Well.. I'm wondering wheter Unit Faction has moved?
Was (Object + 0xD0)+0xC0 before patch, but now it seems not working..
Looked into where I found the offsets in 3.2.1, and seems to be the same:
* 3.2.1
mov eax, [ebx+0D0h]
mov ecx, [ebp+arg_0]
mov eax, [eax+0C0h]
push ecx
push eax
call sub_697110
add esp, 8
cmp eax, 7
jl short loc_69CD25
* 3.2.2
mov eax, [ebx+0D0h]
mov ecx, [ebp+arg_0]
mov eax, [eax+0C0h]
push ecx
push eax
call sub_697420
add esp, 8
cmp eax, 7
jl short loc_69CFF5
What am I missing?