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    n4cht's Avatar Member
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    WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone involved in this site. It's been a constant source of fun tricks, and methods on how to -not- get scammed. You guys are awesome.

    This is my first post, and it's meant as a way to expand on a previous post that explained how to access the WoW console. I didn't write this list, and take no credit for it. I actually found it somewhere, but I can't remember where. I just remember people wanting to know what can be done with the console, so I'm providing what I've managed to track down.

    Many apologies if this has been posted already somewhere. I looked for it, and didn't see it.


    CombatDebugForceAction Variables:

    7 ALWAY****

    Description: CombatForceDebugAction is used to make a target act in a way you request.

    - CombatDebugForceActionOn
    --> Usage: combatdebugforceactionon (x) (0 or 1)
    Note: (x) is one of the variables above.

    - CombatDebugForceActionOff
    --> Usage: combatdebugforceactionoff (x) (0 or 1)
    Note: (x) is one of the variables above.

    - CombatDebugForceActionOtherOn
    --> Usage: combatdebugforceactionotheron (x) (0 or 1)
    Note: (x) is one of the variables above.

    - CombatDebugForceActionOtherOff
    --> Usage: combatdebugforceactionotheroff (x) (0 or 1)
    Note: (x) is one of the variables above.

    - CombatDebugShowFlags

    Debug Command List:

    - Bug
    - Suggestion
    - Note
    - SndDebugPingSound
    - SndDebugRoomType
    - env

    - envlist
    --> Description: Lists all currently playing environmental sounds.

    - nuke
    --> Description: Ban a user from the current server.

    - enumTextures
    - enumTextureGxCache

    - ghost
    --> Description: Watch a player.

    - zoneintroreset
    --> Description: Replays current zone introduction.

    - invite
    --> Description: Invites a player to join your current group.

    - PLightInfo
    --> Usage: plightinfo (index)

    - PLightEnable
    - PLightOmni

    - PLightDirPos
    --> Usage: plightdirpos (index) (x) (y) (z)

    - PLightAmbColor
    --> Usage: plightambcolor (index) (r) (g) (b)

    - PLightDirColor
    --> Usage: plightdircolor (index) (r) (g) (b)

    - PLightAmbIntens
    --> Usage: plightambintens (index) (number)

    - PLightDirIntens
    --> Usage: plightdirintens (index) (number)

    - cameraClip

    - SeeIfWorldFrameSucks
    --> Description: Let Jeff know dammit! Nukes away!

    - learn
    --> Usage: learn (spell)
    Or type 'learn -1' for all spells.

    - cooldown
    --> Toggles cooldowns.

    - cooldownPet
    --> Toggles pet cooldowns.

    - useskill
    --> Usage: useskill (skillname)
    Description: Simulate usage of a spell without actually casting, to test skill rank-ups.

    - setskill
    --> Usage: setskill (level) (skill line name)
    Description: Manually set a skills level.

    - bootme

    - levelup
    --> Description: Automatica character level-up.

    - setfaction
    --> Usage: setfaction (level) (faction name)
    Description: Manually set your faction. (Alliance / Horde)

    - pet
    --> Description: Tells you the GUID of your current pet.

    - TaxiShowNodes
    --> Description: Shows you all available taxi nodes.

    - cinematic
    --> Description: Start an in game cinematic.

    - forceanim
    --> Description: Force a monster animation.

    - rese
    --> Description: Resurrects your current character.

    - whois
    --> Usage: whois (accountname)
    Description: Ask the server to do an account/real name lookup on a character name.

    - rwhois
    - dtime
    - time
    - gametime

    - localtime
    --> Usage: localtime (1-24)
    Description: Sets the in-game time. Typing localtime 3 will make it very dark, while localtime 12 will make it noon.

    - spawntime
    --> Description: Tells the server how frequently to spawn mobs.

    - loc

    - dloc
    --> Description: Tells you the x,y,z co-ordinates you are currently standing in.

    - facing

    - dfacing
    --> Description: Tells you the angle in degrees you are currently facing.

    - showbounds
    --> Description: Shows the character bounds. (Newbie translation: Ooh! A bubble!)

    - tloc
    --> Description: Tells you the targets x,y,z co-ordinates.

    - TerminalVelocity
    --> Usage: TerminalVelocity (1-100)
    Description: Similar to gravity. Setting this to 1 allow you to "fly", while setting it high will treat you like a stone.

    - speed
    --> Usage: speed (1-60)
    Description: Increases the game accordingly. Recommended: 50.

    - walkspeed
    --> Usage: walkspeed (1-60)
    Description: Increases your walk speed accordingly. Recommended: 50

    - swimspeed
    --> Usage: swimspeed (1-60)
    Description: Increases your swim. Recommended: 60.

    - turnspeed
    --> Usage: turnspeed (1-60)
    Description: Increases your turn speed. Recommended: Default.

    - port

    - worldport
    --> Usage: worldport (continentID) (x y z) (facing)
    Description: Warps you to the specified location / continent.

    - money
    --> Usage: money (copper)
    Description: Instantly become rich using this console command.

    - db
    --> Usage: TableName (Name or #ID)
    Note:Wildcard use * in TableName or Name not ID though.
    Description: Select a table from the database.

    - drawlog
    - animlog

    - beastmaster
    --> Description: Beastmaster allows you to walk freely around the world without having monsters attack you.

    - sendevent
    - mem

    - level
    --> Usage: level (level)
    Description: Manually enter your level.

    - petlevel
    --> Usage: petlevel (level)
    Description: Manually enter your pets level.

    - clearquest
    --> Description:

    - flagquest

    - TaxiClearAllNodes
    --> Description: Disables all Taxi Nodes as viable forms of transportation.

    - TaxiEnableAllNodes
    --> Description: Enables all Taxi Nodes as viable forms of transportation.

    - ChangeCellZone

    - finishquest
    --> Usage: finishquest (questID)
    Description: Automatically mark your quest as completed.

    - cameratarget

    - questquery
    --> Usage: questquery (questgiver) (questID)
    Description: Automatically attain a quest.

    - questaccept
    --> Usage: questaccept (questgiver) (questID)
    Description: Accept the proposed quest.

    - questcomplete
    --> Usage: questcomplete (questgiver) (questID)
    Description: Automatically complete specified quest.

    - questcancel
    --> Usage: questcancel (questgiver) (questID)
    Description: Automatically accept the proposed quest.

    - reclaim
    --> Usage: reclaim (corpseGUID)
    Description: Reclaim the specified body.

    - buyspell
    --> Usage: buyspell (trainer) (spellID)
    Description: Buy specified spell from specified trainer.

    - sellitem
    --> Usage: sellitem (merchant) (item)
    Description: Sell specified item to desired merchant.

    - buyitem
    --> Usage: buyitem (merchant) (muID) (quantity>)
    Description: Buy specified item from specified merchant.

    - buyiteminslot
    --> Usage: buyiteminslot (merchant) (muID) (container) (quantity)
    Description: Buy an item in the specified slot.

    - SndDebugDumpChunk
    - SndDebugShowCurrentChunk
    - SndDebugSetChunkProperty
    - SndDebugSetCurrentChunk
    - SndDebugCreateChunk
    - SndDebugListChunks

    Game Command List:

    - HeapUsage
    --> Description: Displays a list of the heaps in use.

    - ObjUsage
    --> Description: Displays the object manager list status.

    - newleader
    --> Description: Sets a new leader in your current group.

    - lootmethod
    --> Usage: lootmethod (method)
    Description: Toggles your loot method between freeforall / roundrobin / master.

    - cast
    --> Usage: cast (skillname)
    Description: Cast a spell.

    - cancelaura
    --> Usage: cancelaura (index)
    Description: Cancels an aura given the aura's index, not auraID.

    - spellstring
    --> Usage: spellstring (string)
    Description: Opens up an edit box for the specificed spell.

    - playercombatlogdebug
    --> Usage: playercombatlogdebug (0-1)
    Description: Toggles combat logging on/off.

    - invite
    --> Usage: invite (player)
    Description: Invites a player to join your group.

    - accept
    --> Description: Accepts the group invitation.

    - decline
    --> Description: Declines the group invitation.

    - disband
    --> Description: Disband your current group (Must be group leader).

    - uninvite
    --> Usage: uninvite (player)
    Description: Remove a member from your group (Must be group leader).

    - repopme
    --> Usage: repopme (0-1)
    Description: Repops you when you're dead.

    - who
    --> Description: Displays a list of the other users on the server.

    - undressme
    --> Description: Strips your character of all of its equipment.

    - godmode
    --> Description: Makes you invulnerable to all elements in the world.

    - acceptres
    --> Description: Accept resurrection request.

    - declineres
    --> Description: Decline resurrection request.

    - guildcreate
    --> Usage: guildcreate (name)
    Description: Creates a guild.

    - TogglePVP
    --> Description: Toggles PvP on current server.

    - friends
    --> Description: Displays your current friends list.

    - addfriend
    --> Usage: addfriend (name)
    Description: Adds specified friend to your friends list.

    - removefriend
    --> Usage: removefriend (name)
    Description: Removes specified friend from your friends list.

    - trade
    - addtradeitem
    - cleartradeitem
    - cleartrade
    - accepttrade
    - canceltrade
    - showtrade
    - tradegold
    - unaccepttrade
    - ci
    - cm
    - cgo
    - dm
    - save

    - deathbind
    --> Usage: deathbind (bindstoneid)
    Description: Binds you to the inputted bindstoneID.

    - recharge
    --> Description: Instantly fully heal yourself.

    - played

    Graphics Command List:

    - gxRestart
    --> Description: Restart the graphics engine.

    - reloadUI
    --> Description: Reloads the user interface.

    - light
    --> Usage: light (0-1)
    Description: Toggles light on/off.

    - fog
    --> Usage: fog (0-1)
    Description: Toggles fog on/off.

    - DepthTest
    --> Usage: depthtest (0-1)
    Description: Toggles depthtest on/off.

    - DepthSet
    --> Usage: depthset (0-1)
    Description: Toggles depthwriting on/off.

    - culling
    --> Usage: culling (0-1)
    Description: Toggles backface culling on/off.

    - dblbuffer
    --> Usage: dblbuffer (0-1)
    Description: Toggles double buffering on/off.

    - resxy
    --> Usage: resxy (x) (y)
    Description: Sets the screen resolution to x by y pixels. If no parameters are given, the current resolution will be displayed.

    - resmode
    --> Usage: resmode (1-3)
    Description: Sets the screen resolution mode x, which is a number from 0 to 3. If no parameter is given, the possible modes will be displayed.

    - bitdepth
    --> Usage: bitdepth (16 or 32)
    Description: Sets the color depth 16 or 32 bits. If no parameter is given, the current color depth will be displayed.

    - 3dapi
    --> Usage: resmode (OpenGL or Direc3d)
    Description: 3dapi toggles the 3D API between OpenGL and Direct3D. Changes won't take effect until the game is restarted.

    - showDetailDoodads
    --> Usage: showdetaildoodads (0-1)
    Description: Toggles the showing of detailing doodads (grass, flowers) on/off.

    - maxLOD
    --> Usage: maxLOD (0-10)
    Description: Set the maximum land shape value.

    - showCull
    --> Usage: maxLOD (0-1)
    Description: Toggle culling on/off.

    - setShadow
    --> Usage: setShadow (0-1)
    Description: Shadow colors must be in range (0.0,1.0).

    - mapObjLightMode
    --> Description: Toggle between vertex light / lightmaps.

    - waterShow \
    > Both do the same.
    - showWater /
    --> Usage: watershow (0-1)
    Description: Toggles viewing water on/off.

    - waterMaxLOD
    --> Usage: maxLOD (0-10)
    Description: Set the maximum water shape value.

    - waterWaves
    --> Usage: waterwaves (0-1)
    Description: Toggles water waves on/off.

    - waterSpecular
    --> Usage: waterspecular (0-1)
    Description: Toggles water specularity on/off.

    - waterRipples
    --> Usage: waterripples (0-1)
    Description: Toggles water ripples on/off.

    - waterParticulates
    --> Usage: waterparticulates (0-1)
    Description: Toggles water particulates on/off.

    - showShadow
    --> Usage: showshadow (0-1)
    Description: Toggles terrain shadows on/off.

    - showLowDetail
    --> Usage: showlowdetail (0-1)
    Description: Toggles showing low detail on/off.

    - showSimpleDoodads
    --> Usage: showsimpledoodads (0-1)
    Description: Toggles showing "simple" doodads on/off.

    - detailDoodadAlpha
    --> Usage: showsimpledoodads (0-255)
    Description: Set the doodad alpha level.
    *** Lower is better.

    - shadowLOD
    --> Usage: shadowlod (0-1)
    Description: Set the shadow LOD.

    - showplayer
    --> Usage: showplayer (0-1)
    Description: Toggles showing your character on/off.

    - motionBlend
    --> Usage: motionblend (0-1)
    Description: Toggles motion blending on/off.

    - SkyCloudLayers
    --> Usage: skycloudlayers (0.0-1.0)
    Description: Set the sky cloud layers.

    - SkyCloudDensity
    --> Usage: skycloudlayers (0.0-1.0)
    Description: Set the sky cloud density.

    - SkySunGlare
    --> Usage: skysunglare (0-1)
    Description: Toggles sun glare on/off.

    - SkyShow
    --> Usage: skyshow (0-1)
    Description: Toggles sky on/off.

    Console Command List:

    - run
    --> Description: Runs a wtf file from the wtf folder.

    - new
    --> Description: Starts recording a new script.

    - append
    --> Description: Adds command to the end of an existing wtf file.

    - end
    --> Description: Stops recording a new script.

    - type
    --> Usage: type (filename)
    Description: Types the script to the console.

    - dirwtf
    --> Description: Lists the wtf files.

    - fontcolor
    --> Usage: fontcolor (colorclassname) (red 0-255) (green 0-255) (blue 0-255)
    Description: Change the console font color.

    - bgcolor
    --> Usage: bgcolor (alpha 0-255) (red 0-255) (green 0-255) (blue 0-255)
    Description: Change the console background color.

    - highlightcolor
    --> Usage: highlightcolor (alpha 0-255) (red 0-255) (green 0-255) (blue 0-255)
    Description: Change the highlighted text color.

    - fontsize
    --> Usage: fontsize (15-50)
    Description: Set the console font size.

    - font
    --> Usage: font (fontname)
    Description: Set the console font face, be sure to use the .ttf file name.

    - consolelines
    --> Usage: consolelines (0-100)
    Description: Set the console viewscreen size. This is also do-able by clicking the bottom of the console and dragging it to a desired size.

    - clear
    --> Description: Clears all text in the console window.

    - proportionaltext
    --> Description: Makes the text proportional, example below.
    Example: Test Text = T e s t T e x t

    - spacing
    --> Usage: spacing (size)
    Description: Sets the spacing between text in pixels.

    - settings
    --> Usage: settings (0-1)
    Description: Returns information about the console.

    - default
    --> Description: Returns console preferences to their default values.

    - closeconsole
    --> Description: Closes the console.

    Default Command List:

    - help
    --> Usage: help (topic)
    Description: Displays help information about the requested category.

    - quit
    --> Description: Exits the program to desktop.

    - ver
    --> Description: Displays the current version and build date.

    - set
    --> Usage: set (variable) (value)
    Description: Sets a variable to the defined value.

    - cvar_reset
    --> Usage: cvar_reset (cvar)
    Description: Sets the value of a CVar to it's startup value.

    - cvar_default
    --> Description: Sets the value of a CVar to it's color coded default value.

    - cvarlist
    --> Description: Lists every CVar.

    - gxColorBits
    --> Usage: gxcolorbits (16, 24, or 30)
    Description: Sets the color bits to be used.

    - gxDepthBits
    --> Usage: gxdepthbits (16, 24, or 32)
    Description: Sets the color depth to be used.

    - gxResolution
    --> Usage: gxresolution (resolution)
    Example: gxresolution 1024x768
    Description: Sets the color depth to be used.

    - gxRefresh
    --> Usage: gxrefresh (refreshrate)
    Description: Sets the refresh rate.
    Note: Must be one of 60, 70, 72, 75, 85, 90, 100, 120, 160, 180, 200.

    - gxApi
    --> Usage: gxapi (api)
    Description: Sets the 3d api to render.
    Note: Must be either Direct3d, OpenGL.

    - gxVSync
    --> Usage: gxvsync (0-1)
    Description: Toggles vertical sync on/off.

    - gxWindow
    --> Usage: gxwindow (0-1)
    Description: Toggles windowed mode on/off.

    - hwDetect
    --> Usage: hwdetect (0-1)
    Description: Toggles hardware detection on/off.

    - lod
    --> Usage: lod (0-1)
    Description: Toggles land smoothing on/off.

    - fullAlpha
    --> Usage: fullalpha (0-1)
    Description: Toggles full alpha on doodads on/off.

    - doodadAnim
    --> Usage: doodadanim (0-1)
    Description: Toggles doodad animation on/off.

    - mapShadows
    --> Usage: mapshadows (0-1)
    Description: Toggles terrain shadows on/off.

    - lightMaps
    --> Description: Always returns (null).

    - lodDist
    --> Usage: loddist <50-250>
    Description: Sets the land smoothing maximum distance from player in feet.

    - SmallCull
    --> Usage: smallcull (0.001-2.0)
    Description: Sets the doodad culling level.

    - DistCull
    --> Usage: distcull (1.0-888.888916)
    Description: Sets the doodad culling level.

    - MaxLights
    --> Usage: maxlights (0-
    Description: Sets the maximum number of simultaenous light sources.

    - shadowLevel
    --> Usage: shadowlevel (0-1)
    Description: Toggles the shadow mip level on/off.

    - alphaLevel
    --> Usage: alphalevel (0-1)
    Description: Toggles the alpha mip level on/off.

    - texLodBias
    --> Usage: textlodbias (-1.0 - 1.0)
    Description: Unknown.

    - trilinear
    --> Usage: trilinear (0-1)
    Description: Toggles trilinear filtering on/off.

    - detailDensity
    --> Usage: detaildensity (1-12
    Description: Sets doodad density levels.

    - farclip
    --> Usage: farclip (177-777)
    Description: Sets the maximum distance you can see.

    - nearclip
    --> Usage: nearclip (177-777)
    Description: Sets the maximum distance you can see.

    - fov
    --> Usage: fov (1-179)
    Description: Sets your characters field of view.

    - specular
    --> Usage: specular (0-1)
    Description: Toggles specular shading on/off.

    - pixelShaders
    --> Usage: pixelshaders (0-1)
    Description: Toggles pixel shading shading on/off.

    - particleDensity
    --> Usage: particledensity (0.3-1)
    Description: Sets particle density level.

    - unitDrawDist
    --> Usage: unitdrawdist (20-150)
    Description: Sets the unit draw maximum distance.

    - waterLOD
    --> Usage: waterlod (0-1)
    Description: Toggles water smoothing effects on/off.

    - baseMip
    --> Usage: basemip (0-1)
    Description: Toggles basemip on/off.

    - anisotropic
    --> Usage: anisotropic (1-16)
    Description: Sets "anisotropic" filtering level.

    - textureLodDist
    --> Usage: textureloddist (80-777)
    Description: Sets the maximum distance for the game to texture.

    - ErrorFileLog

    - Errors
    --> Usage: errors (0-1)
    Description: Toggles error display on/off.

    - ErrorLevelMin
    - ErrorLevelMax

    - ErrorFilter
    --> Usage: errorfilter (filter)
    Filters: general / world / ui / animation / models / objects / all
    Note: Use "except" to invert mask.

    - debugTargetInfo
    --> Usage: debugtargetinfo (0-1)
    Description: Toggles displaying target debugging information tooltips on/off.

    - showGUIDs
    --> Usage: showguids (0-1)
    Description: Toggles displaying GUID tooltips on/off.

    - DesktopGamma
    - Gamma

    - realmName
    --> Description: Displays the realm name.

    - realmAddress
    --> Description: Displays the realm address.

    - profanityFilter
    --> Usage: profanityfilter (0-1)
    Description: Toggles the builtin profanity filter on/off.

    - SoundOutputSystem
    - SoundDriver
    - SoundMixer
    - SoundBufferSize
    - SoundMinHardwareChannels
    - SoundMixRate
    - SoundSoftwareChannels
    - SoundInitFlags
    - SoundMemoryCache
    - Music
    - MasterVolume
    - MasterSoundEffects

    - EnableMusic
    --> Usage: enablemusic (0-1)
    Description: Toggles enabling music on/off.

    - EnableSound
    --> Usage: enablesound (0-1)
    Description: Toggles enabling sound on/off.

    - realmList
    --> Description: Shows a list of all current realms.

    - Joystick

    - mouseInvertYaw
    --> Usage: mouseinvertyaw (0-1)
    Description: Toggles mouse inversion on/off.

    - mouseInvertPitch
    --> Usage: mouseinvertpitch (0-100)
    Description: Sets mouse inversion pitch level.

    - camerasmooth
    - cameraSmoothingRate
    - cameraLinearSpeed
    - cameraAngularSpeed
    - cameraAngleA
    - cameraDistanceA
    - cameraAngleB
    - cameraDirection
    - cameraAngleC
    - cameraDistanceC
    - cameraAngleD
    - cameraDistanceD

    - EnableGroupSpeech
    --> Usage: enablesound (0-1)
    Description: Toggles enabling hearing group speech on/off.

    - EnableErrorSpeech
    --> Usage: enableerrorspeech (0-1)
    Description: Toggles enabling error sounds on/off.

    - AmbienceVolume

    - EnableAmbience
    --> Usage: enableambience (0-1)
    Description: Toggles enabling ambience sounds on/off.

    - MapWaterSounds
    --> Usage: mapwatersounds (0-1)
    Description: Toggles enabling water sounds on/off.

    - statusBarText
    --> Usage: statusbartext (0-1)
    Description: Toggles status bar text on/off.

    - assistAttack
    - minimapZoom
    - minimapInsideZoom

    - combatLogOn
    --> Usage: combatlogon (0-1)
    Description: Toggles combat logging on/off.

    - PlayerFadeMouseOver
    - PlayerFadeInRate
    - PlayerFadeOutRate
    - PlayerFadeOutAlpha
    - DamageFontHeight
    - DamageFontOutline
    - DamageFontFadeInTime
    - DamageFontTotalTime
    - DamageFontConeAngle

    - showsmartrects
    --> Usage: showsmartrects (0-1)
    Description: Toggles showing "smart" rectangles on/off.

    - UnitNameRenderMode
    - UnitNamePlayerName
    - UnitNamePlayerGuild
    - UnitNamePlayerTitle
    - UnitName
    - UnitNameUnitTitle
    - UnitNameUnitSummonedBy

    - weapontrails
    --> Usage: showsmartrects (0-1)
    Description: Toggles weapon trails on/off.

    - ObjectSelectionCircle
    --> Usage: showsmartrects (0-1)
    Description: Toggles the object selection circle or not. Turning it off will be confusing.

    - DebugTargetPath

    - FootstepSounds
    --> Usage: footstepsounds (0-1)
    Description: Toggles playing footstep sounds on/off.

    - CombatLogRange
    - CombatDeathLogRange
    - CombatLogPeriodicSpells

    - showfootprints
    --> Usage: showfootprints (0-1)
    Description: Toggles showing footprints on/off.

    - showfootprintparticles
    --> Usage: showfootprintparticles (0-1)
    Description: Toggles showing footprints particulates on/off.

    - ShowBreath
    --> Usage: showbreath (0-1)
    Description: Toggles showing characters breath on/off.

    - violenceLevel
    --> Usage: violencelevel (0-5)
    Description: Sets the violence level.

    - SkyCloudLOD
    --> Usage: skycloudlod (0-1)
    Description: Toggles sky texture effects/smoothing on/off.

    - logout
    --> Description: Logs you out of the current realm.

    - script
    --> Usage: script (
    Description: Executes the specifed wtf file on the client.

    WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]
  2. #2
    xlAnonym0uslx's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    wat is WoW Console?

  3. #3
    n4cht's Avatar Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    Check the exploits forum. It should be on the first page of exploits. It's like the console in most First Person Shooter games.

    Check out the Exploits forum for the previous post. :beerbang:

  4. #4
    Zacharisjosepi's Avatar Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    I got a question, is this server wide, or client side or private server
    Happiness is like peeing in your pants.....everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.

  5. #5
    KimBo's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    pretty pointless post, all of the interesting stuff in that list was patched after the ORIGINAL wow beta in 2003/2004, the rest is changeable from the options menu.

    no point copy pasting stuff which has a remotely similar name

    EDIT: they were patched after the even alpha, not beta.
    Last edited by KimBo; 01-14-2007 at 11:28 PM.

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    n4cht's Avatar Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    Originally Posted by Zacharisjosepi
    I got a question, is this server wide, or client side or private server
    The console commands are used client-side. A few of the commands are best used on private servers, because with some of the recent patches they've managed to nerf a lot of the console commands. (Being able to have -zero- spell interrupt on -any- spell is pretty nasty.)

    The neat thing about it is that you have a lot more control over your WoW client, as there's a lot of graphics settings and tweaks that aren't affected via the GUI. I'm pretty sure someone with enough time, and determination could find a way to use this list as a spring-board into some really nasty exploits. I, sadly, am not that person. I'm just sharing my finds with a community that can benefit from them, and use them to come up with something spectacular that other sites -don't- have.

    They call us fags, and loser, and 12 year olds.. well, if we all share our finds with each other without worrying about "ruining them", and put more brains on each bit of useful information we come across, we can make those little ass-stains eat their words.

    I will continue to post every bit of information I find that looks even remotely like it can be used in future exploits by the creative, bright, and talented minds here at MMOwned. Just don't forget the little guys like me when you're on top o' the exploit food chain.


    Originally Posted by KimBo
    pretty pointless post, all of the interesting stuff in that list was patched after the ORIGINAL wow beta in 2003/2004, the rest is changeable from the options menu.

    no point copy pasting stuff which has a remotely similar name

    EDIT: they were patched after the even alpha, not beta.
    Thank you. I wasn't aware of that wiki entry. That actually makes this list easier to cut down based on what works and what doesn't work.
    Last edited by n4cht; 01-14-2007 at 11:37 PM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

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    idusy-org's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    Most of these don't work (disabled?)
    Unproud member of Snitchstianity

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    Meowmix4078's Avatar Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    Originally Posted by idusy
    Most of these don't work (disabled?)
    Im just flat out getting "Unknown command"

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    Meduza's Avatar Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    Cant get it to work i got EU version

  10. #10
    [M]ess's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    is this banable?

  11. #11
    tyman2006's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    no it is not, every game has a console, every game has console limitations, its just the way it is...


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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    nuffin works for me!!!!!!

  13. #13
    BonutDot's Avatar Contributor
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    Just another resource for a history lesson, or something.

  14. #14
    ubermancer's Avatar Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    I found it quite useful ^_^ +rep

  15. #15
    Hwang Mi Hee's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: WoW Console Commands [X-Post from another site.]

    Dude omg Thx +rep this pwns

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