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    Lets See2's Avatar Banned
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    BSOD WoW(Blue Screen Of Death)!

    This Is Our New Main One.We Have Our Own 3 Realms(Never Done By Me Before)!
    Realms Names Are:BSOD WoW
    And Instant 70(Test0r's)

    It Takes Up A Good Amount Of Ram But We Decided For Your Entertainment It Is Very Nessicary!!!

    The Server Rates For BSOD WoW:
    HP Regain:100
    Mana Regain:100
    Rage Regain:100
    Energy Regain:100
    Quest Rep: 1000
    Kill Rep:1000
    Drop Grey:10
    Drop White:11
    Drop Green:12
    Drop Blue:13
    Drop Epic:14
    Drop Artifact:15
    Drop Legiondary:16
    Skill Increase:100
    Skill Chance:100
    Arena Multiplierx1:100
    Arena Multiplierx2:100
    Arena Multiplierx3:100

    There Is Our WonderFul Rates!
    In Order To Connect To This Great Server You Must Have Hamachi!To Get It Go To And Download It For The OS That You Have!When You Have it Open It And Go Into It Then Go To The Three Dots in The Shape Of A Triangle At The Bottom Of The Program And Click On It Then Click Join Exsiting Network!Type In BSOD WoW For The Pass Type In 123
    Now That You Are Connected(I CANT STRESS THIS ENOUGH)(YOU HAVE TO BE CONNECTED!)Go To And Register On The Site!Then Go Into Your C:Program Files:World of Warcraft And Open The The File With Note Pad Then Delete All In There And Type set realmlist Then Close And Save That Then You Must Launch WoW Boom Your Done!Now Log in To My Server And Enjoy Your Self!

    The Site That Gives It Info And Latest Additions Is

    BSOD WoW(Blue Screen Of Death)!

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