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  1. #1
    Matt's Avatar Legendary Authenticator enabled
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    Dire Maul Chest Farming

    This video was created by 19slayer78. It shows off a technique that 19slayer78 uses to farm a chest in DM. It is done with a rogue but should be able to be done with other classes. Test it out with other classes and come up with a strategy that works for you.

    This is a legitimate way of farming the chest. If you are not afraid to use hacks you can use Syndrome and create two points to teleport between. The first point would be the chest and the second point would be the area where 19slayer78 stunned the two mobs. Let the mobs hit you at that spot then use Syndrome to teleport to the chest. You should be able to open and loot the chests before the mobs get to you.


    Dire Maul Chest Farming
  2. #2
    janzi9's Avatar Contributor
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    Syndrome Has Been Abandoned.
    You Cannot Open Chests While In Combat As Of 1.9


  3. #3
    Kalen24's Avatar
    This still should work as a hunter though. I've done it a few times letting my pet attack the trees, then as it is getting beat on I loot the chest. The only problem I see now is to make your pet attack once, then follow you so its not in combat (set to passive). Then loot chest, let the pet die, and run to a spot and feign.

    Looks like I need to try it tonight.

  4. #4
    Kronos11's Avatar Member
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    I'm wonderin if this could still work... I know you can't loot chests in combat anymore, but could you possibly do the same thing as in the video and right before you start to open the chest, vanish taking you out of combat then loot? Or do they install pop back up?

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