One of my first TrinityCore Scripts (Need some feedback) menu

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    Moffeman's Avatar Contributor

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    One of my first TrinityCore Scripts (Need some feedback)

    Hey guys. Was a while since I actually made a thread here, well..

    I am working on my first C++ script for TrinityCore and I would like some feedback in order to make it better, and since I am very new to this, it would be awesome if you actually provide me some hints or code to actually complete it.

    Here is the code:

    enum Spells
        // List of spells.
        // Not required to define them in this way, but will make it easier to maintain in case spellId change
        SPELL_SHADOWBOLT = 70281,
        SPELL_DOOM = 64157,
        SPELL_SUMMON = 71031,
        //Transform to Bonelord
        SPELL_TRANSFORM = 72498,
        //Melee Form Abilities
        SPELL_SOULSTRIKE = 70211,
        SPELL_ICYTOUCH = 66021,
        SPELL_FRENZY = 47774,
        //Global Abilities
        SPELL_MIGHT = 74507
    //List of gossip item texts. Items will appear in the gossip window.
    class Boss_Forgotten_AmirThezad : public CreatureScript
                : CreatureScript("Boss_Forgotten_AmirThezad")
            struct Boss_Forgotten_AmirThezadAI : public ScriptedAI
                // *** HANDLED FUNCTION ***
                //This is the constructor, called only once when the Creature is first created
                Boss_Forgotten_AmirThezadAI(Creature* creature) : ScriptedAI(creature) {}
                // *** CUSTOM VARIABLES ****
                //These variables are for use only by this individual script.
                //Nothing else will ever call them but us.
                uint32 Shadowbolt_Timer;
                uint32 Doom_Timer;
                uint32 Summon_Timer;
                uint32 Transform_Timer;
                uint32 Soulstrike_Timer;
                uint32 Necroticstrike_Timer;
                uint32 Icytouch_Timer;
                uint32 Frenzy_Timer;
                uint32 Phase;
                // *** HANDLED FUNCTION ***
                //This is called after spawn and whenever the core decides we need to evade
                void Reset()
                     Phase = 1;
                    Shadowbolt_Timer = 5000;
                    Doom_Timer = 16000;
                    Summon_Timer = 45000;
                    Soulstrike_Timer = 8000;
                    Necroticstrike_Timer = 4000;
                    Icytouch_Timer = 13000;
                    Transform_Timer = 0;
                    Frenzy_Timer = 9000;
                // *** HANDLED FUNCTION ***
                // Enter Combat called once per combat
                void EnterCombat(Unit* who)
                    //Say some stuff
                    me->MonsterYell("Welcome to my domain, adventurers. Your stay will not be long, as you will be within my command soon..", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);
                // *** HANDLED FUNCTION ***
                // Attack Start is called when victim change (including at start of combat)
                // By default, attack who and start movement toward the victim.
                //void AttackStart(Unit* who)
                //    ScriptedAI::AttackStart(who);
                // *** HANDLED FUNCTION ***
                // Called when going out of combat. Reset is called just after.
                void EnterEvadeMode()
                // *** HANDLED FUNCTION ***
                //Our Receive emote function
                // *** HANDLED FUNCTION ***
                //Update AI is called Every single map update (roughly once every 50ms if a player is within the grid)
                void UpdateAI(const uint32 uiDiff)
                    //Out of combat timers
                    if (!me->getVictim())
                    //Return since we have no target
                    if (!UpdateVictim())
                    if (((me->GetHealth()*100 / me->GetMaxHealth()) < 50) && (Phase == 1))
                            me->MonsterYell("This body can't hold out much longer, I must change!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);
                            Phase = 2;
                    if (((me->GetHealth()*100 / me->GetMaxHealth()) < 47) && (Phase == 2))
                        Phase = 3;
                    if (((me->GetHealth()*100 / me->GetMaxHealth()) < 1) && (Phase == 3))
                        Phase = 4;
                        me->MonsterYell("I have lost.. Loyal warriors of the Scourge, slay them all!", LANG_UNIVERSAL, NULL);
                            if (Phase == 1)
                                if (Shadowbolt_Timer <= uiDiff)
                                    if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 0))
                                    DoCast(target, SPELL_SHADOWBOLT);
                                    Shadowbolt_Timer = 5000;
                                    Shadowbolt_Timer -= uiDiff;
                                if (Doom_Timer <= uiDiff)
                                if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 0))
                                DoCast(target, SPELL_DOOM);
                                Doom_Timer = 16000;
                                else Doom_Timer -= uiDiff;
                                if (Summon_Timer <= uiDiff)
                                    DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_SUMMON);
                                    Summon_Timer = 45000;
                                    Summon_Timer -= uiDiff;
                            if(Phase == 2)
                                if (Transform_Timer <= uiDiff)
                                DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_TRANSFORM);
                                Transform_Timer = 45000;
                                else Transform_Timer -= uiDiff;
                            if(Phase == 3)
                                if (Frenzy_Timer <= uiDiff)
                                    DoCast(me, SPELL_FRENZY);
                                    Frenzy_Timer = 9000;
                                else Frenzy_Timer -= uiDiff;
                                if (Soulstrike_Timer <= uiDiff)
                                DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_SOULSTRIKE);
                                Soulstrike_Timer = 8000;
                                                Soulstrike_Timer -= uiDiff;
                                if (Necroticstrike_Timer <= uiDiff)
                                DoCast(me->getVictim(), SPELL_NECROTICSTRIKE);
                                Necroticstrike_Timer = 4000;
                                                Necroticstrike_Timer -= uiDiff;
                            if (Icytouch_Timer <= uiDiff)
                                if (Unit* target = SelectTarget(SELECT_TARGET_RANDOM, 0))
                                DoCast(target, SPELL_ICYTOUCH);
                                Icytouch_Timer = 13000;
                                else Icytouch_Timer -= uiDiff;
            CreatureAI* GetAI(Creature* creature) const
                return new Boss_Forgotten_AmirThezadAI(creature);
    //This is the actual function called only once durring InitScripts()
    //It must define all handled functions that are to be run in this script
    void AddSC_Boss_Forgotten_AmirThezad()
        new Boss_Forgotten_AmirThezad();
    Now to the questions:
    Have I done anything wrong? (even that the script works in the-game itself)
    What can I do to make it better?
    Additional spells?
    Additional phases?

    I am asking this because I would like to make it a boss very similar to a one Blizzard would make, with tactics and so on.

    Thanks for reading & I appreciate every answer I get.

    Last edited by Moffeman; 08-07-2012 at 02:53 AM.

    One of my first TrinityCore Scripts (Need some feedback)
  2. #2
    moletas's Avatar Member
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    this script is for ?

  3. #3
    Moffeman's Avatar Contributor

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    The script is for TrinityCore & for a custom boss, not an existing one.

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