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  1. #1
    counted's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    8.1.28724 Offsets


    WDC2IDDataHeader offset change from 0x120 to 0x138

    I have not figured out what the other offsets are yet.

    //  Wow x64 Version 8.1.0 28724 Dec  7 2018
    public enum eWowDBC
        _g_DB_GMSurveyAnswers = 0x2548590,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GMSurveyCurrentSurvey = 0x2548740,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GMSurveyQuestions = 0x25488F0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GMSurveySurveys = 0x2548AA0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_LFGDungeonExpansion = 0x2551F00,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_LFGDungeonGroup = 0x25520B0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_LFGDungeons = 0x2552260,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_LFGRoleRequirement = 0x25525C0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_NPCModelItemSlotDisplayInfo = 0x2556AF0,            // 0x38A490 PIii
        _g_DB_NPCSounds = 0x2556CA0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_PVPBracketTypes = 0x2559880,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PVPDifficulty = 0x2559A30,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_PVPItem = 0x2559BE0,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_SDReplacementModel = 0x255F1D0,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_UIExpansionDisplayInfo = 0x256B3C0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_UIExpansionDisplayInfoIcon = 0x256B570,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WMOMinimapTexture = 0x256FE00,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_Achievement = 0x252F920,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_Achievement_Category = 0x252FAD0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_AdventureJournal = 0x252FC80,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AdventureMapPOI = 0x25310C0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_AlliedRace = 0x2531270,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_AlliedRaceRacialAbility = 0x2531420,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_AnimKitBoneSetAlias = 0x2530190,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AnimKitBoneSet = 0x252FFE0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AnimKitConfigBoneSet = 0x25304F0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_AnimKitConfig = 0x2530340,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_AnimKit = 0x2530850,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AnimKitPriority = 0x25306A0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_AnimKitReplacement = 0x2530A00,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_AnimKitSegment = 0x2530BB0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AnimReplacement = 0x2530D60,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_AnimReplacementSet = 0x2530F10,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AoiBox = 0x252FE30,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AreaConditionalData = 0x25315D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AreaFarClipOverride = 0x2531780,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AreaGroupMember = 0x2531930,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AreaPOI = 0x2531AE0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_AreaPOIState = 0x2531C90,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AreaTriggerActionSet = 0x2531FF0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_AreaTriggerBox = 0x25321A0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_AreaTriggerCreateProperties = 0x2532350,            // 0x384890 Vec 
        _g_DB_AreaTriggerCylinder = 0x2532500,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_AreaTrigger = 0x2531E40,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_AreaTriggerSphere = 0x25326B0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ArmorLocation = 0x2532860,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ArtifactAppearance = 0x2532BC0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ArtifactAppearanceSet = 0x2532D70,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ArtifactCategory = 0x2532F20,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_Artifact = 0x2532A10,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ArtifactItemToTransmog = 0x25330D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ArtifactPower = 0x2533280,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ArtifactPowerLink = 0x2533430,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ArtifactPowerPicker = 0x25335E0,            // 0x384890 Vec 
        _g_DB_ArtifactPowerRank = 0x2533790,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ArtifactQuestXP = 0x2533940,            // 0x384890 Vec 
        _g_DB_ArtifactTier = 0x2533AF0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ArtifactUnlock = 0x2533CA0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AuctionHouse = 0x2533E50,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AzeriteEmpoweredItem = 0x2534000,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AzeriteItem = 0x25341B0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AzeriteItemMilestonePower = 0x2534360,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_AzeritePower = 0x2534510,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AzeritePowerSetMember = 0x25346C0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AzeriteTierUnlock = 0x2534870,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AzeriteTierUnlockSet = 0x2534A20,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_AzeriteUnlockMapping = 0x2534BD0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BankBagSlotPrices = 0x2534F30,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BannedAddons = 0x2534D80,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BarberShopStyle = 0x25350E0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_BarrageEffect = 0x2535290,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BattlePetAbility = 0x25355F0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_BattlePetAbilityEffect = 0x25357A0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_BattlePetAbilityState = 0x2535950,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_BattlePetAbilityTurn = 0x2535B00,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_BattlePetBreedQuality = 0x2535CB0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BattlePetBreedState = 0x2535E60,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_BattlePetDisplayOverride = 0x2536010,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BattlePetEffectProperties = 0x25361C0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BattlePetNPCTeamMember = 0x2536370,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_BattlePetSpecies = 0x2536520,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_BattlePetSpeciesState = 0x25366D0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_BattlePetSpeciesXAbility = 0x2536880,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_BattlePetState = 0x2536A30,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BattlePetVisual = 0x2536BE0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_BattlemasterList = 0x2535440,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_BeamEffect = 0x2536D90,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_BonusRoll = 0x2536F40,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_Bounty = 0x25370F0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BountySet = 0x25372A0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BroadcastText = 0x2537450,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_BroadcastTextDuration = 0x2537600,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_CameraEffect = 0x25377B0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CameraEffectEntry = 0x2537960,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CameraMode = 0x2537B10,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_Campaign = 0x2537CC0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CampaignXCondition = 0x2537E70,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_CampaignXQuestLine = 0x2538020,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_CastableRaidBuffs = 0x25381D0,            // 0x384890 Vec 
        _g_DB_Cfg_Categories = 0x2538380,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_Cfg_Configs = 0x2538530,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_Cfg_Regions = 0x25386E0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_CharBaseInfo = 0x2539100,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CharBaseSection = 0x25392B0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CharComponentTextureLayouts = 0x2539460,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CharComponentTextureSections = 0x2539610,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CharHairGeosets = 0x25397C0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_CharSectionCondition = 0x2539970,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CharSections = 0x2539B20,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_CharShipmentContainer = 0x2539CD0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CharShipment = 0x2539E80,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_CharStartOutfit = 0x253A030,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CharTitles = 0x253A1E0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CharacterFaceBoneSet = 0x2538890,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CharacterFacialHairStyles = 0x2538A40,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_CharacterLoadout = 0x2538BF0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_CharacterLoadoutItem = 0x2538DA0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CharacterServiceInfo = 0x2538F50,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ChatChannels = 0x253A390,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ChrClassRaceSex = 0x253AA50,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ChrClassTitle = 0x253AC00,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ChrClassUIDisplay = 0x253ADB0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ChrClassVillain = 0x253AF60,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ChrClasses = 0x253A6F0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ChrClassesXPowerTypes = 0x253A8A0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ChrCustomization = 0x253B110,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ChrRaces = 0x253B2C0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ChrSpecialization = 0x253B470,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_ChrUpgradeBucket = 0x253B620,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ChrUpgradeBucketSpell = 0x253B7D0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ChrUpgradeTier = 0x253B980,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CinematicCamera = 0x253BB30,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_CinematicSequences = 0x253BCE0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_ClientSceneEffect = 0x253BE90,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_CloneEffect = 0x253C040,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_CombatCondition = 0x253C1F0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CommunityIcon = 0x253C700,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ComponentModelFileData = 0x253C8B0,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_ComponentTextureFileData = 0x253CA60,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_ConfigurationWarning = 0x253CC10,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ContentTuning = 0x253CDC0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_Contribution = 0x253CF70,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ContributionStyleContainer = 0x253D2D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ContributionStyle = 0x253D120,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ConversationLine = 0x253D480,            // 0x384F90 Spar
        _g_DB_Creature = 0x253D7C0,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_CreatureDifficulty = 0x253E540,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_CreatureDispXUiCamera = 0x253E390,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CreatureDisplayInfoCond = 0x253D970,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CreatureDisplayInfo = 0x253DE80,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_CreatureDisplayInfoEvt = 0x253DB20,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CreatureDisplayInfoExtra = 0x253DCD0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CreatureDisplayInfoGeosetData = 0x253E030,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CreatureDisplayInfoTrn = 0x253E1E0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CreatureFamily = 0x253E6F0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CreatureImmunities = 0x253E8A0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_CreatureModelData = 0x253EA50,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CreatureMovementInfo = 0x253EC00,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_CreatureSoundData = 0x253EDB0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CreatureType = 0x253EF60,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CreatureXContribution = 0x253F110,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_CreatureXDisplayInfo = 0x253F2C0,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_Criteria = 0x253F470,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CriteriaTree = 0x253F620,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_CriteriaTreeXEffect = 0x253F7D0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_CurrencyCategory = 0x253F980,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_CurrencyContainer = 0x253FB30,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_CurrencyTypes = 0x253FCE0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_DeathThudLookups = 0x253FE90,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_DecalProperties = 0x2540040,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_DeclinedWordCases = 0x25403A0,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_DeclinedWord = 0x25401F0,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_DestructibleModelData = 0x2540550,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_Difficulty = 0x2540700,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_DissolveEffect = 0x25408B0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_DungeonEncounter = 0x2540A60,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_DurabilityCosts = 0x2540C10,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_DurabilityQuality = 0x2540DC0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_EdgeGlowEffect = 0x2540F70,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_Emotes = 0x2541120,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_EmotesText = 0x2541480,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_EmotesTextData = 0x25412D0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_EmotesTextSound = 0x2541630,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_EnvironmentalDamage = 0x25417E0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_Exhaustion = 0x2541990,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ExpectedStat = 0x2544210,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ExpectedStatMod = 0x25443C0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_Faction = 0x2541B40,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_FactionGroup = 0x2541CF0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_FactionTemplate = 0x2541EA0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_FootstepTerrainLookup = 0x2542050,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_FriendshipRepReaction = 0x2542200,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_FriendshipReputation = 0x25423B0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_GameObjectArtKit = 0x2542560,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_GameObjectDiffAnimMap = 0x2542710,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GameObjectDisplayInfo = 0x25428C0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_GameObjectDisplayInfoXSoundKit = 0x2542A70,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GameObjects = 0x2542C20,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_GameTips = 0x2542DD0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrAbilityCategory = 0x2542F80,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrAbility = 0x2543130,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrAbilityEffect = 0x25432E0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrBuilding = 0x2543490,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GarrBuildingDoodadSet = 0x2543640,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrBuildingPlotInst = 0x25437F0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrClassSpec = 0x25439A0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrClassSpecPlayerCond = 0x2543B50,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrEncounter = 0x2543D00,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrEncounterSetXEncounter = 0x2543EB0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrEncounterXMechanic = 0x2544060,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrFollItemSetMember = 0x2544570,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrFollSupportSpell = 0x2544720,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrFollower = 0x25448D0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrFollowerLevelXP = 0x2544A80,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrFollowerQuality = 0x2544C30,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GarrFollowerSetXFollower = 0x2544DE0,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_GarrFollowerType = 0x2544F90,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GarrFollowerUICreature = 0x2545140,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrFollowerXAbility = 0x25452F0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrItemLevelUpgradeData = 0x25454A0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrMechanic = 0x2545650,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrMechanicSetXMechanic = 0x2545800,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrMechanicType = 0x25459B0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrMission = 0x2545B60,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrMissionTexture = 0x2545D10,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrMissionType = 0x2545EC0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GarrMissionXEncounter = 0x2546070,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GarrMissionXFollower = 0x2546220,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GarrMssnBonusAbility = 0x25463D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrPlotBuilding = 0x2546580,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GarrPlot = 0x25468E0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GarrPlotInstance = 0x2546730,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GarrPlotUICategory = 0x2546A90,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrSiteLevel = 0x2547300,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_GarrSiteLevelPlotInst = 0x25474B0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_GarrSpecialization = 0x2547660,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrString = 0x2546C40,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrTalent = 0x2546DF0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrTalentTree = 0x2546FA0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GarrType = 0x2547150,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrUiAnimClassInfo = 0x2547810,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GarrUiAnimRaceInfo = 0x25479C0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GemProperties = 0x2547B70,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GlyphBindableSpell = 0x2547ED0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GlyphExclusiveCategory = 0x2548080,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GlyphProperties = 0x2548230,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GlyphRequiredSpec = 0x25483E0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GradientEffect = 0x2548C50,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GroupFinderActivity = 0x2548E00,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_GroupFinderActivityGrp = 0x2548FB0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GroupFinderCategory = 0x2549160,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GuildColorBackground = 0x2549310,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GuildColorBorder = 0x25494C0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GuildColorEmblem = 0x2549670,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_GuildPerkSpells = 0x2549820,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_Heirloom = 0x25499D0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_HelmetAnimScaling = 0x2549B80,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_HelmetGeosetVisData = 0x2549D30,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_HighlightColor = 0x2549EE0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_HolidayDescriptions = 0x254A240,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_HolidayNames = 0x254A3F0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_Holidays = 0x254A090,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ImportPriceArmor = 0x254A5A0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ImportPriceQuality = 0x254A750,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ImportPriceShield = 0x254A900,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ImportPriceWeapon = 0x254AAB0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_InvasionClientData = 0x254AC60,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemAppearance = 0x254B660,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemAppearanceXUiCamera = 0x254B810,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemArmorQuality = 0x254B9C0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemArmorShield = 0x254BB70,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemArmorTotal = 0x254BD20,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemBagFamily = 0x254BED0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemBonus = 0x254C080,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemBonusListLevelDelta = 0x254C230,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ItemBonusTreeNode = 0x254C3E0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ItemChildEquipment = 0x254C590,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ItemClass = 0x254C740,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemContextPickerEntry = 0x254C8F0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_ItemCurrencyCost = 0x254CAA0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_Item = 0x254B170,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemDamageAmmo = 0x254CC50,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemDamageOneHandCaster = 0x254CE00,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemDamageOneHand = 0x254CFB0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemDamageTwoHandCaster = 0x254D160,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemDamageTwoHand = 0x254D310,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemDisenchantLoot = 0x254D4C0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemDisplayInfo = 0x254D820,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemDisplayInfoMaterialRes = 0x254D670,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_ItemDisplayXUiCamera = 0x254D9D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemEffect = 0x254DB80,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemExtendedCost = 0x254DD30,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemFallbackVisual = 0x254DEE0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemGroupSounds = 0x254E090,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemLevelSelector = 0x254E240,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemLevelSelectorQuality = 0x254E3F0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ItemLevelSelectorQualitySet = 0x254E5A0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ItemLimitCategoryCondition = 0x254E900,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ItemLimitCategory = 0x254E750,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemModifiedAppearance = 0x254EAB0,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_ItemModifiedAppearanceExtra = 0x254EC60,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_ItemNameDescription = 0x254EE10,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ItemPetFood = 0x254EFC0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemPriceBase = 0x254F170,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemRandomProperties = 0x254F320,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemRandomSuffix = 0x254F4D0,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_ItemRangedDisplayInfo = 0x254F680,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemSearchName = 0x254AE10,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_ItemSet = 0x254F830,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemSetSpell = 0x254F9E0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemSparse = 0x254B320,            // 0x384F90 Spar
        _g_DB_ItemSpec = 0x254FB90,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemSpecOverride = 0x254FD40,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ItemSubClass = 0x254AFC0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemSubClassMask = 0x254FEF0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ItemUpgrade = 0x25500A0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_ItemVisuals = 0x2550250,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ItemXBonusTree = 0x2550400,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_JournalEncounterCreature = 0x2550760,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_JournalEncounter = 0x25505B0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_JournalEncounterItem = 0x2550910,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_JournalEncounterSection = 0x2550AC0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_JournalEncounterXDifficulty = 0x2550C70,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_JournalEncounterXMapLoc = 0x2550E20,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_JournalInstance = 0x2550FD0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_JournalItemXDifficulty = 0x2551180,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_JournalSectionXDifficulty = 0x2551330,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_JournalTier = 0x25514E0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_JournalTierXInstance = 0x2551690,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_Keychain = 0x2551840,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_KeystoneAffix = 0x25519F0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_LanguageWords = 0x2551D50,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_Languages = 0x2551BA0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_LfgDungeonsGroupingMap = 0x2552410,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_LoadingScreenTaxiSplines = 0x2552920,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_LoadingScreens = 0x2552770,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_Locale = 0x2552AD0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_Location = 0x2552C80,            // 0x38A490 PIii
        _g_DB_Lock = 0x2552E30,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_LockType = 0x2552FE0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_LookAtController = 0x2553190,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_MailTemplate = 0x2553340,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ManagedWorldStateBuff = 0x25536A0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ManagedWorldState = 0x25534F0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ManagedWorldStateInput = 0x2553850,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ManifestInterfaceActionIcon = 0x2553A00,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_ManifestInterfaceItemIcon = 0x2553D60,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_ManifestInterfaceTOCData = 0x2553F10,            // 0x388EE0 PIib
        _g_DB_MapCelestialBody = 0x25540C0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_MapChallengeMode = 0x2554270,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_MapDifficulty = 0x25545D0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_MapDifficultyXCondition = 0x2554780,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_MapLoadingScreen = 0x2554420,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_MarketingPromotionsXLocale = 0x2554930,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_Material = 0x2554AE0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_MinorTalent = 0x2554C90,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_MissileTargeting = 0x2554E40,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ModifierTree = 0x2554FF0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_MountCapability = 0x2555350,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_Mount = 0x25551A0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_MountTypeXCapability = 0x2555500,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_MountXDisplay = 0x25556B0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_Movie = 0x2555860,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_MovieFileData = 0x2555A10,            // 0x388EE0 PIib
        _g_DB_MovieVariation = 0x2555BC0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_MultiStateProperties = 0x2555D70,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_MultiTransitionProperties = 0x2555F20,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_MythicPlusSeason = 0x25560D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_MythicPlusSeasonRewardLevels = 0x2556280,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_NameGen = 0x2556430,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_NumTalentsAtLevel = 0x2556E50,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ObjectEffect = 0x2557000,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ObjectEffectModifier = 0x25571B0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ObjectEffectPackageElem = 0x2557360,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_OutlineEffect = 0x2557510,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_OverrideSpellData = 0x25576C0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_PageTextMaterial = 0x2557870,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PaperDollItemFrame = 0x2557BD0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ParagonReputation = 0x2557A20,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ParticleColor = 0x2557D80,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_Path = 0x2557F30,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_PathEdge = 0x25580E0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_PathNode = 0x2558440,            // 0x38A490 PIii
        _g_DB_PathNodeProperty = 0x2558290,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_PathProperty = 0x25585F0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_Phase = 0x25587A0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PhaseShiftZoneSounds = 0x2558950,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PhaseXPhaseGroup = 0x2558B00,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_PlayerCondition = 0x2558CB0,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_Positioner = 0x2558E60,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_PositionerState = 0x2559010,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_PositionerStateEntry = 0x25591C0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_PowerDisplay = 0x2559370,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PowerType = 0x2559520,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PrestigeLevelInfo = 0x25596D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PvpScalingEffect = 0x2559D90,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_PvpScalingEffectType = 0x2559F40,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PvpSeasonRewardLevels = 0x255A0F0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PvpTalentCategory = 0x255A450,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PvpTalent = 0x255A2A0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_PvpTalentSlotUnlock = 0x255A600,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_PvpTier = 0x255A7B0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_QuestFactionReward = 0x255A960,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_QuestFeedbackEffect = 0x255AB10,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_QuestInfo = 0x255ACC0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_QuestLine = 0x255AE70,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_QuestLineXQuest = 0x255B020,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_QuestMoneyReward = 0x255B1D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_QuestObjective = 0x255B380,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_QuestPOIBlob = 0x255B6E0,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_QuestPOIPoint = 0x255B890,            // 0x38A490 PIii
        _g_DB_QuestPackageItem = 0x255B530,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_QuestSort = 0x255BA40,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_QuestV2CliTask = 0x255BBF0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_QuestV2 = 0x255BDA0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_QuestXGroupActivity = 0x255BF50,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_QuestXP = 0x255C100,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_RandPropPoints = 0x255C2B0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_RelicSlotTierRequirement = 0x255C460,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_RelicTalent = 0x255C610,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ResearchBranch = 0x255C7C0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_ResearchField = 0x255C970,            // 0x384890 Vec 
        _g_DB_ResearchProject = 0x255CB20,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ResearchSite = 0x255CCD0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_Resistances = 0x255D390,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_RewardPack = 0x255CE80,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_RewardPackXCurrencyType = 0x255D030,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_RewardPackXItem = 0x255D1E0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_RulesetItemUpgrade = 0x255D540,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_ScalingStatDistribution = 0x255D6F0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_Scenario = 0x255D8A0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ScenarioEventEntry = 0x255DA50,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ScenarioStep = 0x255DC00,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SceneScript = 0x255E110,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SceneScriptGlobalText = 0x255E600,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_SceneScriptPackage = 0x255DDB0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SceneScriptPackageMember = 0x255DF60,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SceneScriptText = 0x255E2C0,            // 0x384F90 Spar
        _g_DB_ScheduledInterval = 0x255E7B0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ScheduledWorldState = 0x255E960,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ScheduledWorldStateGroup = 0x255EB10,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ScheduledWorldStateXUniqCat = 0x255ECC0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ScreenEffect = 0x255EE70,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ScreenLocation = 0x255F020,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SeamlessSite = 0x255F380,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ServerMessages = 0x255F530,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ShadowyEffect = 0x2567A60,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SiegeableProperties = 0x255F6E0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SkillLineAbility = 0x255FA40,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SkillLine = 0x255F890,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SkillRaceClassInfo = 0x255FBF0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SoundAmbience = 0x255FF50,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SoundAmbienceFlavor = 0x255FDA0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SoundOverride = 0x2560100,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SoundProviderPreferences = 0x25602B0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_SourceInfo = 0x2560460,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpamMessages = 0x2560610,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpecSetMember = 0x2560B20,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpecializationSpells = 0x25607C0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpecializationSpellsDisplay = 0x2560970,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellActionBarPref = 0x2561010,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellActivationOverlay = 0x25611C0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellAuraOptions = 0x2561370,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_SpellAuraRestrictions = 0x2561520,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellAuraVisXChrSpec = 0x2561880,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellAuraVisibility = 0x25616D0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellCastTimes = 0x2561F40,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellCastingRequirements = 0x2561D90,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_SpellCategories = 0x2561A30,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellCategory = 0x2561BE0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellClassOptions = 0x25620F0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellClutterAreaEffectCounts = 0x2562450,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellClutterFrameRates = 0x2562B10,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellClutterImpactModelCounts = 0x2562600,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellClutterKitDistances = 0x25627B0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellClutterMissileDist = 0x2562CC0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellClutterWeaponTrailDist = 0x2562960,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellCooldowns = 0x25622A0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_Spell = 0x2560CD0,            // 0x384F90 Spar
        _g_DB_SpellDescriptionVariables = 0x2562E70,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellDispelType = 0x2563020,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellDuration = 0x25631D0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellEffectAutoDescription = 0x2563530,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellEffect = 0x2563380,            // 0x38A490 PIii
        _g_DB_SpellEffectEmission = 0x25636E0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellEquippedItems = 0x2563890,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_SpellFlyout = 0x2563A40,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_SpellFlyoutItem = 0x2563BF0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_SpellFocusObject = 0x2563DA0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellInterrupts = 0x2563F50,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellItemEnchantmentCondition = 0x25642B0,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_SpellItemEnchantment = 0x2564100,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellKeyboundOverride = 0x2564460,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellLabel = 0x2564610,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellLearnSpell = 0x25647C0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_SpellLevels = 0x2564970,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_SpellMechanic = 0x2564B20,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellMisc = 0x2564CD0,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_SpellMissile = 0x2564E80,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellMissileMotion = 0x2565030,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellName = 0x25651E0,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_SpellPower = 0x2565390,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_SpellPowerDifficulty = 0x2565540,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_SpellProceduralEffect = 0x25656F0,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_SpellProcsPerMinute = 0x25658A0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellProcsPerMinuteMod = 0x2565A50,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellRadius = 0x2565C00,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellRange = 0x2565DB0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellReagentsCurrency = 0x2565F60,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellReagents = 0x2566110,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellScaling = 0x25662C0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellShapeshift = 0x2566470,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellShapeshiftForm = 0x2566620,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellSpecialUnitEffect = 0x25667D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellTargetRestrictions = 0x2566980,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_SpellTotems = 0x2566B30,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SpellVisualAnim = 0x2566CE0,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_SpellVisualColorEffect = 0x2566E90,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_SpellVisual = 0x2567C10,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellVisualEffectName = 0x2567040,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellVisualEvent = 0x2567DC0,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_SpellVisualKitAreaModel = 0x2567550,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellVisualKit = 0x25671F0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellVisualKitEffect = 0x25673A0,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_SpellVisualKitModelAttach = 0x2567700,            // 0x38A490 PIii
        _g_DB_SpellVisualMissile = 0x25678B0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellXDescriptionVariables = 0x2567F70,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SpellXSpellVisual = 0x2568120,            // 0x38A490 PIii
        _g_DB_Stationery = 0x25682D0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_SummonProperties = 0x2568480,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_TactKey = 0x2568630,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_TactKeyLookup = 0x25687E0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_Talent = 0x2568990,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_TaxiNodes = 0x2568B40,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_TaxiPath = 0x2568CF0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_TaxiPathNode = 0x2568EA0,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_TerrainTypeSounds = 0x2569050,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_TextureFileData = 0x2569200,            // 0x38A490 PIii
        _g_DB_TotemCategory = 0x25693B0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_Toy = 0x2569560,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_TradeSkillCategory = 0x2569710,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_TransformMatrix = 0x2569A70,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_TransmogDefaultLevel = 0x2569C20,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_TransmogHoliday = 0x2569DD0,            // 0x388EE0 PIib
        _g_DB_TransmogSet = 0x2569F80,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_TransmogSetGroup = 0x256A130,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_TransmogSetItem = 0x256A2E0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_TransportAnimation = 0x256A490,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_TransportPhysics = 0x256A640,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_TransportRotation = 0x256A7F0,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_Trophy = 0x256A9A0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UiCamFbackTransmogChrRace = 0x256AB50,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiCamFbackTransmogWeapon = 0x256AD00,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UiCamera = 0x256AEB0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiCameraType = 0x256B060,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UiCanvas = 0x256B210,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UiMapArt = 0x256B8D0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UiMapArtStyleLayer = 0x256BA80,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_UiMapArtTile = 0x256BC30,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiMapAssignment = 0x256C2F0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiMap = 0x256B720,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiMapFogOfWar = 0x256BDE0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_UiMapFogOfWarVisualization = 0x256BF90,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UiMapGroupMember = 0x256C4A0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiMapLink = 0x256C650,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UiMapXMapArt = 0x256C140,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiModelSceneActor = 0x256C9B0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UiModelSceneActorDisplay = 0x256C800,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_UiModelSceneCamera = 0x256CB60,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_UiModelScene = 0x256CD10,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_UiPartyPose = 0x256CEC0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_UiTextureAtlas = 0x256D3D0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiTextureAtlasElement = 0x256D070,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiTextureAtlasMember = 0x256D220,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiTextureKit = 0x256D580,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_UiWidgetConstantSource = 0x256D730,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiWidget = 0x256DA90,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiWidgetDataSource = 0x256D8E0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiWidgetMap = 0x256DC40,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiWidgetStringSource = 0x256DDF0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UiWidgetVisualization = 0x256DFA0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_UnitBlood = 0x256E150,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UnitBloodLevels = 0x256E300,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_UnitCondition = 0x256E4B0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_UnitPowerBar = 0x256E660,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_Vehicle = 0x256E810,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_VehicleSeat = 0x256E9C0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_VehicleUIIndSeat = 0x256ED20,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_VehicleUIIndicator = 0x256EB70,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_Vignette = 0x256EED0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_VocalUISounds = 0x256F080,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_WbAccessControlList = 0x256F230,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WbCertWhitelist = 0x256F3E0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WeaponImpactSounds = 0x256F590,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_WeaponSwingSounds2 = 0x256F740,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WeaponTrail = 0x256F8F0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WeaponTrailModelDef = 0x256FAA0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WeaponTrailParam = 0x256FC50,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_WorldBossLockout = 0x2570160,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WorldChunkSounds = 0x2570310,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_WorldEffect = 0x25704C0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_WorldElapsedTimer = 0x2570670,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WorldMapOverlay = 0x2570820,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_WorldMapOverlayTile = 0x25709D0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_WorldStateExpression = 0x2570B80,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_WorldStateUI = 0x2570D30,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_WorldStateZoneSounds = 0x2570EE0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_World_PVP_Area = 0x256FFB0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ZoneIntroMusicTable = 0x2571090,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ZoneMusic = 0x2571240,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_ZoneStory = 0x25713F0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WMOAreaTable = 0x2577BC0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AnimationData = 0x2571830,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_AreaTable = 0x25719E0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_BoneWindModifierModel = 0x2571D40,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_BoneWindModifiers = 0x2571B90,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_CelestialBody = 0x2571EF0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_CloakDampening = 0x25720A0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_Curve = 0x2572250,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_CurvePoint = 0x2572400,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_DeviceBlacklist = 0x2572760,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_DeviceDefaultSettings = 0x2572910,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_DriverBlacklist = 0x25725B0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_FootprintTextures = 0x2572AC0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_FullScreenEffect = 0x2572C70,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_GroundEffectDoodad = 0x2572FD0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_GroundEffectTexture = 0x2572E20,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_Hotfixes = 0x2573180,            // 0x38DB10 
        _g_DB_Light = 0x2573330,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_LightData = 0x25734E0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_LightParams = 0x2573840,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_LightSkybox = 0x25739F0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_Lightning = 0x2573690,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_LiquidMaterial = 0x2573BA0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_LiquidObject = 0x2573D50,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_LiquidType = 0x2573F00,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_LiquidTypeXTexture = 0x25740B0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ManifestMP3 = 0x2574260,            // 0x3899A0 PIis
        _g_DB_Map = 0x2574410,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ModelAnimCloakDampening = 0x25745C0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_ModelFileData = 0x2574770,            // 0x38A490 PIii
        _g_DB_ModelRibbonQuality = 0x2574920,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_Occluder = 0x2574AD0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_OccluderLocation = 0x2574C80,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_OccluderNode = 0x2574E30,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_ParticulateSound = 0x2574FE0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_RibbonQuality = 0x2575190,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_SoundBus = 0x2575340,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_SoundBusOverride = 0x25754F0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SoundEmitterPillPoints = 0x25756A0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SoundEmitters = 0x2575850,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SoundEnvelope = 0x2575A00,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_SoundFilter = 0x2575BB0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SoundFilterElem = 0x2575D60,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SoundKitAdvanced = 0x2575F10,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_SoundKitChild = 0x25760C0,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_SoundKit = 0x25765D0,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_SoundKitEntry = 0x2576270,            // 0x386670 IX32
        _g_DB_SoundKitFallback = 0x2576420,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_SpellChainEffects = 0x2576930,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_StartupFiles = 0x2576C90,            // 0x388340 PIss
        _g_DB_Startup_Strings = 0x2576AE0,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_TerrainMaterial = 0x2576E40,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_TerrainType = 0x2576FF0,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_TextureBlendSet = 0x25771A0,            // 0x385EA0 IX16
        _g_DB_VirtualAttachmentCustomization = 0x2577500,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_VirtualAttachment = 0x2577350,            // 0x384890 Vec 
        _g_DB_Weather = 0x25776B0,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_WeatherXParticulate = 0x2577860,            // 0x385730 IX8 
        _g_DB_WindSettings = 0x2577A10,            // 0x386D30 PIbb
        _g_DB_ZoneLight = 0x2577F20,            // 0x387830 PIsb
        _g_DB_ZoneLightPoint = 0x2577D70,            // 0x388340 PIss

    8.1.28724 Offsets
  2. Thanks imzz (1 members gave Thanks to counted for this useful post)
  3. #2
    counted's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    Offsets Not Tested....

       //  Wow x64 Version 8.1.0 28724 Dec  7 2018
            public static Int64 pCurMgr = 0x260B750;
            public static Int64 InputControl = 0xF0;
            public static Int64 AdditionalFlags = 0x58;
            public static Int64 UnitNameUpdateOff1 = 0xF8;
            public static Int64 UnitNameUpdateOff2 = 0x180;
            public static Int64 UnitNameUpdateOff3 = 0x30;
            public static Int64 BobberPop = 0xA4;
            public static Int64 pGUIDArray = 0x24437C0;
            public static Int64 pCSimpleTopInstance = 0x2579360;
            public static Int64 CSimpleTopFirstFrame = 0xD08;
            public static Int64 CSimpleTopNextFrame = 0xCF8;
            public static Int64 pFrameTimeCurTimeMs = 0x25789F0;
            public static Int64 pRuneLastUsedTime = 0x26D3E4C;
            public static Int64 pPowerIndexArray = 0x25A6AF0;
            public static Int64 pS_X = 0x220C5E4;
            public static Int64 pS_Y = 0x220C5E8;
            public static Int64 pCurrencyTable = 0x2449250;
            public static Int64 pCursorMode = 0x2749370;
            public static Int64 pCursorFile = 0x274A3A0;
            public static Int64 GameObjCache = 0x148;
            public static Int64 GameObjNameOffset = 0xE0;
            public static Int64 UnitRankOff1 = 0x16;
            public static Int64 UnitRankOff2 = 0xD5;
            public static Int64 UnitRankOff3 = 0x8D;
            public static Int64 MountedOffset1 = 0x3A0;
            public static Int64 MountedOffset2 = 0x418;
            public static Int64 MountedMask = 0x200000;
            public static Int64 SubmergedOffset1 = 0x418;
            public static Int64 SubmergedMask = 0x20000;
            public static Int64 StealthOffset1 = 0x16;
            public static Int64 StealthMask = 0x200;
            public static Int64 pSubzoneID = 0x26A4294;
            public static Int64 pAreaID = 0x26A4290;
            public static Int64 pZoneText = 0x26A3640;
            public static Int64 pSubZoneText = 0x26A3648;
            public static Int64 CurrentMapID_Offset = 0x230;
            public static Int64 AuraTableOffset = 0x630;
            public static Int64 AuraCountOffset = 0xA80;
            public static Int64 pSpellHistory = 0x242F1F0;
            public static Int64 pCurrentObjectTrack = 0x26A3468;
            public static Int64 pLockRecordArray = 0x2432D10;
            public static Int64 pActiveSpecGroup = 0x26BFA8C;
            public static Int64 pSpecArray = 0x26BFB20;
            public static Int64 UnitSpeedOffset1 = 0xF0;
            public static Int64 UnitSpeedOffset2 = 0xA4;
            public static Int64 pPlayerNameCache = 0x220D140;
            public static Int64 pItemSparse = 0x254B320;
            public static Int64 pLastErrorString = 0x26A36D0;
            public static Int64 pRaidPartyInfo = 0x26A5CF0;
            public static Int64 pGroupPartyInfo = 0x26A5CE8;
            public static Int64 pCurrentWorldFrame = 0x26A4CD8;
            public static Int64 CameraOffset = 0x3330;
            public static Int64 pBonusBarIndex = 0x2448C80;
            public static Int64 pCurrentBarIndex = 0x26C59A8;
            public static Int64 pExtraBarIndex = 0x1F1BD58;
            public static Int64 pSlotActions = 0x26C59B0;
            public static Int64 pSlotUsable = 0x26C621F;
            public static Int64 pSlotNoMana = 0x26C62DF;
            public static Int64 pInWorld = 0x26A3460;
            public static Int64 pCharacterName = 0x2518F18;
            public static Int64 pGossipInfoArray = 0x26B91A0;
            public static Int64 pGossipInfoQuests = 0x26B91B8;
            public static Int64 pMaxTaxiNodes = 0x26D1878;
            public static Int64 pTaxiBase = 0x26D18B8;
            public static Int64 pCurrentScaledResolution = 0x242E510;
            public static Int64 pAutoLootCVar = 0x26A2F30;
            public static Int64 pCameraSmoothStyleCVar = 0x27038D0;
    Last edited by counted; 12-12-2018 at 12:25 AM.

  4. Thanks imzz (1 members gave Thanks to counted for this useful post)
  5. #3
    counted's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    Object Data

     public struct WowObjStruct
            Int64 vtable;                   // 0x00
            Int64 pad;                      // 0x08
            public byte ObjectType;         // 0x10     // sub_D7EDE0 the switch statement has this offset
            public byte Pad1;               // 0x11
            public byte Pad2;               // 0x12
            public byte Pad3;               // 0x13
            Int64 unk3;                     // 0x14
            Int64 unk4;                     // 0x1c
            Int64 unk5;                     // 0x24
            Int64 unk6;                     // 0x2c
            Int64 unk7;                     // 0x34
            Int64 unk8;                     // 0x3c
            public Int128 Guid;             // 0x44    // sub_D7D770 offset = 0x48 not sure why this is 4 less??

  6. #4
    counted's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    More Offsets

            ActivePlayerGuid = 0x220;
            UnitObjectXOffset = 0x150;
            GameObjectXOffset = 0x108;  
            GameObject DisplayId Offset 0x1e8;

  7. #5
    counted's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    This blows

    So as others have stated the Descriptors are changed / gone.

    Anyone figure out what happened?

  8. Thanks dragonbane24 (1 members gave Thanks to counted for this useful post)
  9. #6
    dragonbane24's Avatar Contributor
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    Check my posts. Maybe you can figure out the structure from the info given. I'm going to bed for now.
    I think they just basically appended it / merged it with the primary "object".

    Still need to determine where things like Power and Auras, etc are kept in the structure.
    Some things like Unit location and Name moved a LOT while others like GameObject only moved slightly.
    Guessing they did a complete revamp of the object model. (It's been a long time coming.)

    More debug tomorrow when I have time.


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