[PQR] Having an issue with the interrupt bot. menu

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    manw's Avatar Banned
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    [PQR] Having an issue with the interrupt bot.

    Hello, i'm experiencing an issue with the auto interrupt as a warlock.

    I'm using the kick from my pet. My interrupt percent is set to "15" and the range kick of my pet is "40" yards.
    Alright, if my pet is in range for the kick, it will interrupt perfectly.

    Now imagine i'm in arena and there is a shaman casting a heal at 100 yards from my pet, as soon as he will start casting, my pet will go for him but he wouldn't have time to kick the shaman on cast, that's logic because the shaman was too far and the kick range is only 40 yards. The problem is that the pet will kick the shaman after he did the cast anyway ...

    Is it possible to configure the interrupt hack to make it kick ONLY AND ONLY if there is a cast available to avoid those kind of problems ?

    Will really appreciate if someone can help me there !

    [PQR] Having an issue with the interrupt bot.
  2. #2
    manw's Avatar Banned
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    manw's Avatar Banned
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    bump bump.

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