Guide: How to creatre Custom npc's menu

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    theowner's Avatar Member
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    Guide: How to creatre Custom npc's

    Contents of this Guide:
    1.) What this guide is about
    2.) The SQL queries
    3.) Step by Step guide on how to make a custom npc

    1.) What this Guide is about
    Hey guys! This guide is all about how to make a Custom npc for your World of Warcraft private server. In this guide you will learn two things. The first is what an SQL query is, and how to use SQL queries to make Custom npcs. (This is my first guide, sorry if its not the best).

    2.) The SQL queries
    So, some of you people out there might be wondering what an SQL Query is? Well an SQL query is very simple, it is a command that inserts information into your database. SQL queries can be used for more that creating npcs. They can create custom quests, custom items, custom game objects, etc. So basically if you ever want to have a custom server that you made, you need to know how to form and utilize SQL queries.

    3.) Step by Step guide on creating a custom NPC
    So after all the boring stuff we finally get to creating a custom npc . This guide will be about making a custom ELITE raid mob.

    So we will start by opening a blank word document and typing this in
    "INSERT INTO `creature_proto`
    " (without the RED Quotation marks)
    This command is the starting point for any query. This command tells the SQL server to insert the following information into the database.

    Now add a space and type the following
    "VALUES" without the red quotes. Now your Query should look this "INSERT INTO `creature_proto` VALUES"

    Now after this type a space then type the following in...
    ('EntryID', 'MinLevel', 'Maxlevel', 'Faction', 'MinHealth', 'Maxhealth', 'Mana', 'Scale', 'Npc flags', 'Attack time', 'Attack Type', 'Mindamage', 'Maxdamage', 'Rangedattacktime', 'RangedMindamage', 'RangedMaxdamage', 'MountdisplayId', 'EquipModel1', 'Equipinfo1', 'EquipSlot1', 'EquipModel2', 'EquipInfo2', 'EquipSlot2', 'Equipmodel3', 'Equipinfo3', 'EquipSlot3', 'Respawntime', 'Armour', 'Resistance1', '
    Resistance2', 'Resistance3', 'Resistance4', 'Resistance5', 'Resistance6', 'Combatreach', 'Bounding Radius', 'Auras', 'Boss', 'Money', 'Invisibilitytype', 'Deathstate', 'walkspeed', 'Runspeed', 'Flyspeed', 'Extraa9flags');

    Now I'm 100% sure that 99% of the people looking at this are going, WTF?

    Do not worry, I will explain it all to you The following is a list of what all of these mean, if I do not explain something LEAVE IT AT 0. If you leave anything simply blank, when you try to use this it will not work!
    Okay, now back to buisness
    EntryId: Replace this with the entryId you wish your custom npc to have!
    MinLevel: The minimum level your npc, If your minimum level is 69 and your maximum is 71 every time you spawn it it could be level 69, 70 or 71.
    MaxLevel: The Maximum level of your custom Npc
    Faction: The faction of your npc, if you want your NPC to be friendly to everyone put its faction at 35! If you want your NPC to be hostile to everyone put the faction as 46!
    MinHealth: The minimum health of your NPC
    Maxhealth: The maximum health of your NPC
    Mana: The mana of your npc
    Scale: The scale of your npc, the bigger the number the bigger your npc is! (Dont make it over scale 10 or players will have problems attacking the npc, and it will lag the server)
    AttackTime: The attack time of your npc, the attack time is in MS. Therefore 1000=1 second. so if you want the attack time of your NPC to be 3, the attack time would be 3000
    MinDamage: The minimum damage of your npc (Take into account the fact that 60%-70% of this damage can be negated by a druid or a warrior in tanking gear)
    MaxDamage: The maximum damage of your npc
    Rangedattacktime: Same as attack time
    Rangedmindamage: The same as Min damage
    Rangedmaxdamage: The same as Max damage
    MountDisplayid: This is the display id of the creature you want them to mount, look through your database or look around the forums to get the displayids of some mounts.
    EquipModel1: The displayid of the weapon you want your NPC to be holding
    EquipModel2: The same as EquipModel1
    EqupModel3: The same as Equipmodel1
    RespawnTime: How long it takes for the NPC to respawn. This Value is in MS meaning if you want it to respawn in one minute the respawn time would be 60000!
    Armour: The armour value of the NPC, works the same as player armour does.
    Resitance1-Resitance6: Leave blank, sometimes they bug the script
    CombatReach: How far the NPC can reach in combat, set the Value of combatreach to 1 if you want it to be like a normal NPC
    BoundingRadius: Leave at 1
    Auras: Spell Id of an Aura. Go to Thottbot: World of Warcraft to find spell Id's If you don't want any leave it at 0
    Boss: If you want the Npc to be a boss set this to 1, if you dont set it to 0
    Money: The ammount of money the NPC drops in copper (Take into consideration the Money drop rate on your server)
    Walkspeed: The walk speed of the NPC, the standard walk speed of an NPC is 2.5
    Runspeed: The run speed of the NPC, the standard run speed of an NPC is 8, so it can outrun players.
    Flyspeed: The flyspeed of the NPC, the standard fly speed of an npc is 14.

    Now that thats done I will give you an example of what my Query for Necro knight looks SO FAR
    INSERT INTO `creature_proto` VALUES ('234242', '72', '72', '46', '40000', '40000', '0', '1.5', '0', '1450', '0', '7000', '13000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '45509', '0', '256', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '360000', '25000', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '1', '154', '0', '0', '2.5', '8', '14', '0');
    I know what most of you are thinking, "So far! Isn't this it?"
    Well guess what! It's not! We still need to add another part to the file
    Now Below that Query insert another one...

    "INSERT INTO `creature_names` VALUES ('EntryId', 'Name', 'Subname', 'Info_str', 'Flags', 'Type', 'Family', 'Rank', 'Unk_4', 'Spell_id_date', 'Maledisplayid1', 'Femaledisplayid1', 'Maledisplayid2', 'femaledisplayid2', 'Unkown_float1', 'Unkown_float2', 'Civilian', 'Leader');" Without the red quotes

    EntryId: Same as you used in Creature_proto
    Name: Name of your NPC
    Subname: The name that goes underneath your npcs name, very much similar to Guilds.
    Info_str: LEAVE BLANK! Dont put a zero or anything, simply leave it blank, this is the only VALUE that you can do this with
    Flags: I normally leave them blank, it just complicates things.
    Type: Determines whether your NPC is a beast, humanoid, undead, etc.
    1 = Beast
    2 = Dragonkin
    3 = Demon
    4 = Elemental
    5 = Giant
    6 = Undead
    7 = Humanoid
    8 = Critter
    9 = Mechanical
    10 = Not Specified
    11 = Totem
    Rank: Determines if the Npc is a boss, rare, or an elite, 1 = an elite 2 = rare, 3 = Boss.
    Family: leave at 0
    Maledisplayid : This is where you put the displayid of the NPC, if the displayid is male put it here
    Femaledisplayid: If the displayid is female put it here
    Civilian: Leave at 0
    Leader: leave at 0

    So once your done your file should look like this

    INSERT INTO `creature_proto` VALUES ('234242', '72', '72', '46', '40000', '40000', '0', '1.5', '0', '1450', '0', '7000', '13000', '0', '0', '0', '0', '45509', '0', '256', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '0', '360000', '25000', '0', '0', '0', '1', '0', '0', '1', '1', '0', '1', '154', '0', '0', '2.5', '8', '14', '0');
    INSERT INTO `creature_names` VALUES ('234242', 'Necro Warrior', 'Servant of Arthas', '', '0', '6', '0', '1', '0', '0', '11396', '0', '0', '0', '1.15', '1', '0', '0');

    (feel free to copy that Query and use it on your server )

    Now once your done save it as a .SQL file, open up your database click on the right click on the ascent folder and click "Execute Batch". After your done do .reload creature_proto and .reload creature_names. Then spawn your creature

    Thanks for reading, this is my first guide.

    No one can copy this guide.

    Are you dreaming ??

    Guide: How to creatre Custom npc's
  2. #2
    Sambah's Avatar Member
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    Omg Thx!

    Thank you so much! I'm trying to create my own funserver and i tried to edit the NPC DB but it didn't work! This guide helped so much! If i could give rep i would. Well, now i'm off to find out how to make custom tele npc's, any idea how?

  3. #3
    itachiu37's Avatar Member
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    dude i have a problem i cant save it as SQl cos i dont have that option what can i do please?

  4. #4
    theowner's Avatar Member
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    ? I dont know how you couldnt save it as an sql, in notepad or word when you save it, as a name put blahblah.sql
    Are you dreaming ??

  5. #5
    Shichiroi's Avatar Member
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    Well, if you have HeidiSQL... dunno from others... But it doesn't matter where you save it. Since when you have the code ready, go to the ascent query and paste the code there... then press F9 and it's in... Though it will not be there instantly, you need to restart server or reload the database thingies.

  6. #6
    jedite1000's Avatar Member
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    how do u set it to neutral (yellow) like it will only attack u if u attack it

  7. #7
    worman's Avatar Member
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    Nice usefull for nubs

  8. #8
    hingxxwing's Avatar Member
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    To much shit....i guess its good fo patient ppl

  9. #9
    Locky's Avatar Member
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    or you could use a REAL private server from HTMLEMU or other EMU's and use a DB editor(much easier and more fun to use)

  10. #10
    NocaCow's Avatar Member
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    I've made a bunch of NPCs, However some of them just have 1/MaxHealth, (1%) of their HP. I made sure in the database their HP was correct, but it didn't do anything. Only a few of them do this... Any ideas?

  11. #11
    Takahiro Uchiha's Avatar Member
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    theowner You forgot a couple things in Proto. The list should be like this

    (entry, minlevel, maxlevel, faction, minhealth, maxhealth, mana, scale, npcflags, attacktime, mindamage, maxdamage, rangedattacktime, rangedmindamage, rangedmaxdamage, mountdisplayid, equipmodel1, equipinfo1, equipslot1, equipmodel2, equipinfo2, equipslot2, equipmodel3, equipinfo3, equipslot3, respawntime, armor, resistance1, resistance2, resistance3, resistance4, resistance5, resistance6, combat_reach, bounding_radius, auras, boss, money, invisibility_type, death_state, Walk_speed, run_speed, fly_speed, extra_a9_flags, spell1, spell2, spell3, spell4, spell_flags)

    You forgot to add the spells if they want their mobs to cast spells.

    You also can make a lua script to make them do spells but that is more complicated. spell1,2,3,4 does just fine for me
    Last edited by Takahiro Uchiha; 09-15-2008 at 02:43 AM.

  12. #12
    Takahiro Uchiha's Avatar Member
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    NocaCow. Are your Min and Max health the same?

  13. #13
    kingman93's Avatar Member
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    this is a really good guide

  14. #14
    ariax1's Avatar Member
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    Uhm, i've created a ghoul as a horde guard. i get spawn him and he looks allright, then when he is going to attack, he runs forward to his target, when he reaches the target he goes back 1-2 meters and start running towards the target again...

  15. #15
    Sabelo's Avatar Member
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    ariax1 I dont know but my gues is that u got a ranged attack on that ghoul and your combat reach is 1.
    I dont know, but if you want ranged attack and no melee attack on the ghoul then you shoud change combat reach to like 30 or something. But dont think it whoud look very good with a ghoul with ranged so my advise is that you just remove ranged attack and create a melee attack instead.

    If you know how. :P

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