill the pet twice if they’re bad then kill the lock.

    Paladin/Warrior – 5/10.

    Oh the lovely mirror match. Everyone loves mirrors, its’ so fun and purely skill based!

    There’s so many things to do in this mirror that I could create a whole essay of thousands of words on this setup, but I’ll try and make it short.

    The general tactic for this game is pretty simple and it’s easy to see the outcome early, it’s based on one sentence.
    “Whichever paladin tanks the enemy warrior the best”.
    That’s it, the best tanking paladin will allow his warrior to create more pressure due to less need of peels and stuff. A lot of paladin seems to have big trouble tanking warriors, which is why Ferno gave some help to a fellow paladin some time ago.

    - melee warrior to parry / block stuff, also gives you mana if you have seal of wisdom
    - put sacred shield on yourself on time, a few seconds too late might make the difference between life and death
    - use salvation glyph, and sacrifice when you drop low / get bladestormed / pop plea. and dont be afraid to pop them early
    - keep holy shock on CD, if you get an instant flash, dont use it untill really necessary.
    - when warrior is slowed, use the moment to run away with freedom and los, if you dont have freedom, then be creative
    - ALWAYS keep running, even when hitting him. so many times warriors just cant keep up with you because they are 1 yard away, or have latency issues.

    all of the above
    while melee'ing
    while running
    while keeping holy shock on CD

    and experience is the best treat aswell, practice makes perfect, do lots of 2v2, i couldnt tank warriors for shit either like a few months ago, now i learned so much,
    These tips should help you tank warriors a lot better – but as he says in the end, Practice makes perfect.
    The most important thing however is communication. When ferno and I play mirror, I always make sure to ask him if he needs help, if he got bop/bubble up in case he needs it, if he can survive, can HOJ, can assist dpsing and so forth. This entire fight is simply about the duel between the warrior/paladin and whoever can assist the best in peels/burst – most mirror fights will last long until you get a hands on it, if they’re however equally skilled, it will be a draw (we had a 40 min mirror the other day, only won because the enemy paladin forgot to bubble, lol ferno’d it)

    Anyways – on to the tactic.
    You train the enemy paladin till he dies, focus on OP’ing his heal and only pummel if you really lack rage to do anything else (or he’s really low while you have OP/charge/intercept down).
    Your paladin will be tanking the enemy warrior (preferable far away due to disarms on bladestorm) and it’ll simply be ‘bout which paladin tanks the best.

    If you land a UA on the paladin, call it out so your partner knows that he has to HOJ soon, combine HOJ with a bladestorm (you’ll get disarmed) and keep high pressure on him – once they gets forced on the defensive (the enemy warrior peeling) you have the upper hand and should use that to drain their mana.

    You’ll most likely force a bubble at this point, if you can, shatter it off, or simply peel for your paladin (the peeling to save CD’s is usually the best idea.
    Now you got 2 mins to kill the paladin before he got BOP up, so get chopping, UA some heals and hope you can drop him, if you don’t, kill him before bubble and so forth – they will simply be rotating BOP/Bubble on every kill attempt.
    You can, if the enemy paladin is busy healing far away make a hard switch on the warrior if sac is down and you’ve forced a trinket from randomly stunning him and burst him/force SW so you can kill him later.

    Both players are killable here in this setup, killing the paladin is just a lot easier due to a single shield block/disarm can easily **** up the kill on the warrior, as well as sacs/BOP and so forth.

    That’s about it, outplay/shadowmourne the enemy and you’ll be fine.

    Hunter/Priest – 2/10.

    Hunter/priest is a really deadly setup that can easily beat you if you’re caught offguard – just be prepared for the hunters massive damage combined with the priests dispel/assisting damage.

    You should be intervening as many traps as possible. Whenever you see the hunter go near your paladin, be ready to ask for a freedom so you won’t get pinned (good teams will pin + scatter/trap) intervene your paladin and stay on the trap and hope you get it.

    You can also just as he scatters, charge/intercept the hunter so he won’t have time to put up the trap.
    Also, your paladin can simply sac it because it’s so easy and obvious to see when a trap is coming – rotate your defensive Cd’s, avoid burns and simply outlast them till the priest is oom. The main part of this fight is to make sure your paladin doesn’t get caught in a CC chain of scatter -> trap -> fear ->silence shot, simply because you can easily die in it.

    Killing the pet is important as well, as it will completely cripple the enemy team and make it impossible to set up CC chains due to no pin – so it if dies, you’re looking at a free win.

    There isn’t much else to say really – don’t get caught off guard, bumrush the priest/hunter (both works, the hunter is the best and safest though) and make sure to avoid the CC chains and you’ll be fine – the only way they can ever get close to outlast you is if you eat burns over and over.

    Druid/hunter – 5/10.

    This is the most annoying match you’ll ever face, simply because it’ll take ages to down a good one, however, due to no dispels, you shouldn’t die either (sacred shield is a cool guy)

    They can’t kill your paladin so they will try to kill you with high CC chains on the paladin via scatter -> trap while you’re cloned/rooted/pinned, then both will assist you while they put your paladin into 3 clones + bash + silence shot and then repeat with scatter + trap again till the end of tomorrow (if it’s off CD or if he used readliness)
    They can CC your paladin pretty much forever if you don’t stop the chain – which means you have to get some good intercepts/pummels/shield bashes on the druid to interrupt it and make sure your paladin don’t get chain cc’d 24/7.
    The only way we have found to kill a good one is by HOJing the hunter ALL the time to create pressure as well as forcing a trinket. The pet has to die as well, so make some hardcore swaps on him and once he’s dead, train the hunter till the end of tomorrow with reflects on the clones, time HOJ with a BS + paladin burst and he should drop – you can eventually also swap off the hunter to let HOTS fall off, then make a hardcore swap with MS + OP + bladestorm combined with the paladin burst.

    The paladin should stay near a pillar and judge justice all the time – there isn’t much to say really, avoid the hardcore CC chains, kill the pet and train the hunter till he dies – you shouldn’t have much problems with this setup other than the 20 min games.
    Last edited by YungaShanker; 08-01-2010 at 11:41 PM.

    Arms Warrior/Holy Paladin 2v2 Guide
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    Pantera1351's Avatar Sergeant
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    Copy Pasted straight from :\

    If you're actually Tankz and Co. then continue on.. if not, at least give credit where credit is due.

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    YungaShanker's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Pantera1351 View Post
    Copy Pasted straight from :\

    If you're actually Tankz and Co. then continue on.. if not, at least give credit where credit is due.
    If you haven't checked, I've done it right at the start...

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    what 95 badge cloak?

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    Originally Posted by Hartstock View Post
    what 95 badge cloak?
    Typo, ment the 55 badge one (not on WoW so can't confirm it.)

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