How do I make dungeons easier? Also anti cheat? menu

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  1. #1
    zetswei's Avatar Private
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    How do I make dungeons easier? Also anti cheat?

    How can I make dungeons soloable?

    Also, once I finish the website for my server I'll make it more public, but how do I ensure there aren't people cheating/ruining the experience for others? I see that the config files have warden, do I just turn that on? I've seen talk of other servers using something called "sentinel" but haven't researched it much yet. This is kind of a side hobby outside my job and kids, so time is limited that I can research everything.

    Thanks so much!

    How do I make dungeons easier? Also anti cheat?
  2. #2
    malahmen's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by zetswei View Post
    How can I make dungeons soloable?
    If you don't want to mess with the core and compile it yourself (don't really know why you would want to do that), I would say to lower the HP values of the creature_template table in the database.
    You got fields for level_min, level_max, health_min, health_max.
    But I'm guessing here.
    Only started to look into this a while ago, so I am not that experienced into the mangos core (assuming you're using mangos, other might be another table, same idea).

  3. Thanks stoneharry (1 members gave Thanks to malahmen for this useful post)
  4. #3
    zetswei's Avatar Private
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    Pretty much everything I've ready has said it's easier to apply a buff to the players than to nerf the monsters, but I haven't really found much on how to do that yet.

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