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  1. #46
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Originally Posted by Apoc View Post
    Cypher is a dick, as are most other people with decent knowledge in their area. Cypher is also a lot like me. Neither of us will help anybody unless they can show they either a) have actually tried to do something, and are at a brick wall. Or b) need a small kick-start to figure something out.

    We don't spoon feed. And we don't do your stupid ass homework.

    Shynd, you ruined the fun. GTFO my interwebz fewl! (Should have made that method a partial, to REALLY **** with him. ^_^)

    Hai2uApoc. <3

    We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an *******. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get ****ed by dicks. But dicks also **** *******s: *******s that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with *******s their way. But the only thing that can **** an ******* is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they **** too much or **** when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a ***** to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become *******s themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us **** this *******, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!


    EDIT: Rofl, I love how much of my post got filtered. Team America is awesome.

    Lazy-ass programmer incoming !!
  2. #47
    kynox's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Originally Posted by Cypher View Post

    Hai2uApoc. <3

    We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an *******. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get ****ed by dicks. But dicks also **** *******s: *******s that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with *******s their way. But the only thing that can **** an ******* is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they **** too much or **** when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a ***** to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become *******s themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us **** this *******, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit!


    EDIT: Rofl, I love how much of my post got filtered. Team America is awesome.
    Potato ****er.

  3. #48
    zaleo's Avatar Banned
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    Jesus... Don't think this is the kind of forum I wish to hang around.

    For those who did help me, thanks, really appreciated, shame the average level of intelligence from some is less than that of a fishstick who happens to know one trick in programming.

  4. #49
    Shynd's Avatar Contributor
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    Meanwhile your average level of intelligence is that of a fishstick who happens to know zero tricks in programming? Come on, how can you insult intelligence when you still couldn't understand what to do after the information was given to you and had to have your hand held through everything without the slightest inclination to read a ****ing book and figure it out on your own? Yup, we're the dumb ones. **** off, good riddance.

  5. #50
    Robske's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by zaleo View Post
    Jesus... Don't think this is the kind of forum I wish to hang around.

    For those who did help me, thanks, really appreciated, shame the average level of intelligence from some is less than that of a fishstick who happens to know one trick in programming.
    Minus rep, awesome O,o
    "Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live." - Martin Golding
    "I cried a little earlier when I had to poop" - Sku

  6. #51
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Originally Posted by zaleo View Post
    Jesus... Don't think this is the kind of forum I wish to hang around.

    For those who did help me, thanks, really appreciated, shame the average level of intelligence from some is less than that of a fishstick who happens to know one trick in programming.

    Mmmmmmm, irony is delicious.

    Shynd pretty much summed up my thoughts. Please refer to his post again.

  7. #52
    Shynd's Avatar Contributor
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    Well, shit.
    Last edited by Shynd; 09-15-2022 at 07:54 PM. Reason: well, shit

  8. #53
    zaleo's Avatar Banned
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    LOL - I have grown into international management of change in the past 8 years for a worldwide IT market-leading company, doing some classes to get back to my roots in IT out of personal interest.......

    Check your monthly pay-slip and that of your managers, rate the step your on in the social latter...

    Choosing when and who you are social with is a choice nobody who has acceptable behaviour in the western cloture has to make unless you’re a hypocrite.

    I had a simple question for assistance as I am fully aware I am not specialised in this aria to fulfil the task, I do not see any reason to be insulting or impolite about it.
    I really do not understand why you people even pollute this thread, apparently you care, why else bother to monitor and post in this threat... You really are beyond my level of ignorance.

    IQ: 138...

    Cheers. (PS. Can someone close this topic?)
    Last edited by zaleo; 11-09-2008 at 08:09 PM. Reason: Close plz.

  9. #54
    Shynd's Avatar Contributor
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    IQ: 138...


    As an aside, your level of ignorance is something no one here could approach even with years of dedicated study.

  10. #55
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Originally Posted by zaleo View Post
    LOL - I have grown into international management of change in the past 8 years for a worldwide IT market-leading company, doing some classes to get back to my roots in IT out of personal interest.......

    Check your monthly pay-slip and that of your managers, rate the step your on in the social latter...

    Choosing when and who you are social with is a choice nobody who has acceptable behaviour in the western cloture has to make unless you’re a hypocrite.

    I had a simple question for assistance as I am fully aware I am not specialised in this aria to fulfil the task, I do not see any reason to be insulting or impolite about it.
    I really do not understand why you people even pollute this thread, apparently you care, why else bother to monitor and post in this threat... You really are beyond my level of ignorance.

    IQ: 138...

    Cheers. (PS. Can someone close this topic?)

    How did you calculate your IQ? Because you definitely can't do it that fast on the spot. You need to go to a professional testing facility and get one of the official tests done. Also, IQ test results only last about 2-3 years after which you have to take another test to get accurate results, and you can't take more than one of the tests in that period otherwise that also skews the results.

    I highly doubt you took an official IQ test but rather did one of the highly innacurate and irrelevant online tests. If you did infact take an IQ test (a proper one) please scan the results and upload is for us to see if you really want to prove anything, posting a number doesn't really help.

    On another note. Your terrible spelling and grammar doesn't exactly help enforce the validity of totally arbitrary IQ you just posted there.

    By the way, noone cares what your job is as it is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is you're an idiot and we're not here to spoon feed you. If you were paying for our services thats one thing, but when you come along and wanna leech something for free don't complain when we don't help or flame you for being a selfish and lazy douche.

    P.S. I saw your post at GD, frankly you're lucky more people didn't reply otherwise the mods would've noticed, because usually people who start retarded threads like that get banned.

    For anyone interested here is his post:
    Dear all.....

    I am a programmer in education looking into controlling WoW from an external C# application for a school project.

    No I am really unfamiliar with Codecave, Hijacking, memory-editing, etc.
    And to be honest I really would not like to put in all the time and effort to learn it, as I will only use it once, for this particular project.

    Well so far my introduction, hope it does not offend anyone.

    What I am looking for is a nice, simple to use, library (.Dll) that I can utilise, so I can write to World Of Warcraft some simple scripts/lines like you normally do in a in-game macro or in the in-game chat console.

    Example : /script AttackTarget()

    Hoping for something really self maintained, so I only have to call the loader and then a "SendAlineToTheWoWConsole(string)" function in C#.

    P.S. This will not be used to make any game hack in principle it will only be a alternatively control mechanism, not something that automates the game or makes the game experience any different.

    Hoping you can help me.. Thanks in advance.
    The awesome part is doing something like that is so simple and I've already posted here how to use LUA from a DLL. But apparently reading isn't the OP's strong point (makes me wonder what IS his strong point).

    Originally Posted by Shynd View Post
    IQ: 138...


    As an aside, your level of ignorance is something no one here could approach even with years of dedicated study.
    Last edited by Cypher; 11-09-2008 at 11:31 PM. Reason: Fixed a typo.

  11. #56
    Apoc's Avatar Angry Penguin
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    Originally Posted by Cypher View Post

    How did you calculate your IQ? Because you definately can't do it that fast on the spot. You need to go to a professional testing facility and get one of the official tests done. Also, IQ test results only last about 2-3 years after which you have to take another test to get accurate results, and you can't take more than one of the tests in that period otherwise that also skews the results.

    I highly doubt you took an official IQ test but rather did one of the highly innacurate and irrelevant online tests. If you did infact take an IQ test (a proper one) please scan the results and upload is for us to see if you really want to prove anything, posting a number doesn't really help.

    On another note. Your terrible spelling and grammar doesn't exactly help enforce the validity of totally arbitrary IQ you just posted there.

    By the way, noone cares what your job is as it is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is you're an idiot and we're not here to spoon feed you. If you were paying for our services thats one thing, but when you come along and wanna leech something for free don't complain when we don't help or flame you for being a selfish and lazy douche.

    P.S. I saw your post at GD, frankly you're lucky more people didn't reply otherwise the mods would've noticed, because usually people who start retarded threads like that get banned.

    For anyone interested here is his post:

    The awesome part is doing something like that is so simple and I've already posted here how to use LUA from a DLL. But apparently reading isn't the OP's strong point (makes me wonder what IS his strong point).


    TLDR. And way too many big werdz fur meh!

    The cumulative IQ of just this section (or about 5 people in this section), is better than the rest of MMOwned.

    Also Cypher; we have 'proper' IQ tests that you can take online out here. (I had to take a few during my school years) Though, we used to get perfect scores quite often since you could just take the test over and over and over (writing down questions/answers) if you hid yourself well enough. Was pretty funny to get a 200 IQ in 7th grade.

    Also: <3 how MMOwned says "Thanks for deducting reputation from this user" when I -rep. It makes me feel special, like I'm do the site a favor... owait...

    Also, EW! DOOM 95 FTL!!! Doom 3 was much more fun to start with!
    Last edited by Apoc; 11-09-2008 at 11:12 PM.

  12. #57
    Cypher's Avatar Kynox's Sister's Pimp
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    Originally Posted by Apoc View Post
    TLDR. And way too many big werdz fur meh!

    The cumulative IQ of just this section (or about 5 people in this section), is better than the rest of MMOwned.

    Also Cypher; we have 'proper' IQ tests that you can take online out here. (I had to take a few during my school years) Though, we used to get perfect scores quite often since you could just take the test over and over and over (writing down questions/answers) if you hid yourself well enough. Was pretty funny to get a 200 IQ in 7th grade.

    Also: <3 how MMOwned says "Thanks for deducting reputation from this user" when I -rep. It makes me feel special, like I'm do the site a favor... owait...

    Also, EW! DOOM 95 FTL!!! Doom 3 was much more fun to start with!
    Haha yea I love how it thanks you for deducting rep. Also, by 'proper' I was talking about the standardized tests such as WAIS or WISC, which cannot be done online. Although there may be fairly accurate self-testing online sites they are obviously irrelevant when you are trying to flaunt the IQ you received from it. First and foremost because its so easy to cheat.

    Also, I find it surprising that you had to do a "few" during your school years as when you take a proper IQ test (I did WISC a few years ago) they check if you have any recorded results for the past few years and also ask you if you've done the test before in the past 2 (or 3, can't remember exactly) years.

    PS: The original Doom will always be the best.
    **** yeah retro gaming!

    Btw, before anyone complains, yes there are cases where unsupervised, untimed tests are performed, but these are usually in special circumstances.
    Last edited by Cypher; 11-09-2008 at 11:34 PM.

  13. #58
    Apoc's Avatar Angry Penguin
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    I just took an online IQ test ( !) and got an 88! Does that put me on the level of the OP? Or slightly ahead?

    P.S: The 88 was the second time through, using the 'hasn't-failed-me-yet' tactic of selecting Yes for each one as fast as possible.

    LOL - I have grown into international management of change in the past 8 years for a worldwide IT market-leading company, doing some classes to get back to my roots in IT out of personal interest.......
    Just... no...

    Most fortune 500 companies (which are market-leading FYI, especially in the IT field), require you be able to comprehend and use the English language. (Which you obviously can't, as per your horrid spelling and grammar)

    If you were a programmer in education, you could have simply asked for a few offsets (which would have most likely been provided without much grief), but you showed that you clearly are not. So that's 2 lies so far.

    Check your monthly pay-slip and that of your managers, rate the step your on in the social latter...
    You get paid monthly? I feel bad for you my friend. Bi-weekly is bad enough... but monthly?

    And your wages have nothing to do with your 'step on the social ladder'. That would be strictly financial. Not social. Dimwit.

    Lucky for me, I have no managers! (Well I do, but I don't work for them.)

    Choosing when and who you are social with is a choice nobody who has acceptable behaviour in the western cloture has to make unless you’re a hypocrite.
    Uhhhhh what? That wasn't even coherent English in the slightest.

    I had a simple question for assistance as I am fully aware I am not specialised in this aria to fulfil the task, I do not see any reason to be insulting or impolite about it.
    You didn't have a question. You asked to be handed something, and when you were given the information you needed to do it yourself (since you ARE a programmer... right?), you wanted it coded for you. Which we don't do here.

    I really do not understand why you people even pollute this thread, apparently you care, why else bother to monitor and post in this threat... You really are beyond my level of ignorance.
    You pollute our forums, we pollute your thread. See how that works? Don't expect to come to our house with stupidity and not expect to be called out on it. Yes we care. Not about what you want, but the sanctity of this forum. (One of the few mostly serious, non-reposting sections of the entire site.) You can go circle-jerk your 'school'-mates for all we care. Just make sure it doesn't end up on 4chan!

    IQ: 138...
    Flat out lie! 138 would put you in the near-genius category. (Which is blatantly apparent you're not)

    Hell, scientists figure Einstein only had an IQ of ~160.

    Cheers. (PS. Can someone close this topic?)
    BAI! And no, no they can't. Your ridicule will last quite a while longer. (Notice, not many threads in this section are closed. Simply because we handle our own here. Now GTFO.)

  14. #59
    zaleo's Avatar Banned
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    • Yes, done by a professional psychological institute less than one year ago
    • Yes, I am dyslectic, like most well known, not so dump people (Like Einstein, now that you bring him up)
    • Yes, It is a top 500 company
    • Yes, I get the hell out of here
    • No, I am not a liar, but who cares what you believe
    • No, you don’t seem to be able to manage this part of the forum very well

    Your also wrong about scaling IQ on the level of genius:

    Originally Posted by Wiki
    115-124 - Above average
    125-134 - Gifted
    135-144 - Very gifted
    145-164 - Genius
    165-179 - High genius
    180-200 - Highest genius
    Last edited by zaleo; 11-10-2008 at 02:53 AM.

  15. #60
    Apoc's Avatar Angry Penguin
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    Originally Posted by zaleo View Post
    • Yes, done by a professional psychological institute less than one year ago
    • Yes, I am dyslectic, like most well known, not so dump people (Like Einstein, now that you bring him up)
    • Yes, It is a top 500 company
    • Yes, I get the hell out of here
    • No, I am not a liar, but who cares what you believe
    • No, you don’t seem to be able to manage this part of the forum very well

    Your also wrong about scaling IQ on the level of genius:

    Fortune 500. Not 'top 500'. You obviously don't work for any large-scale company.

    And I'm right about the IQ scaling. I did say "near-genius." Not "genius". Mind you, I wasn't looking at a scale. So I don't know what they actually call them.


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