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    WTB Help with a plugin $100 tip.

    Hi guys, so basically im using this plugin for using a spell that requires you to click the ground to place it for eg; Heroic Leap.

    It allows me to use a specific macro ingame and it will automatically Heroic Leap to Target, Focus or My position. So what im wondering is can someone help me out with having the exact same plugin BUT have it place my spell exactly 30yrds in front of me.

    Heres the plugin i edited to make my Demo/Mocking Banner and Heroic Leap automatically be placed on my target by running HB/Plugin and using this macro ingame --> /script warriorNum =3;

    If this possible and someone can help me out im happy to tip, donate, rep ANYTHING you want, it would help me sooo much you would not believe Thanks and please pm your Paypal if you can alter this for me!

    using System;
    using Styx;
    using Styx.CommonBot;
    using Styx.Plugins;
    using Styx.WoWInternals;
    namespace WarriorBuddy
        public class WarriorBuddy : HBPlugin
            static int _warriorType;
            WoWPoint _target;
            public override string Name
                get { return "WarriorBuddy"; }
            public override string Author
                get { return "xxxxx"; }
            public override Version Version
                get { return new Version(1, 0, 0, 0); }
            public override bool WantButton
                get { return false; }
            public override void Pulse()
                _warriorType = Lua.GetReturnVal<int>("return warriorNum", 0);
                if (StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget == null)
                    Lua.DoString("warriorNum = 0;");
                    _warriorType = 0;
                switch (_warriorType)
                    case 1:
                        _target = GetPoint();
                        SpellManager.Cast("Demoralizing Banner");
                        Lua.DoString("warriorNum = 0;");
                        _warriorType = 0;
                    case 2:
                        _target = GetPoint();
                        SpellManager.Cast("Mocking Banner");
                        Lua.DoString("warriorNum = 0;");
                        _warriorType = 0;
    		case 3:
                        _target = GetPoint();
                        SpellManager.Cast("Heroic Leap");
                        Lua.DoString("warriorNum = 0;");
                        _warriorType = 0;
            static WoWPoint GetPoint()
                var focus = StyxWoW.Me.CurrentTarget;
                return focus.Location;

    WTB Help with a plugin 0 tip.

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