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  1. #61
    jarjar1's Avatar Sergeant
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    How do you access the GUID of an object or the location of it?

    Also adding:
       else if (obj.IsA(ObjectTypeFlags.PLAYER))
    Does not seem to work, as it always returns 0 players.

    Originally Posted by TOM_RUS View Post
    IDA Database:
    My Object Manager only uses those 2 offsets to iterate objects and works with both x86 and x64 clients: ObjectManager and WowObject, sample project.(make sure to compile as x64 if you plan to use it with x64 client).

    [WoW][] x86 Info Dump Thread
  2. #62
    TOM_RUS's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by jarjar1 View Post
       else if (obj.IsA(ObjectTypeFlags.PLAYER))
    That's because players also considered units. If you reorder that condition (put player first, then unit, it will work).

  3. #63
    bigtimt's Avatar Active Member
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    I'm a little behind but here are the descriptors in enum form!

    pulled the addresses i used from InitializeBaseDataDescriptors.

    don't mind the messy code, something I just threw together to test.

        [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack=2)]
        public struct test
            public IntPtr pDescriptorName;
            public Int32 Size;
            public Int32 unknown;
            public void DumpDescriptors(String EnumName, Int32 Offset)
                Int32 i = 0;
                test testObj = WoW.Memory.ReadValue<test>(WoW.Constants.pBaseAddress + Offset + i * 12);
                Console.WriteLine("public enum " + EnumName);
                while (WoW.Memory.ReadString(testObj.pDescriptorName, 64).Contains(EnumName))
                    String DescriptorName = WoW.Memory.ReadString(testObj.pDescriptorName, 64);
                    DescriptorName = DescriptorName.Replace("::", "|");
                    DescriptorName = DescriptorName.Replace(".", "|");
                    DescriptorName = DescriptorName.Split('|').Last();
                    Console.WriteLine("\t{0} = 0x{1},", DescriptorName, i.ToString("X"));
                    i += testObj.Size;
                    testObj = WoW.Memory.ReadValue<test>(WoW.Constants.pBaseAddress + Offset + i * 12);
                Console.WriteLine("\t{0}_Size = 0x{1}", EnumName, ((i - 1) * 4).ToString("X"));
    public enum CGObjectData
    	m_guid = 0x0,
    	m_data = 0x2,
    	m_type = 0x4,
    	m_entryID = 0x5,
    	m_scale = 0x6,
    	CGObjectData_Size = 0x18
    public enum CGItemData
    	m_owner = 0x0,
    	m_containedIn = 0x2,
    	m_creator = 0x4,
    	m_giftCreator = 0x6,
    	m_stackCount = 0x8,
    	m_expiration = 0x9,
    	m_spellCharges = 0xA,
    	m_dynamicFlags = 0xF,
    	m_enchantment = 0x10,
    	m_propertySeed = 0x37,
    	m_randomPropertiesID = 0x38,
    	m_durability = 0x39,
    	m_maxDurability = 0x3A,
    	m_createPlayedTime = 0x3B,
    	m_modifiersMask = 0x3C,
    	CGItemData_Size = 0xF0
    public enum CGContainerData
    	m_slots = 0x0,
    	m_numSlots = 0x48,
    	CGContainerData_Size = 0x120
    public enum CGUnitData
    	charm = 0x0,
    	summon = 0x2,
    	critter = 0x4,
    	charmedBy = 0x6,
    	summonedBy = 0x8,
    	createdBy = 0xA,
    	target = 0xC,
    	channelObject = 0xE,
    	channelSpell = 0x10,
    	summonedByHomeRealm = 0x11,
    	displayPower = 0x12,
    	overrideDisplayPowerID = 0x13,
    	health = 0x14,
    	power = 0x15,
    	maxHealth = 0x1A,
    	maxPower = 0x1B,
    	powerRegenFlatModifier = 0x20,
    	powerRegenInterruptedFlatModifier = 0x25,
    	level = 0x2A,
    	factionTemplate = 0x2B,
    	virtualItemID = 0x2C,
    	flags = 0x2F,
    	flags2 = 0x30,
    	auraState = 0x31,
    	attackRoundBaseTime = 0x32,
    	rangedAttackRoundBaseTime = 0x34,
    	boundingRadius = 0x35,
    	combatReach = 0x36,
    	displayID = 0x37,
    	nativeDisplayID = 0x38,
    	mountDisplayID = 0x39,
    	minDamage = 0x3A,
    	maxDamage = 0x3B,
    	minOffHandDamage = 0x3C,
    	maxOffHandDamage = 0x3D,
    	animTier = 0x3E,
    	petNumber = 0x3F,
    	petNameTimestamp = 0x40,
    	petExperience = 0x41,
    	petNextLevelExperience = 0x42,
    	dynamicFlags = 0x43,
    	modCastingSpeed = 0x44,
    	modSpellHaste = 0x45,
    	modHaste = 0x46,
    	modHasteRegen = 0x47,
    	createdBySpell = 0x48,
    	npcFlags_UMNW0 = 0x49,
    	npcFlags = 0x4A,
    	stats = 0x4C,
    	statPosBuff = 0x51,
    	statNegBuff = 0x56,
    	resistances = 0x5B,
    	resistanceBuffModsPositive = 0x62,
    	resistanceBuffModsNegative = 0x69,
    	baseMana = 0x70,
    	baseHealth = 0x71,
    	shapeshiftForm = 0x72,
    	attackPower = 0x73,
    	attackPowerModPos = 0x74,
    	attackPowerModNeg = 0x75,
    	attackPowerMultiplier = 0x76,
    	rangedAttackPower = 0x77,
    	rangedAttackPowerModPos = 0x78,
    	rangedAttackPowerModNeg = 0x79,
    	rangedAttackPowerMultiplier = 0x7A,
    	minRangedDamage = 0x7B,
    	maxRangedDamage = 0x7C,
    	powerCostModifier = 0x7D,
    	powerCostMultiplier = 0x84,
    	maxHealthModifier = 0x8B,
    	hoverHeight = 0x8C,
    	minItemLevel = 0x8D,
    	maxItemLevel = 0x8E,
    	wildBattlePetLevel = 0x8F,
    	battlePetCompanionID = 0x90,
    	battlePetCompanionNameTimestamp = 0x91,
    	CGUnitData_Size = 0x244
    public enum CGPlayerData
    	duelArbiter = 0x0,
    	playerFlags = 0x2,
    	guildRankID = 0x3,
    	guildDeleteDate = 0x4,
    	guildLevel = 0x5,
    	hairColorID = 0x6,
    	restState = 0x7,
    	arenaFaction = 0x8,
    	duelTeam = 0x9,
    	guildTimeStamp = 0xA,
    	questLog = 0xB,
    	visibleItems = 0x2F9,
    	playerTitle = 0x31F,
    	fakeInebriation = 0x320,
    	homePlayerRealm = 0x321,
    	currentSpecID = 0x322,
    	taxiMountAnimKitID = 0x323,
    	partyType = 0x324,
    	invSlots = 0x325,
    	farsightObject = 0x3D1,
    	knownTitles = 0x3D3,
    	XP = 0x3DB,
    	nextLevelXP = 0x3DC,
    	skill = 0x3DD,
    	characterPoints = 0x59D,
    	maxTalentTiers = 0x59E,
    	trackCreatureMask = 0x59F,
    	trackResourceMask = 0x5A0,
    	expertise = 0x5A1,
    	offhandExpertise = 0x5A2,
    	rangedExpertise = 0x5A3,
    	blockPercentage = 0x5A4,
    	dodgePercentage = 0x5A5,
    	parryPercentage = 0x5A6,
    	critPercentage = 0x5A7,
    	rangedCritPercentage = 0x5A8,
    	offhandCritPercentage = 0x5A9,
    	spellCritPercentage = 0x5AA,
    	shieldBlock = 0x5B1,
    	shieldBlockCritPercentage = 0x5B2,
    	mastery = 0x5B3,
    	pvpPower = 0x5B4,
    	exploredZones = 0x5B5,
    	restStateBonusPool = 0x67D,
    	coinage = 0x67E,
    	modDamageDonePos = 0x680,
    	modDamageDoneNeg = 0x687,
    	modDamageDonePercent = 0x68E,
    	modHealingDonePos = 0x695,
    	modHealingPercent = 0x696,
    	modHealingDonePercent = 0x697,
    	modPeriodicHealingDonePercent = 0x698,
    	weaponDmgMultipliers = 0x699,
    	modSpellPowerPercent = 0x69C,
    	modResiliencePercent = 0x69D,
    	overrideSpellPowerByAPPercent = 0x69E,
    	overrideAPBySpellPowerPercent = 0x69F,
    	modTargetResistance = 0x6A0,
    	modTargetPhysicalResistance = 0x6A1,
    	lifetimeMaxRank = 0x6A2,
    	selfResSpell = 0x6A3,
    	pvpMedals = 0x6A4,
    	buybackPrice = 0x6A5,
    	buybackTimestamp = 0x6B1,
    	yesterdayHonorableKills = 0x6BD,
    	lifetimeHonorableKills = 0x6BE,
    	watchedFactionIndex = 0x6BF,
    	combatRatings = 0x6C0,
    	arenaTeams = 0x6DB,
    	battlegroundRating = 0x6F0,
    	maxLevel = 0x6F1,
    	runeRegen = 0x6F2,
    	noReagentCostMask = 0x6F6,
    	glyphSlots = 0x6FA,
    	glyphs = 0x700,
    	glyphSlotsEnabled = 0x706,
    	petSpellPower = 0x707,
    	researching = 0x708,
    	professionSkillLine = 0x710,
    	uiHitModifier = 0x712,
    	uiSpellHitModifier = 0x713,
    	homeRealmTimeOffset = 0x714,
    	modRangedHaste = 0x715,
    	modPetHaste = 0x716,
    	summonedBattlePetID = 0x717,
    	auraVision = 0x718,
    	overrideSpellsID = 0x719,
    	CGPlayerData_Size = 0x1C64
    public enum CGGameObjectData
    	m_createdBy = 0x0,
    	m_displayID = 0x2,
    	m_flags = 0x3,
    	m_parentRotation = 0x4,
    	m_animProgress = 0x8,
    	m_factionTemplate = 0x9,
    	m_level = 0xA,
    	m_percentHealth = 0xB,
    	CGGameObjectData_Size = 0x2C
    public enum CGDynamicObjectData
    	m_caster = 0x0,
    	m_typeAndVisualID = 0x2,
    	m_spellID = 0x3,
    	m_radius = 0x4,
    	m_castTime = 0x5,
    	CGDynamicObjectData_Size = 0x14
    public enum CGCorpseData
    	m_owner = 0x0,
    	m_partyGUID = 0x2,
    	m_displayID = 0x4,
    	m_items = 0x5,
    	m_skinID = 0x18,
    	m_facialHairStyleID = 0x19,
    	m_flags = 0x1A,
    	m_dynamicFlags = 0x1B,
    	CGCorpseData_Size = 0x6C
    public enum CGSceneObjectData
    	m_scriptPackageID = 0x0,
    	m_rndSeedVal = 0x1,
    	m_createdBy = 0x2,
    	CGSceneObjectData_Size = 0xC
    public enum CGAreaTriggerData
    	m_caster = 0x0,
    	m_duration = 0x2,
    	m_spellID = 0x3,
    	m_spellVisualID = 0x4,
    	CGAreaTriggerData_Size = 0x10
    Last edited by bigtimt; 10-24-2012 at 07:02 PM.

  4. #64
    jarjar1's Avatar Sergeant
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    How can you get the objectname? I am using Vtable but its returning 0 as the pointer.

        public enum WowObjectVMT : uint
            GetObjectLocation = 34, // CGUnit_C__GetPosition
            InteractObject = 65, // CGUnit_C::OnRightClick 
            GetObjectName = 73,  // CGGameObject_C__GetName  //431C60
            private delegate IntPtr GetObjectNameDelegate(IntPtr thisPointer);
            private readonly GetObjectNameDelegate _getObjectName;
                    _getObjectName = RegisterVirtualFunction<GetObjectNameDelegate>((uint)Objects.WowObjectVMT.GetObjectName);
            protected T RegisterVirtualFunction<T>(uint offset) where T : class
                var pointer = Class1.MemoryIn.GetVFTableEntry(Pointer, (int)offset / 4);
                if (pointer == IntPtr.Zero)
                    return null;
                return RegisterDelegate<T>(pointer);
            public T RegisterDelegate<T>(IntPtr address) where T : class
                return Marshal.GetDelegateForFunctionPointer(address, typeof(T)) as T;
            public string Name
                    var pointer = _getObjectName(Pointer);
                    if (pointer == IntPtr.Zero)
                        return "UNKNOWN";
                    return Class1.MemoryIn.ReadString(pointer, Encoding.UTF8);
    Originally Posted by TOM_RUS View Post
    IDA Database:

    My Object Manager only uses those 2 offsets to iterate objects and works with both x86 and x64 clients: ObjectManager and WowObject, sample project.(make sure to compile as x64 if you plan to use it with x64 client).
    Last edited by jarjar1; 10-26-2012 at 05:24 AM.

  5. #65
    TOM_RUS's Avatar Legendary
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    Originally Posted by jarjar1 View Post
    73 / 4
    What? (filler)

  6. #66
    Frosttall's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by TOM_RUS View Post
    What? (filler)
    never heard of decimal addresses?!

    well me neither

    you are doing "offset / 4" but instead should you multiply it with 4

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 2

  7. #67
    jarjar1's Avatar Sergeant
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    Ah. Did not notice that, thanks. I think its just the wrong offsets. Because it crashes on return RegisterDelegate<T>(pointer); Or something else im doing wrong.

  8. #68
    jarjar1's Avatar Sergeant
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    Can anyone help me with this? Following the current players stuct based on TOM_RUS (s) wowobject struct. We get:

    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 1C5F888h                             ; pVtable ; pVtable
    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 0BAADF00Dh                           ; int_unk0
    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 23A36A50h                            ; pDescriptors
    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 23A3891Ch                            ; p_unk1
    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 4                                    ; ObjectType
    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 0BAADF00Dh                           ; int_unk3
    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 57E9F58h                             ; pUnk4
    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 23CAF994h                            ; pUnk5
    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 23A9FCB0h                            ; pUnk6
    debug544:23A32FD0 dd 0C50157Ch                            ; pUnk7
    debug544:23A32FD0 dq 0BAADF00D23A45BC0h                   ; pUnk8
    debug544:23A32FD0 dq 5000000057E9F58h                     ; ulong_GUID
    pVtable leads to:

    .rdata:01C5F888 off_1C5F888 dd offset sub_172F3E0       ; DATA XREF: sub_1751F20+1Fo
    .rdata:01C5F888                                         ; sub_1752780+11o
    .rdata:01C5F88C dd offset sub_172F3F0
    .rdata:01C5F890 dd offset sub_172F410
    .rdata:01C5F894 dd offset sub_17E06B0
    .rdata:01C5F898 dd offset sub_172F430
    .rdata:01C5F89C dd offset sub_172F450
    .rdata:01C5F8A0 dd offset sub_172F460
    .rdata:01C5F8A4 dd offset sub_172F470
    .rdata:01C5F8A8 dd offset sub_172F4F0
    .rdata:01C5F8AC dd offset sub_172F480
    .rdata:01C5F8B0 dd offset sub_1752340
    I am guessing either I need to follow offset sub_172F3E0 and someone pass 34 int somewhere there? as 34 is the offset for GetObjectLocation = 34, // CGUnit_C__GetPosition
    Last edited by jarjar1; 10-26-2012 at 07:50 PM.

  9. #69
    EvsonRARA's Avatar Member
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    Thanks for this.
    Last edited by EvsonRARA; 11-05-2012 at 11:35 AM.

  10. #70
    -Ryuk-'s Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    19 Warden new scans(66 in total): WoW 5.0.5:16135 (x86)

    Offset: 0x8B576F
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 247 65 56 0 0 16 1 116 101 
    Offset: 0x6EB0E8
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 116 42 246 64 52 
    Offset: 0x421F20
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 85 139 236 139 69 12 131 236 8 
    Offset: 0x59B3E6
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 116 82 131 255 7 
    Offset: 0x762C4E
    Length: 8
    Bytes: 247 195 0 1 0 0 116 19 
    Offset: 0x597CB4
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 116 19 131 248 16 
    Offset: 0x8B5730
    Length: B
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 32 243 15 16 65 76 
    Offset: 0x796750
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 85 139 236 139 69 12 139 77 8 
    Offset: 0x52AE36
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 127 29 139 134 
    Offset: 0x7038A
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 131 196 8 133 192 116 239 
    Offset: 0x762C1E
    Length: 8
    Bytes: 247 195 240 0 3 0 116 29 
    Offset: 0x4ED2E5
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 169 0 0 0 4 116 36 
    Offset: 0x597CC7
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 117 10 139 77 16 199 65 4 0 
    Offset: 0x3F9AE0
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 16 83 86 139 
    Offset: 0x762BF4
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 116 40 139 77 24 
    Offset: 0x4A714D
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 116 31 139 6 
    Offset: 0x4466C0
    Length: A
    Bytes: 85 139 236 129 236 184 0 0 0 139 
    Offset: 0x762B30
    Length: A
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 28 83 139 93 28 
    Offset: 0x762BEE
    Length: 8
    Bytes: 247 195 0 0 240 0 116 40 
    Offset: 0x7148D9
    Length: D
    Bytes: 15 133 78 2 0 0 141 85 220 82 141 69 204 
    Offset: 0x933E90
    Length: 8
    Bytes: 47 84 154 65 67 77 105 115 
    Offset: 0x49F9E7
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 116 24 139 200 
    Offset: 0x445590
    Length: A
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 52 83 86 139 241 
    Offset: 0x572B71
    Length: 6
    Bytes: 139 236 131 61 232 255 
    Offset: 0x413FBD
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 117 39 139 206 
    Offset: 0x8B9963
    Length: C
    Bytes: 129 102 56 255 255 159 255 139 78 60 139 70 
    Offset: 0x4A053F
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 117 24 104 83 1 0 0 
    Offset: 0x493760
    Length: A
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 24 83 86 139 241 
    Offset: 0x125000
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 72 139 69 8 
    Offset: 0x486230
    Length: A
    Bytes: 139 129 8 8 0 0 37 0 0 128 
    Offset: 0x165930
    Length: 8
    Bytes: 85 139 236 161 148 44 235 1 
    Offset: 0x56B574
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 120 71 5 192 
    Offset: 0x447A22
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 232 9 29 210 255 139 240 
    Offset: 0x4A714B
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 133 219 116 31 
    Offset: 0x8C0E40
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 85 139 236 81 83 86 139 117 8 
    Offset: 0x5866C0
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 64 15 87 192 
    Offset: 0x52AE53
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 126 11 139 206 
    Offset: 0x8B91D0
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 169 0 0 0 16 116 7 
    Offset: 0x4937E8
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 116 121 243 15 
    Offset: 0x7148B1
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 117 11 95 94 
    Offset: 0x4EA311
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 15 47 68 8 8 114 6 
    Offset: 0x4EDA89
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 247 65 56 0 2 0 32 117 52 
    Offset: 0x597810
    Length: C
    Bytes: 85 139 236 184 160 66 0 0 232 35 19 32 
    Offset: 0x762C6C
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 116 33 139 77 24 
    Offset: 0x762C24
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 116 29 139 77 24 
    Offset: 0x762C69
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 246 195 15 116 33 
    Offset: 0x937BDC
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 187 141 36 63 
    Offset: 0xA725BC
    Length: 6
    Bytes: 4 0 0 0 132 252 
    Offset: 0x59AEF0
    Length: C
    Bytes: 85 139 236 129 236 32 14 0 0 106 10 232 
    Offset: 0x572B82
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 116 101 131 249 28 119 96 
    Offset: 0x125200
    Length: A
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 100 86 139 117 8 
    Offset: 0x4A5E54
    Length: 4
    Bytes: 116 30 243 15 
    Offset: 0x57F445
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 119 52 255 36 133 
    Offset: 0x8B5776
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 116 101 217 65 80 
    Offset: 0x125A10
    Length: A
    Bytes: 85 139 236 139 69 12 131 120 8 6 
    Offset: 0x57F913
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 86 87 232 70 188 254 255 
    Offset: 0x3F7F10
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 24 86 139 241 
    Offset: 0x4A7030
    Length: 9
    Bytes: 85 139 236 131 236 32 86 139 241 
    Offset: 0xA0B458
    Length: 8
    Bytes: 216 147 254 192 72 140 17 193 
    Offset: 0x762C54
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 116 19 139 77 24 
    Offset: 0x6FA74
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 232 135 72 31 0 139 13 
    Offset: 0x4ED2EA
    Length: 7
    Bytes: 116 36 169 0 0 16 0 
    Offset: 0x8B9210
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 117 62 246 70 60 
    Offset: 0x7536D
    Length: 5
    Bytes: 139 77 16 137 13 
    Offset: 0x56B5F0
    Length: A
    Bytes: 106 1 104 192 25 147 1 104 224 138 
    Offset: 0x4F13D3
    Length: B
    Bytes: 1 126 116 139 206 232 51 166 255 255 139
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  11. #71
    eracer's Avatar Contributor
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    I have checked and double checked and warden is not scanning for me, I can see that it has been updated but its not active.
    Has anyone else noticed this too?

    Update: Warden is scanning again today, I've been monitoring for a couple of hours now and I only see 47 offsets being scanned, I also set a bp on one of the new offsets that Ryuk posted just in case something else changed, it was never hit though.
    Last edited by eracer; 11-10-2012 at 04:39 PM.

  12. #72
    Frosttall's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by eracer View Post
    I have checked and double checked and warden is not scanning for me, I can see that it has been updated but its not active.
    Has anyone else noticed this too?
    Scanning for me on EU: Eredar, Twisting Nether aswell on Das Konsortium

  13. #73
    l0l1dk's Avatar Elite User

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    Warden's been scanning for me, but I haven't gotten any of the new scans. Almost all of the new scans were targeting OHack, so if you use any code from it you should check to make sure that it hasn't been detected.

  14. #74
    daCoder's Avatar Sergeant
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    The OHack scannes appear late and are not scanned frequently. I kept it running for 35 minutes.
    Here are the Functionnames according to my database.

    0006FA74 <noname>
    0007038A <noname>
    0007536D FrameScript_ExecuteBuffer
    00125000 luaD_rawrunprotected
    00125200 <noname>
    00125A10 <noname>
    00165930 FrameScript::InvalidPtrCheck
    003F7F10 NetClient::HandleData
    003F9AE0 NetClient::Send2
    00413FBD <noname>
    00421F20 <noname>
    00445590 CMovement_C::UpdatePlayerMovement
    004466C0 CMovement_C::ExecuteMovement
    00447A22 MovementIdleMoveUnits
    00486230 <noname>
    00493760 CGUnit_C::InitializeTrackingState
    004937E8 CGUnit_C::InitializeTrackingState
    0049F9E7 <noname>
    004A053F CGUnit_C::SetTrackingTarget
    004A5E54 CGUnit_C::HandleTracking
    004A7030 CGUnit_C::UpdateSwimmingStatus
    004A714B CGUnit_C::UpdateSwimmingStatus
    004A714D CGUnit_C::UpdateSwimmingStatus
    004EA311 <noname>
    004ED2E5 CMovement_C__GetCollisionFlags
    004ED2EA CMovement_C__GetCollisionFlags
    004EDA89 CMovement_C__IsFlyingOrSwimming
    004F13D3 CMovement_C::Fall
    0052AE36 Script_UnitLevel
    0052AE53 Script_UnitLevel
    0056B574 CGGameUI::UpdatePlayerAFK
    0056B5F0 CGWorldFrame::CreateFrames
    00572B71 CGGameUI::CanPerformAction
    00572B82 CGGameUI::CanPerformAction
    0057F445 CGGameUI::Initialize
    0057F913 CGGameUI::Idle
    005866C0 CGWorldFrame::Render
    00597810 CGChat::AddChatMessage
    00597CB4 CGChat::AddChatMessage
    00597CC7 CGChat::AddChatMessage
    0059AEF0 Script_SendChatMessage
    0059B3E6 Script_SendChatMessage
    006EB0E8 World::QueryObjectLiquid
    007148B1 <noname>
    007148D9 <noname>
    00762B30 <noname>
    00762BEE <noname>
    00762BF4 <noname>
    00762C1E <noname>
    00762C24 <noname>
    00762C4E <noname>
    00762C54 <noname>
    00762C69 <noname>
    00762C6C <noname>
    00796750 Checksum
    008B5730 <noname>
    008B576F <noname>
    008B5776 <noname>
    008B91D0 CMovementShared::Jump
    008B9210 CMovementShared::Jump
    008B9963 CMovementShared::StopSwim
    008C0E40 Grunt::ClientLink::PackLogon
    00933E90 .data
    00937BDC .data
    00A0B458 .data
    00A725BC .data
    My Youtube Vidoes: https://www.youtube.com/user/daCoderVids
    OpenHack: https://www.ownedcore.com/forums/world-of-warcraft/world-of-warcraft-bots-programs/384086-open-souce-project-wow-1-12-1-a.html

  15. #75
    berlinermauer's Avatar Master Sergeant
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Thanks G/R
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    Am I getting it right, that Warden only scans writing from these adresses instead of calling those functions?
    If so, why would somebody want to Hook for example ExecuteBuffer or luaD_rawrunprotected. I get it for those Movement things, but not for AddChatMessage.

    Also Is there a way to hook the ConsoleCommands? Is it Secure?

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