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  1. #46
    alj03's Avatar Contributor
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    Hello MMOwned.

    I am currently looking to join a server as a GM.

    My experience: I have been a GM on numerous servers, Godforge being the most significant. The server had peaks of 200+ players and had atleast 50+ players on at all times, I was a GM there for 2 months and the server had finical issues and shut down. Since then I have been a GM on other smaller servers such as: Ultimatum WoW, Euro WoW and Elite Gaming.

    I know 90% of the ArcEmu commands and I am only looking to join an ArcEmu server. If you need more information please contact me either via a PM here or on my MSN: [email protected]

    Thanks for reading.
    Death to all but Metal.

    Staff Recruitment Thread!
  2. #47
    Bluepin's Avatar Member
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    No longer running!!
    Last edited by Bluepin; 08-20-2010 at 08:44 AM.

  3. #48
    Harambeqt's Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser
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    New Project/Server.

    We are using an older arcemu rev for 2.4.3 and we need a few good c++ core developers and a few sql devs.
    Want to join as a dev ? PM me ! ;D
    Support the #1 WoW Emulator:
    - - -

  4. #49
    iamian's Avatar Private
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    New WoW Private server in need of players gms and admins.

    Hello and welcome to EpicLegend WoW! Our staff will include of..
    1 owner (x)
    1 co-owner (x)
    2 admins () ()
    4 gms () () () () (x) = not available
    () = available

    Might add more staff spots.

    We DO need players so if you are not put on the staff then try playing for a while. If you are friendly and spend a lot of time on the server i might promote you to a staff spot.

    Please make a Résumé in this format..

    Where you live:
    Years playing wow:
    What job you want:
    Why i should chose you:
    Time you could spend on the server:
    Any additional information:

    We are an instant 80 funserver. We are Hamachi for now because i want my malls and custom areas made before i launch the website. Help with website would also mean a lot. We will have a ventrillo and will have staff meetings.
    PM me your Résumé, comment or email it to me at [email protected]
    Hope to hear from you soon!

    New Hamachi info:

    Network ID: EpicLegend WoW
    Pass: 123

  5. #50
    Trickster21's Avatar Private
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    Havok WoW - Looking for DB/PHP devs - Only for Serious people.

    Hi there,

    I am the owner of Havok WoW. Its a project that a friend and me we're thinking and planning for almost over a year, and now finally I had the opportunity to launch it.

    Although, my University is taking me some time to develop this server by myself, and my friend who is a DB developer is giving full but still need more help.

    I am a web developer and am doing all the Graphic Images and the website, but I would like some help from PHP Scriptors as myself still learning.

    About Havok: Its aimed to a True Blizzlike Clone 1x all rates no custom gear, just as retail, but with the fun that no other server provides. I am thinking of including weekly webcasts with news and just integrating and creationg a whole new society. I will disclose more information when you join the team.

    Looking for:

    - Database Developers (We are working with Trinity Core)
    - PHP Scripters

    NO GMs. If your contacting me for GM I will delete at sight.

    The website is still under construction but If you would like too see the progress, I'm updating it daily, the url is:

    Havok WoW | Official Site

    The "create account" in the intro part is Not working, its just a test.

    We have a dedicated host and dont worry, I am not a fail try to create a Pserver, I have worked in so many and wasted my time, dont worry, I wont waste yours.

    Email me asap if you are interested: [email protected]

  6. #51
    Hellgawd's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    I am recruiting developers for a currently secret emulator-related project.
    If you are experienced with C++ and working with emulators of all types, please contact me:
    MSN: [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]

    Project details will be given after you have been accepted. The project is a privately-owned server.
    I am not the project founder or leader, but certain goals of the project have inspired me to help with it's design.

  7. #52
    Wheeze201's Avatar Active Member
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    My partner in WoWemu just left the project we were working on. It hadn't gone really far but we had started planning and stuff. But anyways.

    Information about the project-
    The project is a fan-based addition to the warcraft lore. It happens right before the cataclysm happens.

    The player starts out like usual, but there is an image of a mage infront of them. He gives a quest talking about how he needs help with this investigation. The player goes through 3 quests which will be testing their wisdom, strength and courage.

    After they have went through that, they will become scholars of the Violet Blade. Which is the group that the mage that the players met earlier called "Archmage Evanor" made for this investigation.

    And in the end of all things, it will become clear that the investigation was a success and the player discovers that deathwing is returning.

    Here is some screenshots of Tower of Azora which is where the violet blade is right now and where the players do the tests to get into the violet blade:

    What you need to be able to do:
    SQL editing
    Fantasy writing ( for quests )
    Spell good english
    And, of course, the typical stuff like creating items, quests etc.
    Be active and online similar to time zones like, England / Iceland. <- This is just preferred.

    You need to get along nicely with others too. Because from what I've found from my experience in WoWemulation, is that when a development team doesn't fit or like eachother. It will all fail eventually.

    PM me and we will talk oh and dont try trolling me by getting DB access and ruining everything. I constantly back up my stuff.

  8. #53
    Dimmy353's Avatar Contributor
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    Project WoW Pwnwed

    Join the WoW Pwned family, WoW Pwned is always looking for talented hard-working individuals with the appropriate experience and desire to develop the greatest private server/game possible.

    If you're interested and you believe that you have the appropriate experience in order to aid us to our quest of world domination send a letter, code along with everything else that can demonstrate your skills to: [email protected]

    Please include the position you're applying for in the subject line of the email. Please note that you should be at least 16 years old before applying to any position.

    About WoW Pwned:

    WoW Pwned is a private server that handles different types of development, however it was always like a "black project" now, we've come into a state that we can maintain a stable server, however we need more developers in order to complete and also enhance our project.

    The server started in 2008 known as WoW Gollum, later on the server did shut down and was replaced by the project WoW Pwned that continues its development since back then. We run an ambitious project to develop a stable-retail like gameplay and also offer many deep customizations in different realms and games including a full custom storyline (approx 60 pages today).

    Now, we're aiming to create a Private Server featuring a stable blizzard-like realm a high-rate realm and a full PVP realm also we want to create a full customized World of Warcraft that follows our own storyline, where the game is mostly focused on single-play rather than MMO, and maintain a large-scale community.

    About this post:
    Due to the long post, we have added codes (listed down) next to every category, in order to navigate properly within the post. Just copy the code (CTRL+C) and find the text (CTRL+F) in order to go to the right category you're interested in.

    [001]Gameplay Designer

    [002]Server Programmer
    [003]Tools Engineer

    Game Development:
    [004]Game Developer (5)

    [005]Gameplay tester (5)

    Community Administration:
    [006]Game Masters (20)

    Do you want to create an intense world that the player can enjoy and keep the ballance within it? Well, if you believe that you're ready for that, you can apply to be our Gameplay Designer.

    The main objective of the Gameplay Designer is to develop a gameplay that will drive the player toward having fun and enjoy the time spent with their characters and then validate the systems through intense simulation and testing.

    • Designing mechanics which will keep the game enjoyable for the player.
    • Give the player long-term goals to invest them in the world and their character
    • Prevent any exploitation of those systems.
    • Run multiple mechanics based on the possible player behavior.

    • Experience with many different MMORPG's/Video games.
    • Experience with achievements, rewards etc and a passion to analyze what keeps the player to the desired behavior.
    • Capable of sovling problems with logic.
    • Capable of using Microsoft Office/Open Office.
    • Ability to work under deadlines
    • Ability to work well in a team environment

    WoW Pwned is looking for a server developer that will be able to develop the software and maintain the service with the game and the internal developer tools. The developer will use C++ and MySQL.

    Essential Functions:
    • Design scalable, usable and stable software for a large quantity of data and as the game evolves and the toolset.
    • Write clean, well-designed C++ code based on the original designs and to develop tools.

    Desired Qualifications:
    • Experience with C++,MySQL and PHP.
    • Experience with .net
    • Ability to work on a self-directed work as well alongside other developers.
    • Passion for World of Warcraft.

    WoW Pwned needs a tools programmer to build software for its designers, testers to use to make awesome projects. You will help to make everyones life better and easier. From building database editors to build administrative tools.

    Essential Qualifications:
    • Familiar with C++, MySQL and PHP.
    • Strong disciplinary and collaboration skills.
    • Interested in user interface development.
    • Passion for Private Server development.

    WoW Pwned needs game developers to build scripts for the game and in-game addons when required, based on the original designs given and the guidance from the design team.

    Essential Qualifications:
    • Familiar with C++, MySQL.
    • Interested in creature/npc scripting.
    • Being capable of fixing a lot of bugs.
    • Passion for Game Development and World of Warcraft.

    Do you like to play games a lot (even for extended hours)? Do you like writing documents regarding your gameplay experience and to report bugs that you experience in-game? If you said yes to these questions, then you should apply for this position.

    WoW Pwned needs gameplay testers in order to test the gameplay experience of the players in order to find bugs and to forward them to the appropiate teams, being capable of working for long time inside a team environment.

    Essential Qualifications:
    • Knowledge of Microsoft Office/Open Office.
    • A HUGE passion for video games.
    • Long term patience and dedication and being capable to work in a team environment.

    [006] GAME MASTERS
    WoW Pwned needs game masters in order to maintain a stable and enjoyable community, people with long patience and maturity that are capable of answering multiple questions and to support people with various problems either in-game or website related.

    Essentail Qualifications:
    • Capable of working with internal tools and Microsoft Office/Open Office.
    • At least 3 Months of experience with World of Warcraft.
    • Experience with Mangos private server commands.
    • Long term patience and ability to work within a team.
    • Knowledge of English and proper writing.

    Last edited by Dimmy353; 06-27-2010 at 11:10 AM. Reason: Edited "About WoW Pwned" section.

  9. #54
    riizu's Avatar Active Member
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    My name is Riizu, and I am currently looking for a few good people to join the ranks of an up and coming server.

    If you feel that you would make a good addition to the team, please PM me. All apps are given an equal chance, so don't feel like being a leecher will hold you back. I only ask that all participants have the will to create an amazing experience only available on this particular server and are willing to learn what it takes to make that.

    Please be somewhat creative, and understand that being a GM or developer means more than having a skillset other players don't have. Instead it is about providing a specialized experience for players. If you think you have that, please feel free to go ahead and give it a shot.

    I understand this is a short ad, but as of now, very few things are fleshed out in the server, and I won't bog this thread down with uncertainties.


  10. #55
    Meiya Stormsinger's Avatar Contributor

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    1. What is your name?

    My names Kenny, but most people call me Meiya, and i prefer to be called Meiya.

    2. How old are you?

    I'm 18.

    3.What type of realms do you enjoy?

    I prefer either Funservers or Blizzlike servers. Everything works really, aslong as it's ArcEmu.

    4.Which time zone are you in?

    GMT +1, Sweden.

    5.How many hours a day you can play?

    Not really sure, never bothered counting, but i can play pretty much all day, unless if i'm going somewhere with my friends, or raiding on retail.

    6.How many hours a week (approx.) you can contribute to GM/Dev duty?

    Well atleast 60 hours a week, though most likely more... Never really counted how much time i spend on working with servers.

    7. Have you ever been a GM/Dev on any other Private servers?

    I sure have, nothing big thought... Untill i joined WoW-Arthas back in october 2009, though their population had dropped, alot so i wasn't really pleased there, so i quit a while back.

    8. If Yes , What is the name of the server?

    WoW-Arthas, though i stopped working for them for well, over 8 months ago or more.

    9. Do you have a good knowledge of GM commands?

    Indeed i do, i know them all by heart.

    10. Do you have a problem with authority?

    Ofcourse not, as a lower ranked worker i have to obey whatever the higher ranked person says, that's how i work, and that's how i'll always work.

    11.What qualities do you possess that can be beneficial to any server?

    Well, i speak fluent LUA pretty much (A little "language" joke), I can't give you more then i have, i know, Such a cliché, but it's a fact, all i can actually do is what you ask me to, but i would say my 3 best qualities is my good mood, my sense of humor, and my skills in Lua.

    12.What is most important in GM duty?

    Well first of all, common sense... You always have to follow the rules, and that's the most important thing in my opinion. But then ofcourse, you have to be friendly towards everyone, wich is also an important part of being a GM.

    13.What is most important in Developer duty?

    As a developer it is my job to make things happend, therefore the most important thing is... Teamwork.

    14. Imagine, you see a hacker, you got his name but not his IP or
    account name, whats your next move? (This is meant to be what you would do as a NORMAL player, meaning NO commands)

    I would try to get a screenshot, unless i did there is no need in reporting it.
    Though, if i did get a screenshot, i would go to the "Report Player" section that most servers have on their forums, and write down what the player did, where he/she did it, and so on, aswell as attach the prints to the post. Or if i was high ranked on the server i worked on, i would just ban the person straight off.

    That's everything regarding my application, now i will add some contact info.
    And some stuff that's good for you to know before contacting me.

    I'll start with the contact.
    Email: [email protected]
    The email is also used as MSN, So you can either mail me, or add me on msn / yahoo / aim or whatever.

    Second, the good stuff that you need to know about me.

    I'm gonna try not to sound as an ass, but don't even bother contacting me unless you're going to hire me, i have wrote down everything you need to know in my application, and if you want to get to know me better, then hire me and get to know me along the way, i didn't make an application to be further interviewed on msn or in an email.

    That's everything from me,

    Meiya Stormsinger~
    Last edited by Meiya Stormsinger; 06-28-2010 at 06:03 PM.

  11. #56
    Trle94's Avatar Contributor
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    Good Day,

    EssenceNetworks has a lot different Sections, One of them is EssenceGaming.
    EssenceGaming is the Section with all of our games.
    This Thread is for EssenceWoW.
    If you are interested in working at our World of Warcraft Server please read below for the available Jobs.
    Good luck.

    Available Jobs:

    - Core Developer/C++
    - Scripter
    - Content Developer (Ingame Builder/ItemCreator)

    What does EssenceGaming has to offer you?
    - Friendly, Mature & Professional Staff Team to work together with.
    - Stable servers, Lots of idea's.
    - Ability to learn from us to be a better developer.
    - Fun to work for & with us.

    What do you have to offer us?
    - Good attitude and willing to work & to learn.
    - Ablility to be online enough every week.
    - Ventrilo Installed & a working Microphone (can also be bought later)

    How can you apply?

    By going to our Ventrilo:
    PortNumber: 4011

    And go in the channel: "Waiting for application" With the Job you are applying for in your comment.

    Our forums will be back up soon.

    Good Luck and hope to see you working with us soon.

    Our Website (Not 100% Done)

    Our Realm Info:

    Callers Of The Crusade (Mangos)
    - 650x Rates
    - Level 80 to 255
    - Custom Teleporter
    - Custom Mall
    - Custom Events
    - Custom Gear
    - Custom zones
    - Vote & Donor rewards
    - Starter Gear
    - Leveling Road
    - Automated Guild House Service
    (Under Development By Sonny & EndWell)

    Forgotten Heroes PvP (Mangos)
    - Instant level 80
    - Custom Starting Area's
    - Custom Storyline
    - Custom PvP Area's
    - Custom Teleporter
    - Ultimate PvP System
    - PvP&PvE Games like: Castle-Wars, Gunship Battle and much more
    - No Custom/Vote/Donor Gear
    - Tier 8 & Season 5 Starter Gear
    - Custom PvP Instance's
    - Community Lounge "Essence City" With Custom Quests and Instance.
    - Automated Guild House Service
    (Under Development By Koatik, Foolz, Caskast & Triple)

    Gods of Blizzlike (Mangos)
    - Pro Blizzlike Realm
    - 2x Rates
    - No Custom
    - Bugs&Spells fixes every week
    - Isle of Conquest Working
    - Trial Of the Crusader Working
    - Ruby Sanctum Working
    - Wintergrasp Almost Working

    Insanity Twink 29 (Mangos)
    - Instant level 29
    - Custom Malls
    - Custom Teleporter
    - D1 StarterGears
    - Earn up for better Tier
    - Custom scripted Raids
    - Custom scripted Instances
    - Automated Guild House Service
    (Under Development by Flame & Jabe)

    Strike Of The Fallen (Mangos)
    - MidRated Funserver
    - Level 1 to 80
    - 20x Rates
    - Custom Malls
    - All raids & Instances Custom Scripted
    - Custom Area's
    - Custom Gear
    - Custom Teleporter
    - PvP&PvE Area's
    - Automated Guild House Service
    (Under Development By Qake)

    Almost Done:
    Cataclysm (Arcemu)
    - Server closed till further notice.

    Forsaken Spirits FunServer(Arcemu)
    - Custom Patch
    - All Classes/Races Combinations
    - Custom World Zones
    - Custom Malls
    - Custom Gear/Items/Mounts/Pets
    - And much more.

    (Under Development By Eatos)

    Best Regards, Triple
    EssenceNetwork Owner

    Some Pictures of our Customized Realms: (Forgotten Heroes PvP)

    Alliance Castle

    Horde Castle

    GunShip Battle

    Space PvP

  12. #57
    destroyer8126's Avatar Member
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    Destroyer Looking for Work!

    Details about me:
    -Have been doing private servers for around 2-3 years.
    -Know all ArcEMU, MaNGOS, Antrix, and Trinity commands inside-out and backwards.
    -Great database manager.
    -Awesome GM.
    -I can work around 40 hours/week.
    -Live in PST, southern California.
    -Have all necessary programs, including Navicat, HeidiSQL, Teamviewer, Ventrillo.
    -Very mature.
    -18 years old.
    -Know a little SQL. I might start taking online classes for it.
    -Very independent.

    1. Are non-hamachi
    2. Have a sufficient amount of players
    3. Are looking for serious, dedicated GM's, Admins and/or database managers.

    Contact info:
    MSN - [email protected]
    Email: [email protected]

    I also have vent, but I don't currently have a mic. Hopefully getting one soon.
    IT IS PREFERRED THAT YOU USE MY EMAIL ([email protected])

  13. #58
    arjo113's Avatar Private
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    [EPIC]Uncaged-WoW is looking for C++ and Lua Developers.[EPIC]

    Hello *******,
    I'm here to announce that Uncaged-WoW is looking for the following positions:

    ~Server Information~
    We'll be starting with the launch of 2 realms. 1 Funserver and 1 Highrate. The funserver will contain 2 malls. A horde and a alliance mall. We are gonna develop a custom quest chain to some of the world bosses at low level (Lich king, Deathwing, Young Arthas) The Blizzlike realm will be a 12x rate realm.

    -C++ Developers (Your job will be to make custom core fixes and start creating the custom core based off Arcemu) 0/4
    -Lua Scripters (Your only job will be scripting Bosses and Quests. Creativity is needed. A good amount of custom instances will need to be scripted. ) 0/3
    -Website Developers (Your job will be maintaining the site and creating custom scripts for it) 0/2

    We're going to develop the server through a Dedicated host. The server shall be up withing 1 day to start building our community. The server will be open to the public who want to join. We have a powerfull dedicated host with an stable uplink.

    Current staff list:
    -Achieq (Owner and Head of development)
    -Arjo (Owner)
    -Bluetoday (Admin and Head of GMs)

    All Positions:

    Admins (2/2)
    Head of GM (1/1)
    Head of C++ (0/1)
    Head of Lua (0/1)
    Lua Developer (0/3)
    C++ Developer (0/4)
    Gamemaster (0/3) * Not recruiting atm.
    Web Developers (0/2)
    GFX Developers (0/2)

    Application Format: Use your own, however you must show some examples of your previous work( at least 2 )

    Do not PM me with your applications. Post them on this thread. Please do not add me on MSN without posting an application first. If you do this, you're automatically denied.
    MSN: [email protected]

  14. #59
    sommer07's Avatar Member
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    Sommer07 Looking for work.

    Your name: Sommer07

    Position applied for: Website Developer and possibly alittle lua scripting...

    Age: 16

    Email: [email protected]

    What coding languages do you know? Php, (X)HTML, CSS, Small understanding of Brain****,SQL, ,Little C++, Little C#, Ok, and Ok Lua.

    What emulators have you worked with? Mangos, ArcEmu, That other one kinda same name as arcemu just can't remember name.

    Examples of your work: Umm... I don't know what to put here... I could probably give more info over MSN...

    Where have you worked before applying here?: I have worked for a few servers, me and names are HORRIBLE friends so I can't remember name...

    What times are you available? - Please give approx times: ?

    * Monday: 6hrs
    * Tuesday: 6hrs
    * Wednesday: 6hrs
    * Thursday: 6hrs
    * Friday: 6hrs
    * Saturday: 6hrs
    * Sunday: 6hrs

    Please give us some extra information about yourself: I love coding in PHP and making websites, I also love beeing in-game and working with players as a GM and helping
    players, my previous server administrative attempt went horrible because all I wanted to do was helping people and their server was empty... Now how ever I can help make the website and features for it so even if the server is low on population I get to do something on the server. Basically what I'm trying to say is : If your server is new and has barely any players on it, I must be a website or lua coder for your server.

    Are you willing to deal with people who may not have as much knowledge in your particular field as you do? : Yes, if they need help, I will help, if they use longer times than me to make a certain feature, I don't care. I am willing to work with anyone!
    Hello my name is Gaylord Q. Tinkledink

  15. #60
    horror456's Avatar Member
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    Unholy WOW (Blizzlike funserver)PVP needs you

    Arcemu Server 3.3.5 latest rev 3472 PVP server

    i want it to be blizzlike funserver with:
    outdoor bosses
    leveling road
    donor armor and items can be bought with money, items that drop from world bosses or badges that drop from bosses.
    At the moment i need everything for my server, im the only one working on it at the moment.
    GM events

    Its running on a dedicated host

    * 2x Intel Xeon 3.066 GHz processors
    * 4 GB DDR RAM
    * 73 GB SCSI Hard Disk Space
    * Starting at 750GB of Bandwidth
    * 100 Mbit/s port

    Main Admin: 1/1
    Item Maker: 0/2
    Database developer:0/2
    Quest and NPC Makers:02
    lua scripters 0/1
    c++ scripters 0/1
    Core Developers: 0/2
    Web Designers 0/1
    Developers 0/5

    please be mature, and have experience in the role you are applying for.

    you can go to and create a character and see the current stage of the server.

    send your app to [email protected]

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