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  1. #76
    darkmoons's Avatar Private
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    Yes thats right Dark-Shock Gaming's first wow private server is underway!

    We Need

    0/3 Developers (Developers on my server are bug fixers, Do DB work script in C++ and know how to edit things on a wow server. If you do any of these app. for this position)

    0/2 LUA scripters.

    0/3 Instance Designers/In game builders

    0/2 web-admins

    please contact me on MSN to apply [email protected].
    Scripters will be required to provide a sample of work.

    This is a serious project and I need serious people.

    About the Project

    ArcEmu Core and the server is going to be a pvp server.

    Im on a VPS will update to dedi once server is out of development and has a player base of at least 50.

    Well The Silver Covenant is coming back. Some elves have survived the corruption and they want payback. Also the day of the Deathknights is over. The Deathknights Decided to gather together under arthas again and turned from the Alliance,Horde, and the Forsaken. The War lasted three years and finally the Deathknights were all killed. The Deathknight ways are done for and Arthas has been defeated. Now the people of azeroth are taking up new skills in bows and sneaking around. Becoming one with the scenary around them. They have dead aim with their bow and can still fight up close. (Yeah thats right I mean a new class is coming out).With people learning new skills and the elves turning, a new War is going to be waged and there is more corruption to come.

    Server is up but not really intresting im working as fast as i can but there are others up to so here is the site to connect The Frozern Throne Gaming

    Thanks for looking at my thread and always remember to BUMP!!! comment, Click that little rep button lol, and apply

    Bye hope to see you on the server soon

    Staff Recruitment Thread!
  2. #77
    shadowslayer133's Avatar Active Member
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    Ethereal WoW - 3.3.5 PvP

    I am looking for two kinds of people, developers and game masters.

    The server is close to finished but we just need those last minute tweaks, we are a server where you begin at level 70 and through pvping you level up to level 80. During this process you gain gear.

    Website is:

    Feel free to join it, and also to join forums.

    My Msn, [email protected]

    Feel free to send me a message concerning this post.

    Done by piersd
    Gamer tag - Midnight133

  3. #78
    Pwnisher's Avatar Private
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    Ingame Name:

    Probably going to be Pwnisher





    Time Zone you live in:

    -8:00 PST

    Is your English fleuntly:

    Extremely fluent

    Do you speak any other languages then English? If so, name them:

    Took 4 years of Spanish

    How long have you been playing World of Warcraft:

    Since Release in 2006

    Time spent playing on WoW:

    4-5 hours a day, every day

    How much time do you spend on the server & forums daily?

    Just started on the forums a few days ago, was busy getting to know the server.

    Experience as a Game Master, if so; Where and how long:

    I am highly experienced as a GM, For about a year and a half. I have GMd 5 servers: Zhyper WoW, Evolution WoW, World of Dalaran, Beyond WoW, and Lost Agez WoW.

    What will you bring to our server:

    A lot of*expertise* and a of laughs.

    Why should we pick you instead of someone else:

    I have a lot of experience, I love to help people, I am highly active in playing time.

    Describe yourself in three words:

    Amusing, Helpful, Outgoing

    Reason of applying:

    To be a part of this server in the next level.

    Have you ever been banned before:

    Never in my entire life of playing WoW, I am always known as the "nice guy"

    Have you ever been in trouble with our staff before:

    Nope, never

    Your sex:


    What do you enjoy the most about WoW?

    Just the overall experience while playing with a bunch of different type of people.

    What do you enjoy the most about being a GM?

    Honestly just helping people out, I am not the person who does it for the "coolness" to others

    A player asks why his account is banned? What do you do:

    Report him to the proper forum.

    You get caught up in the middle of a player/player verbal discussion, what do you do:

    Either stop it myself or mute them for a short period of time.

    A player desperately asks you for honor/items/gold, what do you do:

    Tell him/her they must earn it the correct way.

    What is the most important part of being a GM:

    Helping people for sure.

    What interests you most about the GM position:

    Being a part of the people that get to help out others, help the server run smoother, and watching the server grow and become popular.

    Why should we recruit you to our GM team:

    Because I am experienced, fun to be around, have good leadership skills, and am online a lot.

    Imagine you are GM, and a player asks you to teach him his/her class missing skills, what do you do (Remember you got the powers for it):

    Tell them to report it as a bug in the forums.

    Knowledge of GM commands:

    Highly knowledgeable, have used it frequently, probably know more than a regular man should =P

    Have you got a mic and are you willing to use Vent to communicate with players over vent:

    Yes I do

    Explain us why you should be accepted above the other applicants:

    Because I know 95% of the commands, I am experienced with all classes, I love to help, I am fun to be around and talk to, and I am frequently online.

    What do you think on doing here?

    Applying to this server to be a GM

    You can contact me on...

    MSN: [email protected]

    AIM: pwnisherwow

    Email: [email protected]
    Last edited by Pwnisher; 07-31-2010 at 11:52 AM. Reason: Added my contact info

  4. #79
    sve3nn's Avatar Sergeant
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    ##Underground WoW##

    Hello , i am sven and currently looking for staff members on the underground wow to start making of.I'm wanted for developers and Admins.I accept only seriously people that can i have a great team work on server.

    Little Informations about the host:
    Dedicated server from romania.
    Intel Xeon X3220
    For start 1GB RAM
    ( I can upgrade easly,the point is to join people on the server )
    Using ArcEmu as emulator.

    I am wanted to make 2 realms,one funserver and second highrated.

    2/3 Gamemasters
    0/2 Admins
    0/2 Server side Developers(Core and Database)
    0/3 Lua Developers
    0/1 Web Developer

    If you are interested to join i would appreciate to contact me via Messenger or E-Mail at : [email protected]

  5. #80
    Respawn1337's Avatar Private
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    Looking for Staff

    Frozen Throne is looking for 2 In-Game developers, 2 Game Masters
    Forum: Frozen Throne - Index
    Core Info: TrinityCore2
    Server Info: Instant 80 PvP / PvE / Arena Server, You will need to pvp or use the Battlegrounds or arena to get S8 Armour & Weapons
    ~ Working Raids/Instances
    ~ Working Battlegrounds
    ~ Working Vehicles
    ~ Constantly updated database
    ~ Running on TrinityCore2
    ~ Great Uptime
    ~ Barely any lag
    ~ Great Voting Rewards
    ~ Helpful GM Staff
    ~ Great Community
    ~ Free Tier 1-10 & Season 1 - 7 Armour & Weapons
    ~ %95 of Spells Working
    ~ Fun Events
    ~ Dedicated Host
    ~ And Much More!

    You could contact me on Msn / Skype / or on our forums
    Msn: [email protected]
    Skype: Respawn1337
    Forums: Frozen Throne - Index

  6. #81
    marek's Avatar Member
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    hello ,i dont if i posted it to right place but im searching some developers to help me out a bit im making totaly custom server you can call it funserver but its nothing like other server out there with none balanced overpowered items and so on im planning to edit all items 1-255 level balanced ofc edit mobs add custom items quests places and so on so far done :

    PAGE: Terms of Service
    FORUM : World Of Estcraft • Index page

    -Starttowns edited
    -Major citys edited
    -Portals added to every major city
    -Custom vendors added
    -All mounts for everyone
    -Flying mounts everywere, flying mounts are as trinkets just equip and fly
    -All items for everyone
    -Potion vendor added + potions cooldown removed
    -Teleport master done for all instances
    -Some custom quests done
    -Ratchets added + some old estcraft loot to them
    -Mini Band Added what allows you to whats movies and hear some music
    -All items Durability removed

    Custom Quests (need some nice quest texts)

    -Welcome To Estcraft
    -The Land Of Decay
    -The BlAcKsMiTh
    -The Poor Haze Bro
    -Lend Me Some Money

    -Duskwood mobs done (level 80-90)(items looted from duskwood 100%)
    -Isle Of Quel Danas done (level 90-100)(items looted and sold 55%)

    and im postin server future plans up here

    Server Info

    1.Getting all official creatures and items edited from level 1-255 with balanced stats.

    2.adding Lots of Custom npc,quests,items

    3.All spells will be edited for each class

    4.Remote system: if you reach level 255 then you can choose another race and class and you will be level 1 again with choosed race and class spells skills ofc old race/class spells skills and all other sstuff stays you only gain more things from another class.First remote keeps all your items equiped what ya had on with level 255.

    5.Custom classes: 5 of them totaly custom made class+races what can be found ingame questgivers and auto adding ya that race/class what is added to that questgiver ofc there will be special spells, skills, items and so on.

    6.Traitor:allows for players to become a traitor to their original race's team. Imagine running around as a Tauren for the Alliance or a Gnome in the Horde. It is intended as a fun modification. The healing, quests, vendors, and most things work for the traitor players.
    The player will not be teleported to a safe zone, so once they are switched, they will be attacked if there are guards.

    ofc there will be more stuff but server is still under construction so if anyone is intrested let me know by pm.btw im using mangos

  7. #82
    Cripto's Avatar Active Member
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    Buying Web Developer $$$

    Hello im am here today to find a web developer to make me a custom site for my server. This is a new project and im doing this in my spare time and hoping it will take off. Now I am in need a skilled web developer to make my server a site. Now you will not need to stay on the staff when your done but if you'd like to that is fine. I will also be paying a web developer for his services. I don't want to reveal any info ATM concerning the realm but i will say it is a instant 80 pvp realm and we will be running patch 3.3.5 on trinity core. I am trying to keep the ideas on the dl for a bit until the ideas our finalized i do not want to promise something that might not happen.

    But yes once again im looking for a skilled web developer and you will be payed for your service. O and i need a developer that just doesn't just do images i will need the site coded as well.

    Thank you for reading and if you are interested please send me a pm with your msn and i will contact you as soon as possible. Thank you for reading-- Cripto

    You will be payed

    Aka Milation

  8. #83
    epicblood25's Avatar Corporal
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    Hey, im just starting a server and i need some1 help me
    1: develup/upgrade/keep up the core (currently using arcemu)
    2: moderate the forums (I already have forums although it has default template so also looking for some1 to change that)
    3: once the actual server is up be a gm/admin
    4: some1 to develop quests and am looking to make a unique custom end-game raid
    Please PM me or email me at [email protected]

  9. #84
    Baltazarz's Avatar Sergeant
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    ArcEMU funserver in need of a crew. Barely started. In need of custom content, and people to spawn it. Server intended to be good. Contact me on msn ([email protected]) or skype (piraka000)

  10. #85
    LJN's Avatar Member
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    WoW-Empire is in need for the following developers:

    Looking for experienced C++ developers for Trinitycore 1/2
    Looking for experienced database experts for Trinitycore 2/2
    Looking for experienced web developer for Trinitycore 0/1
    Looking for GM's that have used Trinitycore 2/5

    WoW-Empire is the only place were the 2010 World of Warcraft Arena Tournament Server will be updated and worked on, so be a part of it!
    Contact me on MSN at [email protected]
    Last edited by LJN; 08-09-2010 at 08:29 PM.

  11. #86
    Namor's Avatar Active Member
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    Project Phoenix is looking for GOOD developers who KNOW WHAT THE HELL THEY'RE DOING.
    Project Phoenix is a WoW 2.4.3(Using Burlex's Summit core, of course) pvp server with MANY features other pvp servers would not have.
    My name's Kevin, and I'm in charge of the Graphics, the Database, and whatever other stuff a monkey can do.
    No I didn't come here empty handed.
    I have Seb along my side, who is a genius when it comes to programming, but unfortunately has many things he needs to get done before dedicating his time to a non-profit private server. But enough of that.
    Contact me via. MSN - [email protected] and I'll give you the details, if you're interested.
    We're looking for C++ devs, primarily, but since we'll be using Summit, LUA will also be useful, as long as you know what you're doing.
    No database devs. >__>

    Editable signature, at last!

  12. #87
    doliver911's Avatar Member
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    Hey, I'm looking for a well run, populated server with a dedicated server to GM on.

    Dan / Tragedy

    During what server time can I be online?
    From 9AM-1AM.

    Have I had previous experience as a Game Master?
    I have had experience on multiple servers, most notably Forsaken Kingdom, as both a Ticket GM, Events GM, and a developer / instance designer. I'm very experienced with the commands, and have created many raids, dungeons, and areas in my time. I also try to make my events as clinical, fair, and most importantly fun, with something unique and engaging each time. However, as I already said, I'm perfectly happy to simply handle one area of the team, whether that be dealing with Tickets and solving player problems, or arranging events.

    A little about myself:
    I've been playing WoW since Vanilla. I raided all the content with a top 1000 guild (in the world) up until WotLK was released, on retail of course. Currently, I raid on my Hunter, most ICC heroic modes. I like to think I'm fairly knowledgeable when it comes to the WoW universe, whether that be Retail or Private information. I've been playing private servers on and off throughout my WoW career, but I'd like to find a decent server such as your own, and make it a more permanent home, as I'm finding retail raiding a little dull.

    Why would I be a good GM?
    I have vasts amount of previous experience. I'm creative, and always coming up with good ideas to improve any server and the player experience. When it comes to player support, I'll try to fix the problem as quick and 'cleanly' as possible, while maintaining a mature, friendly attitude. Like I said, I know everything there is to know about WoW and private servers, and I'm flexible when it comes to tasking. I'm a hardworker, with heaps of commitment to a position. Finally, I don't mind a laugh and a joke, but I know when enough is enough, and when to get strict, and enforce the rules.

    What do I think is the most important thing a GM can do ?
    I would say naming one thing is very difficult. In my opinion, a cool head, and a clear, collected thought process if essential, to make informed, mature decisions. Obviously, helping a user as much as possible within the rules also, aswell as providing the best possible player experience, and most importantly, have fun.

    What do I think set's me aside from the other's ?
    I like to think I'm alot more mature than your average WoW user. I'm more creative than most when it comes to events and design, and I'm as clinical as possible when it comes to answering tickets and helping users. I offer my unique ideas, and most importantly my experience from both hardcore retail and advanced private servers. Finally, I like to think I'm a friendly, generally nice guy to talk to socially, and I can make fair, but mature decisions under pressure.

  13. #88
    toyjoe1's Avatar Member
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    Hello all!

    Please read the next part as it is important.

    Before you go to apply in this section please take the time to read this post for information on what the Game Master does and what it takes to be one. Now I know we all want to be instantly level 80 access to GM only items and unlimited gold. There are a few things we ask of our GM's. First and foremost you need to have good communication skills to interact with our players in a respectable and helpful manner. We require that you NOT abuse your powers for personal in or out of game gains, monetary or otherwise. You will be given a new account just for the GM. As stated in the rules, you will also have your second account which will have ABSOLUTELY no contact with your GM account, if and or when we find out you are using your GM to power your main account we will remove your GM status and strip your other player of all GM items and money. You must play alot, a few hours a day is nice but even stopping in for an hour a day so you can check on tickets and such is required. Now that you have read what it takes to be a GM do you think you have what it takes? Remember this is no walk in the park...

    Please copy this application below and use it in your application to be a GM

    1. Name:
    2. In-game Name:
    3. Timezone:
    4. Age:
    5. Class:
    6. Race:
    7. Level:
    8. Faction:
    9. Why do you want to be a GM? (Two sentences at least please.)
    10.How are your communication skills?
    11.Are you animated? (Do you have an active personality)
    13.How long have you been playing MMORPG's? (Massive Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game)
    14.Do you have any prior GM experience?
    15.Are you sure?

    Thank you for taking interest in making the game a better place.

    -Bloodguards Administration

    Please contact me on windows live messenger at [email protected] DO NOT EMAIL ME

  14. #89
    Baltazarz's Avatar Sergeant
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    Need staff members for a server. Opened positions:
    Developer (Develops scripts, fixes stuff, the usual)
    GM (Listens to other players, fixes minor ingame bugs)
    All of the above must have at least some knowledge of ArcEmu emulation and must be willing to work on tasks I assign them. Most of the server already planned out.
    Positions are open until further notice. Must be age 16 or above (just got my DB deleted by a lazy 12-year-old). Contact me on skype - piraka000

  15. #90
    Henessy's Avatar Contributor
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    Hi guys,

    Basically, really bored. Been a GM/ADMIN/FORUM MOD on other WoW servers; in addition to my own. Just looking for a server to GM on right now, if you have an opening PM me. thanks!

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