I'm trying to patch the original WoW.exe 1.12.1 (5875) client to be able to add buttons on the login screen. Ideally, I would like to redirect the users to my own domain when those button are clicked (say I want to add a button pointing to my custom armory website).
I managed to patch the executable (WoW.exe) using a Power Shell script, which will unlock the ability to modify the UI (normally you would get an error saying that the client is corrupted).
My change was something around these lines:
0x2f113a = 0xeb;
0x2f113b = 0x19;
0x2f1158 = 0x03;
0x2f11a7 = 0x03;
0x2f11f0 = 0xeb;
0x2f11f1 = 0xb2;
The patch was successful and I was able to modify the "Interface\GlueXML\AccountLogin.lua" file using an MPQ editor. My buttons are now visible on the login screen. Let's say the url is (as an example):
Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
As soon as I started the client, I noticed that when my button was pressed, nothing happened (no errors or warning were showed). I suspected the wow client was blocking my requests.
So I did some extra digging and I found out that my domain (the one inside the link) needed to be allowed within the WoW.exe file.
Using Ghidra/HxD, I found the following memory addresses: 0085cc48/0085ccd8
The content of those are values like "*.worldofwarcraft.com". So I basically changed them to be "*.wikipedia.com",
The client is still working fine however when I press my custom buttons nothing happens. Somehow the requests are still blocked.
I think there is something which I'm missing. It could be related to the length of the new domain name?
Is anyone able to help me?