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  1. #61
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    Just wait for the huge updates coming

    Hereos WoW 3.3.5 +8 Custom Races  Fun Private Server!!
  2. #62
    danger788's Avatar Member
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    Hey Chrispee for me this is the best private server around almost playin there for 2 years never had a problem with even before i started to donate got a full fusion pala (Evian) and some more stuff i was second full fusion pala but when do you guys gonna release the new patch can't w8 to do the new swp instance im bored now lol

  3. #63
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    We are just finishing some small stuff

    Small preview

  4. #64
    Harambeqt's Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Cool server 5/4
    Support the #1 WoW Emulator:
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  5. #65
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    New patch Released For Wotlk Realms and Mop Realm has been updated to 5.4.8

  6. #66
    Harambeqt's Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by Chrispee View Post
    New patch Released For Wotlk Realms and Mop Realm has been updated to 5.4.8
    Support the #1 WoW Emulator:
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  7. #67
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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  8. #68
    Kiev's Avatar Contributor
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    Sent you a PM Chrispee.

  9. #69
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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  10. #70
    Android14's Avatar Banned
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    What are the current custom added races now. From my understanding they change every few months or so. Miss my taunka.

  11. #71
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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  12. #72
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    Happy Christmas guys events on come and play.

  13. #73
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    New Big Update coming stay tuned

  14. #74
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    We apologize for the delay, as stated in our last post we've been trying to get a new method for handling haste on items done. Our first attempt ran into some issues that Fenuks was very quickly able to correct and Onezero soon afterwards updated the testing server. It was pretty fast progress.. for us! I'll also apologize for not posting this early Sunday, yada yada blah blah no one cares about our excuses and irl issues! I'll just get to the preview!

    Last week we showed you the tank classes and the new % stats on items. We've expanded that method to include haste. We were unable to get Arp working for it, maybe we can in the future. We've got melee, ranged, and spell haste working with % instead of base value. Below is a rough screenshot of what a full non-donor Warlock's stats will be in Tier 1. Bare in mind this is the lowest stats will go after the overhaul. Every future item will be scaled based on it.

    Here are a couple screenshots of the new haste on items.

    This is the base spell cast speed with no haste

    And this is the spell cast in full Tier 1 gear(Ungemmed/Unchanted)

    The reasoning behind this change with haste is so that we the devs can better control just how much haste is released. It also makes it much simpler for you, the player, to read. You will see 1% haste from an item and know that you're getting that amount of haste as apposed to 3457 haste value on a item and you only know that it's higher than what you currently have so it must mean it's better when in reality you've reached haste cap like 2 tiers ago and now you getting reduced haste with every new piece of gear you get. So yes, we're enforcing hard cap on haste from items to avoid these issues. If you're concerned about items like the donor haste tabard and shirt, don't worry they will still provide you with the best in slot haste for that item category. They'll still be worth it and not be insanely game breaking and make you feel like you need it to stay relevant.

    Things have started to run a bit more smoothly for us this month. We've already began to update Tier 2 and beyond items. Donor sets and PvP sets will be underway after that. We'll then begin scaling them and then focus on new/old event and voter items. The new dev has already finished the first few tiers of gear. Fenuks has been assisting him and work on other things such as the % stats and even began to discus creating new gem socket bonuses for gear. I've recently started working on the instances and planning how we're going to address content cut and what we're doing to replace it. At this time I can confirm that there will be instance removals as well as tiers. The whole gearing process is being overhauled as well. I can also confirm that Halls of Lightning will be replacing t8 and t9. It will be a 6 to 8 boss raid. Most likely 10m. It will contain models from Legion and WoD. Titan themed. Fully Custom. We also have plans to introduce at least one more new instance in the overhaul and have a brand new one being close to release afterwards with a new tier of gear for it.

    As always, things are subject to change at given time as this is still very much in the early stages of development.

  15. #75
    Chrispee's Avatar The True Repacker

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    Overhaul Dev Blog #4

    Today we'll be talking about a few things you can expect to see in the upcoming Overhaul Project. This post will be a discussion instead of a actual preview. We're unable to show case some of these changes or simply unable to show them with pictures. We'll do our best to explain things properly and answer any questions you might have.

    Content Cut

    We'll be cutting a lot of older content. This cut will be for instances and their tier brackets. The main reason we're cutting these instances is because of the difference in the scripting methods used in them and they were designed too poorly to be converted or just too pointless to keep them around.

    What instances will we be removing?

    Scarlet Monstery, Shadowfang Keep, Hellfire Ramparts, Ulduar, Blackwing Liar, and Black Temple.

    What tiers will cut?

    Tier 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 10.

    Will we lose gear?

    No. There is expected to be no gear lost. The tiers that are being removed will still exist but they will be equal to certain new tiers and in most cases(.5 Tiers) will no longer drop. For example; Tier 2-4 will have the same stats as the new t1. Tier 6 will be on par with the new Tier 2. Tier 8, 9, and 10 will have the same stats as the new Tier 3-6. This also includes their .5 versions.

    Will their be new instances that replace the cut ones?

    Yes. Ragefire Chasm(T1), The Shattered Halls(T2), The Mechanar(T3), and Dire Maul(T4) will be staying as their instances and scripts shouldn't have issues for us. We currently have one new confirmed instance for the Overhaul and that is Halls of Lightning which is the replacement for Ulduar and Blackwing Liar. We have plans for one more new instance as well. If time permits it we'll also work on a brand new tier and raid, even if we don't release this instance in the Overhaul release, it will only be a few weeks after Overhaul before it is released. All new instances will be 100% custom as will all future content on Unlimited.

    Caster and Healer Stat Merge

    With the recent stat changes we will be merging Healers and Casters stats. What this means is there will no longer be healer only and caster only gear. The only difference between these two will be their set bonuses and how a player chooses to stat prioritize. You might still see some items that state they're for healers, this is purely for categorization purposes only.

    Why is this being done?

    Unlimited is a 255 server. This means you have access to all your talent trees without the need to off-spec switch. As such every class that can do caster and healer will be considered a single spec for stats on gear. Before healers would have the option to stack a mainly healing stat; spirit. Most classes have bonuses for spirit that will increase their spell power in some form or another. So healers got this passive spirit gain just because they had a healer spec while other classes, warlocks for example, couldn't get access to a decent amount of spirit. It was pretty unfair when you consider hybrids getting a bonus just for being a hybrid.
    So the way we went about trying to balance is to add spirit to all casters/healers and limit how much you can get. Then we created multiple items that either gave you spirit, crit, or haste. You chose which stat you wanna focus on the most or what you need the most. It's a option that will exist for every caster to prioritize.

    Gearing Up Process

    We'll be changing up how you gear with the Overhaul. I'm sure some of you have already noticed this system is half-implanted in tiers 1 to 7. Well we'll be fully redoing that. I'll try explain it as best as I can.

    You'll earn Helm, Shoulders, Chest, Gloves, Bracers, Belt, Legs, and Boots from a vendor. Each boss will drop a currency you collect and use to buy your main set 8 pieces from the vendor.
    You will collect weapons, trinkets, necklaces, cloaks, & rings from boss drops. Each boss having it's own special loot table. For example, boss 1 might drop necklaces, cloaks, and trinkets. Boss 2 might drop weapons, cloaks, and rings. There will be multiple versions of necklaces, cloaks, weapons, and trinkets that have different stats for you farm and prioritize.

    Will we require full item sets to be able enter the next tier?

    You will require at least 13 out of 16 items to be able to enter the next tier. There might be other restrictions in place as well for progression sake.

    Will there be bonus loot events still?

    Yes, there will still be bonus loot events. Fenuks has recently been updating that system for us, nothing you'll notice just some back-end stuff for us to better host it for you guys.

    Will Premium accounts still get bonus loot?

    Yes, you will still get premium tokens and extra currency from the raids. This will not change, premium accounts will always get a bonus for supporting us.

    Gear Rarity

    While this feature has always been a part of WoW, at some point in our history we adventured away from it. The only rare items on Unlimited are past event items from year XXXX. Well that sucks! What happened to doing a raid and a boss dropping this really sweet item? An item so sweet that it could last you a few tiers or even be traded for some really nice profit. We want to bring that back to Unlimited and hopefully encourage a economy for Shinys.

    How will we encounter these rare drops?
    Now that is the question we've been wondering ourselves. Of course if we add this then you will likely encounter this mainly from a boss drop. But we won't just stop there. For example let say you're doing one of new questing zones(we'll introduce them at some point, no eta) and you kill a rare spawn. This rare will always drop a rare item. It could be gear, vanity items like pets and morphs, or even a mount. That is what we wanna bring back to our server. The feeling of seeing and getting a rare item. We could even add increased rare drops during bonus loot events! There are tons of options for us to add rare loot and hopefully we can add it in the near future.

    Yes, we want our players to actually interact with each other outside of their safe spaces(Guild/Raids). One way of doing this is to create items that encourage player trading. Rather it be mounts or gear. Point is we want to make player trade their Shinys for more items.

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