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    ChrisC's Avatar Contributor
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    [Breaking News] Death and Taxes Disbands

    Their Reasoning:
    The End. Sounds strange doesn't it? The ship went down faster than the Titanic, but the rats were bailing out before the iceberg was ever even in sight. I'd love to be able to sit here and tell you this was a result of the casualization of the game, of feeding us easy encounters for mediocre rewards, while at the same time undercutting these meager accomplishments and upgrades with welfare epics obtainable by anyone who has a large quantity of time, regardless of their skill or lack thereof. Let's be honest the theme of TBC is sacrificing everything that was good about raiding on the altar of accessibility. Sunwell is an unmitigated success, but let's be honest here, it's taken us 18months to get back to a Naxx level of difficulty and encounter design and we got a meager 6 bosses, that's pretty pathetic.

    In any case that's not why you're reading this, is it. So if it wasn't lousy encounter design, shitty loot, cockblocks, etc, than what was it? The most fundamental currency there is in WoW. People. Somewhere along the line people got the idea that they were bigger than the guild. That what they wanted was more important than what was good for the guild. That somehow they deserved respect just for being around. And other people just stopped caring. Not only did they stop caring, but they didn't have the common decency to quit, they hung around for whatever reasons promising us they were going to be there, and we foolishly believed them out of loyalty for what we'd been through together. We had officers who couldn't take a stand any more and made decisions based on what was 'easy'. We had OFFICERS who disappeared with no notice, and would come and go as they pleased, yet still felt entitled to make decisions about where we were going. There is no 1 person's shoulder to place this on, it was a group effort.

    Let's talk about a few important words here.

    According to dictionary.com
    Progress - gradual improvement or growth or development
    That's right GRADUAL. Progress doesn't happen all in 1 night, but apparently some people that we had here didn't understand that. They thought bosses just fell over the first night because of the tag over their head, and the most important thing was how much damage they could do at all times. Newsflash - it doesn't work like that. It's pretty ironic that the first people to jump ship when progress wasn't going fast enough, were the same ones jerking off in the 5man, and holding up the raid on the first day. Progress takes time, and world firsts don't fall from the sky, they're the result of a lot of hard work, and effort. The reputation of this guild was built on the backs of a lot of hard work and dedication from EVERYONE. The guild was bigger than any of us, and we knew it. Which leads into the second word.

    Pride. Once upon a time we had pride. Pride in our guild, pride in ourselves, pride in what we'd done. Pride is showing up and giving your best effort, ESPECIALLY when you don't want to be there, because your guildmates deserve that. We didn't always get world firsts, it's impossible to always be first, that's just not how the game works, but we showed up every day, EARLY and busted our asses, and we were proud of what we accomplished, be it world first or world 1000th. We didn't whine or complain about our ****ing groups, or worry about loot. We killed bosses. Period. We gave our best effort because those around us deserved it, because the guild deserved it. We had pride about what we had done, not what those before us had done. But we also didn't have false pride. Once upon a time when people couldn't or didn't want to keep up the raiding schedule, they had the guts and decency to let the rest of us know. Now they slink off into the night without even a word.

    Some people will say, they have no ill will towards those who neglected us during progress. Who stopped showing up once things got hard. Who left at the first opportunity. I'm not one of them. To anyone who jumped ship, I'm going to be honest. I have no respect for you. You all claimed you wanted to be members of this guild, you came here, we geared you, and that set an expectation down for you. That you were one of us, just like those who paved the way for you. You turned your back on that, and the last person is just as guilty as the first.

    A lot of you might think Death and Taxes died this week, but for those of us who have been here for a long time we know that isn't true. Death and Taxes died a long time ago. We still killed bosses every week, but the spirit was long gone. The swagger you all came to know and love from us had evaporated. Some of us still carried it, and the guild, but the new people never quite got it. In the end Death and Taxes turned into any other guild, a job for the mercenaries who came here. They logged in at 7, picked up their epics, and logged off until the next raid, and that was never what we were about. We were about having fun, and being irreverent, and being honest with ourselves and each other.

    What happens now? Well, that's not up to us, it's up to you. Those of us that have been here will always be members of DnT, our characters will disappear, but our memories will not. We didn't create our legend, we were just a group of friends who loved killing raid bosses. All the people who came to our website, and followed our progress, and cheered for our accomplishments, you created the legend, and ultimately you will have the last chapter in this story.
    Something strange is afoot in the wee ours of the morning here, as Nihilum is reporting that the Death and Taxes guild on the Korgath US PvP server has disbanded. This guild has long been considered perhaps the premiere raiding guild of the US Servers. As of this writing, there is no further word on why they have disbanded, only that they have and that some of them will reroll Horde. The front page of the official Death and Taxes site does not have any sort of news post on the issue, but does have a banner that reads "Rest In Peace Death and Taxes, Beta 2004-May 2008," and has a list of their world and US first kills. The forum's name has been changed to "Death and Taxes - Keep in Touch," though there does not appear to be a forum post accessible by a basic account that gives any insight or information as to the disbanding. Hopefully more information is revealed soon.
    Death and Taxes has been hot on the raiding scene for some time, gaining US and world firsts starting in AQ40 and Naxxramas, and continuing into the Burning Crusade, including their most recent US first kill of Illidan Stormrage and a few key PTR kills in the Sunwell Plateau as well.
    For now, we'll watch and see if more information comes forth. Perhaps they may be like Risen, believing the end-game progression is worthless but possibly reappearing in WoTLK. Either way, their achievements were many, and they will be missed.
    Thanks to Liam for tipping us off on this.

    Update: A poster called Flux (who is not a DnT member but claims he has talked to some), posting on Nihilum's forum thread on the disbanding, claims that they were having trouble retaining guild members due to the long stretch of time between Illidan's downing and any new content, and that the first week of Sunwell raiding was difficult. After attempts to mass-recruit to fill holes ended in a lower level of raiding ability than they were used to, DnT's leaders decided to disband. Apparently, many DnT members will be rerolling Horde on Blackrock.

    You might want to take this information with a grain of salt, but it's the best we have for now.

    Behind the cut is a list of Death and Taxes' world and US first kills.
    World Firsts

    Viscidus 5 March 2006
    Patchwerk 23 June 2006
    Grobbulus 23 June 2006
    Thaddius 30 June 2006
    Gluth 26 June 2006
    The Four Horsemen 25 August 2006
    Sapphiron 1 September 2006
    High King Maulgar 23 January 2007
    Fathom-Lord Karathress 6 March 2007
    Nightbane 28 January 2007
    Morogrim Tidewalker 7 March 2007
    Leotheras the Blind 4 March 2007
    The Lurker Below 9 March 2007

    US firsts

    Gruul the Dragonkiller 6 February 2007
    Shade of Akama 2 June 2007
    Magtheridon 27 February 2007
    Teron Gorefiend 2 June 2007
    Void Reaver 19 March 2007
    Anetheron 3 June 2007
    Al'ar 15 May 2007
    Reliquary of Souls 11 June 2007
    Kael'thas Sunstrider 27 May 2007
    Mother Shahraz 19 June 2007
    High Warlord Naj'entus 31 May 2007
    Azgalor 19 June 2007
    Supremus 31 May 2007
    Archimonde 20 June 2007
    Gurtogg Bloodboil 1 June 2007
    Illidan Stormrage 30 June 2007

    DnT has always been on top when competing for world first kills in world of warcraft, they achieved no less than six world first kills in Burning Crusade, not to mention whole 16 US first kills.

    People should also remember them for their Naxxramas achievements where they had 7 world first kills. Some might also remember their 5 man Loatheb kill which heavily introduced shadow priests into raids, and probably to the standard they are at today.
    :\ They were my favorite alliance guild

    Last edited by ChrisC; 05-16-2008 at 04:45 PM.

    [Breaking News] Death and Taxes Disbands
  2. #2
    mmhelm's Avatar Member
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    Its kind of like if Nihilum were to disband, allot of people don't like them because of what they did that they could not do. I like guilds that can play the game without drama.

  3. #3
    MrDeath's Avatar Member
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    Another high end raiding guild disbands.

    Well atleast they are rerolling horde .

  4. #4
    ChrisC's Avatar Contributor
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    I added the official post that they made.

  5. #5
    D3m0n1ca's Avatar Contributor
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    Breaking news, nobody cares.

    D&T was a great guild, though. Too bad they disbanded.

  6. #6
    Lyricalwarfare's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by D3m0n1ca View Post
    Breaking news, nobody cares.

    D&T was a great guild, though. Too bad they disbanded.

    I say you don't care - yet you think it's bad that they disbanded?

    God, your ironic

    That guild have had quite a lot of influence in WoW - so yes, it matters.

  7. #7
    fugiy's Avatar Member
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    ohhh lawdy

  8. #8
    richardsonc's Avatar Member
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    if your in a highend raiding guild, you usually raid like 5-7 nights a week for like 4+ hours....i think thats pretty lame.

  9. #9
    Flipperfin's Avatar Active Member
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    I could and would never spend so much time on a game like that :O

    I've somehow never heard of this guild, but looks like it was pretty big^^

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