CRZ Exploit - Aeonaxx / TLPD / Others - Simplified. (Download included) menu

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    Bokutox's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser
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    CRZ Exploit - Aeonaxx / TLPD / Others - Simplified. (Download included)

    EDIT -6.0.2 ALL World Bosses PATCHED

    Read Please

    SKYPE === Bokutoxx

    ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

    CRZ has Been Fixed.

    Untill i can figure out a new method, to replace Nooodlecarts, we will have to wait.

    Sorry everyone. Im just as upset as you, however..

    Peerblock DOES work to Block zones ( TLPD requires Noodle Carts, which were Fixed - they dont bring you out of CRZ anymore )

    Mage Speed Hack still works ( Glyph of Teleportation + Peerblock = Block, then try to Port = Speed Boost.

    ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________

    Hey guys ! Thanks for looking at my Post, i hope it helped you out.

    EDIT:: For thoes who have asked me 100s of times how to block an IP, i have simplified it - Scroll to the bottom of the page!!

    Please! POST a Screenshot if I personally, just helped you get the Mount !! Post a Picture of that badboy

    Included inside of this post, you will find my Custom PEERBLOCK File - with the Custom .p2p Lists included!

    These 3 Files are ---- PEERBLOCK --- FIles, i will tell you EXACTLY how to do this.

    CRZ Exploiting -- Simplified.. Becuase I did it all for you lol!

    NOTE:: Before Trying Peerblock, Add this to your Windows Firewall, to prevent any problems not seeing the Aborted Message

    Windows Firewall --> ADD --> Peerblock.exe -->

    DOWNOAD - Custom Peerblock FOLDER -- HERE.

    Virus Scan VIRUS CHECK

    STEP 1
    Download my custom -- Peerblock.rar - File ( this will have Everything you need.)

    STEP 2

    Place the Peerblock Folder on your Desktop ( or where you like ) and Open it.
    (Put a shortcut on your desktop, or what ever you like)

    Click the Peerblock Program to start it up !

    STEP 3

    (On start up, it might update - let it.)
    You should now see something similar to this

    Click on " LIST MANAGER "

    CRZ Exploit - Aeonaxx / TLPD / Others - Simplified. (Download included)-mc6buzs-jpg

    NOTE --- If your LIST MANAGER -- does not contain any files ( 4 lines inside of it in the image -- Follow step 4.)

    STEP 4

    CRZ Exploit - Aeonaxx / TLPD / Others - Simplified. (Download included)-zls6i1i-jpg

    Simply Put.

    0: Click List Manager
    1: Click on " ADD"
    2: click on " ADD FILE"
    3: Click on " BROWSE"
    4: Go to your new Peerblock folder on your Deskstop, Click on "LISTS" then Click on "Bokus CUSTOM LISTS" and do this 3x for Each file.
    5: After you have put all 3 files into the program, Make sure they are ALL Checked (Check box on th left)
    6: Exit out, Now, you will see a LOADING bar - "Generating List Cache" if this happens, you have succeded !

    Now, your program is set to block blizz ips.


    Time Lost Proto Drake:

    My method is QUITE SIMPLE ---

    You will need:
    50+ Noodle Carts ( Cheap ones )
    Slowfall Potion ( or something to prevent u from falling damage)
    Any - AOE Attack ( EXAMPLE: Arcane Blast - Mages.)

    1: Port to Dalaran, Go towards TLPD Zone.
    2: BEFORE -- you enter the Storm Peaks, Righ after Leaving Dalarn, Click " ENABLE " on "Peerblock".
    3: If done right, you should see " Transfer Aborted: Instance not found" AS you enter Storm peaks.

    **NOTE** When in Storm peaks, ans Peerblock Enabled, you will NOT see any mobs. Period, This is your visual confirmation that u did this correctly, if u do see mobs, leave storm peeaks, Click enable and then re enter untill u hav succeded.

    4: The best way to do this... is Fly to a Spawn Point, or anywhre that TLPD Flys around. Set up a Noodle Cart, and wait. --- You should have NPC SCAN.
    5: If infact, you DO seee TLPD, or his stupid comrade Vyrgossa, Heres thee best way to kill him.

    Getting the kill:

    6: Spot him. See which way he is flying. You can Attempt to fly to where he is Exactly in the air, and do AOE spells to hit him, if donee right 1 spell will kill him, and just set up a Noodle Cart where you killed him Mid Air, and exit the Noodle cart and loot the body ASAP. ( MAY Take a few Noodle carts to loot.)

    Meethod 2:

    7: You see TLPD/ Vyrgossa, You need to Determin where he is going, Fly ahead of him. Set up a Noodlecart Anywhere that is On a cliff Edge, or Anywhere that is *Within Range of a Spell * -- Set up a Noodle cart, wait for him to get in Range... Exit noodle cart, and Spam cast that spell. If you Fail, Redo this, Fly ahead , set up, wait, Exit, Nuke.

    **NOTE** You will usee a LOT of Noodlecarts trying to catch up with TLPD, i suggest having a MIN of 50 in you rbags.


    Camel Figurine :

    Requirements :

    100+ Noodlecarts ( You WILL use a LOT... of them )
    NPC Scan ( WoW Ingame Addon )
    NPC Scan Addon (Curse)
    NPC Scan OVERLAY (Addon for NPC Scan - Must have )
    Peerblock File + Correct IP blocks ( See Bottom of Post )

    1) Fly to Uldum, once there - Start heading to a Sister zone -- Tanaris / or / Un' Goro Crater

    2) Once in Tanaris / or / Un' Goro Cratre - Enable Peerblock

    3) Start flying BACK to Uldum - Once in ULDUM - you should see " Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found " Message

    4) If you DO NOT... see Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Fount - Please go to the Bottom of the this page ( A Guide to Blizzard IP Blocking by ME )

    5) If successfull on the " Transfer Aborted: Instanc Not Found " - Then start heading to One of the DOZEN Camel Figureing Locations.

    /way uldum 29.8 20.7
    /way uldum 29.8 25.1
    /way uldum 34.3 19.4
    /way uldum 34.5 21.5
    /way uldum 45.2 15.9
    /way uldum 52.1 28.0
    /way uldum 50.6 31.5
    /way uldum 46.2 44.8
    /way uldum 40.2 43.5
    /way uldum 40.7 49.7
    /way uldum 38.2 60.5
    /way uldum 33.1 59.9
    /way uldum 33.4 62.9
    /way uldum 30.6 60.7
    /way uldum 30.3 62.5
    /way uldum 31.1 66.2
    /way uldum 52.0 51.1
    /way uldum 51.2 50.7
    /way uldum 50.3 72.1
    /way uldum 72.0 44.1
    /way uldum 73.3 73.4
    /way uldum 25.7 65.7
    /way uldum 31.6 69.3
    /way uldum 30.3 62.5
    /way uldum 28.5 63.5
    /way uldum 33.4 28.2
    /way uldum 50.4 73.5
    /way uldum 49.0 75.8
    /way uldum 69.9 57.9
    /way uldum 51.9 49.3
    /way uldum 52.0 51.1
    /way uldum 51.1 50.6
    /way uldum 51.0 79.8
    /way uldum 25.5 51.0
    /way uldum 33.7 25.5
    /way uldum 40.2 38.6
    /way uldum 33.1 71.9
    /way uldum 32.7 47.9
    /way uldum 22.2 64.0
    /way uldum 47.1 76.6
    /way uldum 47.1 78.6
    /way uldum 24.6 60.1
    /way uldum 38.2 60.5
    /way uldum 64.8 30.3
    /way uldum 38.3 55.0

    *** These are WAY POINTS - Usable with " Tom Tom " Addon and " carbonite " Addon - Used to show you exactly where camel figureeins are!

    6) Once you GET to a Location, Set up a Noodlecart - Your NPC Scan addon will either Go off or it will NOT ( Make sure Camel Firugreing ID is in NPC Scan)

    7) If it Gos off, Jump out of Noodlecart and CLICK it asap! ( Might take a few noodle carts to get a succssful click )

    Once ported, you can now do the trick to get a friend the Mount / Sell it !! - look here on Ownedcore, for the exact post telling you how

    NOT SURE if this STILL works.... Camel Figurine - selling it possibly ! Post

    9) there you go! You could try and use OQUEUE - to get on a different server to try this, i have not tested that.



    1. Configure Peerblock to Block Deepholm IP - SImply Be in Deepholm and run the ____ netstat -n | find ":3724" _____
    2. Once you add your Deepholm IP + any other ESTABLISHD IP's you see, Fly to the Alliance GUN SHIP with your Mount.
    3. Land on the boat with your mount. Unmount if you want to be sure you are walking on it.
    4. Log out of the Game. or use the ALT + F4 Feeature
    ----- OR-----
    Que for a Random Battleground, Once inside, ALT+F4 out. Wait 5 minutes EXACTLY ( can wait 5+ mins) and Log in. When loging in, your Loading Bar will reach 90%. At 90% click ENABLE -- on Peerblock.

    Do NOT, click Enable at 70%, or 100%, or 30% ... Exactly at 90%. click Enable.. If Done right, you will LOG IN, and see Transfeer Aborted message.

    If dont Incorrectly, you will most likely be put back at the Character Selection screen, and when u log in, ur at your Hearthstone location = Fail.. wait for BG Deserter Debuff, and try again. ( takes Practice)

    5. After loging out and waiting 20 Seconds, Enable Peerblock.
    6. Log in with your character.
    7. Fly out of the Ships area, so your not flying around with it anymore
    8. If you get the message Transfer Aborted: instance not found, that means you are in the blocked CRZ


    Contrats! You have now mastered Deepholm CRZ

    A Guide to Blizzard IP Blocking ( Made easy by Bokutox )

    EDIT ::

    IF you are having ISSUES, with this method, it is due to Your Current IP, not matching the BLOCKED IP's inside of this File. Follow the steps below, to fix the issue.

    1) type CMD in the windows , to bring up the Command Prompt.

    2) Fly to Deepholm / The Storm Peaks

    2) Type ----- netstat -n | find ":3724" ------ In the Command Prompt.

    3) You will see 1-5 differnt IPS on the FAR RIGHT



    4) Open Peerblock, click " LIST MANAGER " , The files which you Put inside the program Earlier, Right Click them and select " VIEW "

    5) So, You will see a bunch of different IP RANGES Being blocked, FIRST -- Check what you have for the CMD / Netstat you just did, and see if the Ranges are being Blocked.

    SO --- WHAT NOW? - Let me make this about as Simple as you would a 2 year old/

    EXAMPLE IPS ::::
    Lets say , after the Netstat command, you ended up with..... -- AND -- -- AND --

    ( All IPS with - Are currently BLOCKED with this download, as stated above, if u got something OTHER then , then you must ADD your IPS to the program for it to work.

    Inside of Peerblock, You would add and BLOCK, your IPS you found with the Netstat command Like so.

    *** To make this EASIER to read.... If you saw ** ** As an IP in your CMD prompt, then you would simply REPLACE the *** 195.12 *** portion with *** 12.124 *** -- Got it?

    So, what ever you see * if its NOT 195.12 * Simply Replace the 195.12 bit BELOW, with the First 2 "" that you see in your Command Prompt! ____

    I Hope this guide Helped you!! I Tried my best to simplify this, more so then any other post on Ownedcore. Any questions ask me, I am here to HELP YOU

    Aeonaxx Kills - Hall of Fame ! (post a pic to be on it!)

    Originally Posted by markons View Post
    Managed to get Aeonixx yesterday.

    Also one IMPORTANT thing if you are going to attack him as druid. NEVER, NEVER engage him in flight form, 3 days ago i did that and couldnt do anything, couldnt attack, switch form, nothing, so i dismounted and despawned for good
    Originally Posted by Binzs View Post
    With a little help from bokutox i found aeonaxx on my 1st attempt. Over the moon is an understatement
    Attachment 18083
    +2 rep
    Originally Posted by CosmicHax View Post
    Managed to get my TLPD kill thanks to this guide!! got it on my last few noodle carts too >.<
    Attachment 18123

    Originally Posted by sovoki View Post
    i got the mount thanks it worked from first time .... trying atm for the TLPD

    Originally Posted by CosmicHax View Post
    Managed to get my TLPD kill thanks to this guide!! got it on my last few noodle carts too >.<
    Attachment 18123

    Originally Posted by Harlemhero View Post
    Just got Aeonaxx! (Finally!) Special thanks to Bokutox for helping me get it. Now the hunt for TLPD...
    Originally Posted by Savagee View Post
    just got tlpd great method thanks alot
    Originally Posted by dbuzz47 View Post
    was able to kill TLPD with this method but he died and fell and got stuck on the side of a cliff so i couldnt loot
    Originally Posted by Aurina View Post
    Got Aeonaxx on my first try! Thank you so much! <3

    Originally Posted by zmckinnon7 View Post
    nvm got aeonaxx thank you for the awesome thread <3
    Originally Posted by Dalton_C View Post
    I got in to deepholm with the "instance aborted" and flew around for 30 mins or so with no luck. Decide to hop over on another realm and get in and sure enough I found Aeonaxx in less then 3 mins...loot mount and then sadly realize that I don't have artisan riding on that char....and it's an old realm so I only have about 1k gold throughout the chars on it.....such a fail.

    But method worked!!! +rep
    [QUOTE=mtfx;3082718]I was amazingly lucky....I followed the guide, went to broodmothers nest, and my first noodle cart made my npc scan go off. I found his path and sat on a mountain top....only used 5 carts....

    Attachment 18365
    Last edited by Bokutox; 11-23-2014 at 04:26 AM. Reason: mistake

    CRZ Exploit - Aeonaxx / TLPD / Others - Simplified. (Download included)
  2. #2
    rdruid69's Avatar Contributor
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    Hi bokutox can you tell me if this works when my realm is the "host" of all the CRZ? Or I need to do it in another realm? TY

  3. #3
    Bokutox's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Ive donee quite a bit of playing around with this...

    So look at it like this.

    I do believe, this only works with YOUR server ( not a friends, who invites you )

    As i have killed a mob on my server, got invited, peerblocked, and then noodlecarted where the mob i killed was, and it was thre.. so in theeory it put me back on my Host server.

    However, people do tell mee that Sometimes it does work... haivng sum1 invite you from diff realm, and using cart. ( i rather, just make level 1 char on a server which allowes server x-fer ( i have a list ) and inviting myself, and flying round on a dead server, WITHOUT peerblock / CRZ exploit.

    So, This works when your reealm IS in fact the host, and not anothers realm.

    Hope that helped!

  4. #4
    driftz's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by bokutox View Post
    Ive donee quite a bit of playing around with this...

    So look at it like this.

    I do believe, this only works with YOUR server ( not a friends, who invites you )

    As i have killed a mob on my server, got invited, peerblocked, and then noodlecarted where the mob i killed was, and it was thre.. so in theeory it put me back on my Host server.

    However, people do tell mee that Sometimes it does work... haivng sum1 invite you from diff realm, and using cart. ( i rather, just make level 1 char on a server which allowes server x-fer ( i have a list ) and inviting myself, and flying round on a dead server, WITHOUT peerblock / CRZ exploit.

    So, This works when your reealm IS in fact the host, and not anothers realm.

    Hope that helped!
    having a level 1 does not transfer you to their server. IT seems to me atleast that you have to have a level 90 invite you. If I am doing it wrong somehow, I would love to know how because leveling to 90 on a random server is very annoying.

  5. #5
    Bokutox's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by driftz View Post
    having a level 1 does not transfer you to their server. IT seems to me atleast that you have to have a level 90 invite you. If I am doing it wrong somehow, I would love to know how because leveling to 90 on a random server is very annoying.
    Well good sir, not to be a dick but your incorrect =)

    If you do some testing... theres about 32 servers which allow a level 1 to x-fer you.

    The x-fer wont work 8hours ish after weekly maintanance tho. But, after 8hrs or so..

    Do me a favor... make a level 1 on say....... Bloodscalp for instance, Human starting area, and then invite yourself =) you will see.

    For a list of all servers well that took a lot of patience. theres a trick involved but still, I can farm anything i want on any low end server that allows this.

  6. #6
    Zemsta's Avatar Contributor
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    Any method exists for Poseidus for now?

  7. #7
    Nicotroll's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    This is whack and does not teach people how the method works.
    I had a lot of problems figuring everything out at first but finally did, and it's not by sending pre-made files people will get it too.
    It's utterly simple. You need to figure out what your server IP is and what your Storm Peaks IP is, then simple zone out to one of the surrounding zones and block SP's IP so that when you zone back in you keep the other zone's IP instead of being switch back to SP's IP. This is how the core of this method works. It absolutely works when you are being invited to opther people's realm. The only thing you will need to do is change the WG's IP in PeerBlock to the new realm's SP's IP. I have been doing it for 2 days now and killed about 25 vyragosa using this very method.
    You can go as far as going to DragonBlight, then blocking CrystalSong's IP and Storm Peak's IP and flying from dragonblight to SP. (Considering DragonBlight's CRZ Zone is different than the other surrounding ares of Strom Peaks) Using this method, you can have up to 5-6 shots at killing tlpd PER SERVER.
    If enough people wants it I could write a real guide about how this is done but I think if you take the time to figure it out it's pretty simple.
    Thank you nonetheless to OP for providing files however this method will most likely not work as properly as if someone actually knows what to do and does it by himself.

  8. #8
    lollaus's Avatar Member
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    Trying to get Aeonaxx.. after logging back in (after leaving BG and waiting 5 mins) and enabling Peerblock at 90% I end up back in Deepholm but don't get the Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found message and thus can't find Aeonaxx.. what do you think might be causing this?

  9. #9
    Saphirrot's Avatar Sergeant
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    Trying to get Aeonaxx.. after logging back in (after leaving BG and waiting 5 mins) and enabling Peerblock at 90% I end up back in Deepholm but don't get the Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found message and thus can't find Aeonaxx.. what do you think might be causing this?

  10. #10
    markons's Avatar Contributor
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    How safe is to use this? Can Blizz detect it and ban you?

  11. #11
    Slashcry86's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by markons View Post
    How safe is to use this? Can Blizz detect it and ban you?
    Dont think so not blizzard business if u block some ip its ur own pc and they already hide the mobs if u block their ip but noodles show them and i think they will fix this soon

  12. #12
    auxiliry's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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  13. #13
    Bokutox's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by lollaus View Post
    Trying to get Aeonaxx.. after logging back in (after leaving BG and waiting 5 mins) and enabling Peerblock at 90% I end up back in Deepholm but don't get the Transfer Aborted: Instance Not Found message and thus can't find Aeonaxx.. what do you think might be causing this?
    Hmm... Well, You should fly over the other Rare spanws in the Map. THeres a good chance they will all be up. chances ALL are up on normal server is RARE.If theya re all up when you do this, then you prob did it right..

    The fact that you did not see a Instance Aborted kinda makes this seem weird aswell.. Might be possible the IP you were on didnt work. In which case you should PM me and ill instruct you on How to determine the exact IP.
    Last edited by Bokutox; 04-23-2014 at 08:45 PM.

  14. #14
    Bokutox's Avatar Banned CoreCoins Purchaser
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    It is Different.... Because i have included a Peerblock with all the required IPS. Where you dont need to try and figure out what the eff your doing. Simplu put, you just download, go and do it. where as u have to figure out the netstat and blizz ip.

  15. #15
    Remmey's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by bokutox View Post
    It is Different.... Because i have included a Peerblock with all the required IPS. Where you dont need to try and figure out what the eff your doing. Simplu put, you just download, go and do it. where as u have to figure out the netstat and blizz ip.
    Pretty much this, its way easier than trying to fiddle with netstat and figuring out what IPs are what. With this its much easier, not that the other methods arent good this just seems way way easier.

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