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    [Guide] Object Projects Explained [Maze Creation]

    The first part of this post explains game object commands, and knowing your gameobject DB. The knowledge is helpful for the last part of my guide which is creating a mass project like a maze in minutes. Also with my method of creating these mass projects they can be easily shared with others.

    In Game Object Commands

    These are the ingame commands to item creation. I expanded some on their descriptions though.
    .gobject This will list the commands you can do.
    .gobject spawn <Object ID> 1 (Note only add 1 if you want the item to be permo)
    .gobject select (Targets Closest Object)
    These are used on a targeted object
    .gobject delete (removes the object from the game)
    .gobject scale # 1 (resizes the object for you, again the 1 is to make the change permo, might not be working with latest ascent build though, didn’t seem to be for me, had to edit it in the DB)
    .gobject move (arguably the most useful command, it moves selected object to your current xyz coord.)
    .gobject info (gives you details about the object you have targeted)
    .gobject rotate x (turns your object x degrees, I’ve had bad luck with this command too, not sure what its doing, but it could only be me, or maybe I need to move away and come back haven’t tested that, but it jags out on me and then takes up the entire area like I just scaled it up 20 tics.)
    .gobject activate (This basically opens or closes and object, such as if you opened a door, you can reclose it with this, or if a door is locked you can open it, etc.)
    .gobject enable (This is supposed to enable or disable an objects interaction, I’ve tried to test it a few times and as far as I can tell, never really works.)
    .gobject animprogress (I assumed this was to put an objects animation into action, but to be honest, never found it to do anything at all. I will continue to test it on stuff and see, but in all honesty, this command seems pointless when you can just reactivate an object with above command, however I could be using it wrong.)
    .gobject export (This just seems completely broken, says you don’t have a creature targeted, and being as we are working with objects.. dunno

    Understanding your Object Tables

    Table : gameobject_names : This is the list of objects you have in your db that you can spawn, you can make your own custom ones. Or if you know a display ID that’s not linked to an object you can create one.

    Entry : The # here is how you spawn the object in game, if you are making custom ones I recommend lumping them in a number category, I use 500000 and work up from there.
    Type : The # references an object type. List below
    0 = Door
    1 = Banner
    2 = Interactive Obejct, usually lootable but the GO doesn't despawn.
    3 = Interactive Object, such as Treasture Chests, where when you've interacted with it, the object despawns.(will respawn after a set time)
    4 = Unknown or not used.
    5 = Visual Object (Nothing special about this, just spawns the graphic)
    6 = Non Interactive Object, but usually contains a trigger, such as traps.
    7 = Chairs and Benches
    8 = Forges, Campfires, Stoves, Anvils, Braziers, Torches, Cauldrons, Alchemy Tables, Moonwells and anything fire related pretty much.
    9 = Book
    10 = Text (Basically this item when moused over will display its name)
    11 = Elevators, (However, I’ve had troubles getting an elevator to actually move me up and down, but that could be on my end.)
    14 = Sign (Can have a interactive sign)
    15 = Ship
    17 = Fishing Bobber
    19 = Mailbox
    22 = Portal
    23 = Meeting Stone
    25 = Fishing Area
    26 = Flag
    34 = Guild Vault

    Display ID: This is basically the objects Model #, the most important thing you’ll need to know to create your custom object.

    Name: This is the name of the object, you can call it whatever you like, just so you know that certain TYPES will show the name on mouseover, so becareful what you name it.

    Spellfocus: Some objects have spell effects when you use them.

    Sound 1-9: These you’ll have to play with yourself, basically spawn an object with a sound, play with the object and see what it sounds like. I know object 185461 makes a wahn wahn wahn sound when you walk up to it, so for your own object you could steal that sound. Really you’ll have to do some research on what the sounds are.

    The unknowns are obviously unknown, however I believe they are references to after use things. So after you interact with an object, what it does is based on these unknowns. I have noticed that UKN 1 contains spells, and that UKN 3 is another object ID. UKN 3, if it works right, I would assume would spawn a new object in the old objects space. Again this is all speculation.

    Table: gameobject_spawns: This is a table listing all spawned objects on your server.
    The Fields below are for object placement, if you are spawning in game using 1 to make it permo, it will automatically fill in all this. However, I do some massive projects that are easier to use excel, to mass create entries that I can then copy paste over to my object spawns table. I’ll explain in more detail after I explain the object DBs.

    If you have an area where you are planning to place stuff, then go there and do .gps it will give you all the information you need to spawn your object from your db. Keep in mind you’ll want to record xyz if you are doing a project outside the game.

    ID : This is the reference #, will automatically create one for you if you permo spawn object in game.
    Entry : This is the Object Entry from the gameobject_names above. You can spawn objects from your db, but it will require a server reset for them to appear.
    The Fields below are for object placement, if you are spawning in game using 1 to make it permo, it will automatically fill it into your spawn db.

    Map: This is the map ID for the area where you object is spawned, or where you want to spawn it.
    Position_x These are the 3D map Coordinates. You need to know these to spawn objects.
    Facing : This is for object facing: N: 0 or 6.28; W: 1.57; S: 3.14; E: 4.71; You should be able to judge whatever angle you want from this, so like NW would be half way between N and W which would be 0.785.
    orientation1 These fields are for object orientation, each orients the object in certain way, and this gets too complicated to explain, so you’ll have to play with them on your own. Lets just say, if you want your object sloped or odd shaped, or stretching it out longer or shorter, these are what you want to use. I will warn you though that you should use a smaller scale, because these will scale your objects funky depending on what orientation you use.
    State : I believe this is for flagging an item for permo, 1 being permo, 0 being temp
    Flags : I’ll get back to you on this, still experimenting.
    Faction : You can turn your object into a “NPC”, by linking a spell to it and changing its faction, you could make the object attack someone. So you could create knockback traps, or fire traps etc. I haven’t really played much with this, but the concept seems simple.
    Scale : 1 is the base scale, you can increase or decrease the size of your object, I never got crazy enough to try negative numbers, not sure you can. To go smaller you’ll need to do something like 0.5 etc. You can go extremely large too, but I don’t recommend taking stuff to high, the highest I’ve used is 40, and that was for a flat small object.
    stateNpcLink : Unsure about this.

    Table: gameobject_quest_starter
    Table: gameobject_quest_finisher
    These tables are used for quest linking, to finish or start quests, the db is pretty straightforward, so I won’t go to much into these at this time, but basically you link the quest you’ve made to the object from gameobject_names, then you spawn that object wherever you like.

    How to do mass projects like mazes in minutes:
    Some knowledge of excel is going to be needed.

    Your Object: I usually use a box, an example ID is 179972. I think its x/y is 4.2x4.2(at scale 3, used 3 scale because it can't be jumped over), but for easier explanation, just going to say its 4x4. This is important for using excel to make your massive project in minutes. To find the x/y of a box you may need to test, X is north/south, so what I do for a fast x is stand against the box on the north side, and then on the south side, take a .gps of both and then subtract the x coords, keeping in mind that my toon also has an x/y so an additional .1 to .5 may need to be taken off. Repeat this with the east/west sides and you have your rough dimensions.

    Where to Place
    : I usually use an unfinished area for these, like emerald forest, theres some in silithius, or badlands. Basically they are all over. Make sure the area is big and flat. Then locate the corner of your maze that you intend to use and find out the x/y coord. I usually round this up, so if x is -3458.723342, I use -3460. Its important that your corner has a clear straight line along the x and y in the direction you plan to build. Also be sure you know which direction your x/y are going to be incremented. You don't want your maze to the opposite direction you were intending. So if your x is -3460 just walk in the x direction and if it goes up to -3450 you know which direction to implement.

    Your Maze Size: This needs to be established before you start. Do not use x/y map coordinates for your map size but rather objects(This is because objects size varies). So with the box above we are going to make a 10 boxes x 10 boxes area. That known, realize that we are going to spawn 100 objects at first(10x10= 100 for the math deficient). You'll understand why you need them later.

    Sampling: If this is your first attempt at this process just spawn a 2x2 area. Make sure you have your object dimensions right and everything looks as it should.

    Mass Item Duplication
    : At the corner of where I plan to make my maze (any corner btw as long as you know the direction you are building), I spawn one permo object (any will do as its just your entry point). I then go into my gameobject_spawns and find the object I just spawned and select its row and copy it.

    I then open excel and paste my record in there, and make a few changes. I first change the ID to a an open range of spawn IDs I intend to use, since these projects can sometimes be thousands of objects. I stick to 500000 usually. Then the next number I make sure is whatever object I plan to use, lets still go with our box 179972. Next I round up my x/y coords, and then change facing to 0(Look above, you can face your object however you like, this faces the object dead north. Lastly I scale the box to 3 (this makes sure the box can't be jumped over).

    Now that I have my starting point precisely made up, I select my row and then I grab the corner and pull it down 100 records (remember 10x10) and it'll copy that record all the way down.

    Now I go to row 2, Column 1 (A2) and put this in the box =A1+1 this denotes a forumla. I can now highlight that entry, grab the little square again, and drag it down 100 entries and it automatically puts the formula in all the cells so now that column reads 500000, 500001... 500099.

    Now for the fun part, lol. X coordinate, lets say your starting point 5000/5000, and the box is 4x4. X will be the only thing that changes for 10 entries, so in Row 2 highlight your x coord should be your D column (D2), and put this in =D1 + or - 4 The + or - depends which way you are incrementing your maze. Then hit enter and select the entry again, and drag that formula down to row 10. Now highlight D1 to D10, and copy. Now select D11 to D20 and paste, D21 to D30 and paste, etc all the way down. Since you only need those 10 X coordinates to create a 10x10 area.

    For the Y Coordinates now, this is a little easier, the first 10 entries can stay the same. At E11 you just add 4 to the number, hit enter then just copy that all the way down to 100 by grabbing that square. Now go to E21 and add 4 to it, hit enter and drag all the way down, etc etc, make sure every ten entries the Y is increased by 4.

    Almost Done: Last step is to then copy all your entries, open up navicat, or whatever sql program you use, and paste the entries into your gameobject_spawns. Restart your server and if done right, you should have a 10x10 area of boxes. This however is still not a maze, but this part is easy. You just walk up to the boxes, target the ones you want to delete and delete them. Go through and delete all the boxes you want to create your maze.

    Final Note: Once you've deleted all the objects out of the game to create your maze, you can go back into gameobjects_spawn and select all your 500000 entries left and copy that into excel and save it as whatever or you can create an sql file with the objects selected and save for a later date. Then you can delete your maze when your finished and load it back up whenever you please. Keeps your db tidy and allows you to reuse the same area to create multiple mazes, so its not the same thing every time.

    This may seem hard and confusing, but I promise its actually easy as hell to do. Especially if you've had past excel experience. Also when you get comfortable with it, you can create trap boxes and / or doors and various other things in as well. I'll try to get a few screenshots of stuff I've done at a later date. For now though this guide fried my brain.

    This is the maze template, what I make in the excel file is what you see here(this is bigger then whats on the screen shot, just not showing up, this is actually a 50 box x 50 box area.

    Now you can see where i've started deleting boxes to actually make my maze, this is the most time consuming, the fastest way to do this is to make the path to your exit, zig zag it or make it deceptively easy. And then just run the maze through and around your path. Trust me it gets confusing and making your path first by no means makes this maze easy.

    Ok this is the xls file I use. It has 2 sheets so be sure to check the bottom, one has the objects i used, and the other is the maze template itself. I just copy it and paste it into my gameobject_spawns db. Its 2500 objects so it may take a little time for it to load it all. Then compy the objects into your gameobject_names. Only 2 entries should be quick. Then restart your server, and it should be ready for you to start deleting. I haven't not yet made a portal but if you use .worldport 0 -8310 -3326.9 170.882, it should take you right out front of it, then just do a mass summon when you are ready to start the event. I'll work in a teleporter, and try to update that later.

    This is an excel file, I've been busy at work, so haven't had a lot of time to do other stuff, but I'll try to get an sql up too.
    Maze Template and Objects.XLS
    Last edited by axlezero; 02-16-2008 at 02:57 PM.

    [Guide]  Object Projects Explained [Maze Creation]
  2. #2
    axlezero's Avatar Member
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    Little update on Orientation 1-4

    These are all from a North Facing Object, keep that in mind if you spawn it in a different direction. (If you enter a 1 into the Orientation fields to test this out, you won't see much in the way of results, use a 2 and you will see right away the advantages of being able to adjust the shape of your object.)

    Orientation1: This is scaling on the X axis: This smashes an object on the north and south side, making it very narrow facing east and west. This will build your item below your Z though. So if you do this on the ground, it'll spawn it below the ground.

    Orientation2: This is scaling on the Y axis: This smashes and object from the east and west, making it more narrow facing the north and west. This will build your item below your Z though. So if you do this on the ground, it'll spawn it below the ground.

    Orientation3: This is Scaling on the Z axis: Smashes the object from the top down. So the object will be like a narrow floor tile form. This will build the object up from your z, again though its smashed down like a floor tile

    Orientation4: This needs another Orientation entry to see what it does, but it rotates an item, the facing is considered 0, to rotate 90 you need to enter 1.57, 180 degrees = 3.14, 240 degrees = 4.71. I'm not 100% on this but it rotates I think based on other orientations. If everything is 0, it obviously will do nothing, but if you have 2 in the x orientation (O1) then it rotates it along the x axis, or if you put 2 under y, it rotates it on the Y axis. This is speculation, but it seems to hold up under a few tests.

    Above are examples if you just use that one orientation and put zeros in the rest of them.

    If you put numbers in two or more orientation entries, pay attention to the orientation axis because it will drastically change the shape of the item. ( I use 2 as the number I put in the fields as a base, but feel free to experiment with different numbers and see how it skews it, I created a whole field of crates with different numbers so I could truly see the orientations.)

    Example: if you put 2 in O1 and 02, they item becomes narrow but now it faces diagonal. Its got a weird look but if you look at it from a diagonal view you'll see what I'm talking about.

    Example: if you put a 2 in O1 and O3 you will have a flat object slopes up or down, however you look at it. Same with O2 and O3 but just the other direction.

    Example: Now if you do O1, O2, or O3, and O4 together the object will stay flat, it'll just rotate however much you put in 4 based on the 3.14 diameter base that i listed above.

    Hope this helps, you could use this to make some really distorted mazes if you use the diagonal dimensions, you could also turn crates into a diamond shape and pieces them together to give your maze a wierd polygonal look.
    Last edited by axlezero; 01-25-2008 at 03:53 PM.

  3. #3
    Saedusii's Avatar Contributor
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    This is actually a really GOOD guide.

    +rep, you deserve it. (That is..If you didn't steal the guide. >.<)


  4. #4
    axlezero's Avatar Member
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    haha no stealing, this was alot of trial and error on my part, I even went so far as to create a whole field of boxes with varying orientation to get that info. Some of the info is pretty common, but I tried to experiment with everything a little bit to give a little more insight into what everything does.

    Overall though almost all of the info is stuff I manually worked my butt off to understand.

    The only thing I wish I could understand better are the unknown fields in the gameobject_names db, I'm positive that if those could be figured out, we could do some pretty cool object creation. I have tried to experiment alot with them, but am only slightly better off then when I started lol.

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    The-Eradicator's Avatar Contributor

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    Great guide, very useful. Though I couldn't really figure out dimensions, it took me awhile to figure it out decently. +Rep

    Last edited by The-Eradicator; 01-27-2008 at 08:44 PM.
    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
    Albert Einstein

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    axlezero's Avatar Member
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    yea the dimensions of the object was really the hardest part I had, after I had that though, it was pretty easy to do anything really.

    You could use this to make a brick house if you know of a good brick model, I know of one but its a pain in the butt to use because it spawns half underground, so you have to play around with it to get its z. But its a marble block its model number is 7440. Just make it into an object and you are good to go. This object though is cool to scale up to 2 or 3 and use them as large marble stairs. I made a massive stair that went from the grim batol area that people use as their server towns and took it all the way down into wetlands.

    Looked neat, when i get around to it, i'll try to post my xls file of it, so people can use it for whatever, and screenshots as well.

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    The-Eradicator's Avatar Contributor

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    Can I get your MSN//X-Fire (If applicable) axle? I'd love to speak with you.

    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
    Albert Einstein

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    axlezero's Avatar Member
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    ok added screenshots as an example of using this process. I'll try to get the xls of the template up on here too, and in the excel sheet i'll put the objects i've made to create this maze so you can see.

    Keep in mind those screenshots are plain mazes, I've done nothing fancy with them, I gotta keep a few tricks up my sleeve till my next guide, lol.

    I don't currently have an xfire or msn, but I'll try to make one in the next few days and you can contact me.

    When I get screenshots of a large stair I made, i'll post it too.

  9. #9
    runiker's Avatar Contributor
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    I have made a guide like this! but just the part about the understanding it

  10. #10
    Prynne's Avatar Member
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    Very nice guide! I do have a quesiton though.

    Would you know about how to spawn little buildings and stuff like that? I'd love to do something like that for a little GM Hideout once my team gets our Linux server together.

    And I don't want to use a pre-existing area because it's either too small (IE: OldIF) or it's not flat enough (GM island, the pretty one). If you could do that, reply here, or send me a PM :P

    And again, terrific guide!

  11. #11
    axlezero's Avatar Member
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    most of those objects, like buildings and stuff would require a special patch to your server, there are posts around that have packages to download which basically convert all your wmo(I think thats the extension) files to mdx files (which are what object files are).

    This would however require you to force everyone on your server to download a patch to be able to see any of this work.

    I personally avoid creating this kind of mess, because our server is still fairly new and I don't want to deter people from join us with more steps to get playing then absolutely necessary.

    Look around though, there are several packages people have, that I've been tempted to DL and play with.

  12. #12
    Szharz's Avatar Contributor
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    This guide is so ****ing epic its PURE EPIC, its GREAT! +rep!!! wish i could rep you 10 times cuss you deserve.

  13. #13
    King Shaun's Avatar Member
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    Great guide mate.

    I will rep (x2) if I can.. /smile

    Threads of the Week: [Errage] [Blizzard] [Rapidshare]

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    axlezero's Avatar Member
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    Thanks, look for more updates to it in the future, still working on some stuff, and haven't had time to do more extensive work.

  15. #15
    The-Eradicator's Avatar Contributor

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    Please sign up for X-Fire or MSN! :P Nextly, please post the displayid for the cubes you used, or a full SQL. Their awesome and I haven't personally seen them before. Lastly, kind of off topic, what interface do you use? I've been looking for a good one, that one looks kicka**!

    Last edited by The-Eradicator; 01-31-2008 at 04:20 PM.
    The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and all science. He to whom this emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand rapt in awe, is as good as dead: his eyes are closed.
    Albert Einstein

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