[] The state of Warden menu

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    realwarpten's Avatar Member
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    [] The state of Warden


    I'm currently implementing the only known module of Warden into TrinityCore's 4.3.4 fork. I have a couple of questions for the people that extensively know how the inner workings of Warden behaves.

    * MPQ Scans appear to downright crash the client because of an invalid pointer dereference as seen here:

    char __userpurge sub_1020CC0@<al>(Warden$Module *module@<ecx>, SHA1Digest *a2@<esi>, Warden$FileSystemPointers *pointers@<edx>, const char *filePath)
      char result; // al
      Warden$MPQCheck context; // [esp+8h] [ebp-74h]
      context.ppFnProcess = &off_10252A4;
      context.m_sha1.N[0] = 0;
      context.m_sha1.N[1] = 0;
      context.m_sha1.h[0] = 0x67452301;
      context.m_sha1.h[1] = 0xEFCDAB89;
      context.m_sha1.h[2] = 0x98BADCFE;
      context.m_sha1.h[3] = 0x10325476;
      context.m_sha1.h[4] = 0xC3D2E1F0;
      result = Warden::ServerModule::HandleMPQScan(pointers, (unsigned int)filePath, &context, module);
      if ( result )
        SHA1::Finish(&context.m_sha1, a2);
        result = 1;
      return result;
    void __fastcall SHA1::Finish(SHA1 *a1, SHA1Digest *a2)
      v3 = a1->N[0];
      v4 = a1->N[1];
      a2a[0] = v3;
      v5 = __PAIR__(v4, v3) >> 8;
      v4 >>= 8;
      a2a[6] = v5;
      v6 = __PAIR__(v4, v5) >> 8;
      v4 >>= 8;
      a2a[5] = v6;
      v7 = __PAIR__(v4, v6) >> 8;
      v4 >>= 8;
      a2a[4] = v7;
      v8 = __PAIR__(v4, v7) >> 8;
      v4 >>= 8;
      a2a[3] = v8;
      v9 = __PAIR__(v4, v8) >> 8;
      a2a[2] = v9;
      v10 = __PAIR__(v4 >> 8, v9) >> 8;
      a2a[1] = v10;
      v11 = a1->N[0];
      a2a[0] = BYTE1(v10);
      v12 = a2; // <--------------------------
      SHA1::Process(a1, byte_1025250, ((-9 - (unsigned __int8)(v11 >> 3)) & 0x3F) + 1);
      SHA1::Process(a1, a2a, 8);
      v13 = &v12->Digest[1];
      v14 = a1->h;
      v15 = 5;
        v16 = *v14;
        v13[2] = *v14;
        v16 >>= 8;
        v13[1] = v16;
        v16 >>= 8;
        *v13 = v16;
        *(v13 - 1) = BYTE1(v16);
        v13 += 4;
      while ( v15 );
    For reasons unbeknownst to me, during the execution of SHA1::Finish, v12 becomes nullptr.
    Let's step back and take a look at the assembly.

    .srvwrdn:0101E030                                                     ; void __fastcall SHA1::Finish(SHA1 *a1, SHA1Digest *a2)
    .srvwrdn:0101E030                                                     SHA1::Finish(unsigned char (&)[20]) proc near
    .srvwrdn:0101E030                                                                                             ; CODE XREF: HMACFinalize+1E↓p
    .srvwrdn:0101E030                                                                                             ; HMACFinalize+4A↓p ...
    .srvwrdn:0101E030                                                     a2              = byte ptr -0Ch
    .srvwrdn:0101E030                                                     var_4           = dword ptr -4
    .srvwrdn:0101E030 000 55                                                              push    ebp
    .srvwrdn:0101E031 004 8B EC                                                           mov     ebp, esp
    .srvwrdn:0101E033 004 83 EC 10                                                        sub     esp, 10h
    .srvwrdn:0101E036 014 A1 00 60 02 01                                                  mov     eax, ds:dword_1026000
    .srvwrdn:0101E03B 014 33 C5                                                           xor     eax, ebp
    .srvwrdn:0101E03D 014 89 45 FC                                                        mov     [ebp+var_4], eax
    .srvwrdn:0101E040 014 56                                                              push    esi
    .srvwrdn:0101E041 018 57                                                              push    edi
    .srvwrdn:0101E042 01C 8B F9                                                           mov     edi, ecx        ; a1
    .srvwrdn:0101E044 01C 8B 0F                                                           mov     ecx, [edi]
    .srvwrdn:0101E046 01C 8B 47 04                                                        mov     eax, [edi+4]
    .srvwrdn:0101E049 01C 88 4D FB                                                        mov     [ebp+a2+7], cl
    .srvwrdn:0101E04C 01C 0F AC C1 08                                                     shrd    ecx, eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E050 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E053 01C 88 4D FA                                                        mov     [ebp+a2+6], cl
    .srvwrdn:0101E056 01C 0F AC C1 08                                                     shrd    ecx, eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E05A 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E05D 01C 88 4D F9                                                        mov     [ebp+a2+5], cl
    .srvwrdn:0101E060 01C 0F AC C1 08                                                     shrd    ecx, eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E064 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E067 01C 88 4D F8                                                        mov     [ebp+a2+4], cl
    .srvwrdn:0101E06A 01C 0F AC C1 08                                                     shrd    ecx, eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E06E 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E071 01C 88 4D F7                                                        mov     [ebp+a2+3], cl
    .srvwrdn:0101E074 01C 0F AC C1 08                                                     shrd    ecx, eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E078 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E07B 01C 88 4D F6                                                        mov     [ebp+a2+2], cl
    .srvwrdn:0101E07E 01C 0F AC C1 08                                                     shrd    ecx, eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E082 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E085 01C 88 4D F5                                                        mov     [ebp+a2+1], cl
    .srvwrdn:0101E088 01C 0F AC C1 08                                                     shrd    ecx, eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E08C 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E08F 01C 8B 07                                                           mov     eax, [edi]
    .srvwrdn:0101E091 01C 88 4D F4                                                        mov     [ebp+a2], cl
    .srvwrdn:0101E094 01C C1 E8 03                                                        shr     eax, 3
    .srvwrdn:0101E097 01C B9 F7 FF FF FF                                                  mov     ecx, 0FFFFFFF7h
    .srvwrdn:0101E09C 01C 2B C8                                                           sub     ecx, eax
    .srvwrdn:0101E09E 01C 83 E1 3F                                                        and     ecx, 3Fh
    .srvwrdn:0101E0A1 01C 83 C1 01                                                        add     ecx, 1
    .srvwrdn:0101E0A4 01C 51                                                              push    ecx             ; a3
    .srvwrdn:0101E0A5 020 68 50 52 02 01                                                  push    offset byte_1025250 ; a2
    .srvwrdn:0101E0AA 024 8B F2                                                           mov     esi, edx
    .srvwrdn:0101E0AC 024 E8 BF 5F 00 00                                                  call    SHA1::Process(char const*)
    .srvwrdn:0101E0B1 01C 6A 08                                                           push    8               ; a3
    .srvwrdn:0101E0B3 020 8D 55 F4                                                        lea     edx, [ebp+a2]
    .srvwrdn:0101E0B6 020 52                                                              push    edx             ; a2
    .srvwrdn:0101E0B7 024 E8 B4 5F 00 00                                                  call    SHA1::Process(char const*)
    .srvwrdn:0101E0BC 01C 8D 4E 01                                                        lea     ecx, [esi+1]
    .srvwrdn:0101E0BF 01C 8D 57 08                                                        lea     edx, [edi+8]
    .srvwrdn:0101E0C2 01C BE 05 00 00 00                                                  mov     esi, 5
    .srvwrdn:0101E0C7                                                     loc_101E0C7:                            ; CODE XREF: SHA1::Finish(uchar (&)[20])+B6↓j
    .srvwrdn:0101E0C7 01C 8B 02                                                           mov     eax, [edx]
    .srvwrdn:0101E0C9 01C 88 41 02                                                        mov     [ecx+2], al ; <---------------
    .srvwrdn:0101E0CC 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E0CF 01C 88 41 01                                                        mov     [ecx+1], al
    .srvwrdn:0101E0D2 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E0D5 01C 88 01                                                           mov     [ecx], al
    .srvwrdn:0101E0D7 01C C1 E8 08                                                        shr     eax, 8
    .srvwrdn:0101E0DA 01C 88 41 FF                                                        mov     [ecx-1], al
    .srvwrdn:0101E0DD 01C 83 C2 04                                                        add     edx, 4
    .srvwrdn:0101E0E0 01C 83 C1 04                                                        add     ecx, 4
    .srvwrdn:0101E0E3 01C 83 EE 01                                                        sub     esi, 1
    .srvwrdn:0101E0E6 01C 75 DF                                                           jnz     short loc_101E0C7
    .srvwrdn:0101E0E8 01C 8B 4D FC                                                        mov     ecx, [ebp+var_4]
    .srvwrdn:0101E0EB 01C 5F                                                              pop     edi
    .srvwrdn:0101E0EC 018 33 CD                                                           xor     ecx, ebp
    .srvwrdn:0101E0EE 018 5E                                                              pop     esi
    .srvwrdn:0101E0EF 014 E8 2A 2B 00 00                                                  call    sub_1020C1E
    .srvwrdn:0101E0F4 014 8B E5                                                           mov     esp, ebp
    .srvwrdn:0101E0F6 004 5D                                                              pop     ebp
    .srvwrdn:0101E0F7 000 C3                                                              retn
    .srvwrdn:0101E0F7                                                     SHA1::Finish(unsigned char (&)[20]) endp
    Execution fails on the highlighted line, because ECX=1. We can see ECX is loaded from the value at [ESI+1]. ESI itself loads from EDX. EDX is passed as an argument to the function, so let's look at the caller.

    .srvwrdn:01020CC0                                                     ; char __userpurge sub_1020CC0@<al>(Warden$Module *module@<ecx>, SHA1Digest *a2@<esi>, Warden$FileSystemPointers *pointers@<edx>, const char *filePath)
    .srvwrdn:01020CC0                                                     sub_1020CC0     proc near               ; CODE XREF: sub_101FC30+5D2↑p
    .srvwrdn:01020CC0                                                     context         = Warden$MPQCheck ptr -74h
    .srvwrdn:01020CC0                                                     var_8           = dword ptr -8
    .srvwrdn:01020CC0                                                     filePath        = dword ptr  8
    .srvwrdn:01020CC0 000 55                                                              push    ebp
    .srvwrdn:01020CC1 004 8B EC                                                           mov     ebp, esp
    .srvwrdn:01020CC3 004 83 EC 78                                                        sub     esp, 78h
    .srvwrdn:01020CC6 07C A1 00 60 02 01                                                  mov     eax, ds:dword_1026000
    .srvwrdn:01020CCB 07C 33 C5                                                           xor     eax, ebp
    .srvwrdn:01020CCD 07C 89 45 F8                                                        mov     [ebp+var_8], eax
    .srvwrdn:01020CD0 07C 8B 45 08                                                        mov     eax, [ebp+filePath]
    .srvwrdn:01020CD3 07C 57                                                              push    edi
    .srvwrdn:01020CD4 080 51                                                              push    ecx             ; a4
    .srvwrdn:01020CD5 084 8D 4D 8C                                                        lea     ecx, [ebp+context]
    .srvwrdn:01020CD8 084 8B FA                                                           mov     edi, edx        ; fptrs
    .srvwrdn:01020CDA 084 33 D2                                                           xor     edx, edx
    .srvwrdn:01020CDC 084 51                                                              push    ecx             ; a3
    .srvwrdn:01020CDD 088 50                                                              push    eax             ; fileSizeHiPart
    .srvwrdn:01020CDE 08C C7 45 8C A4 52 02 01                                            mov     [ebp+context.ppFnProcess], offset off_10252A4
    .srvwrdn:01020CE5 08C 89 55 94                                                        mov     [ebp+context.m_sha1.N], edx
    .srvwrdn:01020CE8 08C 89 55 98                                                        mov     [ebp+context.m_sha1.N+4], edx
    .srvwrdn:01020CEB 08C C7 45 9C 01 23 45 67                                            mov     [ebp+context.m_sha1.h], 67452301h
    .srvwrdn:01020CF2 08C C7 45 A0 89 AB CD EF                                            mov     [ebp+context.m_sha1.h+4], 0EFCDAB89h
    .srvwrdn:01020CF9 08C C7 45 A4 FE DC BA 98                                            mov     [ebp+context.m_sha1.h+8], 98BADCFEh
    .srvwrdn:01020D00 08C C7 45 A8 76 54 32 10                                            mov     [ebp+context.m_sha1.h+0Ch], 10325476h
    .srvwrdn:01020D07 08C C7 45 AC F0 E1 D2 C3                                            mov     [ebp+context.m_sha1.h+10h], 0C3D2E1F0h
    .srvwrdn:01020D0E 08C E8 3D EC FF FF                                                  call    Warden::ServerModule::HandleMPQScan
    .srvwrdn:01020D13 080 84 C0                                                           test    al, al
    .srvwrdn:01020D15 080 75 11                                                           jnz     short loc_1020D28
    .srvwrdn:01020D17 080 5F                                                              pop     edi
    .srvwrdn:01020D18 07C 8B 4D F8                                                        mov     ecx, [ebp+var_8]
    .srvwrdn:01020D1B 07C 33 CD                                                           xor     ecx, ebp
    .srvwrdn:01020D1D 07C E8 FC FE FF FF                                                  call    sub_1020C1E
    .srvwrdn:01020D22 07C 8B E5                                                           mov     esp, ebp
    .srvwrdn:01020D24 004 5D                                                              pop     ebp
    .srvwrdn:01020D25 000 C2 04 00                                                        retn    4
    .srvwrdn:01020D28                                                     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .srvwrdn:01020D28                                                     loc_1020D28:                            ; CODE XREF: sub_1020CC0+55↑j
    .srvwrdn:01020D28 080 8B D6                                                           mov     edx, esi        ; a2
    .srvwrdn:01020D2A 080 8D 4D 94                                                        lea     ecx, [ebp+context.m_sha1] ; a1
    .srvwrdn:01020D2D 080 E8 FE D2 FF FF                                                  call    SHA1::Finish(uchar (&)[20])
    .srvwrdn:01020D32 080 8B 4D F8                                                        mov     ecx, [ebp+var_8]
    .srvwrdn:01020D35 080 33 CD                                                           xor     ecx, ebp
    .srvwrdn:01020D37 080 B0 01                                                           mov     al, 1
    .srvwrdn:01020D39 080 5F                                                              pop     edi
    .srvwrdn:01020D3A 07C E8 DF FE FF FF                                                  call    sub_1020C1E
    .srvwrdn:01020D3F 07C 8B E5                                                           mov     esp, ebp
    .srvwrdn:01020D41 004 5D                                                              pop     ebp
    .srvwrdn:01020D42 000 C2 04 00                                                        retn    4
    .srvwrdn:01020D42                                                     sub_1020CC0     endp
    We see that EDX is ... loaded from ESI, which is, once again, an argument to us. This function is what I call Warden::Process, and is in charge of processing the received scans that have been stored internally. Because it's huge (it contains a jump table and handles most scans), I'm only going to paste the bit related to MPQ scans.

    .srvwrdn:0102019E                                                     loc_102019E:                            ; CODE XREF: sub_101FC30+F6↑j
    .srvwrdn:0102019E                                                                                             ; DATA XREF: .srvwrdn:off_1020990↓o
    .srvwrdn:0102019E 26C 8B 46 08                                                        mov     eax, [esi+8]    ; jumptable 0101FD26 case 2
    .srvwrdn:010201A1 26C 8B 7E 04                                                        mov     edi, [esi+4]
    .srvwrdn:010201A4 26C 3B C7                                                           cmp     eax, edi
    .srvwrdn:010201A6 26C 77 09                                                           ja      short loc_10201B1
    .srvwrdn:010201A8 26C 8B CF                                                           mov     ecx, edi
    .srvwrdn:010201AA 26C 2B C8                                                           sub     ecx, eax
    .srvwrdn:010201AC 26C 83 F9 01                                                        cmp     ecx, 1
    .srvwrdn:010201AF 26C 73 0E                                                           jnb     short loc_10201BF
    .srvwrdn:010201B1                                                     loc_10201B1:                            ; CODE XREF: sub_101FC30+576↑j
    .srvwrdn:010201B1 26C 8A 8D E3 FD FF FF                                               mov     cl, [ebp+anonymous_1]
    .srvwrdn:010201B7 26C 8D 57 01                                                        lea     edx, [edi+1]
    .srvwrdn:010201BA 26C 89 56 08                                                        mov     [esi+8], edx
    .srvwrdn:010201BD 26C EB 0B                                                           jmp     short loc_10201CA
    .srvwrdn:010201BF                                                     ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
    .srvwrdn:010201BF                                                     loc_10201BF:                            ; CODE XREF: sub_101FC30+57F↑j
    .srvwrdn:010201BF 26C 8B 0E                                                           mov     ecx, [esi]
    .srvwrdn:010201C1 26C 8A 0C 08                                                        mov     cl, [eax+ecx]
    .srvwrdn:010201C4 26C 83 C0 01                                                        add     eax, 1
    .srvwrdn:010201C7 26C 89 46 08                                                        mov     [esi+8], eax
    .srvwrdn:010201CA                                                     loc_10201CA:                            ; CODE XREF: sub_101FC30+58D↑j
    .srvwrdn:010201CA 26C 39 7E 08                                                        cmp     [esi+8], edi
    .srvwrdn:010201CD 26C 0F 87 54 FC FF FF                                               ja      loc_101FE27
    .srvwrdn:010201D3 26C 0F B6 C1                                                        movzx   eax, cl         ; stringIndex
    .srvwrdn:010201D6 26C 8D 95 F8 FE FF FF                                               lea     edx, [ebp+textIdentifier]
    .srvwrdn:010201DC 26C 52                                                              push    edx             ; str
    .srvwrdn:010201DD 270 8B CB                                                           mov     ecx, ebx        ; ecx0
    .srvwrdn:010201DF 270 E8 DC 0D 00 00                                                  call    WardenPacket__ExtractStringByIndex
    .srvwrdn:010201E4 26C 84 C0                                                           test    al, al
    .srvwrdn:010201E6 26C 0F 84 EA FC FF FF                                               jz      loc_101FED6
    .srvwrdn:010201EC 26C 8D 85 F8 FE FF FF                                               lea     eax, [ebp+textIdentifier]
    .srvwrdn:010201F2 26C 8D 4B 14                                                        lea     ecx, [ebx+arg_C] ; ecx0
    .srvwrdn:010201F5 26C 50                                                              push    eax             ; filePath
    .srvwrdn:010201F6 270 8D 93 C4 07 00 00                                               lea     edx, [ebx+arg_7BC] ; edx0
    .srvwrdn:010201FC 270 8D B5 E4 FD FF FF                                               lea     esi, [ebp+a2]   ; a2
    .srvwrdn:01020202 270 E8 B9 0A 00 00                                                  call    sub_1020CC0
    .srvwrdn:01020207 26C 84 C0                                                           test    al, al
    .srvwrdn:01020209 26C 0F 84 34 FD FF FF                                               jz      loc_101FF43
    .srvwrdn:0102020F 26C 8B BD D8 FD FF FF                                               mov     edi, [ebp+scanResult]
    .srvwrdn:01020215 26C 8B 47 0C                                                        mov     eax, [edi+0Ch]
    .srvwrdn:01020218 26C 8B 50 08                                                        mov     edx, [eax+8]
    .srvwrdn:0102021B 26C 8B 70 04                                                        mov     esi, [eax+4]
    .srvwrdn:0102021E 26C 3B D6                                                           cmp     edx, esi
    .srvwrdn:01020220 26C 77 09                                                           ja      short loc_102022B
    .srvwrdn:01020222 26C 8B CE                                                           mov     ecx, esi
    .srvwrdn:01020224 26C 2B CA                                                           sub     ecx, edx
    .srvwrdn:01020226 26C 83 F9 01                                                        cmp     ecx, 1
    .srvwrdn:01020229 26C 73 08                                                           jnb     short loc_1020233
    We see here that ESI is loaded as the address of [EBP+a2] ([EBP-21Ch]). This is ... a variable on the stack.

    So wait. How can a pointer to the stack become nullptr? The only possible explanation i have is that somehow Warden::ServerModule::HandleMPQScan is corrupting ESI, maybe with mismatched pop/push instructions. A quick analysis shows that indeed some code paths don't result in the same amount of pops and pushes to/from ESI, but the code being full of calls into function pointers makes it quite hard to trace what's going on.

    TL;DR: Has someone already played around with MPQ hash scans as of 15595 and run into this issue? I'm fairly certain the way i request MPQ scans is correct:
    uint8 stringLength;
    char fileName[stringLength];
    uint8 { 0 };
    uint8 { check id ^ client key[0] }
    uint8 { string index };
    uint8 { client key[0] };
    Is this scan straight up bugged? Did I miss something while looking at assembler? Has someone debugged this and found the fix ? I'm unforutnately using IDA 7.0, which has a bug preventing it from interfacing with WinDBG; plus i'd need to trace the VirtualAlloc call that creates the code range for Warden modules and set breakpoints/tracepoints before the check gets sent. I can definitely try if no one has run into this, but at this point I'm just trying to save a bit of time.

    * The second question is quite a lot simpler: are there known WDB cache backups of 2012 era containing 64-bits Warden modules for Windows, as well as OSX modules?
    * And finally, the third question: has anyone figured out the cryptographic algorithm behind the key exchange part of warden once function pointers have been sent to the module? For now, I'm generating random seed/key pairs like so:

    uint8 mainShellCode[] = { asm bytes from module };
    struct TransformSeedT
            _address = VirtualAlloc(nullptr, sizeof(mainShellCode), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE);
            DWORD bytesWritten = 0;
            WriteProcessMemory(GetCurrentProcess(), _address, mainShellCode, sizeof(mainShellCode), &bytesWritten);
            FlushInstructionCache(GetCurrentProcess(), _address, sizeof(mainShellCode));
            VirtualFree(_address, 0, MEM_RELEASE);
        std::array<uint8_t, 16> operator () (std::array<uint8_t, 16> const& seed)
            using transform_seed_t = void(__fastcall*)(uint8_t* data);
            std::array<uint8_t, 16> alteredSeed = seed;
            return alteredSeed;
        LPVOID _address;
    I appreciate any help,

    [] The state of Warden
  2. #2
    danwins's Avatar Contributor
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    I never really did much with the "BLL2" modules but i have a few from legion(~2017) that might help you:

    Win x86 https://mega.nz/file/gU0znDqT#ruu_eE...Lm-J-n5cHINFVI

    Win x64 https://mega.nz/file/pMsXyD4B#SCvAN2...MiRE0E1v820j2k

    never dumped any mac ones tho.
    Last edited by danwins; 06-15-2020 at 02:40 AM.

  3. #3
    realwarpten's Avatar Member
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    Thanks! I'll take a look.

    Further analysis in debugger showed that execution through the MPQ scan is, as suspected, trashing the esi register. I can only assume this module I have is just dead (as far as that particular scan is concerned)

  4. #4
    namreeb's Avatar Legendary

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    Can you show your code for building the scan request packet? One of the fields is a seed or salt for the hash that the client will use. My guess is that you have not set that field correctly.

  5. #5
    realwarpten's Avatar Member
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    When mods dont' approve my messages. Guess I can't post walls of text huh

    Anyways, still stumped on this. Client crashes regardless of wether or not I initialize function pointers from set 1 or 2. At this point I'm starting to consider the possibly of me giving wrong offsets to the module, but lack of sniffs makes this hard

  6. #6
    BlackRainBow's Avatar Member
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    I fully implemented warden on pandaria and even wrote custom modules. No changes in comparison with the wotlk, but:

    1) moduleName in 0x00 server packet - SHA-2 hash of module data, not MD5 and had 32 bytes size
    2) packet structure includes size of crypted block

    // server
    ByteBuffer buff;
    buff << uint8(xorByte);

    EncryptData(const_cast<uint8*>(buff.contents()), buff.size());

    WorldPacket pkt(SMSG_WARDEN_DATA, buff.size() + sizeof(uint32));
    pkt << uint32(buff.size());
    // client
    uint32 cryptedSize;
    recvData >> cryptedSize;

    _warden->DecryptData(const_cast<uint8*>(recvData.contents() + sizeof(uint32)), cryptedSize);

    uint8 opcode;
    recvData >> opcode;
    maybe it will help, although it wasn't a cataclysm

  7. #7
    realwarpten's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by BlackRainBow View Post
    wrote custom modules
    I guess you mean checks, otherwise you broke RSA. Other that that all you've said I knew, besides the fact that cata uses SHA-1 for module hash, not SHA-2. I wouldn't have gotten to scans if I had not gotten the previous bits you mentionned working

  8. #8
    doityourself's Avatar ★ Elder ★
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    Originally Posted by realwarpten View Post
    I guess you mean checks, otherwise you broke RSA. Other that that all you've said I knew, besides the fact that cata uses SHA-1 for module hash, not SHA-2. I wouldn't have gotten to scans if I had not gotten the previous bits you mentionned working
    patch the client and rsa is not longer broken

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    realwarpten's Avatar Member
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    Yeah and good luck getting users to use that modified binary. Not the point anyways.

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