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  1. #211
    Shu1ch1's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Sendatsu View Post
    If you look closely, you'll see that the same pattern repeats 4-3-4. Horizontally they have +[8,12,8] pixels in-between and vertically +[4,4] pixels. So we have:

    Horizontal axis: 352+8+352+12+352+8+352=1408+28=1436 pixels
    Vertical axis: 240+4+240+4+240=720+8=728 pixels

    So now you have to center a 1436 x 728 watermark inside a 1680 x 1028 image.

    Width: 1680 - 1436 = 244 / 2 = 122
    Height: 1028 - 728 = 300 / 2 = 150

    And you are right, the centering is not correct, it's -2 to the left. Interesting. I wonder if that is because of our conversion or their code.

    It should have been 122+1x150+1 but now its 120+1x150+1 and the extra 2 pixels are to the right of the watermark, so it leans a bit to the left.
    It's Funny though how the shape of the watermark changes with screen resolutuion.

    On 1920x1080 it is really well centered (959.5, 539.5 [-0.5,-0.5]), too. And looks diffrent from your 1680x1028 version.
    At 800x600 (windowed) the center is at 360,380 which is off by [-40, -20]. But at that resolution the first "line" of the pattern looks strange. (top: 100px: https://i.imgur.com/y9fOo.png) [A problem with windowed mode?]
    On my netbooks native resolution (@1024x600) the watermark looks different again: just one "row" with 2 parial columns (that would combine to 1 complete column) and 2 normal columns. But I have a hard time getting a clean shot with those low graphics & fps. I should probably try to add a solid texture on top of the whole UI (with kgpanels).

    Looking inside your screenshots
  2. #212
    Sendatsu's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Shu1ch1 View Post
    It's Funny though how the shape of the watermark changes with screen resolutuion.

    On 1920x1080 it is really well centered (959.5, 539.5 [-0.5,-0.5]), too. And looks diffrent from your 1680x1028 version.
    At 800x600 (windowed) the center is at 360,380 which is off by [-40, -20]. But at that resolution the first "line" of the pattern looks strange. (top: 100px: https://i.imgur.com/y9fOo.png) [A problem with windowed mode?]
    You should have seen all the funny versions I experimented with when I switched to windowed mode (non-fullscreen) and started changing the size of the window by a little every time to see when the pattern would split into more rows :P

    Originally Posted by Shu1ch1 View Post
    On my netbooks native resolution (@1024x600) the watermark looks different again: just one "row" with 2 parial columns (that would combine to 1 complete column) and 2 normal columns. But I have a hard time getting a clean shot with those low graphics & fps. I should probably try to add a solid texture on top of the whole UI (with kgpanels).
    Just use the trick I just mentioned to "simulate" the netbook resolution on a larger monitor
    Last edited by Sendatsu; 09-12-2012 at 10:26 PM.

  3. #213
    _Mike's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Sendatsu View Post
    If you look closely, you'll see that the same pattern repeats 4-3-4. Horizontally they have +[8,12,8] pixels in-between and vertically +[4,4] pixels. So we have:

    Horizontal axis: 352+8+352+12+352+8+352=1408+28=1436 pixels
    Vertical axis: 240+4+240+4+240=720+8=728 pixels

    So now you have to center a 1436 x 728 watermark inside a 1680 x 1028 image.

    Width: 1680 - 1436 = 244 / 2 = 122
    Height: 1028 - 728 = 300 / 2 = 150

    And you are right, the centering is not correct, it's -2 to the left. Interesting. I wonder if that is because of our conversion or their code.

    It should have been 122+1x150+1 but now its 120+1x150+1 and the extra 2 pixels are to the right of the watermark, so it leans a bit to the left.
    You are getting close
    The rect is actually 356x240 though (the last "bit column" is empty) and x,y is 120,150.
    Me and Main has been working on reversing the code. Nothing majorly exciting so far though.

  4. #214
    Sendatsu's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by _Mike View Post
    You are getting close
    The rect is actually 356x240 though (the last "bit column" is empty) and x,y is 120,150.
    Me and Main has been working on reversing the code. Nothing majorly exciting so far though.
    That actually makes sense! So they leave 4px distance both on x and y.

    By the way, I updated the Java code to give a more straightforward output.

    New calculations:

    Horizontal axis: 356+4+356+8+356+4+352=1424+16=1440
    Vertical axis: 240+4+240+4+240=720+8=728 pixels

    So now you have to center a 1440 x 728 watermark inside a 1680 x 1028 image.

    Width: 1680 - 1436 = 240 / 2 = 120
    Height: 1028 - 728 = 300 / 2 = 150

    They probably add the extra 2px in the middle to get round division results later on, or something like that.

    So, 120+1x150+1, there it is
    Last edited by Sendatsu; 09-12-2012 at 11:02 PM.

  5. #215
    Thundathigh's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Since everyone is confused on what each resolution looks like (me included), I changed my settings so that I could record each one, and then processed them to find the watermarks. (1360x768 native if it matters). I could not choose any option higher then 1366x768, so someone else will have to do those.

    Watermark Resolutions - Imgur

    The column labeled "Watermark" is the pattern that it appears in, ie the number in the top, middle, and bottom row.

    Edit: Couldn't find a good way to host a .txt, just took a SS of it and threw it in imgur with the others.
    Last edited by Thundathigh; 09-12-2012 at 11:54 PM.

  6. #216
    Thundathigh's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Originally Posted by _Mike View Post
    The rect is actually 356x240 though (the last "bit column" is empty)
    Ah, the values I have in the Horizontal row should all become 4 then (except for 1366x768 which would become 3??). That does make a lot more sense, thanks for clearing that up!
    Originally Posted by _Mike View Post
    Me and Main has been working on reversing the code. Nothing majorly exciting so far though.
    Haha keep it up!

    Edit: Chart changed to reflect actual watermark size.
    Last edited by Thundathigh; 09-13-2012 at 12:07 AM.

  7. #217
    filuta's Avatar Private
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    Originally Posted by Fayntic View Post
    Can you post it so they can check the timestamp?
    Black Temple PTR and new loot discussion - Page 13 - Elitist Jerks

  8. #218
    eldavo1's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Thundathigh View Post
    Since everyone is confused on what each resolution looks like (me included), I changed my settings so that I could record each one, and then processed them to find the watermarks. (1360x768 native if it matters). I could not choose any option higher then 1366x768, so someone else will have to do those.

    Watermark Resolutions - Imgur

    The column labeled "Watermark" is the pattern that it appears in, ie the number in the top, middle, and bottom row.

    Edit: Couldn't find a good way to host a .txt, just took a SS of it and threw it in imgur with the others.
    What's with 800*600? That looks like the odd one out to me...

    Anyway, been working on cropping the screenshots into something like that, I got near to what you found. Still can't extract that damn watermark, though
    Last edited by eldavo1; 09-13-2012 at 02:05 AM.

  9. #219
    tongotan's Avatar Private
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    Keep up the good work.
    Last edited by tongotan; 09-13-2012 at 02:07 AM.

  10. #220
    _Mike's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Thundathigh View Post
    Ah, the values I have in the Horizontal row should all become 4 then (except for 1366x768 which would become 3??). That does make a lot more sense, thanks for clearing that up!
    Just to clarify; It is empty in the ss I was referring to in the quote but not at all resolutions though.

    What's with 800*600? That looks like the odd one out to me...
    Yes 800x600 is special.
    rects.Add(new Rect(-384, 384, -220, 220)); // x_offset from center, width, y_offset from center, height
    rects.Add(new Rect(0, 300, -285, 285));
    rects.Add(new Rect(-340, 340, 0, 250));
    rects.Add(new Rect(0, 340, 0, 250));
    Watermark positioning. Not 100% perfect though. It is off by 1 pixel on the Y offset on some resolutions.
    public struct Rect
    	public short X;
    	public short Width;
    	public short Y;
    	public short Height;
    	public Rect(short x, short width, short y, short height)
    		X = x;
    		Width = width;
    		Y = y;
    		Height = height;
    Rect[] GenerateRects(int width, int height, int numBytes) // screen width, screen height, number of bytes in watermark (88 bytes)
    	List<Rect> ret = new List<Rect>();
    	if (width != 800 || height != 600)
    		int tmp = ((((((numBytes << 4) + (numBytes * 2)) * 3) - 1) / (numBytes * 2 * 3) * (numBytes * 2 * 3)) + 7) >> 3;
    		int numVerticalBits = (int)((height * 0.2325581395348837 + 4) * 0.2);
    		int numHorizontalBits = (int)Math.Floor((8 * tmp) / (float)(int)numVerticalBits) + 1;
    		if (numHorizontalBits > width)
    			return null;
    		short rheight = (short)(5 * (int)numVerticalBits);
    		short rwidth = (short)(4 * (int)numHorizontalBits);
    		if (8 * numHorizontalBits > (width - 16))
    			ret.Add(new Rect((short)Math.Floor(rwidth * -0.5), rwidth, (short)Math.Floor(rheight * -1.55), rheight));
    			ret.Add(new Rect((short)Math.Floor(rwidth * -0.5), rwidth, (short)Math.Floor(rheight * -0.5), rheight));
    			ret.Add(new Rect((short)Math.Floor(rwidth * -0.5), rwidth, (short)Math.Floor(rheight * 0.55000001), rheight));
    			int totalx = rwidth >> 1;
    			ret.Add(new Rect((short)-(rwidth >> 1), rwidth, (short)-(rheight >> 1), rheight));
    			short v10 = (short)(rwidth >> 1);
    			short v13;
    			if ((rwidth >> 1) + (rwidth + 4) < (width >> 1))
    					if (ret.Count > 30)
    					v13 = (short)(v10 + 4);
    					v10 = (short)(rwidth + v13);
    					ret.Add(new Rect(v13, rwidth, (short)Math.Floor(rheight * -0.5), rheight));
    					ret.Add(new Rect((short)-v10, rwidth, (short)Math.Floor(rheight * -0.5), rheight));
    				} while (v10 + rwidth + 4 < (width >> 1));
    			int v15 = rwidth + 4;
    			int v16 = 0;
    			if ((rwidth + 4) < (width >> 1))
    				double v17 = 1.5;
    					if (ret.Count > 28)
    					int v18 = v16 + 4;
    					v16 = rwidth + v18;
    					totalx = rwidth + v15 + 4;
    					ret.Add(new Rect((short)v18, rwidth, (short)(-4 - ((int)Math.Floor(rheight * v17))), rheight));
    					ret.Add(new Rect((short)v18, rwidth, (short)(4 - (int)Math.Floor(rheight * -0.5)), rheight));
    					ret.Add(new Rect((short)-(rwidth + v18), rwidth, (short)(-4 - ((int)Math.Floor(rheight * v17))), rheight));
    					ret.Add(new Rect((short)-(rwidth + v18), rwidth, (short)(4 - (int)Math.Floor(rheight * -0.5)), rheight));
    					v15 = totalx;
    				} while (totalx < (width >> 1));
    		ret.Add(new Rect(-384, 384, -220, 220));
    		ret.Add(new Rect(0, 300, -285, 285));
    		ret.Add(new Rect(-340, 340, 0, 250));
    		ret.Add(new Rect(0, 340, 0, 250));
    	return ret.ToArray();
    Last edited by _Mike; 09-13-2012 at 02:43 AM.

  11. #221
    eldavo1's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by _Mike View Post
    Just to clarify; It is empty in the ss I was referring to in the quote but not at all resolutions though.

    Yes 800x600 is special.
    rects.Add(new Rect(-384, 384, -220, 220)); // x_offset from center, width, y_offset from center, height
    rects.Add(new Rect(0, 300, -285, 285));
    rects.Add(new Rect(-340, 340, 0, 250));
    rects.Add(new Rect(0, 340, 0, 250));
    I'm guessing thats part of the code you are reversing. That would make decoding images a lot easier than guestimating what to do, if you ever get it finished I could whip something together easily to get the watermarks out of screenies

  12. #222
    Thundathigh's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Wow that really makes things easier, thanks for looking up everything!
    Originally Posted by _Mike View Post
    Watermark positioning. Not 100% perfect though. It is off by 1 pixel on the Y offset on some resolutions.
    If that's the code that the program uses, how could it be off by a pixel? Either way really awesome dude
    Originally Posted by eldavo1 View Post
    I'm guessing thats part of the code you are reversing.
    I don't think that anyone needs to reverse any more code, the large section of code that _Mike posted generates a list of Rect's that contain the x and y position, as well as the width and height of the watermarks that will be added to the SS. You should be able to move onto decoding the watermarks from actual SS's.

    That said... did you figure out what the watermark actually is _Mike? (Change of opacity or of RGB values?)
    Last edited by Thundathigh; 09-13-2012 at 03:23 AM.

  13. #223
    eldavo1's Avatar Member
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    If that's the code that the program uses, how could it be off by a pixel? Either way really awesome dude
    He reversed engineered it, meaning that he got the assembly and tried to make the same code, but obviously not exact

    That said... did you figure out what the watermark actually is _Mike? (Change of opacity or of RGB values?)
    Waiting on this, the code he posted is to get the watermark only and remove everything else

    EDIT: _Mike, your code results in wierd values... what am I doing wrong here: https://i.imgur.com/3ZYnU.png Why is it returning negative values for x & y? Does it for any image here: http://imgur.com/a/NvGET
    Last edited by eldavo1; 09-13-2012 at 03:36 AM.

  14. #224
    _Mike's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by eldavo1 View Post
    Why is it returning negative values for x & y?
    Offset from center of image.

  15. #225
    Thundathigh's Avatar Master Sergeant
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    Tested multiple SS (pure white, pure black, normal) using
    int color = image.getRGB(i, j);
    int alpha = (color >> 24) & 0xff;
    alpha (or opacity) is always set to 255, so no need to check in the code.

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