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  1. #1
    Creepfold's Avatar Contributor
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    Your Most Pro and Noob moment in Wow!

    What is your most Noobish moment in whole wow? or when did you just kick ass? post it here and have some fun making your own comment and reading others!

    My Most Noobish Moment in WoW : Was just hitted level 60, went on a MC Raid, guild had to low amount of members, best guild of the server (naxx guild) joined us to help us (everyone was very exited), when everyone was set to go for the first 2 Molten Giants, i was feral and they allowed me to tank 1 of the first mobs! tough 12 people were afk, i pulled, whiped the whole raid!

    My Most Pro Moment in WoW : Rolled a Ehn Shammy, level 70, won against 3 rogues and a mage (all level 70 around the same gear) by WF Procs! (means me vs 4 alliance)
    RickAstley LUA Boss! (Rickroll)

    Your Most Pro and Noob moment in Wow!
  2. #2
    Krypt's Avatar Member
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    I havent been playing WoW for a long time, but a while ago I saw a level 70 pally jump off a huge cliff with his shield on and didnt die.

    So I thought to my self, WOW, I got a shield too! (Im a priest)
    I casted shield on myself and jumped off...

  3. #3
    Captain Planet's Avatar Active Member
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    MY most noob moment was my hunter(now my main) and I didn't know about beast training until around lvl 40-ish

    my most pro moment going on a raid with 2 other full raids and downing every alliance faction boss in the middle of the night

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