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    charles420's Avatar Contributor
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    [TBC Classic] []

    some of these offsets can still be wrong i didnt test them all / some i just dont use atm but for most part everything seems to work

    using System.Reflection;
    namespace LazyLib.Wow
        public class PublicPointers
            /// <summary>
            /// Globals
            /// </summary>
            public enum Globals
                PlayerName = 0x2C03B58, // good
            /// <summary>
            /// InGame
            /// </summary>
            public enum InGame
                InGame = 0x2F165B0,// good //Reversed From Script_IsPlayerInWorld
                LoadingScreen = 0x2BEFE00,// good //Reversed From Script_CanLogIn to CGlueMgr__CanLogIn
                RealmName = 0x2EBA418,// not checked
        internal class Pointers
            /// <summary>
            /// ActionBar
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ActionBar
                ActionBarFirstSlot = 0x2F57950, // good //Reversed From Script_GetActionTexture To CGActionBar__GetTexture
                ActionBarBonus = ActionBarFirstSlot + 0x240,// todo recheck
                CurrentActionBar = 0x2F57FA4,// good
            /// <summary>
            /// Battleground
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Battleground
                BattlegroundStartTickcount = 0x2F51B24,// GetBattlefieldInstanceRunTime
                Timestamp = 0x2C75084,////FrameTime__GetCurTimeMs
                IsBattlegroundFinished = 0x2F51DCC,//GetBattlefieldWinner
                BattlegroundWinner = 0x2F51DD0,// string GetBattlefieldWinner
                BattlegroundInfo = 0x2B15FD0, // LeaveBattlefield
                UISelectedBattlegroundId = 0x2F15328,
            /// <summary>
            /// Corpse dont care i dont use thisjust updated to help people 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Corpse
                X = 0x2B0C070,
                Y = X + 0x4,
                Z = X + 0x8,
            /// <summary>
            /// Party
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Party
                PartyOffset = 0x2F4AE48,
                IsInGroupHome = 0x2F4AE48,
                IsInGroupInstance = 0x2F4AE58,
                NumOfPlayers = 0x178,//Script_GetNumGroupMembers
                NumOfPlayers_SuBGroup = 0x17C,//// NumOFPlayers+4
                PlayerGuid = 0x10,
            /// <summary>
            /// AutoLoot // patternwrong
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AutoLoot
                Pointer = 0x2F15478,// good //Reversed From CGGameUI__IsAutoLooting
                Offset = 0x5C,
            /// <summary>
            /// ClickToMove
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ClickToMove
                Pointer = 0x2F15430,  // good //Search String in ida Automatically stand when needed to CGGameUI__RegisterGameCVars then thats the offset
                Offset = 0x5C,
            /// <summary>
            /// Reversed from CGUnit_C__GetCreatureRank 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CgUnitCGetCreatureRank
                Offset1 = 0x1800, //0x17B8 old,
                Offset2 = 0x34,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGUnit_C__GetCreatureType 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CgUnitCGetCreatureType
                Offset1 = 0x1800, //0x17B8 old,
                Offset2 = 0x30,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGWorldFrame__GetActiveCamera
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CgWorldFrameGetActiveCamera
                CameraPointer = 0x2FFA740, // good
                CameraOffset = 0x38D8,// good
                CameraX = 0x8,
                CameraY = 0xC,
                CameraZ = 0x10,
                CameraMatrix = 0x14,
            /// <summary>
            /// Search for CGUnit_C::GetSkinnableType_Checked 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Skinning
                SkinnableFlags1 = 0x1800, //
                SkinnableFlags2 = 0x0CC,
            /// <summary>
            /// AuctionHouse
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AuctionHouse
                AuctionListCount = 0x2F99098,
                AuctionList = 0x2F990A0,
                AuctionOwnerCount = 0x2F990B8,
                AuctionOwnerList = 0x2F990C0,
                AuctionBidderCount = 0x2F990D8,
                AuctionBidderList = 0x2F990E0,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGActionBar__IsCurrentAction
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AutoAttack
                IsAutoRepeatingSpell = 0x2C8DDF0, // good
                IsInMelee = 0xAF6C,
                IsInMelee1 = 0x18A8,
                AutoAttackFlag = 0xEE8,
                AutoAttackMask = 0xEEC,
                ///Address seems to show the GUID of the Auto Attack target
                AutoAttackGUID = 0xAF6C,
                ///Shows 0x06 when not wanding, 0x0C or 0x0E when wanding
                ///Wanding = 0xEF8
            /// <summary>
            /// CastingInfo //There are two "is casting" numbers now it seems fyi
            /// </summary>
            internal enum CastingInfo
                // return ~(*(a1 + 0x1904) >> 3) & 1;
                IsCastNotInterruptible = 0x1904,
                IsCasting = 0x19D8,// Script_UnitCastingInfo
                ChanneledCasting = 0x19C0,// Script_UnitChannelInfo
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from
            /// todo fix the fuckery 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Chat : uint
                ChatStart = 0x2F168C0,// good
                chatBufferPos = 0x2F46400,// good
                // all work below 
                OffsetToNextMsg = 0xCB8,
                MsgSenderGuid = 0x00,
                MsgSenderName = 0x034,
                MsgFullMessage = 0x00E6,
                MsgChatType = 0xCA0,
                MsgChannelNum = 0xCA4,
                MsgTimeStamp = 0xCB0,
                ChatQueueDepth = 0x3C,
            /// <summary>
            /// BlueChat
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Messages
                EventMessage = 0x2F15970,//Reversed From CGGameUI__DisplayError
            /// <summary>
            /// Container
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Container
                EquippedBagGUID = 0x2F51A10,
            /// <summary>
            /// Globals
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Globals
                RedMessage = 0x2F15970,//Reversed From CGGameUI__DisplayError
                MouseOverGUID = 0x2F165B8,// Reversed From Script_GetGUIDFromToken - MouseOver
                LootWindow = 0x2F65150,//Reversed From CGPlayer_C_OnLootClose
                ChatboxIsOpen = 0x2C9DA94,//Reversed From CGPlayer_C_OnLootClose
                CursorType = 0x2FEAF10,// Reversed From CursorInitialize - Script_SetCursor To CursorSetMode
                CursorType2 = CursorType + 0x04,
                SelectedSpellId = 0x2F66908, // GetTrainerSelectionIndex
                CGGameUI__m_cursorItem = 0x2F15908, // dont use atm
                CGGameUI__m_cursorSpell = 0x2F15930, // dont use atm
                IsMouseButtonPressed = 0x2C750B4,
                Indoors = 0x2C7A745,
                IsBobbing = 0x14C,
                ArchFacing = 0x198,
                ArchFacingOffset2 = 0x30,
            /// <summary>
            /// KeyBinding // Reversed From Script_GetNumBindings
            /// </summary>
            internal enum KeyBinding
                NumKeyBindings = 0x2C0ED00,
                First = 0x188,
                Next = 0x178,
                Key = 0x30,
                Command = 0x58,
            /// <summary>
            /// Macros Todo Add Pattern for dumper havent cared to fix this yet again 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum MacroManager
                Next = 0x0,
                Name = 0x0,
                Icon = 0x0,
                Body = 0x0,
                Base = 0x2F4B568,// MacroBase  4 Below GetRunningMacroButton STring
                nbGeneralMacros = 0x2F4B580,// Found With GetNumMacros String
                nbSpecificMacros = 0x2F4B590,// Found With GetNumMacros String
            /// <summary>
            /// Quest
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Quest
                m_quests = 0x2F5A330,
                m_numQuests = 0x2F5A170,//Found With GetNumQuestLogEntries String
                m_currentQuest = 0x2F88164,//Found In GetQuestID String
                m_questTitle = 0x2F932B0,// Found With GetTitleText String
                m_gossipQuests = 0x2F4C5C8,
                QuestsCompleted = 0x2C5DA58,
                GetNumQuestChoices = 0x2F97760,//Found With GetNumQuestChoices String // RewardChoiceItemIdCount
                GetQuestReward = 0x2F97768,
                CGQuestInfo_Available__Quest = 0x2F96DB0,
                CGQuestInfo_Available__Num = 0x2F8817C,
                CGQuestInfo_Active__Num = 0x2F88180,//Found With GetNumActiveQuests String
                CGQuestInfo_Active__Quest = 0x2F8D604,
            /// <summary>
            /// ObjectManager
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ObjectManager
                CurMgrPointer = 0x2D297C8,
                LocalPlayerGUID = 0x2C03B40, // good
                TargetGUID = 0x2B14090,
                PetGUID = 0x0,
                StorageField = 0x10,
                ObjectType = 0x20,
                NextObject = 0x70,
                FirstObject = 0x18,
                LocalGUID = 0x58,
            /// <summary>
            /// Script_UnitAffectingCombat 
            ///v4 = v2 && (*(_DWORD *)(*(_DWORD *)(v2 + 284) + 316) >> 19) & 1; 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum InCombat
                Mask = 19,
                Offset2 = 0x158,
                Offset1 = 0x188,
            /// <summary>
            /// Runes 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Runes
                RuneTypes = 0x0,
                RunesOffset = 0x0,
                //Offset is usually RuneTypes + 0x64
            /// <summary>
            /// CGUnit_C__GetShapeshiftFormId 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum ShapeshiftForm
                BaseAddressOffset1 = 0x188,// good
                BaseAddressOffset2 = 0x27B,// good
            /// <summary>
            /// SpellCooldown
            /// </summary>
            internal enum SpellCooldown : uint
                CooldPown = 0x2C8DC30,
            /// <summary>
            /// Search for PowerTypePointer  
            /// </summary>
            internal enum PowerIndex
                PowerIndexArrays = 0x2CE76A0,
                Multiplicator = 13,// good
            /// <summary>
            /// Swimming v5 = v3 && (*(*(v3 + 0x198) + 0x58i64) >> 20) & 1; 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Swimming
                Pointer = 0x198,
                Offset = 0x58,
                Mask = 0x100000,
            /// <summary>
            /// IsFlying 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum IsFlying
                Pointer = 0x198,
                Offset = 0x58,
                Mask = 0x1000000,
            /// <summary>
            /// IsFalling v5 = v3 && (*(*(v3 + 0x198) + 0x58i64) >> 11) & 1 && !((*(*(v3 + 0x198) + 0x58i64) >> 10) & 1);
            /// </summary>
            internal enum IsFalling
                Pointer = 0x198,
                Offset = 0x58,
                Mask = 0x1000000,
            /// <summary>
            /// reversed from CGUnit_C__GetAura 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UnitAuras : uint
                AuraCount1 = 0x1B10,
                AuraCount2 = 0x1B18,
                AuraTable1 = 0x1B18,
                AuraTable2 = 0x1B10,
                AuraSize = 0xB0, // good
                AuraSpellId = 0x88,
                AuraStack = 0x39,
                TimeLeft = 0x40,
                OwnerGUID = 0x20,
                AuraTableOffset = 0x00,
                AuraFlags = 0x90,
                AuraLevel = 0x92,
            //struct PlayerCacheEntry
            //    public IntPtr next;
            //    public UInt128 guid;
            //    public Byte pad;
            //    [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.ByValArray, SizeConst = 0x30)]
            //    public Byte[] name;
            /// <summary>
            /// UnitName 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UnitName : uint
                ObjectName1 = 0x478,// good
                ObjectName2 = 0xE0,// good
                PlayerNameGUIDOffset = 0x18,
                PlayerNameStringOffset = 0x38,
                PlayerNameCacheNext = 0x0,
                PlayerNameCachePointer = 0x28E7220,
                UnitName1 = 0x1800,  //good
                UnitName2 = 0xF8, // good
            /// <summary>
            /// UnitSpeed 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UnitSpeed
                Pointer1 = 0x198,
                Pointer2 = 0xA0,
            /// <summary>
            /// WowObject 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum WowObject
                X = 0x15F8, //
                Y = X + 0x4,
                Z = X + 0x8,
                RotationOffset = X + 0x10,
                Pitch = X + 0x14,
                GameObjectX = 0x1B0,
                GameObjectY = GameObjectX + 0x4,
                GameObjectZ = GameObjectX + 0x8,
                GameObjectRotation = GameObjectX + 0x10,
                TransportGUID = 0x15F0,
            /// <summary>
            /// Zone 
            /// </summary>
            internal enum Zone : uint
                ZoneText = 0x2F158D0,//Script_GetZoneText
                ZoneID = 0x2F16570,//Reversed From Script_GetZonePVPInfo - Script_IsPlayerInMicroDungeon
                SubZoneText = 0x2F158D8,//Reversed From Script_GetSubZoneText
                ContinentId = 0x290050C, // working now
                GetContinentIDOffset = 0x0,
            /// <summary>
            /// UiFrame  todo Check All these havent fully tested them
            /// </summary>
            internal enum UiFrame
                ScrWidth = 0x28E580C,// Script_GetScreenWidth
                ScrHeight = 0x28E5820,// Script_GetScreenHeight
                FrameBase = 0x2C75D90,// Script_GetMouseMotionFocus
                CurrentFramePtr = 0x2C75D90,// Script_GetMouseClickFocus
                CurrentFrameOffset = 0x290, // old 0x1A0,
                // they changed this somewhat seems
                FirstFrame = 0xF18, //old 0xCD0, 
                NextFrame = 0xF08,
                //LastFrame = 0xF10, // they removed this one
                // Found with GetNumRegions or GetRegions string
                RegionsFirst = 0x2A0, // old 0x1A8,
                RegionsNext = 0x290, // old 0x198,
                //IsVisible is visable string or IsShown
                //lua_pushboolean(v1, (*(v2 + 0x1CC) >> 1) & 1);
                Visible = 0x1CC, // old 0xC8,
                Visible1 = 1, // old 0xA,
                Visible2 = 1,
                LabelText = 0x280, // 0x188,
                Name = 0x28,
                // todo these 4 below string bottom
                FrameBottom = 0x190,
                FrameLeft = 0x194,
                FrameTop = 0x198,
                FrameRight = 0x19C,
                EffectiveScale = 0x1C0,//old 0xC0,
                //this might be wrong idn
                ParentFrame = 0x58,//0xD0,
                //not using this but should be good
                IconNumber = 0x12, //0xF0,
                //"GetButtonState" string
                //lua_pushboolean(v4, (*(v5 + 0x310) & 0xF) != 0);
                ButtonEnabledPointer = 0x310, // old 0x210,
                ButtonEnabledMask = 0xF,
                //GetChecked string
                ButtonChecked = 0x360,//0x268,
                //this one might be wrong below decompile error idc
                EditBoxText = 0x330, // old 0x238
    ChrClasses = 0x2c20590
    ChrRaces = 0x2c20780
    ChrSpecialization = 0x2c20970
    ConfigurationWarning = 0x2c20b60
    Cfg_Configs = 0x2c20d50
    GameTips = 0x2c20f40
    MapDifficultyXCondition = 0x2c21130
    PlayerCondition = 0x2c21320
    Difficulty = 0x2c21510
    LoadingScreens = 0x2c21700
    LoadingScreenTaxiSplines = 0x2c218f0
    MapLoadingScreen = 0x2c21ae0
    TaxiPathNode = 0x2c21cd0
    UiMapArtStyleLayer = 0x2c21ec0
    UiMapArtTile = 0x2c220b0
    TaxiPath = 0x2c222a0
    UiMapArt = 0x2c22490
    UiCanvas = 0x2c22680
    CreatureDisplayInfo = 0x2c22870
    CreatureModelData = 0x2c22a60
    SDReplacementModel = 0x2c22c50
    SpellName = 0x2c22e40
    Vehicle = 0x2c23030
    VehicleSeat = 0x2c23220
    SpellKeyboundOverride = 0x2c23410
    SpellEffect = 0x2c23600
    CharComponentTextureLayouts = 0x2c23b80
    CharComponentTextureSections = 0x2c23d70
    ChrCustomizationBoneSet = 0x2c23f60
    ChrCustomizationChoice = 0x2c24150
    ChrCustomizationCondModel = 0x2c24340
    ChrCustomizationElement = 0x2c24530
    ChrCustomizationGeoset = 0x2c24720
    ChrCustomizationMaterial = 0x2c24910
    ChrCustomizationOption = 0x2c24b00
    ChrCustomization = 0x2c24cf0
    ChrCustomizationReq = 0x2c24ee0
    ChrCustomizationSkinnedModel = 0x2c250d0
    ChrCustItemGeoModify = 0x2c252c0
    ChrModelMaterial = 0x2c254b0
    ChrModel = 0x2c256a0
    ChrModelTextureLayer = 0x2c25890
    ComponentModelFileData = 0x2c25a80
    ComponentTextureFileData = 0x2c25c70
    CreatureDisplayInfoGeosetData = 0x2c25e60
    CreatureDisplayInfoCond = 0x2c26050
    CreatureDisplayInfoCondXChoice = 0x2c26240
    CreatureDisplayInfoExtra = 0x2c26430
    CreatureDisplayInfoOption = 0x2c26620
    GuildColorBackground = 0x2c26810
    GuildColorBorder = 0x2c26a00
    GuildColorEmblem = 0x2c26bf0
    GuildEmblem = 0x2c26de0
    GuildShirtBackground = 0x2c26fd0
    GuildShirtBorder = 0x2c271c0
    GuildTabardBackground = 0x2c273b0
    GuildTabardBorder = 0x2c275a0
    GuildTabardEmblem = 0x2c27790
    HelmetAnimScaling = 0x2c27980
    HelmetGeosetData = 0x2c27b70
    ItemDisplayInfo = 0x2c27d60
    ItemDisplayInfoMaterialRes = 0x2c27f50
    ItemVisualsXEffect = 0x2c28140
    ParticleColor = 0x2c28330
    TextureFileData = 0x2c28520
    ChrCustomizationConversion = 0x2c28710
    ChrCustomizationDisplayInfo = 0x2c28900
    ChrCustomizationReqChoice = 0x2c28af0
    ChrModelTextureTarget = 0x2c28ce0
    ChrRaceXChrModel = 0x2c28ed0
    TransformMatrix = 0x2c290c0
    ChrCustClientChoiceConversion = 0x2c292b0
    CharacterFacialHairStyles = 0x2c294a0
    BeamEffect = 0x2c29690
    GradientEffect = 0x2c29880
    DissolveEffect = 0x2c29a70
    EdgeGlowEffect = 0x2c29c60
    ShadowyEffect = 0x2c29e50
    SpellProceduralEffect = 0x2c2a040
    SpellVisualEffectName = 0x2c2a230
    SpellVisualKitModelAttach = 0x2c2a420
    SpellVisualKit = 0x2c2a610
    Item = 0x2c2a800
    SpellVisualKitEffect = 0x2c2a9f0
    SpellVisual = 0x2c2abe0
    SpellLearnSpell = 0x2c2add0
    VehicleUIIndSeat = 0x2c2afc0
    Particulate = 0x2c2b1b0
    CurrencyContainer = 0x2c2b3a0
    ImportPriceQuality = 0x2c2b590
    AnimaCable = 0x2c2b780
    SpellLevels = 0x2c2b970
    SpamMessages = 0x2c2bb60
    Vignette = 0x2c2bd50
    JournalItemXDifficulty = 0x2c2bf40
    TransmogHoliday = 0x2c2c130
    Path = 0x2c2c320
    BattlePetBreedQuality = 0x2c2c510
    ImportPriceShield = 0x2c2c700
    ScalingStatDistribution = 0x2c2c8f0
    CurrencyTypes = 0x2c2cae0
    JournalSectionXDifficulty = 0x2c2ccd0
    TransmogSet = 0x2c2cec0
    ImportPriceWeapon = 0x2c2d0b0
    BattlePetBreedState = 0x2c2d2a0
    SpellMechanic = 0x2c2d490
    Scenario = 0x2c2d680
    GarrFollowerLevelXP = 0x2c2d870
    JournalTier = 0x2c2da60
    PathNode = 0x2c2dc50
    VocalUISounds = 0x2c2de40
    InvasionClientData = 0x2c2e030
    SpellMisc = 0x2c2e220
    BattlePetDisplayOverride = 0x2c2e410
    JournalTierXInstance = 0x2c2e600
    DeathThudLookups = 0x2c2e7f0
    ScenarioEventEntry = 0x2c2e9e0
    GarrFollowerQuality = 0x2c2ebd0
    PathNodeProperty = 0x2c2edc0
    TransmogSetGroup = 0x2c2efb0
    VolumeFogCondition = 0x2c2f1a0
    Keychain = 0x2c2f390
    BattlePetEffectProperties = 0x2c2f580
    ScenarioStep = 0x2c2f770
    Languages = 0x2c2f960
    TransmogSetItem = 0x2c2fb50
    DecalProperties = 0x2c2fd40
    ChrUpgradeBucket = 0x2c2ff30
    WbAccessControlList = 0x2c30120
    SpellMissileMotion = 0x2c30310
    BattlePetNPCTeamMember = 0x2c30500
    PathProperty = 0x2c306f0
    GarrFollowerSetXFollower = 0x2c308e0
    LanguageWords = 0x2c30ad0
    BattlePetSpecies = 0x2c30cc0
    ChrUpgradeBucketSpell = 0x2c30eb0
    TransportAnimation = 0x2c310a0
    SpellMissile = 0x2c31290
    GarrFollowerType = 0x2c31480
    AnimaCylinder = 0x2c31670
    LFGDungeonGroup = 0x2c31860
    WbCertWhitelist = 0x2c31a50
    Phase = 0x2c31c40
    SceneScriptPackage = 0x2c31e30
    ChrUpgradeTier = 0x2c32020
    TransportPhysics = 0x2c32210
    SceneScriptPackageMember = 0x2c32400
    PhaseShiftZoneSounds = 0x2c325f0
    LFGDungeons = 0x2c327e0
    WeaponImpactSounds = 0x2c329d0
    CinematicCamera = 0x2c32bc0
    BattlePetSpeciesState = 0x2c32db0
    GarrFollowerUICreature = 0x2c32fa0
    AnimaMaterial = 0x2c33190
    DeclinedWordCases = 0x2c33380
    SceneScript = 0x2c33570
    BattlePetSpeciesXAbility = 0x2c33af0
    CinematicSequences = 0x2c33ce0
    SpellPower = 0x2c33ed0
    DeclinedWord = 0x2c340c0
    TransportRotation = 0x2c342b0
    GarrFollowerXAbility = 0x2c344a0
    WeaponSwingSounds2 = 0x2c34690
    BattlePetState = 0x2c34c10
    DestructibleModelData = 0x2c34e00
    PhaseXPhaseGroup = 0x2c34ff0
    ClientSceneEffect = 0x2c351e0
    Trophy = 0x2c353d0
    SceneScriptGlobalText = 0x2c355c0
    WeaponTrail = 0x2c357b0
    GarrItemLevelUpgradeData = 0x2c359a0
    CloneEffect = 0x2c35b90
    ScreenEffect = 0x2c35d80
    BattlePetVisual = 0x2c35f70
    ItemAppearance = 0x2c36160
    UiCamFbackTransmogChrRace = 0x2c36350
    SpellPowerDifficulty = 0x2c36540
    GarrMechanic = 0x2c36730
    ItemAppearanceXUiCamera = 0x2c36920
    CombatCondition = 0x2c36b10
    UiCamFbackTransmogWeapon = 0x2c36d00
    WeaponTrailModelDef = 0x2c36ef0
    ScreenEffectType = 0x2c370e0
    GarrMechanicSetXMechanic = 0x2c372d0
    LfgDungeonsGroupingMap = 0x2c374c0
    ItemArmorQuality = 0x2c376b0
    AnimKitBoneSet = 0x2c378a0
    WeaponTrailParam = 0x2c37a90
    ScreenLocation = 0x2c37c80
    UiCamera = 0x2c37e70
    SpellProcsPerMinute = 0x2c38060
    GarrMechanicType = 0x2c38250
    LFGRoleRequirement = 0x2c38440
    ItemArmorShield = 0x2c38630
    BonusRoll = 0x2c38820
    AnimKitBoneSetAlias = 0x2c38a10
    SpellProcsPerMinuteMod = 0x2c38c00
    ItemArmorTotal = 0x2c38df0
    SeamlessSite = 0x2c38fe0
    CommunityIcon = 0x2c391d0
    GarrMission = 0x2c393c0
    UiCameraType = 0x2c395b0
    AnimKitConfig = 0x2c397a0
    WMOMinimapTexture = 0x2c39990
    Bounty = 0x2c39b80
    ServerMessages = 0x2c39d70
    SpellRadius = 0x2c39f60
    ItemBagFamily = 0x2c3a150
    AnimKitConfigBoneSet = 0x2c3a340
    SiegeableProperties = 0x2c3a530
    ItemBonus = 0x2c3a720
    World_PVP_Area = 0x2c3a910
    BountySet = 0x2c3ab00
    SpellRange = 0x2c3acf0
    AnimKitPriority = 0x2c3aee0
    UIExpansionDisplayInfo = 0x2c3b0d0
    ItemBonusListLevelDelta = 0x2c3b2c0
    Locale = 0x2c3b4b0
    SkillLine = 0x2c3b6a0
    BroadcastText = 0x2c3b890
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    Map = 0x2c6d720
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    SoundKit = 0x2c74590
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    NamesProfanity = 0x30b1d40
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    NamesReserved = 0x30b2120
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    CommentatorTrackedCooldown = 0x30b26f0
    CommentatorStartLocation = 0x30b28e0
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    ManifestInterfaceData = 0x30b2cc0
    OccluderCurtain = 0x30b2eb0
    SSAOSettings = 0x30d0fc0
    cvars clean dump
    cvarRegister_RegisterFunction at 0x571F90
    s_Cvar_timingTestError 0x2BEE6C8
    s_Cvar_launchAgent 0x2BEE6D0
    s_Cvar_ 0x2BEEEE0
    s_Cvar_M2UseThreads 0x2BEEEC8
    s_Cvar_M2UseInstancing 0x2BEEED0
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    s_Cvar_lastAddonVersion 0x2BF19B8
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    s_Cvar_seenConfigurationWarnings 0x2BF19E8
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    s_Cvar_gxMTBeginDraw 0x2FED3D8
    -- Error --: Failed to rename  -> s_Cvar_
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    s_Cvar_ssaoMagicThresholdHigh 0x30D0DF8
    fast desciptor dump to make sure everythings where it should be

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    0x0004 ['m_entryID']
    0x0005 ['m_dynamicFlags']
    0x0006 ['m_scale']
    0x0000 ['m_owner']
    0x0004 ['m_containedIn']
    0x0008 ['m_creator']
    0x000C ['m_giftCreator']
    0x0010 ['m_stackCount']
    0x0011 ['m_expiration']
    0x0012 ['m_spellCharges']
    0x0017 ['m_dynamicFlags']
    0x0018 ['m_enchantment']
    0x003F ['m_propertySeed']
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    0x0041 ['m_durability']
    0x0042 ['m_maxDurability']
    0x0043 ['m_createPlayedTime']
    0x0044 ['m_modifiersMask']
    0x0045 ['m_context']
    0x0046 ['m_artifactXP']
    0x0048 ['m_itemAppearanceModID']
    0x0000 ['m_slots']
    0x0090 ['m_numSlots']
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    0x0004 ['summon']
    0x0008 ['critter']
    0x000C ['charmedBy']
    0x0010 ['summonedBy']
    0x0014 ['createdBy']
    0x0018 ['demonCreator']
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    0x0020 ['target']
    0x0024 ['battlePetCompanionGUID']
    0x0028 ['battlePetDBID']
    0x002A ['channelData']
    0x002C ['summonedByHomeRealm']
    0x002D ['race', 'classId', 'playerClassId', 'sex']
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    0x002F ['overrideDisplayPowerID']
    0x0030 ['health']
    0x0032 ['power']
    0x0038 ['maxHealth']
    0x003A ['maxPower']
    0x0040 ['modPowerRegen']
    0x0046 ['level']
    0x0047 ['effectiveLevel']
    0x0048 ['contentTuningID']
    0x0049 ['scalingLevelMin']
    0x004A ['scalingLevelMax']
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    0x004E ['scalingDamageItemLevelCurveID']
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    0x0050 ['virtualItems']
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    0x0057 ['flags2']
    0x0058 ['flags3']
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    0x005C ['rangedAttackRoundBaseTime']
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    0x0060 ['displayScale']
    0x0061 ['nativeDisplayID']
    0x0062 ['nativeXDisplayScale']
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    0x0065 ['maxDamage']
    0x0066 ['minOffHandDamage']
    0x0067 ['maxOffHandDamage']
    0x0068 ['standState', 'petLoyaltyIndex', 'visFlags', 'animTier']
    0x0069 ['petNumber']
    0x006A ['petNameTimestamp']
    0x006B ['petExperience']
    0x006C ['petNextLevelExperience']
    0x006D ['modCastingSpeed']
    0x006E ['modSpellHaste']
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    0x0070 ['modRangedHaste']
    0x0071 ['modHasteRegen']
    0x0072 ['modTimeRate']
    0x0073 ['createdBySpell']
    0x0074 ['npcFlags']
    0x0076 ['emoteState']
    0x0077 ['trainingPointsUsed', 'trainingPointsTotal']
    0x0078 ['stats']
    0x007D ['statPosBuff']
    0x0082 ['statNegBuff']
    0x0087 ['resistances']
    0x008E ['resistanceBuffModsPositive']
    0x0095 ['resistanceBuffModsNegative']
    0x009C ['baseMana']
    0x009D ['baseHealth']
    0x009E ['sheatheState', 'pvpFlags', 'petFlags', 'shapeshiftForm']
    0x009F ['attackPower']
    0x00A0 ['attackPowerModPos']
    0x00A1 ['attackPowerModNeg']
    0x00A2 ['attackPowerMultiplier']
    0x00A3 ['rangedAttackPower']
    0x00A4 ['rangedAttackPowerModPos']
    0x00A5 ['rangedAttackPowerModNeg']
    0x00A6 ['rangedAttackPowerMultiplier']
    0x00A7 ['setAttackSpeedAura']
    0x00A8 ['lifesteal']
    0x00A9 ['minRangedDamage']
    0x00AA ['maxRangedDamage']
    0x00AB ['powerCostModifier']
    0x00B2 ['powerCostMultiplier']
    0x00B9 ['maxHealthModifier']
    0x00BA ['hoverHeight']
    0x00BB ['minItemLevelCutoff']
    0x00BC ['minItemLevel']
    0x00BD ['maxItemLevel']
    0x00BE ['wildBattlePetLevel']
    0x00BF ['battlePetCompanionNameTimestamp']
    0x00C0 ['interactSpellID']
    0x00C1 ['stateSpellVisualID']
    0x00C2 ['stateAnimID']
    0x00C3 ['stateAnimKitID']
    0x00C4 ['stateWorldEffectID']
    0x00C8 ['scaleDuration']
    0x00C9 ['looksLikeMountID']
    0x00CA ['looksLikeCreatureID']
    0x00CB ['lookAtControllerID']
    0x00CC ['guildGUID']
    0x0000 ['duelArbiter']
    0x0004 ['wowAccount']
    0x0008 ['lootTargetGUID']
    0x000C ['playerFlags']
    0x000D ['playerFlagsEx']
    0x000E ['guildRankID']
    0x000F ['guildDeleteDate']
    0x0010 ['guildLevel']
    0x0011 ['partyType', 'numBankSlots', 'nativeSex', 'inebriation']
    0x0012 ['pvpTitle', 'arenaFaction', 'pvpRank']
    0x0013 ['duelTeam']
    0x0014 ['guildTimeStamp']
    0x0015 ['questLog']
    0x01A5 ['visibleItems']
    0x01CB ['playerTitle']
    0x01CC ['fakeInebriation']
    0x01CD ['virtualPlayerRealm']
    0x01CE ['currentSpecID']
    0x01CF ['taxiMountAnimKitID']
    0x01D0 ['avgItemLevel']
    0x01D4 ['currentBattlePetBreedQuality']
    0x01D5 ['honorLevel']
    0x01D6 ['customizationChoices']
    0x0000 ['invSlots']
    0x0204 ['farsightObject']
    0x0208 ['comboTarget']
    0x020C ['summonedBattlePetGUID']
    0x0210 ['knownTitles']
    0x021C ['coinage']
    0x021E ['XP']
    0x021F ['nextLevelXP']
    0x0220 ['trialXP']
    0x0221 ['skill']
    0x05A1 ['characterPoints']
    0x05A2 ['maxTalentTiers']
    0x05A3 ['trackCreatureMask']
    0x05A4 ['trackResourceMask']
    0x05A6 ['mainhandExpertise']
    0x05A7 ['offhandExpertise']
    0x05A8 ['rangedExpertise']
    0x05A9 ['combatRatingExpertise']
    0x05AA ['blockPercentage']
    0x05AB ['dodgePercentage']
    0x05AC ['dodgePercentageFromAttribute']
    0x05AD ['parryPercentage']
    0x05AE ['parryPercentageFromAttribute']
    0x05AF ['critPercentage']
    0x05B0 ['rangedCritPercentage']
    0x05B1 ['offhandCritPercentage']
    0x05B2 ['spellCritPercentage']
    0x05B9 ['shieldBlock']
    0x05BA ['mastery']
    0x05BB ['speed']
    0x05BC ['avoidance']
    0x05BD ['sturdiness']
    0x05BE ['versatility']
    0x05BF ['versatilityBonus']
    0x05C0 ['pvpPowerDamage']
    0x05C1 ['pvpPowerHealing']
    0x05C2 ['exploredZones']
    0x0742 ['restInfo']
    0x0746 ['modDamageDonePos']
    0x074D ['modDamageDoneNeg']
    0x0754 ['modDamageDonePercent']
    0x075B ['modHealingDonePos']
    0x075C ['modHealingPercent']
    0x075D ['modHealingDonePercent']
    0x075E ['modPeriodicHealingDonePercent']
    0x075F ['weaponDmgMultipliers']
    0x0762 ['weaponAtkSpeedMultipliers']
    0x0765 ['modSpellPowerPercent']
    0x0766 ['modResiliencePercent']
    0x0767 ['overrideSpellPowerByAPPercent']
    0x0768 ['overrideAPBySpellPowerPercent']
    0x0769 ['modTargetResistance']
    0x076A ['modTargetPhysicalResistance']
    0x076B ['localFlags']
    0x076C ['grantableLevels', 'multiActionBars', 'lifetimeMaxRank', 'numRespecs']
    0x076D ['ammoID']
    0x076E ['pvpMedals']
    0x076F ['buybackPrice']
    0x077B ['buybackTimestamp']
    0x0787 ['todayHonorableKills', 'yesterdayHonorableKills']
    0x0788 ['lastWeekHonorableKills', 'thisWeekHonorableKills']
    0x0789 ['thisWeekContribution']
    0x078A ['lifetimeHonorableKills']
    0x078B ['yesterdayContribution']
    0x078C ['lastWeekContribution']
    0x078D ['lastWeekRank']
    0x078E ['watchedFactionIndex']
    0x078F ['combatRatings']
    0x07AF ['pvpInfo']
    0x07F7 ['maxLevel']
    0x07F8 ['scalingPlayerLevelDelta']
    0x07F9 ['maxCreatureScalingLevel']
    0x07FA ['noReagentCostMask']
    0x07FE ['petSpellPower']
    0x07FF ['professionSkillLine']
    0x0801 ['uiHitModifier']
    0x0802 ['uiSpellHitModifier']
    0x0803 ['homeRealmTimeOffset']
    0x0804 ['modPetHaste']
    0x0805 ['localRegenFlags', 'auraVision', 'numBackpackSlots']
    0x0806 ['overrideSpellsID']
    0x0807 ['lfgBonusFactionID']
    0x0808 ['lootSpecID']
    0x0809 ['overrideZonePVPType']
    0x080A ['bagSlotFlags']
    0x080E ['bankBagSlotFlags']
    0x0815 ['questCompleted']
    0x0EEB ['honor']
    0x0EEC ['honorNextLevel']
    0x0EED ['pvpTierMaxFromWins']
    0x0EEE ['pvpLastWeeksTierMaxFromWins']
    0x0EEF ['insertItemsLeftToRight', 'pvpRankProgress']
    0x0000 ['m_createdBy']
    0x0004 ['m_guildGUID']
    0x0008 ['m_displayID']
    0x0009 ['m_flags']
    0x000A ['m_parentRotation']
    0x000E ['m_factionTemplate']
    0x000F ['m_level']
    0x0010 ['m_state', 'm_typeID', 'm_artKit', 'm_percentHealth']
    0x0011 ['m_spellVisualID']
    0x0012 ['m_stateSpellVisualID']
    0x0013 ['m_spawnTrackingStateAnimID']
    0x0014 ['m_spawnTrackingStateAnimKitID']
    0x0015 ['m_stateWorldEffectID']
    0x0019 ['m_customParam']
    0x0000 ['m_caster']
    0x0004 ['m_type']
    0x0005 ['m_spellXSpellVisualID']
    0x0006 ['m_spellID']
    0x0007 ['m_radius']
    0x0008 ['m_castTime']
    0x0000 ['m_owner']
    0x0004 ['m_partyGUID']
    0x0008 ['m_guildGUID']
    0x000C ['m_displayID']
    0x000D ['m_items']
    0x0020 ['m_raceID', 'm_sex', 'm_classID', 'm_padding']
    0x0021 ['m_flags']
    0x0022 ['m_dynamicFlags']
    0x0023 ['m_factionTemplate']
    0x0024 ['m_customizationChoices']
    0x0000 ['m_overrideScaleCurve']
    0x0007 ['m_extraScaleCurve']
    0x000E ['m_caster']
    0x0012 ['m_duration']
    0x0013 ['m_timeToTarget']
    0x0014 ['m_timeToTargetScale']
    0x0015 ['m_timeToTargetExtraScale']
    0x0016 ['m_spellID']
    0x0017 ['m_spellForVisuals']
    0x0018 ['m_spellXSpellVisualID']
    0x0019 ['m_boundsRadius2D']
    0x001A ['m_decalPropertiesID']
    0x001B ['m_creatingEffectGUID']
    0x0000 ['m_scriptPackageID']
    0x0001 ['m_rndSeedVal']
    0x0002 ['m_createdBy']
    0x0006 ['m_sceneType']
    Last edited by charles420; 07-15-2021 at 11:17 AM.

    [TBC Classic] []
  2. Thanks Dupheadss, aeo, Reghero, imzz, DarkLinux, Sellingmydruidlol, Razzue (7 members gave Thanks to charles420 for this useful post)
  3. #2
    Reghero's Avatar Member
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    I have casting/channeled at:

    IsCasting = 0x19B0,
    ChanneledCasting = 0x1A08

  4. Thanks Razzue (1 members gave Thanks to Reghero for this useful post)
  5. #3
    maikel233's Avatar Contributor
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    Not playing wow atm havent tested these but should work... Enjoy
    	// //
    // Pointers
    	static inline uintptr_t CGGameUI_s_inWorld = Base + 0x2F165B0; //   NotInitialized = 0, LoadingScreen1 = 3, LoadingScreen2 = 2, InGame = 4
    	// object manager
    	static inline uintptr_t ClntObjMgrEnumVisibleObjectsPtr = Base + 0x12DECA0;
    	static inline uintptr_t ClntObjMgrGetMapId = Base + 0x12E3A40;
    	static inline uintptr_t ClntObjMgrIsValid = Base + 0x12E41B0;
    	// pointers
    	static inline uintptr_t InvalidPtrCheckMin = Base + 0x2C9DF30;
    	static inline uintptr_t InvalidPtrCheckMax = Base + 0x2C9DF38;
    	static inline uintptr_t HardwareEventPtr = Base + 0x2C75D98;
    	static inline uintptr_t CanPerformAction = 0x00;
    	static inline uintptr_t Spell_C_GetMinMaxRange = Base + 0xF33EA0;//0xF5E440;/*0xF043C0;*/ // Unsure about this one...
    	static inline uintptr_t Spell_C_GetSpellCoolDown = Base + 0xF36970;//0xF60F10;
    	static inline uintptr_t castSpell = Base + 0x1551360;
    	static inline uintptr_t isSpellKnown = Base + 0x155AC90;
    	static inline uintptr_t findSlotBySpellId = Base + 0x15536E0;
    	static inline uintptr_t GetPlayerName = Base + 0x2C03B58; //0x29F8918;
    	static inline uintptr_t CorpseMapID = Base + 0x2B0C070;
    	static inline uintptr_t Corpsex = Base + 0x00; 
    	static inline uintptr_t Corpsey = Corpsex + 0x4;
    	static inline uintptr_t Corpsez = Corpsex + 0x8;
    	//Camera WorldFrame::GetActiveCamera
    	static inline  uintptr_t CameraMgr = Base + 0x2FFA740; 
    	static inline  uintptr_t CameraPtr = 0x38D8; // wowclassic ptr at 0x3330;
    Last edited by maikel233; 07-17-2021 at 04:37 PM. Reason: HardWareEventptr + castspell

  6. Thanks Razzue (1 members gave Thanks to maikel233 for this useful post)
  7. #4
    0xa4fba0's Avatar Member Authenticator enabled
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    uintptr_t FrameScript_ExecuteBuffer = 0x7F7A80;
    uintptr_t FrameScript_RegisterFunction = 0x7F94F0;
    uintptr_t FrameScript_GetText = 0x7FD2C0;
    inline uintptr_t lua_tonumber = 0x456E20;
    inline uintptr_t lua_tolstring = 0x456D80;
    inline uintptr_t lua_pushlstring = 0x457F15;
    inline uintptr_t lua_pushstring = 0x456060;
    inline uintptr_t lua_pushnumber = 0x456040;
    inline uintptr_t lua_pushnil = 0x456020;

  8. #5
    imzz's Avatar Active Member
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    NumKeyBindings = 0x2C0F348,
    Next = 0x18,
    Key = 0x30,
    Command = 0x50,

    UIFrame's offset has also changed, who knows about that?

  9. #6
    charles420's Avatar Contributor
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    what i have so far before i took a break if that helps u
            internal enum UiFrame
                ScrWidth = 0x28E580C,// Script_GetScreenWidth
                ScrHeight = 0x28E5820,// Script_GetScreenHeight
                FrameBase = 0x2C75D90,// Script_GetMouseMotionFocus
                CurrentFramePtr = 0x2C75D90,// Script_GetMouseClickFocus
                CurrentFrameOffset = 0x290, // old 0x1A0,
                // they changed this somewhat seems
                FirstFrame = 0xF18, //old 0xCD0, 
                NextFrame = 0xF08,
                //LastFrame = 0xF10, // they removed this one
                // Found with GetNumRegions or GetRegions string
                RegionsFirst = 0x2A0, // old 0x1A8,
                RegionsNext = 0x290, // old 0x198,
                //IsVisible is visable string or IsShown
                //lua_pushboolean(v1, (*(v2 + 0x1CC) >> 1) & 1);
                Visible = 0x1CC, // old 0xC8,
                Visible1 = 1, // old 0xA,
                Visible2 = 1,
                LabelText = 0x280, // 0x188,
               // todo
                Name = 0x20,
                // todo these 4 below decompile error lazy to fix sub_7CD170 rebased has them all tho
                FrameBottom = 0x90,
                FrameLeft = 0x94,
                FrameTop = 0x98,
                FrameRight = 0x9C,
                EffectiveScale = 0x1C0,//old 0xC0,
                //this might be wrong idn
                ParentFrame = 0x58,//0xD0,
                //not using this but should be good
                IconNumber = 0x12, //0xF0,
                //"GetButtonState" string
                //lua_pushboolean(v4, (*(v5 + 0x310) & 0xF) != 0);
                ButtonEnabledPointer = 0x310, // old 0x210,
                ButtonEnabledMask = 0xF,
                //GetChecked string
                ButtonChecked = 0x360,//0x268,
                //this one might be wrong below decompile error ida
                EditBoxText = 0x330, // old 0x238
    Last edited by charles420; 07-08-2021 at 10:38 PM.

  10. Thanks imzz (1 members gave Thanks to charles420 for this useful post)
  11. #7
    oiramario's Avatar Established Member
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    How to get Skills Rank Informations?
    Now I could get two profession skills by read ActivePlayer_ProfessionSkillLine.
        enum class eSkill {
            None = 0,
            Archaeology = 794,
            Alchemy = 171, 
            Blacksmith = 164, 
            Cooking = 184, 
            Enchanting = 333, 
            Engineer = 202, 
            FirstAid = 129, 
            Fishing = 356, 
            Herbalism = 182, 
            Inscription = 773, 
            Jewelcrafting = 755, 
            Leatherworking = 165, 
            Mining = 186, 
            Skinning = 393, 
            Tailoring = 197
    read ActivePlayer_Skill, I've got a skill list, maybe I can get skill index with it?

    by dig forums, got struct skill:
        struct Skill {
            uint16_t Id;
            uint16_t SkillStep;
            uint16_t Value;
            uint16_t MaxValue;
            uint16_t Modifier;
            uint16_t Bonus;
    And then I got stuck, any advice or hint is welcome.

  12. #8
    charles420's Avatar Contributor
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    .text:00000000010BE180 CGPlayer_C__GetSkillMaxRank
    .text:00000000010BF010 CGPlayer_C__GetSkillValue

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  14. #9
    oiramario's Avatar Established Member
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    Originally Posted by charles420 View Post
    .text:00000000010BE180 CGPlayer_C__GetSkillMaxRank
    .text:00000000010BF010 CGPlayer_C__GetSkillValue
    it's helpful.

    other questions:
    i've allready got SpellHistory::GetCooldown at F6ED10.
    how to get cooldown with item? and how to get duration when used Coarse Sharpening Stone on sword? and where is the global cool down?
    i dont know what's difference between F32A70 and F32970.


  15. #10
    scimmy's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by oiramario View Post
    it's helpful.

    other questions:
    i've allready got SpellHistory::GetCooldown at F6ED10.
    how to get cooldown with item? and how to get duration when used Coarse Sharpening Stone on sword? and where is the global cool down?
    i dont know what's difference between F32A70 and F32970.

    Instead of using SpellHistory::GetCooldown, use the wrappers. Reverse Spell_C::GetSpellCooldown and Spell_C::GetItemCooldown

  16. Thanks oiramario (1 members gave Thanks to scimmy for this useful post)
  17. #11
    oiramario's Avatar Established Member
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    const uint64_t ItemGetCooldown = 0xF32A70;
    const uint64_t IsSpellCoolDown = 0xF36970;

    how about GCD?

  18. #12
    scimmy's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by oiramario View Post
    const uint64_t ItemGetCooldown = 0xF32A70;
    const uint64_t IsSpellCoolDown = 0xF36970;

    how about GCD?
    There's no GCD on items. And the spell cooldown wrapper function automagically handles GCD for you. You lucked out.

  19. #13
    oiramario's Avatar Established Member
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    Thanks @charles420, @scimmy

            /// <summary>
            /// AuctionHouse
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AuctionHouse
                AuctionListCount = 0x2F99098,
                AuctionList = 0x2F990A0,
                AuctionOwnerCount = 0x2F990B8,
                AuctionOwnerList = 0x2F990C0,
                AuctionBidderCount = 0x2F990D8,
                AuctionBidderList = 0x2F990E0,
    class WoWAuctionEntry
        unsigned int AuctionId;            // 0x0
        unsigned int ItemEntry;            // 0x8
        unsigned int Count;                  // ?
        unsigned int MinimumBid;      // ?
        unsigned int MaximumBid;     // ?
        unsigned int ExpireTime;         // ?
    AuctionEntrySize = 0x288

    what's the new AuctionEntry structure? how get bid?
    Last edited by oiramario; 07-15-2021 at 11:27 AM.

  20. #14
    ChrisIsMe's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by oiramario View Post
    Thanks @charles420, @scimmy

            /// <summary>
            /// AuctionHouse
            /// </summary>
            internal enum AuctionHouse
                AuctionListCount = 0x2F99098,
                AuctionList = 0x2F990A0,
                AuctionOwnerCount = 0x2F990B8,
                AuctionOwnerList = 0x2F990C0,
                AuctionBidderCount = 0x2F990D8,
                AuctionBidderList = 0x2F990E0,
    class WoWAuctionEntry
        unsigned int AuctionId;            // 0x0
        unsigned int ItemEntry;            // 0x8
        unsigned int Count;                  // ?
        unsigned int MinimumBid;      // ?
        unsigned int MaximumBid;     // ?
        unsigned int ExpireTime;         // ?
    AuctionEntrySize = 0x288

    what's the new AuctionEntry structure? how get bid?
    Did you even try to figure it out? This is all simple to reverse from the Auction lua functions.

    API GetAuctionItemTimeLeft | WoWWiki | Fandom

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    oiramario's Avatar Established Member
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    I fig it out.

    class WoWAuctionEntry
    unsigned int AuctionId; // 0x0
    unsigned int ItemEntry; // 0x8
    unsigned int Count; // 0x228
    unsigned int minBid; // 0x248
    unsigned int buyoutPrice; // 0x258
    unsigned int ExpireTime; // 0x260

  23. Thanks charles420 (1 members gave Thanks to oiramario for this useful post)
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