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  1. #1
    -Ryuk-'s Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    [List]Mines & Herb display ID's!

    Hello all!

    I had to go get these myself today as I couldn't find them here. So here is a list:


        public class Mines
            static int Copper = 310;
            static int Tin = 315;
            static int Incendicite = 384;
            static int Silver = 314;
            static int Iron = 312;
            static int Indurium = 384;
            static int Gold = 311;
            static int LesserBloodstone = 48;
            static int Mithril = 313;
            static int Truesilver = 314;
            static int DarkIron = 2571;
            static int SmallThorium = 3951;
            static int RichThorium = 3952;
            static int ObsidianChunk = 6650;
            static int FelIron = 6799;
            static int Adamantite = 6798;
            static int Cobalt = 7881;
            static int Nethercite = 6650;
            static int Khorium = 6800;
            static int Saronite = 7804;
            static int Titanium = 6798;
    and the herbs:

        public class Herbs
            static int Peacebloom = 369;
            static int Silverleaf = 270;
            static int Earthroot = 414;
            static int Mageroyal = 268;
            static int Briarthorn = 271;
            static int Stranglekelp = 700;
            static int Bruiseweed = 358;
            static int WildSteelbloom = 371;
            static int GraveMoss = 357;
            static int Kingsblood = 320;
            static int Liferoot = 677;
            static int Fadeleaf = 697;
            static int Goldthorn = 698;
            static int KhadgarsWhisker = 701;
            static int Wintersbite = 699;
            static int Firebloom = 2312;
            static int PurpleLotus = 2314;
            static int ArthasTears = 2310;
            static int Sungrass = 2315;
            static int Blindweed = 2311;
            static int GhostMushroom = 389;
            static int Gromsblood = 2313;
            static int GoldenSansam = 4652;
            static int Dreamfoil = 4635;
            static int MountainSilversage = 4633;
            static int Plaguebloom = 4632;
            static int Icecap = 4634;
            static int BlackLotus = 4636;
            static int Felweed = 6968;
            static int DreamingGlory = 6948;
            static int Terocone = 6969;
            static int Ragveil = 6949;
            static int FlameCap = 6966;
            static int AncientLichen = 6967;
            static int Netherbloom = 6947;
            static int NightmareVine = 6946;
            static int ManaThistle = 6945;
            static int TalandrasRose = 7865;
            static int Goldclover = 7844;
            static int AddersTongue = 8084;

    If anyone has the cloud ones feel free to post them!

    Enjoy using these
    |Leacher:11/2009|Donor:02/2010|Established Member:09/2010|Contributor:09/2010|Elite:08/2013|

    [List]Mines & Herb display ID's!
  2. #2
    Apoc's Avatar Angry Penguin
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    I guess consts are out of the question.

    Or better yet, ENUMs.

  3. #3
    Sednogmah's Avatar Contributor
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    Here's a more complete list which includes the required gathering skill for each node type. It was dumped from WowHead not long ago. Blizzard occasionally changes the skill requirements, so check this in the future.

    #include <cstdint>
    enum class GatherNodeType : int32_t {
    	Undefined = 0,
    	Herb = -3,
    	Mineral = -4
    struct GatherNode {
    	const uint32_t       id;
    	const GatherNodeType type;
    	const char*          name;
    	const uint16_t       minskill;	
    const struct GatherNode nodes[] = {
    	{ 181166, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Bloodthistle"                    ,   1 },
    	{   1618, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Peacebloom"                      ,   1 },
    	{   1617, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Silverleaf"                      ,   1 },
    	{   1619, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Earthroot"                       ,  15 },
    	{   1620, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Mageroyal"                       ,  50 },
    	{   1621, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Briarthorn"                      ,  70 },
    	{   2045, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Stranglekelp"                    ,  85 },
    	{   1622, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Bruiseweed"                      , 100 },
    	{   1623, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Wild Steelbloom"                 , 115 },
    	{   1628, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Grave Moss"                      , 120 },
    	{   1624, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Kingsblood"                      , 125 },
    	{   2041, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Liferoot"                        , 150 },
    	{   2042, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Fadeleaf"                        , 160 },
    	{   2046, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Goldthorn"                       , 170 },
    	{   2043, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Khadgar's Whisker"               , 185 },
    	{   2044, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Wintersbite"                     , 195 },
    	{   2866, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Firebloom"                       , 205 },
    	{ 142140, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Purple Lotus"                    , 210 },
    	{ 142141, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Arthas' Tears"                   , 220 },
    	{ 142142, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Sungrass"                        , 230 },
    	{ 142143, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Blindweed"                       , 235 },
    	{ 142144, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Ghost Mushroom"                  , 245 },
    	{ 142145, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Gromsblood"                      , 250 },
    	{ 176583, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Golden Sansam"                   , 260 },
    	{ 176584, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Dreamfoil"                       , 270 },
    	{ 176586, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Mountain Silversage"             , 280 },
    	{ 176587, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Plaguebloom"                     , 285 },
    	{ 176588, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Icecap"                          , 290 },
    	{ 176589, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Black Lotus"                     , 300 },
    	{ 181270, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Felweed"                         , 300 },
    	{ 190174, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Frozen Herb"                     , 300 },
    	{ 181271, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Dreaming Glory"                  , 315 },
    	{ 181275, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Ragveil"                         , 325 },
    	{ 181277, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Terocone"                        , 325 },
    	{ 181276, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Flame Cap"                       , 335 },
    	{ 181278, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Ancient Lichen"                  , 340 },
    	{ 189973, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Goldclover"                      , 350 },
    	{ 181279, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Netherbloom"                     , 350 },
    	{ 185881, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Netherdust Bush"                 , 350 },
    	{ 191303, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Firethorn"                       , 360 },
    	{ 181280, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Nightmare Vine"                  , 365 },
    	{ 181281, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Mana Thistle"                    , 375 },
    	{ 190169, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Tiger Lily"                      , 375 },
    	{ 190170, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Talandra's Rose"                 , 385 },
    	{ 191019, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Adder's Tongue"                  , 400 },
    	{ 190173, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Frozen Herb"                     , 400 },
    	{ 190175, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Frozen Herb"                     , 415 },
    	{ 190171, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Lichbloom"                       , 425 },
    	{ 190172, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Icethorn"                        , 435 },
    	{ 190176, GatherNodeType::Herb, "Frost Lotus"                     , 450 },
    	{ 188432, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Black Blood of Yogg-Saron"       ,   1 },
    	{   1731, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Copper Vein"                     ,   1 },
    	{ 191844, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Enchanted Earth"                 ,   1 },
    	{ 191845, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Enchanted Earth"                 ,   1 },
    	{ 188699, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Strange Ore"                     ,   1 },
    	{   1610, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Incendicite Mineral Vein"        ,  65 },
    	{   1732, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Tin Vein"                        ,  65 },
    	{   2653, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Lesser Bloodstone Deposit"       ,  75 },
    	{  73940, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Ooze Covered Silver Vein"        ,  75 },
    	{   1733, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Silver Vein"                     ,  75 },
    	{   1735, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Iron Deposit"                    , 125 },
    	{  19903, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Indurium Mineral Vein"           , 150 },
    	{   1734, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Gold Vein"                       , 155 },
    	{  73941, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Ooze Covered Gold Vein"          , 155 },
    	{   2040, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Mithril Deposit"                 , 175 },
    	{ 123310, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Ooze Covered Mithril Deposit"    , 175 },
    	{ 123309, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Ooze Covered Truesilver Deposit" , 205 },
    	{   2047, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Truesilver Deposit"              , 205 },
    	{ 165658, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Dark Iron Deposit"               , 230 },
    	{ 123848, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Ooze Covered Thorium Vein"       , 230 },
    	{    324, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Small Thorium Vein"              , 230 },
    	{ 180215, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Hakkari Thorium Vein"            , 255 },
    	{ 177388, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Ooze Covered Rich Thorium Vein"  , 255 },
    	{ 175404, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Rich Thorium Vein"               , 255 },
    	{ 181555, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Fel Iron Deposit"                , 275 },
    	{ 185877, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Nethercite Deposit"              , 275 },
    	{ 181069, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Large Obsidian Chunk"            , 305 },
    	{ 181068, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Small Obsidian Chunk"            , 305 },
    	{ 181556, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Adamantite Deposit"              , 325 },
    	{ 189978, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Cobalt Deposit"                  , 350 },
    	{ 181569, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Rich Adamantite Deposit"         , 350 },
    	{ 185557, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Ancient Gem Vein"                , 375 },
    	{ 181557, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Khorium Vein"                    , 375 },
    	{ 189979, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Rich Cobalt Deposit"             , 375 },
    	{ 189980, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Saronite Deposit"                , 400 },
    	{ 189981, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Rich Saronite Deposit"           , 425 },
    	{ 195036, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Pure Saronite Deposit"           , 450 },
    	{ 191133, GatherNodeType::Mineral, "Titanium Vein"                   , 450 }
    Last edited by Sednogmah; 04-13-2010 at 10:37 PM.

  4. #4
    lanman92's Avatar Active Member
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    Yeah, you're wasting a ton of memory doing that... Use enums. Otherwise, good stuff. You could have put this in the stickied thread though.
    Last edited by lanman92; 04-13-2010 at 10:32 PM.

  5. #5
    -Ryuk-'s Avatar Elite User CoreCoins Purchaser Authenticator enabled
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    didn't think of enums
    |Leacher:11/2009|Donor:02/2010|Established Member:09/2010|Contributor:09/2010|Elite:08/2013|

  6. #6
    Seifer's Avatar Site Donator
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    Converted to enums:

    public enum MineNodes
             Copper = 310,
             Tin = 315,
             Incendicite = 384,
             Silver = 314,
             Iron = 312,
             Indurium = 384,
             Gold = 311,
             LesserBloodstone = 48,
             Mithril = 313,
             Truesilver = 314,
             DarkIron = 2571,
             SmallThorium = 3951,
             RichThorium = 3952,
             ObsidianChunk = 6650,
             FelIron = 6799,
             Adamantite = 6798,
             Cobalt = 7881,
             Nethercite = 6650,
             Khorium = 6800,
             Saronite = 7804,
             Titanium = 6798
    public enum HerbNodes
             Peacebloom = 369,
             Silverleaf = 270,
             Earthroot = 414,
             Mageroyal = 268,
             Briarthorn = 271,
             Stranglekelp = 700,
             Bruiseweed = 358,
             WildSteelbloom = 371,
             GraveMoss = 357,
             Kingsblood = 320,
             Liferoot = 677,
             Fadeleaf = 697,
             Goldthorn = 698,
             KhadgarsWhisker = 701,
             Wintersbite = 699,
             Firebloom = 2312,
             PurpleLotus = 2314,
             ArthasTears = 2310,
             Sungrass = 2315,
             Blindweed = 2311,
             GhostMushroom = 389,
             Gromsblood = 2313,
             GoldenSansam = 4652,
             Dreamfoil = 4635,
             MountainSilversage = 4633,
             Plaguebloom = 4632,
             Icecap = 4634,
             BlackLotus = 4636,
             Felweed = 6968,
             DreamingGlory = 6948,
             Terocone = 6969,
             Ragveil = 6949,
             FlameCap = 6966,
             AncientLichen = 6967,
             Netherbloom = 6947,
             NightmareVine = 6946,
             ManaThistle = 6945,
             TalandrasRose = 7865,
             Goldclover = 7844,
             AddersTongue = 8084
    Nice job though Ryuk, you saved me from doing it manually.

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