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    Nadromar's Avatar Contributor
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    [Noob Friendly] Custom Flight Paths (Requires client side patch)

    Before we get started I want to make it clear that players need a client side patch to use the flight paths and i have no idea in which way it works without it.
    I'm going to write this tutorial while making an actual flightpath for my server.

    Okay, First thing we're gonna do is download these programs:
    Filebeam - Free Fast File Hosting

    DBC Editor
    Filebeam - Free Fast File Hosting

    MPQ Editor
    MPQ Archives - Downloads

    If you are confused about something go see at Category:World of Warcraft DBC Files - Source Peek Wiki

    Okay lets get started.

    1. Open up Taliis, click file > open and open to Arcemu/DBC/TaxiNodes.dbc (Arcemu can be replaces by whatever emulator you use) and click on Table (The second one)

    2. Scroll to the bottom and click on the very last row. Then click this button twice to create copies of that row.

    3. You will see two new rows have been added.
    Change the ID's of the two new ones (collumn #0)
    I'm gonna pick 500 and 501 (Make sure it's not the next following number otherwise blizzard will overwrite your flight path when there's a new patch)
    And make sure the IDs are not too high, these numbers are suggested, I tested with higher numbers and they result in a server crash when a character saves.

    4. Then click on the first the first Table to be able to edit the the coords and such.
    Go back to ID 500 and edit put in the coods of the starting point (In my case the coords of Morza Island, The coords should be the exact same as the flight master's coords. I suggest you go ingame, Target the flight master and type in .gps)

    In collum Map fill in the starting point Map ID
    In collum X fill in the starting point X coords
    In collum Y fill in
    starting point Y coords
    In collum Z fill in starting point Z coords

    Do the same with ID 501 but fill in the END coords (In my case Booty Bay)

    Now select a different row, Click on file > save and click on TaxiNodes.dbc.

    5. Open up DBC Editor and open Arcemu\DBC\TaxiNodes.dbc (or whatever emulator you use)

    This is the structure if you want to see it:
    TaxiNodes.dbc - Source Peek Wiki

    You will notice that the coords are completely different, Don't edit them or anything, It's because this program has a different structure or something like that i dont know, Anyways, They still work fine so dont be alarmed.

    Now go to ID 500 again and replace collum Field 5 to the name of the start location (Morza Island in my case)
    Do the same in ID 501 but put in the name of the end location, Booty Bay in my case.

    Then go to Field22 and Field23 and set them both to 0 in ID 500 and 501 (This is some sort of flagging, Unknown, best do disable it)

    Now select a different row (not a custom one) and click Save. (The entire row resets back to the way it was if you dont click a different row)
    And close the program

    6. Now open up Taliis back up and go to File > open, And open up Arcemu\DBC\TaxiPath.dbc in DBC Editor.

    This is the structure if you want to see it:
    TaxiPath.dbc - Source Peek Wiki

    Click on the second Table, Go to the bottom, Click the last row and click this button twice.

    7. Now we change collum #0 of the 2 newly added rows to 1500 and 1501 (For the sake of the ID's not getting confused)

    Change #1 to the beginning point ID (In my case 500) and #2 to end point (501)

    Now for ID 1501 we make a flight path back from Booty Bay to Morza (in my case)
    So set #1 to 501 and #2 to 501.

    Then change collum #3 of the new ID's to the cost of the flight path in copper, I'm gonna take 50 silver and 25 copper which is 5025 for both from and to Morza to/from Booty Bay.

    If you want it to connect to more then one FP or to an existing one get it's ID in TaxiNodes.dbc, Look in Field 5 for the name, then check the coords in-game if it's the correct one, If it is remember it's ID, For example Undercity is ID 11, If you do this you have to remember to also make flight points for this flight path which I will explain how to a bit further.

    Then save the file and close it.

    8. Now gets the annoying part. The flight path coordinates,
    Open up taliis again if you don't already have it open and go to Arcemu\DBC\TaxiPathNode.dbc. (Once again, Or whatever emulator you use)
    Click onthe second Table.

    Here is the structure if you wanna see it:
    TaxiPathNode.dbc - Source Peek Wiki

    Okay, Now click this button, but 30 about times (Yes 30, not 3, not 0)
    This is basically the amount of flight points you'll be needing, 15 from morza to BB, and 15 back, You can also add more or less, your choice, You can also add one row each time after you finish a row so you dont have too few or spare but I use my method because for some ****ed up reason I think it's easyer even though you probably think its not.

    Now change collum #0 to let's say 50000 of the first new one, The second one to
    50001, Third one to 50002, and so forth. Once again don't use the next following ID or blizzard will overwrite it with a patch)

    Now change the first 15 ones of the new ones of collum #1 to 1500, and the rest to 1501 (The flight path ID, So the first 15 are from morza to BB and the next 15 are back from BB to morza.

    Field #2 is the point number which basically says where to go first and next and such.
    Set #2 of 50000 to 0,
    Set #2 of 50001 to 1,
    and so forth,
    Restart the count when you go to the second 15 points (Because they are from a different flight path.

    Check collum #9 and #10, If they are not 0, Set them to 0 in the new ones only (obviously)

    9. Now it's time to enter the coords.
    Click on the first Table.

    Set all the map ID's of the new ones to whatever map ID you'll be using, in my case 0.

    Go ingame and click on starter flight master and .gps, Fill in the X Y and Z in the table.

    Then fly to the second point you want it to fly and type .GPS, Fill in those coords in 50001.

    Go to the second point you want the flight path to be, .gps and put in the coords in ID 50002.

    You get the point, Just make sure the last point is the same coords as the end flight master and that it's finished at the 15th new row dephending on how many you added)

    Now to the same but backwards, Or you can simply put in the same coords but reversed back from booty bay to Morza.

    If you had put in the additional flight path to go to or come back from do the same thing with Undercity or whatever you used

    If you have entered all coords, click file > Save and close the program, make sure you don't have any new rows unused, if you do rightclick on them and click delete row before saving.

    10. Now open up MPQ editor.
    Click File > New MPQ and create a file named patch-F.MPQ (patch-anyletter.MPQ, Just make sure that "patch" is in non-caps and "F.MPQ" is in caps, otherwise wow wont read it, But thats common knowledge.

    Anyways create the patch and then in the MPQ roghtclick and create a new folder, name it DBFilesClient.

    Then go to Arcemu\DBC (or whatever emulator) and drag the files TaxiNodes.dbc, TaxiPathNode.dbc and TaxiPath.DBC into the DBFilesClient folder in the MPQ.

    Now restart the server,
    Find the MPQ file in the same folder as the MPQ editor,
    Drag the MPQ file to world of warcraft/data, and restart wow with the model edit fix and try it out!

    If there are any questions feel free to ask.

    Guide to be updated, It seems you need c++ script to link the NPC up to the FP.
    Last edited by Nadromar; 07-10-2009 at 11:36 PM.

    [Noob Friendly] Custom Flight Paths (Requires client side patch)
  2. #2
    alj03's Avatar Contributor
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    Looks good, sucks that it requires patch.
    Death to all but Metal.

  3. #3
    stoneharry's Avatar Moderator Harry

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    Very good, I'm loving this guide.
    There is a way to make a 'custom flight paths' without actually making a patch, but it doesn't support the flight path map, it has to be in a gossip menu. Still, I'm going to give this a shot, if it works I get it working it's going to be some fun! +Rep x4

  4. #4
    Troys's Avatar Contributor
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    great guide +rep
    Pals 4 Life

  5. #5
    Warriar's Avatar Active Member
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    , Nice guide

  6. #6
    I Hypnotoad I's Avatar Contributor
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    I Remember being able to spawn a Flightmaster anywhere and have the bird fly you through mountains just to get to the location. Good times! xD

    Dragon[Sky] can get into our signatures, AND our pants.

  7. #7
    LJN's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Teh Sirus View Post
    I Remember being able to spawn a Flightmaster anywhere and have the bird fly you through mountains just to get to the location. Good times! xD
    Your right, you can spawn a flightmaster any where and fly to lets say Stormwind, but if there is any thing in the way it will fly through it.

  8. #8
    lordpsyan's Avatar Member
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    I tried this method. made the patch. uploaded the files. the flier just says "Where do you want to go?" and no map nothing. I was wondering if there is a flag I need to add a flier inside an instance? I am using map 169 (emerald dream) which is an instance. I run trinitycore. I duplicated the flight master from shattrath. going thru taxipathode.dbc I only see where it tells how long a path should pause (zepplin in icecrown, etc.).

    I will try again to make a test path on a non instanced map to see if it works. If anyone knows a flag to allow for a flight path in an instance, or if there is something I need to put in the database to tell what type of flier etc is used, or if I have to spawn a griffon first, or whatever. the instructions are perfect for making the dbc files, but lacks on info for anything else that may be required. also, it is a little outdated. tallis has changed a bit.


  9. #9
    Namor's Avatar Active Member
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    Post before yours:
    date of your post:
    and I'm pretty sure that Blizzard stopped controlling taxi nodes via. dbcs.
    Stoneharry has an LUA script for custom flight paths, iirc.

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  10. #10
    stoneharry's Avatar Moderator Harry

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    May be an old thread but the guide is still original to this day.

    Originally Posted by Namor View Post
    and I'm pretty sure that Blizzard stopped controlling taxi nodes via. dbcs.
    Stoneharry has an LUA script for custom flight paths, iirc.
    No, taxi's are still handled via the DBC files. It's just that by parsing your own custom data (or data through the database) you can manipulate that data and change what it is. Some of it requires client side edits to see the effects (see model editing and DBC edits) but you can do quite a lot by modifying just the server side DBC files, or changing the data loaded from it.

  11. #11
    lordpsyan's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Namor View Post
    and I'm pretty sure that Blizzard stopped controlling taxi nodes via. dbcs.
    Stoneharry has an LUA script for custom flight paths, iirc.
    Thanks for the fast reply. 1 MAJOR problem tho... as I stated I run trinity, not arcemu\ascent so LUA scripts do me absolutely no good whatsoever. All the information are in the dbc files. I am running 3.3.5a. the paths for the zepplin in icecrown are in there. all flight paths in the realm are in there. So I must assume they are used in that way. there is nothing at all in the database for flight paths. Maybe there is a C++ file with taxi stuffs. will check in a bit, but someone must have done this in 3.3.5a trinitycore. I have found many posts similar to this one, but so far this was the most informative.

    anyways, any and all information is appreciated.

    Thanks again

    EDIT: there are no C++ files that I can find for taxi's, except for 1, which deals with special taxi's like Brazen the dragon, and a few others that are part of quests.
    Last edited by lordpsyan; 07-19-2011 at 02:41 PM.

  12. #12
    Namor's Avatar Active Member
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    Theoretically speaking, you could use those special taxis for your own use, could you not?

    Editable signature, at last!

  13. #13
    lordpsyan's Avatar Member
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    I could, except most of them are taxi's cast by spells. like ebonhold flight path, etc.

    on another note, I tried again, from an island I placed, to bootybay, but it says I am already in bootybay.

    this is annoying, and aggravating. I will try to research some more.

  14. #14
    newtech's Avatar Active Member
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    Modcraft - [TUTORIAL] Adding new taxi routes + flightnodes
    I made that tutorial not too many weeks ago, and if your still on 3.3.5a, this is working. For sure. Ofcourse it requires a custom patch, but yeah. And yes, as Stoneharry said, it IS still handled through the DBC files. Edit these, and your good :P

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  15. #15
    92eatos's Avatar Contributor
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    Actually they dont require patch :P you can edit .dbc files and plays it in dbc folder of server then make a script to connect to mob and then try it

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