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    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    Overhaul Dev Blog #5

    Boss Defense

    Bosses will be changing after the overhaul. Since the overhaul provides a more slower style of combat the tactics of a boss will be changed around this. Before bosses did extremely high damage and had extremely high defense to counter-act the amount of damage players did and how fast they did it. After the overhaul bosses will change in various ways. These ways are explained below in detail.

    • Armor - will be generalized for tier brackets. This means that armor will always be a certain amount in tier 1 level of content while being slightly increased with each higher tier.
    • Affinity - Bosses of a certain element will have a affinity towards that element. For example, a fire elemental boss will have a very high resistance to Fire type damage(Players spells and procs). So using attacks of the same type against this boss will lower the overall damage done by that player. It can be bypassed some what with spell penetration however spell penetration will be a Enchant and Gem only stat.
    • Simpler Tactics - The fights themselves will be slower paces compared to the extreme speeds currently on Unlimited. This doesn't mean it will be easier. This just means it gives players more time to react to something and less RNG of randomly being one-shotted or chain shotted with high damaging abilities.
    • React or Die - Most bosses will have special abilities that require party members to react to them. Failure to do so will slow the encounter down or in a worse case cause you to wipe. Some examples include decursing, cleansing, moving, stop actions, feedback damage debuffs, and so on. Our goal is to make the fights straight forward and making it so players have to react or meet a certain requirement and failure to do so will punish you in some form. You do good, the fight goes smoothly. You tunnel herp derp, you and your group pay the price.

    Due to the amount of time the Overhaul is taking we'll most likely release "basic" scripts and come back later and improve them the encounters with more tactics. Some times creating boss fights can take a really long time and we just don't have the time within the Overhaul Project to spend weeks on one boss or raid. Thankfully the scripting method we're using allows us to change/remove/add things without updates to the server or restarts.

    Slower Combat

    • Haste Lowered - Haste is being lowered for all classes. It will not be a main stat on all armor pieces for some classes anymore. You have the option to prioritize haste if you so choose but you will not have insane amounts of it to the point were it actually lowers your damage output. Gems, Enchants, and Procs will be your main source for haste.
    • Spell/Armor Penetration - Will no longer be on any gear. You will still be able to use gems for it though. This removal is mainly done for PvE. Bosses will no longer have insane amounts of resist/armor to nerf player damage so we no longer need spell pen. Though having it on PvP gear and a couple gems in PvE is still viable. We'll have some restrictions on this though(Spell Pen). Once we decide what those are we will inform you.
    • Crit Rating - Players will no longer instantly have crit cap. Like haste, this stat will have high restrictions on how much is given to players on their gear. These restrictions do not apply to gems, enchants or procs though.

    These stats have lowered the pace of combat in pvp and pve after the Overhaul. We've moved away from these stats being considered a MUST HAVE and focuses on Attack Power and Spell Power being the source of Damage increases. These stats will still be useful but they're only bonuses and modifiers. We're doing this for balance reason as I am sure you all understand after playing Unlimited. While you wont get crazy amounts of these stats anymore you will still be able to do high damage and have decently high health pools. We also wanted to be able to make Gems and Enchants relevant again. As well as making useful procs and not stupidly broken ones.


    • Past Season Event Rewards - Season event rewards will no longer be considered rare. These items will have their stats generalized and set to somewhere between t5 and t6(New Tiers, not the current ones). This will make them the 2nd bis items on the launch of the overhaul, only behind T6 and Donors. This does not include Tabards and Shirt from past yearly events. These items will have generalized stats for balance sake but they will always be unique.
    • New Event Rewards - With the Overhaul nerf to boss stats and gear stats it opens up the ability for us to make actual new content. Events being one of them. It allows us to add multiple brackets of event items that fit perfectly into our scaling system. These event rewards will be sold in a vendor with a special currency for events only. This currency will be earned in hosted events & seasonal events with the latter offering you a daily chance to earn the currency while they're active.
    • New Variety of Events - With the ability to make new content without further screwing up balance we can create new pve events. These events can come in many different forms. For example; Invasion events. A group of npcs invade the mall(or any special zone we choose) for a week. Durning this invasion you can team up and do daily and weekly quest. Even defeat a event world boss. You will earn the new event currency you can then spend in the new event vendor on event special items. This vendor will always be spawned. Every event we host will offer this currency for you to spend in the vendor. These events can be Invasion Events, Bonus Loot Events, GM Hosted Events, Season Events, and much more. We will have the possibility to make all kinds of events and reward you guys for doing them with something you can save up and buy whenever you're able too.

    Hereos WoW 3.3.5 +8 Custom Races  Fun Private Server!!
  2. #77
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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  3. #78
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    Overhaul Dev Blog #6

    Overhaul Alpha Testing


    First off I would like to apologize for the delay in new blog post. Since I am the one spear-heading the overhaul project it is my responsibility to keep you guys informed on it's progress. Last month was not a very good month for me personally, got sick and had 2 weeks of internet issues. But I am back now and have a lot of work to catch up on!

    Progress So Far

    We've got the tier, donor, event, and voter items made and scale(most part). We're working on custom procs for Donor, Event, Voter, and Rare items currently, another time consuming task. We're working on deprecating old unused items(So many!). The items part of the project is almost finished though! Once we've finished that we'll move straight into updating current the PvE content; Instances, Boss Loot Tables, Quest, and Vendors. Afterwards we'll be working on the two new instances we'll be introducing in the overhaul. Then we will work on the PvP gear. Once that is done the base for the Overhaul Project will be done and ready for us to fully update it and begin working on new content. Everything we're doing now in the Overhaul Project is set up so that we can make new content, think of it as a fresh starting experience.

    Player Testing Phase

    With the bases of stats on items done and all brackets being scaled we're ready to start testing the changes. While we can do these test internally amongst ourselves, we cannot do it quickly or effectively due to the time zones between staff. You can't properly test a boss encounter with just 2 or 3 people. To get proper results you need 5 to 10 people, depending on what the boss is designed for. While I was sick I asked the staff to do some testing and in those 3 weeks they weren't able to do anything beyond individual or duo testing. Just not good enough data for us! So within the next few days or week we'll be making a post asking players to help us test our recent changes. You will be required to fill out an application before we allow you to test. More info on what that details when the post is made.

    I cannot repeat or stress this enough; This will be an adjustment for everyone, players and staff a like! We're changing the way our server is represented! Unlimited is considered a very high stat and fast paced server. While you may enjoy this type of gameplay and how it creates niche classes(that are just broken because of it), it also limits us on what we can and cannot do. For example, due to the amount of health of players, Bosses are all HP capped. Not too much of an issue really there. Due to the damage and how fast players do it, bosses need extremely high armor(I'm talking millions of armor, not even joking), high spell resist, and high damage to do one-shot abilities to players. This is not balanced. Balance on a 255 Funserver is a meme in itself. It creates a meta where you need to be a certain class or have a certain amount of gear(donor) to even be accepted into grouping. It is unfair and that is what this Overhaul Project is all about. Fixing that mindset and all the other issues overlooked and ignored by previous Devs(Myself included). It's a restart button for us. So while things may slow down gameplay wise for you after the Overhaul, it'll steadily pick up and get faster with every new Tier or Season we release gear. Hopefully we won't have to do another stat crunch for a very long time!

    I know it's taking us awhile to do this project but please bare with us. We want to do things properly. We want to set up unlimited so that any future updates we'll do will be easier for us to execute, even if it is another massive project like this one. Our goal is not to finish the Overhaul Project per say, our end goal is to make the server itself more stable, less confusing, and friendly for any player. So I thank you guys for your patience with us, I know its frustrating at times, and look forward to up coming testing phase with you.

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    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    Overhaul Dev Blog #7

    Overhaul Project

    Alpha 0.1

    Not really much we can showcase or post to let you guys know whats been going on other than saying "We've done this and we've done that.". But we'll try keep weekly reports coming on the testing progress we make, even if it is limited. We can however show you the changelogs of all the things we've been doing as we've tested.

    Bare in mind these logs are centered around JUST the test realm and do not effect Unlimited in any way.

    May 14, 2020
    [4:32 PM] Fenuks:
    Fixed Beginner's Compendium sheath as off-hand.

    May 15, 2020
    [9:00 AM] Hawjiki:
    Created Teleporter
    Created Starter, Glyph, Hunter Pet, Trainer & Misc Vendors
    Spawned Dummies to Test Mall
    [9:37 AM] Hawjiki:
    Fixed an issue with starter trinkets not being unique.
    [10:23 AM] Hawjiki:
    Fixed Starter Agility Gear not having Ranged Haste.
    [10:33 AM] Hawjiki:
    Priest: Fixed Improved Spirit Tap Talent giving 100% spirit instead of 10%.
    [10:43 AM] Hawjiki:
    Warrior: Improved Berserker Stance reverted back normal blizzlike %.
    [10:52 AM] Hawjiki:
    Two-Handed Weapons: Doubled and round up the amount of Spellpower and Attack Power they have. Note: Prolly need to do this for future tiers.
    [11:41 AM] Hawjiki:
    Fixed the weird stat values on Starter Gear. Cache Clear before you log in.
    [11:55 AM] Hawjiki:
    Fixed Starter Weapon damage.
    [1:16 PM] Hawjiki:
    Druid: Rip's damage lowered.
    Druid: Mangle(Cat)'s damage reduced to 100% from 200%
    Druid: Shred's damaged reduced to 125% from 225%.
    Druid: Swipe(Cat)'s damaged reduced to 150% from 250%.
    Items: Removered Crit and Haste from Armor pieces.
    Reduced crit rating for Agility.
    More Starter Gear Fixes.
    [1:38 PM] Hawjiki:
    Shaman: Lesser Healing Wave has been buffed.
    Shaman: Healing Wave has been buffed.

    May 16, 2020
    [7:25 AM] Hawjiki:
    Hunter: Wild Quiver Auto Shot now does 10% instead of 80% weapon damage, until it can be properly fixed.(Also disabled the 10% nerf it had on it from Unlimited..)
    Mage: Frostfire Bolt's direct damage has been properly scaled.
    Shaman: Riptide direct healing and heal over time increased.
    Paladin: Holy Light's direct healing has been increased.
    Paladin: Removed the 25% nerf on Divine Storm from Unlimited.
    Paladin: Crusader Strike damage has been lowered.
    [10:49 AM] Hawjiki:
    Druid - Mangle(Bear) damage lowered.
    Druid - Maul damage lowered.
    Druid - Moonfire direct damage increased slightly.
    Druid - Wrath damage increased slightly.
    Druid - Starfire damage increased.
    Druid - Insect Swarm damage increased slightly.
    [12:14 PM] Hawjiki:
    Rogue - Rupture damage lowered.
    Rogue - Eviscerate damage lowered.
    Rogue - Backstab damage lowered.
    Rogue - Instant Poison damage slightly lowered.
    [12:30 PM] Hawjiki:
    First round of balancing for Tier 1; Ragefire Chasm done. Slight issue with 2nd Boos, may be unkillable or take awhile to kill.
    [1:15 PM] Hawjiki:
    Rogue - Garrote damage lowered.
    Rogue - Envenom damage lowered.
    Rogue - Ghostly Strike damage lowered.

    May 17, 2020
    [8:14 AM] Hawjiki:
    Hunter - Aimed Shot damage lowered.
    Hunter - Multishot damage increased.
    Hunter - Volley damage increased.
    [8:27 AM] Hawjiki:
    Warlock - Conflagrate removed the 60% reduced damage from Unlimited.
    [9:15 AM] Hawjiki:
    Warrior - Shockwave reduced the Attack Power scaling.
    Warrior - Mortal Strike reduced damage.
    Warrior - Heroic Strike reduced by 15%.(Testing in T1 required)
    Warrior - Concussion Blow reduced the Attack Power scaling.
    Warrior - Bloodthirst reduced damage.
    Warrior - Overpower reduced damage.
    Warrior - Rend reduced damage.
    Warrior - Shield reduced damage.
    Warrior - Devastate reduced damage.

    May 18, 2020
    [9:25 AM] Hawjiki:
    Warlock - Rain of Fire damage increased.
    Warlock - Shadow Bolt damage increased.
    Warlock - Hellfire overall damage increased. Corrected the damage not matching the self damage taken.
    Warlock - Soul Fire damage increased slightly.
    Warlock - Corruption damage increased.
    Warlock - Unstable Affliction(Dispell) damage decreased.
    [10:06 AM] Hawjiki:
    Death Knight - Obliterate damage decreased.
    Death Knight - Blood Plague damage decreased.
    Death Knight - Frost Fever damage decreased.
    Death Knight - Heart Strike damage decreased.
    Death Knight - Scourge Strike damage decreased.
    Death Knight - Bloodworm heal reduced.
    [10:10 AM] Hawjiki:
    Starter Ring(Tank) - Added defense rating.
    Beginner's Staff/Buckler - Corrected buckler having staff's intended Spell Power.
    Beginner's Buckler - Added hit rating.
    [10:30 AM] Hawjiki:
    Warrior - Whirlwind does 65% weapon damage instead of 100%.
    Warrior - Whirlwind(Off-Hand) does 85% weapon damage instead of 100%.
    Warrior - Cleave does 85% weapon damage instead of 100%.
    Warrior - Heroic Strike does 85% weapon damage instead of 100%.

    May 19, 2020
    [8:49 AM] Hawjiki:
    Death Knight - Runeweapon Blood Boil has been fixed.
    Death Knight - Runeweapon Icy Touch has been fixed.
    [10:54 AM] Fenuks:
    Priest - Fixed duration of Vampiric Touch
    Priest - Fixed duration of Devouring Plague
    Priest - Fixed tick time on Mind Flay
    Priest - Vamparic Touch damage increased.
    Priest - Shadow Word: Pain damage increased.
    Priest - Mind Blast damage increased.
    [12:00 PM] Hawjiki:
    Reduced Weapon damage by 50% on starter weapons. Requires further testing of melee classes.
    [1:16 PM] Hawjiki:
    Shaman - Flame Shock's dot damage lowered.
    Druid - Swipe(Cat) damage lowered.
    Priest - Mind Sear damage lowered.
    [4:22 PM] Hawjiki:
    Updated Tier 1 Descriptions and filtered the depreciated items out.
    Reduced Tier 1 Weapon damage by 50%.

    May 21, 2020
    [10:54 AM] Hawjiki:
    Paladin - Crusader Strike damage lowered.
    Paladin - Seal of Righteousness damage lowered.
    Paladin - Seal of Command damage increased.
    Paladin - Shield of Righteousness damage lowered slightly.
    Paladin - Avenger Shield damaged lowered.
    [12:02 PM] Hawjiki:
    Paladin - Flash of Light increased healing slightly.
    Paladin - Holy Light increased healing.
    [12:34 PM] Hawjiki:
    Warrior - Anticipation fixed the broken % gain per rank.
    Death Knight - Anticipation fixed the broken % gain per rank.
    Death Knight - Death Strike(Heal) lowered the amount it heals by 80%.
    Warlock - Incinerate increased damage.
    Death Knight - Runeweapon Death Coil damage lowered.
    Druid - Glyph of Rapid Rejuvenation reenabled.
    [1:36 PM] Hawjiki:
    Mage - Arcane Blast(Debuff) reverted % back to blizzlike standards.
    Warlock - Seed of Corruption(Proc) increased damage.

    May 22, 2020
    [11:00 AM] Hawjiki:
    Paladin - Holy Shield reverted back to blizzlike values.
    Paladin - Spiritual Attunement should be giving mana back when healed. DIRECT heals only.
    [11:54 AM] Hawjiki:
    Paladin - Illumination now returns 75% mana back instead of 30%. Requires further testing.
    [1:32 PM] Hawjiki:
    Paladin - Shield of Righteousness damaged decreased.
    Paladin - Crusader Strike decreased slightly.
    Rogue - Hemorrhage damage decreased.
    Rogue - Deadly Poison damage decreased.
    Rogue - Instant Poison damaged decreased slightly.
    Rogue - Rupture damage decreased.
    [1:55 PM] Hawjiki:
    Warlock - Soul Fire damage increased.
    Warlock - Health Funnel heals more to pets. Health drain from player still broken.
    Warlock - Corruption damage lowered.
    Warlock - Searing Pain damage increased.

    May 23, 2020
    [1:06 PM] Hawjiki:
    Shaman - Searing Totem spellpower and attackpower scaling lowered.
    Shaman - Lava Burst(Spell Power) damage increased.(Experimental)

    May 24, 2020
    [12:37 PM] Hawjiki:
    Shaman(Greater Fire Elemental) - Fire Blast damage decreased.
    Shaman(Greater Fire Elemental) - Fire Shield damage decreased.
    Shaman(Greater Fire Elemental) - Fire Nova removed 1000% bonus from Unlimited.
    [1:25 PM] Hawjiki:
    Rogue - Hemorrhage damage decreased. AGAIN
    Druid - Moonfire(Direct) damage increased.
    Druid - Starfall damage increased.
    [2:24 PM] Hawjiki:
    Hunter - Steady Shot damage decreased.
    Death Knight - Obliterate damage decreased.
    Warlock - Drain Soul damage decreased. Needs testing in execute phase.

    May 25, 2020
    [3:46 AM] Hawjiki:
    Released Tier 1 Gear Vendor. Might still be some issues with stats, report them!
    Cleaned up the Gem and Enchant Scroll vendors.
    [3:56 PM] Pilgrim:
    Corrected the stats on T1 weapons

    So yeah that's all the changes we did while in Alpha 0.1 of testing. This testing was centered around testing the Starter gear, Tier 1 Dungeon, and player abilities. Our goal was to find out very base foundation for everything. We corrected most of weirdly done scaling from Unlimited and adjusted it to the new stats and expected output. I'm pretty happy with the results. Took a bit longer than I hoped to balance everything for Starting experience but we got most stuff flushed out.

    We're now moving onto Tier 1 gear and Tier 2 instance testing. Special thanks to the following tester; Dorah, Flashangel, Kahz, JBroman, Evolved, AbloxGames, pHildy, Lidens, Blazedd, & Haakon who have been testing and reporting issues.

    To all those who still have a app open or for new people who want to join in testing, we're still accepting new testers and we will answer your apps asap. We've slowed down on the amount of people we accept each day for management reasons but we're still accepting!

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    New Tier 5, 6 & 7

    While we are using existing instances for T1, T2, T3 and T4 we're getting 3 new instances! Remember these will not bring any new gear. These are merely replacement instances for our current top 3 raids we are replacing for numerous reasons. Our current plan with the 3 new instances are as following:
    T5 = Halls of Lightning
    T6 = Gnomeregan
    T7 = Blackrock Spire

    Now, Gnomeregan and Blackrock Spire locations are not set in stone but we have some ideas in mind so that's the plan right now! We may even get to see a bunch of robots inside Gnomeregan....yeah, it's a Hawjiki thing. All these amazing LIVING creatures and he wants to play with toys, go figure.

    Did I miss Halls of Lightning? Matter of fact, Halls of Lightning is set in stone as the new T5 and is already made. Just requiring a bit of balancing and double checking. We'll show off the instance and the bosses down below. We won't be going into any extra details about each fight because we want players to do the fights and discover the different aspects of the fight and learn by playing. Crazy right?! Who wants to learn by their mistakes and not down a boss the first time they pull it because they read a detailed guide? We do and we want to keep that aspect of the game.
    End of rant, let's get to the showing!

    Boss 1

    Boss 2

    Boss 3

    Boss 4

    That is the main update we wanted to give you guys this dev blog. There is not a ton of information to give you guys other than that we are getting closer and closer to finishing the Overhaul. Right now we have come to the instance stage of it and a lot of the item work and class balancing is done. Still more to do, but compared to when we started the closed testing phased, we've come a very long way.
    Hope the dev blog is to your liking and rest assured, we haven't abandoned the project just because it's been a while since the last dev blog. A great deal of the same work we are doing over and over again so not much to blog about but when we do have something we will post it!

  6. #81
    Tiswow's Avatar Member
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    They started Beta test of Overhaul Project. Has someone tested this?

  7. #82
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    Overhaul: Open Beta

    The Overhaul Project is getting closer to being finished. We're going to open the testing realm as PTR realm for Unlimited. This means anyone with an account registered will be able to access the test realm and help us test undergoing projects. A lot of things will be disabled on the realm to encourage players to test JUST the content being changed. No characters will be copied over from unlimited so everyone will have to create new characters for the sole purpose of testing. Any character progression on the Test Realm will not reflect the the finished system on Unlimited.

    As we get closer to finishing we require more testing and more testers. Having players apply for testing is no longer a valid process for us. So we'll be opening the test realm up and allow everyone to begin testing. We hope that players actually report issues they encounter so that we can address them even faster. We're also entering the end-game stage for PvE testing and need more people to get proper data for balancing.

    Whats To Be Expected
    Players are expected to test classes, gear, and raids. Submitting all issues via the special Discord Server that is set up for the Overhaul. Players will have to do a little progression through instances for their gear, this is to force people to test every instance before they can enter the end-game instances. The progression system will be very easy and user friendly. Do one instance and you earn enough currency to buy the next tier set, rinse and repeat. This system will not be part of the finished experience, it's only for the test realm.

    You are required to join a special discord setup JUST for the Overhual Project. This server is the only place we accept reports/feedback/issues with the Overhaul Project. Link provided below.

    Current Progress
    We've currently planned out how we want to handle stats for gear. We're scaling tiers as we progress through them one by one. At the moment of this post, Tier 6 is nearly finished and Tier 7 is roughly 50% done. After the tiers are finished we will begin on correcting any issues with Voter, Donor and Event Gear. After that is done then we focus on the PvP gear and balancing as we finish up the project with loot tables and vendors.

    Click the "Change World" button on the character screen to change your realm to the Testing realm! See ya in-game!

    So if you're interested in testing and checking out the Overhaul Project then please join this discord!

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    Very good update. I have waited for more. Good luck Guys.

  11. #86
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    VERY GOOD HALLOWEEN EVENT. Congratulation.

  12. #87
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  13. #88
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    Originally Posted by Chrispee View Post
    Have you made update?

  14. #89
    Tiswow's Avatar Member
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    Chrispe - it is your role. Midsummer Event is here! Log-in for daily quest/events to earn event tokens and loot coins! Be sure to join our discord for daily giveaways that can earn you in-game items and gold/silver coins. Heroes WoW

  15. #90
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    Patch update! 108 new Shadowland mounts been added ready for content release �� HYPE for the t9 release soon!! �� Visit our changelogs to see the changes ( or in changelog. You can get the patch via the website, launcher or via this link

    Bonus Weekend Event: Tier 5 mobs in AoE Zone have increased tier 5 badge drop chances

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