I´ve just found THE most imba move in the game, use this to down raggy instantly...
I´ve just found THE most imba move in the game, use this to down raggy instantly...
( o Y o )
It kills yourself, I think.
only kills yourself.
Damn. well its a damn good suicide method
( o Y o )
What the hell is it? Where do you get it? SPEAK TO MEEEEEEE!
*Insert Awe-Inspiring Signature Here*
That's a better one :P
Make a thread, look in the emu forum, lots of possiblities or just type /ghostdance
besides, if youre comp retarded, you shouldnt set up a privat server..
( o Y o )
Umm.... WoW Emu server works on almost every type of PC Engine
Worked on a friends:
112mb RAM