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  1. #1
    charles420's Avatar Contributor
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    Few ida Scripts

    Marks DB2'S for you

    #include <ida.idc>
    static main(){
        auto curAddr, xref;
    	// DB2Load
    	curAddr = FindBinary( 0, SEARCH_DOWN, "40 53 48 83 EC 50 48 89 51 08 48 8D 05 ? ? ? ? 48 89 01" );
        if ( curAddr == BADADDR ){
            Message("Can't find DB2Load, aborting...\n");
        // time to loop through and find all cross references to the wow DB_Common_Load function we found above!
        for ( xref = RfirstB(curAddr); xref != BADADDR; xref = RnextB(curAddr, xref) ) {
            auto prevFunc, nextFunc, disasm, disasmAddr, dbAddress, dbNameAddress;
            prevFunc = PrevFunction( xref );
    		nextFunc = NextFunction( xref );
            disasmAddr = xref;
    		disasmAddr = PrevHead( disasmAddr, prevFunc );
    		//Message("GetOperandValue at 0x%X\n", disasmAddr);
    		disasm = GetDisasm( disasmAddr );
    		if ( strstr( disasm, "lea" ) > -1 && strstr( disasm, "rcx" ) > -1 )
    			dbAddress = GetOperandValue(disasmAddr, 1);
    			if ( dbAddress == BADADDR ){
    		disasmAddr = PrevHead( disasmAddr, prevFunc );
    		//Message("disasmAddr at 0x%X\n", disasmAddr);
    		disasm = GetDisasm( disasmAddr );
    		//Message("disasm at 0x%X\n", disasm);
    		if ( strstr( disasm, "lea" ) > -1 && strstr( disasm, "rdx" ) > -1 ) 
    			dbNameAddress = GetOperandValue(disasmAddr, 1);
    			//Message("dbNameAddress at 0x%X\n", dbNameAddress);
    			if ( dbNameAddress == BADADDR ){
    		auto dbName;
    		dbName = WoWDb_GetName(dbNameAddress);
    		if ( strlen(dbName) == 0 ){
    		RenameFunc( dbAddress, form( "%sDB", dbName ) );
    		Message( "%s = 0x%x\n", dbName, dbAddress );
    // 1 = Success, 0 = Failure
    static RenameFunc( dwAddress, sFunction )
    	auto dwRet;
    	dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sFunction, SN_NOWARN );
    	if( dwRet == 0 )
    		auto sTemp, i;
    		for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
    			sTemp = form( "%s_%i", sFunction, i );
    			if( ( dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sTemp, SN_NOWARN ) ) != 0 )
    				Message( "Info: Renamed to %s instead of %s\n", sTemp, sFunction );
    	return dwRet;	
    static WoWDb_GetName( dbBase ){
        auto dbName;
        dbName = GetString( Dword(dbBase), -1, ASCSTR_C );
        return substr( dbName, strstr( dbName, "\\" ) + 1, 30 );
    Marks Cvars for you

    #include <idc.idc>
       Desc:		Label each cvar variable with its appropriate name
       Author:  kynox
       Credit:	bobbysing for RenameFunc
       Website: http://www.gamedeception.net
    // 1 = Success, 0 = Failure
    static RenameFunc( dwAddress, sFunction )
    	auto dwRet;
        auto part = substr( GetFunctionName( dwAddress ), 0, 7 );
        if ( part != "Script_" )
            auto oldName = GetFunctionName( dwAddress );
            dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sFunction, SN_NOWARN );
            if( dwRet == 0 )
                auto sTemp, i;
                for( i = 1; i < 32; i++ )
                    sTemp = form( "%s_%i", sFunction, i );
                    if( ( dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sTemp, SN_NOWARN ) ) != 0 )
                       // Message( "Info: Renamed to %s instead of %s\n", sTemp, sFunction );
                if( i == 31)
                    Message( "-- Error --: Failed to rename %s -> %s\n", oldName, sFunction );
                Message( "%s 0x%X\n" , sFunction,dwAddress );
    	return dwRet;	
    static ExtractCvarDest( xRef )
    	auto head, maxLoops;
    	maxLoops = 20;
    	head = PrevHead( xRef,8 );
    	while ( maxLoops-- )
    		auto operandValue;
    		if ( head == BADADDR )
    		operandValue = GetOperandValue( head, 0 );
    		if ( GetMnem( head ) == "mov" && SegName( operandValue ) == ".data" && GetOpnd( head, 1 ) == "rax" ) 
    			if ( strstr( GetOpnd( head, 0 ), "[" ) > -1 )
    				Message( "LabelCvars: [%X] Array registrations unsupported\n", head );
    			return operandValue;
    		head = NextHead( head, head + 8 );
    	return 0;
    static ExtractCvarName( xRef )
    	auto head;
    	head = PrevHead( xRef - 0xc, 8 );
    	while ( 1 )
    		auto operandValue;
    		operandValue = GetOperandValue( head, 1 );
    		if ( GetMnem( head ) == "lea" )
    			if ( SegName( operandValue ) != ".rdata" )
    			return GetString( operandValue, -1, ASCSTR_C );
    		head = PrevHead( head, 8 );
    static main()
    	auto cvarRegister, xRef;
    	cvarRegister = FindBinary( 0, SEARCH_DOWN, "48 8B C4 55 56 41 55 41 57 48 83 EC 48" );
    	Message("cvarRegister_RegisterFunction at 0x%X\n", cvarRegister);
    	for( xRef = RfirstB( cvarRegister ); xRef != BADADDR; xRef = RnextB( cvarRegister, xRef ) )
    		auto cvarDest, cvarName;
    		cvarName = ExtractCvarName( xRef );
    		cvarDest = ExtractCvarDest( xRef );
    		if ( cvarDest )		
    			RenameFunc( cvarDest, form( "s_Cvar_%s", cvarName ) );
    Marks FrameScript_Object__FillScriptMethodTable Scripts

    #include <idc.idc>
       Desc:		Label each lua function based on its appropriate name
       Author:  kynox 
       Credit:	bobbysing for RenameFunc
       Website: http://www.gamedeception.net
    // 1 = Success, 0 = Failure
    static RenameFunc( dwAddress, sFunction )
    	auto dwRet;
        auto part = substr( GetFunctionName( dwAddress ), 0, 7 );
        if ( part != "Script_" )
            auto oldName = GetFunctionName( dwAddress );
            dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sFunction, SN_NOWARN );
            if( dwRet == 0 )
                auto sTemp, i;
                for( i = 1; i < 32; i++ )
                    sTemp = form( "%s_%i", sFunction, i );
                    if( ( dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sTemp, SN_NOWARN ) ) != 0 )
                       // Message( "Info: Renamed to %s instead of %s\n", sTemp, sFunction );
                if( i == 31)
                    Message( "-- Error --: Failed to rename %s -> %s\n", oldName, sFunction );
                Message( "%s 0x%X\n" , sFunction,dwAddress );
    	return dwRet;	
    static Luafunc_GetName( structAddr )
    	return GetString( Qword( structAddr ), -1, ASCSTR_C );
    static Luafunc_GetFunc( structAddr )
    	return Qword( structAddr + 8 );
    static HandleLuaFunc( structBase )
     	auto funcName, funcAddr;
    	funcName = Luafunc_GetName( structBase );
    	funcAddr = Luafunc_GetFunc( structBase );	
    	RenameFunc( funcAddr, form( "CSimpleSlider_%s", funcName ) );
    static main()
            auto registerFunc, xRef;
            registerFunc = registerFunc = FindBinary( 0, SEARCH_DOWN, "45 85 C0 7E 5B 48 89 5C 24 ? 48 89 74 24 ? 57 48 83 EC 20 48 8B DA 49 63 F0 48 8B F9 0F 1F 00 48 8B 13 48 8B CF E8 ? ? ? ? 48 8B 53 08" );
            Message("FrameScript_Object__FillScriptMethodTable at 0x%X\n", registerFunc);
            for( xRef = RfirstB( registerFunc ); xRef != BADADDR; xRef = RnextB( registerFunc, xRef ) )
            auto structBase;
            auto numFuncs, i, blahh,operandValue;       
            blahh = ( xRef - 0xF );
            operandValue = GetOperandValue( blahh, 0 );
            if (operandValue == "0x2")
            structBase = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0xF, 1 );
            numFuncs = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0x15, 1 ); // 5 works aswell but wrong
            structBase = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0x7, 1 );
            numFuncs = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0xD, 1 );
    		if ( numFuncs < 2000 && numFuncs > 0 )
    			//Message( "Found 0x%x, count: 0x%x\n", structBase, numFuncs);
    			for ( i = 0; i < numFuncs; i++ )
    				HandleLuaFunc( structBase );
    				structBase = structBase + 0x10;
    Marks FrameScript__RegisterFunction Scripts

    #include <idc.idc>
       Desc:		Label each lua function based on its appropriate name
       Author:  kynox
       Credit:	bobbysing for RenameFunc
       Website: http://www.gamedeception.net
    // 1 = Success, 0 = Failure
    static RenameFunc( dwAddress, sFunction )
    	auto dwRet;
        auto part = substr( GetFunctionName( dwAddress ), 0, 7 );
        if ( part != "Script_" )
            auto oldName = GetFunctionName( dwAddress );
            dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sFunction, SN_NOWARN );
            if( dwRet == 0 )
                auto sTemp, i;
                for( i = 1; i < 32; i++ )
                    sTemp = form( "%s_%i", sFunction, i );
                    if( ( dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sTemp, SN_NOWARN ) ) != 0 )
                       // Message( "Info: Renamed to %s instead of %s\n", sTemp, sFunction );
                if( i == 31)
                    Message( "-- Error --: Failed to rename %s -> %s\n", oldName, sFunction );
                Message( "%s 0x%X\n" , sFunction,dwAddress );
    	return dwRet;	
    static Luafunc_GetName( structAddr )
    	return GetString( Qword( structAddr ), -1, ASCSTR_C );
    static Luafunc_GetFunc( structAddr )
    	return Qword( structAddr + 8 );
    static HandleLuaFunc( structBase )
     	auto funcName, funcAddr;
    	funcName = Luafunc_GetName( structBase );
    	funcAddr = Luafunc_GetFunc( structBase );	
    	RenameFunc( funcAddr, form( "Script_%s", funcName ) );
    // ToDo Add a check For These 2 Types 
    // UnitExists
    // SetTaxiMap
    static main()
            auto registerFunc, xRef;
            registerFunc = registerFunc = FindBinary( 0, SEARCH_DOWN, "48 89 5C 24 ? 57 48 83 EC 20 48 8B 3D ? ? ? ? 48 8B D9 48 8B CF 45 33 C0 E8 ? ? ? ? 48 8B D3 48 8B CF E8 ? ? ? ? BA ? ? ? ? 48 8B CF" );
            Message("FrameScript__RegisterFunction at 0x%X\n", registerFunc);
            for( xRef = RfirstB( registerFunc ); xRef != BADADDR; xRef = RnextB( registerFunc, xRef ) )
            auto structBase;
            auto numFuncs, i, blahh,operandValue;
            blahh = ( xRef - 0xE );
            operandValue = GetOperandValue( blahh, 0 );
            //Message("blahh at 0x%X\n", blahh);
            //Message("operandValue at 0x%X\n", operandValue);
            if (operandValue == 0x3)
            structBase = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0xE, 1 );
            numFuncs = GetOperandValue( xRef + 0xB, 1 );
            structBase = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0x14, 1 );
            numFuncs = GetOperandValue( xRef + 0xB, 1 );
            //else if
            // {
            //structBase = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0x1D, 1 ); // works for last few start struct
            //numFuncs = GetOperandValue( xRef + 0x14, 1 );  // hail mary for size of struct since mia 
        		if ( numFuncs < 1000 && numFuncs > 0 )
    			//Message( "Found 0x%x, count: 0x%x\n", structBase, numFuncs);
    			for ( i = 0; i < numFuncs; i++ )
    				HandleLuaFunc( structBase );
    				structBase = structBase + 0x10;
    Marks FrameScript__RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount Scripts

    #include <idc.idc>
       Desc:		Label each lua function based on its appropriate name
       Author:  kynox 
       Credit:	bobbysing for RenameFunc
       Website: http://www.gamedeception.net
    // 1 = Success, 0 = Failure
    static RenameFunc( dwAddress, sFunction )
    	auto dwRet;
        auto part = substr( GetFunctionName( dwAddress ), 0, 7 );
        if ( part != "Script_" )
            auto oldName = GetFunctionName( dwAddress );
            dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sFunction, SN_NOWARN );
            if( dwRet == 0 )
                auto sTemp, i;
                for( i = 1; i < 32; i++ )
                    sTemp = form( "%s_%i", sFunction, i );
                    if( ( dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sTemp, SN_NOWARN ) ) != 0 )
                       // Message( "Info: Renamed to %s instead of %s\n", sTemp, sFunction );
                if( i == 31)
                    Message( "-- Error --: Failed to rename %s -> %s\n", oldName, sFunction );
                Message( "%s 0x%X\n" , sFunction,dwAddress );
    	return dwRet;	
    static Luafunc_GetName( structAddr )
    	return GetString( Qword( structAddr ), -1, ASCSTR_C );
    static Luafunc_GetFunc( structAddr )
    	return Qword( structAddr + 8 );
    static HandleLuaFunc( structBase )
     	auto funcName, funcAddr;
    	funcName = Luafunc_GetName( structBase );
    	funcAddr = Luafunc_GetFunc( structBase );	
    	RenameFunc( funcAddr, form( "Script_%s", funcName ) );
    // Misses 2 Total Sets of labels because style i use to dump ToDo Fix This
    //  C_WowTokenSecure
    //  C_NewItems
    static main()
            auto registerFunc, xRef;
            registerFunc = registerFunc = FindBinary( 0, SEARCH_DOWN, "48 89 5C 24 ? 48 89 6C 24 ? 48 89 74 24 ? 57 48 83 EC 20 48 8B 1D ? ? ? ? 48 8B F9 8B F2 48 8B CB 49 8B D0 49 8B E8 E8 ? ? ? ? BA ? ? ? ?" );
            Message("FrameScript__RegisterFunctionNamespaceWithCount at 0x%X\n", registerFunc);
            for( xRef = RfirstB( registerFunc ); xRef != BADADDR; xRef = RnextB( registerFunc, xRef ) )
            auto structBase;
            auto numFuncs, i, blahh,operandValue;   
            blahh = ( xRef - 0x7 );
            operandValue = GetOperandValue( blahh, 0 );
            if (operandValue == 0x1)
            structBase = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0x7, 1 );
            numFuncs = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0xC, 1 );
            structBase = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0xB, 1 );
            numFuncs = GetOperandValue( xRef - 0x10, 1 );
    		if ( numFuncs < 1000 && numFuncs > 0 )
    			//Message( "Found 0x%x, count: 0x%x\n", structBase, numFuncs);
    			for ( i = 0; i < numFuncs; i++ )
    				HandleLuaFunc( structBase );
    				structBase = structBase + 0x10;
    DumpEvents_CombatLog /// You Will Need a Folder IDC\\Output you can change if you like

    #include <ida.idc>
    static ExtractPath( sPath )
    	auto dwIndex;
    	for( dwIndex = strlen( sPath ); strstr( substr( sPath, dwIndex, -1 ), "\\" ); dwIndex-- );
    	return substr( sPath, 0, dwIndex + 1 );
    static GetTargetPath()
    	return ExtractPath( GetIdbPath() ) + "IDC\\Output\\";
    static main()
    	auto sPath, hFile, dwTable, sString, iIndex, iMax, iStop;
    	sPath = GetTargetPath() + "Events_CombatLog_Enum.cpp";
    	hFile = fopen( sPath, "w" );
    	if( hFile != -1 )
    		fprintf( hFile, "#include \"CWoWX.h\"\n" );
    		fprintf( hFile, "const char * pszCombatLogEvents[][2] =\n{\n" );
    		/// .data:000000000217F790 off_217F790     dq offset aEnvironmentalD In Ida for offset or ENVIRONMENTAL_DAMAGE strings 
    		dwTable = 0x217F790;
    		Message( "dwTable %x\n", dwTable );
    		if( dwTable != BADADDR )
    			dwTable = ( dwTable );
    			Message( "Found event table at %x\n", dwTable );
    			iIndex = 0;
    			while( 1 )
    				sString = GetString( Dword( dwTable + iIndex * 8 ), -1, ASCSTR_C );
    				if( strlen( sString ) <= 0 )
    				///   TODO Add A Better End Stop	
    				if( strstr( sString, "CombatLogResetFilter" ) != -1 )
    				iStop = strstr( sString, "_" );
    				fprintf( hFile, "\t{ \"%s\", \"%s\" }%s\n", substr( sString, 0, iStop ), substr( sString, iStop + 1, -1 ), (iIndex != iMax -1)? "," : "" );
    				iIndex = iIndex + 1;
    		fprintf( hFile, "};\n" );
    		fclose( hFile );
    		Message( "Successfully dumped %s.\n", sPath );
    		Message( "Failed to open file %s.\n", sPath );
    	sPath = GetTargetPath() + "Events_CombatLog_Enum.h";
    	hFile = fopen( sPath, "w" );
    	if( hFile != -1 )
    		fprintf( hFile, "#ifndef __EVENTS_COMBATLOG_ENUM_H__\n#define __EVENTS_COMBATLOG_ENUM_H__\n" );
    		fprintf( hFile, "extern const char * pszCombatLogEvents[][2];\n\n" );
    		fprintf( hFile, "#endif //__EVENTS_COMBATLOG_ENUM_H__" );
    		fclose( hFile );
    		Message( "Successfully dumped %s.\n", sPath );
    		Message( "Failed to open file %s.\n", sPath );
    	return 0;
    This Dumps Wow Events To ida window Note you have to put mouse on function also works for other things so i never put a start address but todo dump to file

    #include <idc.idc>
    static main(){
    auto func , end , count, inst,operandValue, xRef, funcName, GetNameEffset, getname;
    // Put Mouse on DELETE_ITEM_CONFIRM function will dump all the events to window todo dump to file
    func = GetFunctionAttr(ScreenEA(),FUNCATTR_START);
    if(func != -1){
    end = GetFunctionAttr(func,FUNCATTR_END);
    count = 0;
    inst = func;
    while (inst <end) {
    inst = FindCode(inst,SEARCH_DOWN | SEARCH_NEXT);
    if ( GetMnem( inst ) == "lea") 	
    //Message( "%s 0x%X\n" , getname,inst );
    operandValue = GetOperandValue( inst, 1 );
    getname = GetString( operandValue, -1, ASCSTR_C );
    Message( "%s\n" , getname );
    //Message("FrameScript__RegisterFunction at 0x%X\n", inst);
    Warning ("%s contains %d instructions \n",Name(func), count);
    Warning("No function found at location %x ", ScreenEA());
    This Is Some Really Ugly Code Just pre warning It Grabs All wow Op code Info Vtables / CliPutWithMsgId // Op Code Offsets
    Its Not Perfect And idc Works for my needs I Have my version That Labels vtables /CliPutWithMsgId Based Of a Text File from dumping the names i marked / copyed and guessed from prev versions i haven't fully tested it yet vs patches so i'm not releasing the naming part for time being

    #include <idc.idc>
       Desc:		Label each cvar variable with its appropriate name
       Author:  kynox
       Credit:	bobbysing for RenameFunc
       Website: http://www.gamedeception.net
    // 1 = Success, 0 = Failure
    static RenameFunc( dwAddress, sFunction )
    	auto dwRet;
    	dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sFunction, SN_NOWARN );
    	if( dwRet == 0 )
    		auto sTemp, i;
    		for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
    			sTemp = form( "%s_%i", sFunction, i );
    			if( ( dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sTemp, SN_NOWARN ) ) != 0 )
    				Message( "Info: Renamed to %s instead of %s\n", sTemp, sFunction );
    	return dwRet;	
    // Gets Op Code Vtable 
    static ExtractCvarDest( xRef )
    	auto head, blahhhhhhhhhhhhh;
    	head = ( xRef - 0x18 );
    	Message("Op Vtable OffSet at 0x%X\n", head);
    	//Grabs Names of Labled Vtables To Make A Text File TO prase / Name Them Future
    	//blahhhhhhhhhhhhh = get_name(head);
    	//Message( "%s,\n", blahhhhhhhhhhhhh );
    /// get op code CliPutWithMsgId // op code offset
    static ExtractCvarName( xRef )
    	auto head,Blahhhhh,operandValue, OPOffSet;
    	head = PrevHead( xRef , 0 ); // opcode function
    	Blahhhhh = Dfirst( head );
                OPOffSet = ( Blahhhhh + 0x13 ); // 0x18  /// 0x1D
                if ( GetMnem( OPOffSet ) == "mov" && GetOpnd( OPOffSet, 0 ) == "edx" )  
    	//Grabs Names of Labled CliPutWithMsgId To Make A Text File TO prase / Name Them Future
    	//blahhhhhhhhhhhhh = get_name(head);
    	//Message( "%s,\n", blahhhhhhhhhhhhh );
                operandValue = GetOperandValue( OPOffSet, 1 );
    	if (operandValue > 100)
    	Message("CliPutWithMsgId at 0x%X\n", head);
    	Message("OPCode OFF Set at 0x%X\n", operandValue);
    	OPOffSet = ( Blahhhhh + 0x18 ); // 0x18 // 0x1D
    	operandValue = GetOperandValue( OPOffSet, 1 );
    	if (operandValue > 100)
    	Message("CliPutWithMsgId at 0x%X\n", head);
    	Message("OPCode OFF Set at 0x%X\n", operandValue);
    	OPOffSet = ( Blahhhhh + 0x1D );// 0x7 // 0x12 // 0x1F
    	operandValue = GetOperandValue( OPOffSet, 1 );
    	if (operandValue > 100)
    	Message("CliPutWithMsgId at 0x%X\n", head);
    	Message("OPCode OFF Set at 0x%X\n", operandValue);
    	// Message("not found ");
    static main()
    	auto cvarRegister, xRef;
    	cvarRegister = FindBinary( 0, SEARCH_DOWN, "48 8D 05 ? ? ? ? 48 89 02 33 C0 48 89 42 08 48 89 42 10 48 8B C2 C3 " );
    	if ( cvarRegister == BADADDR )
    		Message( "LabelCvars: Failed to locate cvarRegister\n" );
    	for( xRef = DfirstB( cvarRegister ); xRef != BADADDR; xRef = DnextB( cvarRegister, xRef ) )
    		auto cvarDest, cvarName;
    		cvarName = ExtractCvarName( xRef );
    		cvarDest = ExtractCvarDest( xRef );
    		if ( cvarDest )		
    			//RenameFunc( cvarDest, form( "%sDB", cvarName ) );
    		       //     Message( "%s = 0x%x\n", cvarName, cvarDest );
    			//RenameFunc( cvarDest, form( "s_Cvar_%s", cvarName ) );
    Last edited by charles420; 12-08-2019 at 11:47 PM.

    Few ida Scripts
  2. Thanks Corthezz, xalcon, GlittPrizes, xbec, BYSCUIT, silverpieces, imzz, InnerSilence (8 members gave Thanks to charles420 for this useful post)
  3. #2
    Loonbg's Avatar Member
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Thanks G/R
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    0 Post(s)
    0 Thread(s)
       Desc:		Label each cvar variable with its appropriate name
       Author:  kynox
       Credit:	bobbysing for RenameFunc
       Website: http://www.gamedeception.net
    // 1 = Success, 0 = Failure
    static RenameFunc( dwAddress, sFunction )
    	auto dwRet;
    	dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sFunction, SN_NOWARN );
    	if( dwRet == 0 )
    		auto sTemp, i;
    		for( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
    			sTemp = form( "%s_%i", sFunction, i );
    			if( ( dwRet = MakeNameEx( dwAddress, sTemp, SN_NOWARN ) ) != 0 )
    				Message( "Info: Renamed to %s instead of %s\n", sTemp, sFunction );
    	return dwRet;	
    // Gets Op Code Vtable 
    static ExtractCvarDest( xRef )
    	auto head, blahhhhhhhhhhhhh;
    	head = ( xRef - 0x18 );
    	Message("Op Vtable OffSet at 0x%X\n", head);
    	//Grabs Names of Labled Vtables To Make A Text File TO prase / Name Them Future
    	//blahhhhhhhhhhhhh = get_name(head);
    	//Message( "%s,\n", blahhhhhhhhhhhhh );
    /// get op code CliPutWithMsgId // op code offset
    static ExtractCvarName( xRef )
    	auto head,Blahhhhh,operandValue, OPOffSet;
    	head = PrevHead( xRef , 0 ); // opcode function
    	Blahhhhh = Dfirst( head );
                OPOffSet = ( Blahhhhh + 0x10 );
                if ( GetMnem( OPOffSet ) == "mov" && GetOpnd( OPOffSet, 0 ) == "edx" )  
    	//Grabs Names of Labled CliPutWithMsgId To Make A Text File TO prase / Name Them Future
    	//blahhhhhhhhhhhhh = get_name(head);
    	//Message( "%s,\n", blahhhhhhhhhhhhh );
                operandValue = GetOperandValue( OPOffSet, 1 );
    	if (operandValue > 100)
    	Message("CliPutWithMsgId at 0x%X\n", head);
    	Message("OPCode OFF Set at 0x%X\n", operandValue);
    	OPOffSet = ( Blahhhhh + 0x18 ); // 0x18 // 0x1D
    	operandValue = GetOperandValue( OPOffSet, 1 );
    	if (operandValue > 100)
    	Message("CliPutWithMsgId at 0x%X\n", head);
    	Message("OPCode OFF Set at 0x%X\n", operandValue);
    	OPOffSet = ( Blahhhhh + 0x1D );// 0x7 // 0x12 // 0x1F
    	operandValue = GetOperandValue( OPOffSet, 1 );
    	if (operandValue > 100)
    	Message("CliPutWithMsgId at 0x%X\n", head);
    	Message("OPCode OFF Set at 0x%X\n", operandValue);
    	// Message("not found ");
    static main()
    	auto cvarRegister, xRef;
    	cvarRegister = FindBinary( 0, SEARCH_DOWN, "48 8D 05 ? ? ? ? 48 89 02 33 C0 48 89 42 08 48 89 42 10 48 8B C2 C3 " );
    	if ( cvarRegister == BADADDR )
    		Message( "LabelCvars: Failed to locate cvarRegister\n" );
    	for( xRef = DfirstB( cvarRegister ); xRef != BADADDR; xRef = DnextB( cvarRegister, xRef ) )
    		auto cvarDest, cvarName;
    		cvarName = ExtractCvarName( xRef );
    		cvarDest = ExtractCvarDest( xRef );
    		if ( cvarDest )		
    			//RenameFunc( cvarDest, form( "%sDB", cvarName ) );
    		       //     Message( "%s = 0x%x\n", cvarName, cvarDest );
    			//RenameFunc( cvarDest, form( "s_Cvar_%s", cvarName ) );
    i using your ida script on 7.3.X version
    i already edit OPOffSet from 0x13 to 0x10 and it start to dump OPCode OFF Set but it still don't find all opcodes
    any idea why is show half of em ?
    Last edited by Loonbg; 06-18-2022 at 05:42 AM.

  4. #3
    charles420's Avatar Contributor
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    you have to be in game to get all them i believe they loaded extra after joining if i recall

  5. #4
    charles420's Avatar Contributor
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    as for my framescript dump with latest wow u need to change it to unregister pattern or fix your dumps i recommend fixing dump just because it will help you long run
    Last edited by charles420; 07-22-2023 at 01:49 PM.

  6. #5
    qop1832's Avatar Active Member

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    Originally Posted by charles420 View Post
    as for my framescript dump with latest wow u need to change it to unregister pattern or fix your dumps i recommend fixing dump just because it will help you long run
    Can you share the latest available IDA script? I found it on (Label each lua function based on its appropriate name). The registerFunc address is 0x6272a0. There was something wrong with the runtime and it couldn't be positioned correctly. I spent all night Time to try and fix it, but failed, maybe I need more time.
    Hello everyone, I'm a newbie~ Recently I'm trying to study how to execute API externally and get the return value of API, as well as the release of aoe spells, come on!

  7. Thanks klumpen (1 members gave Thanks to qop1832 for this useful post)
  8. #6
    air999's Avatar Contributor
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    100% you need more time.

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