[AzerothCore] StygianCore Solo/LAN 3.3.5a Repack with Eluna menu

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    StygianTheBest's Avatar Active Member
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    [AzerothCore] StygianCore Solo/LAN 3.3.5a Repack with 20+ Modules and Eluna

    NEWS - March 1st, 2019
    StygianCore v2019.03.01 has been released!
    Changelog | Bugfixes



    Welcome to StygianCore. This repack is powered by AzerothCore and would not be possible without the players, developers, and communities of the World of Warcraft MMO emulator and private server scene. A big thanks to everyone for any and all contributions absorbed to make this repack possible. Your hard work is much appreciated!

    This project is, and will always be, FREE! I designed it with lots of comments and templates to make life easier for new developers and creators to get started. My hope is that all of the hard work I put into this will inspire others to get involved and create more cool and interesting projects for the WoW Emulation community.

    This repack is dedicated to the late Michel Martin Koiter (May 4, 1984 – March 18, 2004). His shrine in World of Warcraft served as a place of solace for myself, my guildmates, and countless others in the classic days of World of Warcraft and beyond.

    Rest In Peace.. See you on the other side brother.


    • AzerothCore rev. 500c04+ 2019-02-27 11:04:10 -0500 (Master, Win64, Release) Modified
    • Apache 2.2.17 Web Server with working SOAP Account Registration page
    • MySQL 5.6.42
    • PHP 5.3.5
    • Core Modifications:
      • Beastmaster Pet Support
      • DungeonCheckpoints
      • Eluna LUA Engine
      • Multi-Vendor
      • TimeShift

    Here's a short list of what's included.
    There's a lot more detailed on the StygianCore Project Page.


    • Easily backup, restore, and archive the accounts, characters, and game world.
    • A repack update function is included to support future revisions.
    • Restoration archives are upgradable.


    • Realm type set for RP-PVP rules. Why? Nostalgia.
    • XP gain for exploration has been doubled.
    • Mail Delivery Delay reduced to 10 seconds.
    • Tome of World Flying allows flying in classic zones.
    • Flying has been disabled for battlegrounds
    • Random chance to enchant gear on drop, quest, or craft.
    • TimeShift
      • Adjust the number of game days per real day
      • Default: One game day passes every 4 hours
    • Cross-Faction enabled for:
      • Accounts
      • Auction House
      • Calendar
      • Channel
      • Chat
      • Friends
      • Group
      • Guild
      • Mail
      • Trade
      • WhoList
    • On character creation configurable options include:
      • Add the player to a guild
      • Grant Exalted faction with all major cities
      • Grant items and heirloom gear
      • Grant additional or all weapon skills
      • Grant special abilities of other classes such as Sprint, Remove Curse, etc.
    • Players start with the following:
      • Starting Gold (Configurable - Default: 1000)
      • Personal Teleporter - Spawns a teleport NPC that fades after use
      • Heirloom Trinkets
      • Heirloom Ring
      • Foror's Crate of Endless Storage (36 slot bag)
    • Player XP rate configurable as you play. From the console type: .xp set <rate 0-10>.
    • Includes two default characters and guilds for Horde and Alliance.
      • Guildmaster characters are owned by the Administrator account.
      • Guildmaster characters are equipped and ready for play.
      • Guilds are pre-configured for use:
      • Horde Guild: Sons of the Storm
      • Alliance Guild: Emerald Dreams
      • Guild Banks have all tabs available
      • Guild Tabs are styled with icons
      • Guild Roles and Limits are set
      • Guild Tabards are designed


    • Dungeon Checkpoints: You resurrect at the last or closest boss killed with 25% health/mana.
    • Dungeons and Raid difficulty is auto-scaled based on player count and other factors.
    • Quest, Raid, and Party requirements for entering instances are ignored.
    • Quest's can be completed while in raid groups.
    • Creature aggro rate reduced by 25%.Creature assistance radius reduced by 25%.
    • Creature flee assistance radius reduced by 25%.
    • Resurrection Sickness is disabled.
    • Durability hit on resurrection reduced to 5% from 25%.
    • Battleground Deserter debuff is disabled.
    • PVP kills can allow the player to loot a configurable percentage of the victim's loot if desired.
    • A bounty system can award players a configurable amount of money for mob or player kills based on level if desired.
    • World, Dungeon, and PVP kills are announced to the world.
    • All classes can adopt beasts like the Hunter class that will assist you in battle.


    • Players can now learn up to 11 professions.
    • Weapon skills level up to max with each level gained.
    • Skill gain on crafting has been doubled.
    • Skill gain on gathering has been doubled.
    • Skill gain on greens increased to 50%.
    • Skill gain on greys increased to 25%.

    CUSTOM NPC/VENDOR: Already placed throughout the world.

    • Over 30 new vendors with custom item sets.
    • BeastMaster NPC: Allows all classes to have and control hunter pets.
    • Bengal Tiger NPC: If you can find the cave, she gives you the Bengal Tiger!
    • Buffer NPC: Buffs players with one click.
    • Critters NPC: Various critters (Pig, Dog, Horse, Cow, etc.)
    • Codebox NPC: Allows codes to be entered for gold and items.
    • Enchanter NPC: Offers all weapon and armor enchantments.
    • Fisherman NPC: A custom fishing vendor with a path, waypoints, and speech.
    • Gambler NPC: Allows players to gamble their money.
    • Gift Box NPC: Sends players gifts at specified times like level-up.
    • Global Trainer NPC: Trains all classes and skills.
    • Jukebox NPC: Plays much of the music content and videos in the game.
    • Koiter NPC: A recreation of Koiter's character from beta in normal and ghost form.
    • Loremaster NPC: Recants lore and trivia of WoW at specific locations.
    • Multi-Vendor NPC: Allows multiple item iventories on one vendor.
    • Portal Master NPC: Provides quick transport all over the realm.
    • Trollop NPC: Everyone needs someone.
    • Transmogrifier NPC (Eluna): Transmog your gear.
    • World Trainer NPC: Trains every class, skills, and flying.


    • NPC Model Mall: Generates hundreds or thousands of NPCs with unique models.
      • NPCs are spawned on Programmer Isle
      • NPCs are named as their ModelID #
      • Number of models and spawn location is configurable
    • NPC Model Randomizer: Randomizes the models of NPCs from a list of valid models.
      • This is used for GM Island and Vendor Set NPCs
    • Reseeding of random models can be done from StygianCoreTools


    A client patch is required to see the icons for the custom items in this repack.
    • Personal Teleporter: An item that spawns a teleport NPC that fades after use.
    • Level-Up Token: An item that levels the player up on use. This is a unique item.
    • Tome of World Flying: Sold by all flight masters. Allows flying in classic zones.
    • Azerothian Humor Vol.1: A book of WoW jokes. Not sold in stores! Parents beware!
    • GameMaster's License: A vanity item for kids so they can brag about being a REAL GM!


    Questions, Comments, Bug Reports? Please hit me up on the GitHub repo.

    - STB

    - StygianCore Repack (New Release 2019.03.01)
    - My WoW Projects
    - GitHub
    Last edited by StygianTheBest; 03-01-2019 at 01:27 PM.

    [AzerothCore] StygianCore Solo/LAN 3.3.5a Repack with Eluna
  2. Thanks Xemron, superdupernoober, Bz1k, grayfm, Sylencer90 (5 members gave Thanks to StygianTheBest for this useful post)
  3. #2
    KristineL's Avatar Member
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    Where can i get Bot players for this ?

  4. #3
    Faytality's Avatar Member
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    Doesn't work for me, neither over the network (with IP added to SQL) or on the local machine (running localhost). Just loops forever on the server select screen. TrinityCore and AzerothCore do not do this for me.

  5. #4
    StygianTheBest's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by Faytality View Post
    Doesn't work for me, neither over the network (with IP added to SQL) or on the local machine (running localhost). Just loops forever on the server select screen. TrinityCore and AzerothCore do not do this for me.
    Thanks for the reply. Sounds like you're missing something. Did you follow the extensive docs I wrote for the repack? You can view them at GitHub - StygianTheBest/StygianCore: A World of Warcraft v3.3.5a Server Emulator. Feel free to join the AzerothCore discord channel at Discord and I'll try to help you out.

  6. #5
    amiga's Avatar Member
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    tkank you for sharing your amazing repacks.do you upadate this repack countinously?

  7. #6
    amiga's Avatar Member
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    did you create the beastmaster npc?
    there is one bug. exotic pet core hound dont working.
    when i summon pet ok. but when i teleport or died or log out he unsummoned cant summon him to click call pet. check plz. all other pets are ok.

  8. #7
    StygianTheBest's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by amiga View Post
    tkank you for sharing your amazing repacks.do you upadate this repack countinously?
    You're welcome. Glad you're enjoying it. I designed this repack and the included tools to support future updates via content patches. This will update the core binaries as well as any additional content that may be added. I'm working on a few new modules I plan to release in the near future. In regards to continuous updates, I won't be releasing patches every time the AzerothCore GIT is updated. This is a hobby of mine, and I don't have that kind of time.

  9. #8
    StygianTheBest's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by amiga View Post
    did you create the beastmaster npc?
    there is one bug. exotic pet core hound dont working.
    when i summon pet ok. but when i teleport or died or log out he unsummoned cant summon him to click call pet. check plz. all other pets are ok.
    I did create the original Beastmaster NPC module for AzerothCore. It has been updated by various members of the AC community, and I included many of those updates into this build. I'll take a look and see if I can reproduce the issue. If you have time, please post the bug report on the GitHub repo so it can be tracked. Thanks!

  10. #9
    amiga's Avatar Member
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    thank you for your reply sincerely and I will feedback on the github from now on. i'd like to thank you again for your efforts and release.

  11. #10
    StygianTheBest's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by amiga View Post
    thank you for your reply sincerely and I will feedback on the github from now on. i'd like to thank you again for your efforts and release.
    Not a problem. I think I fixed the Core Hound problem. The ID of the hound that was being used for the hunter pet is the same as those in Magmadar's Cave. Those hounds have a specific NPC script assigned. I switched the ID to one that's called "Tameable Core Hound" and it's working as intended. I've got a few updates in the queue, so this fix will be released in the first StygianCore content patch. I'll update this thread when that's available. Thanks again for the bug report!

  12. #11
    amiga's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by StygianTheBest View Post
    Not a problem. I think I fixed the Core Hound problem. The ID of the hound that was being used for the hunter pet is the same as those in Magmadar's Cave. Those hounds have a specific NPC script assigned. I switched the ID to one that's called "Tameable Core Hound" and it's working as intended. I've got a few updates in the queue, so this fix will be released in the first StygianCore content patch. I'll update this thread when that's available. Thanks again for the bug report!
    thank you for fixing. I look forward to your next patch!!!

  13. #12
    Punished_Waluigi's Avatar Member
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    Looks like a great repack, the customization options are especially nice. Looking forward to seeing this progress further in the future.

    Worth noting mysql fails to start due to it missing the '\StygianCore\Server\MySQL\tmp' folder, so anyone will need to create it manually.

  14. #13
    amiga's Avatar Member
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    In my case no problem... means no error

  15. #14
    serakh00's Avatar Member
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    Thanks this is great repack.
    I wonder how to add custom bot to make my LAN-server look more populated.

  16. #15
    StygianTheBest's Avatar Active Member
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    Hi guys.. The AzerothCore team has recently revamped the project making a lot of changes which broke many of the features in this repack, other AC repacks, and any existing modules or SQL files designed for it. Nice timing right? I haven't decided in what direction I'll proceed from here, but this means that any updates are going to be delayed until I port all the modules and SQL to the new structures. Since a lot of players are asking for bots and other features, I might port it all over to TrinityCore where those features are easier to integrate. I think the AC team is trying to conform their database to be more like TC so they can absorb commits from that project more easily, and with that being said, it probably makes more sense to use Trinity going forward. We shall see! Thanks for all the positive comments. I'll post again when I have some updates to share.

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