[Question] About avoiding getting flagged menu

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  1. #1
    Zaphry's Avatar Contributor
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    [Question] About avoiding getting flagged

    Was thinking about this at this morning and thought I should ask from people who actually knows about this stuff
    This question contains:
    Account #1
    Account #2
    Flagging the account to banwave

    Question is:

    Account #1 is the referred account and which I would be botting on and Account #2 is my main account which with I would just follow the character from account #1. If the bot some magical reason gets detected, account #1 would be smited down with
    Banhammer and it shouldn't effect the account #2 as not being not effected by bot... right?

    Ye ye.. I know this might sound stupid, but what can you do when you've just woken up and idea comes right after taking first sip of

    Playing a game for the graphics is like watching porn for the storyline.

    [Question] About avoiding getting flagged
  2. #2
    rekoil222's Avatar Sergeant
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    Correct, if one account is flagged the other is not.

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