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    Sinxlegend's Avatar Banned
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    WTT scripts hack 3.3.5

    WTT scripts, hack 3.3.5/My skype Tbag_1337

    W A R R I O R - A R M S :

    - "Overpower" on every Cast/Channel.

    - "Bash"/"Pummel" First/Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - Interrupt-Spells not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - Healing Spells won't get Interrupted, if "Overpower" is available.

    - "Spell Reflection": If "Shield" is equipped, a CC Spell is casted on You and Interrupt not in Range.

    - "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield"

    - "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards).

    - Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:

    * Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;

    * "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;

    * "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown.

    - "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him.

    - "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it.

    - "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die:

    * "Charge" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;

    * "Intercept" back to Your Main-Target.

    * "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed)

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    W A R R I O R - P R O T E C T I O N :

    - "Shield Bash" Last Second. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - Interrupt-Spells not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - "Spell Reflection", if "Shield Bash" is not in Range on:

    * CC Spells;

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - "Heroic Throw" Silence if:

    * "Spell Reflection" not Usable

    * "Shield Bash" not Usable

    - "Shattering Thrown": Is being used to remove "Ice Block"/"Hand of Protection"/"Divine Shield"

    - "Vanish": If any Arena1-3 Rogue uses "Vanish" You will catch him (15-20yards).

    - Succubus: If "Seduction" is up on Party1-2:

    * Interrupt Succubus. - If in Range;

    * "Charge" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range;

    * "Intercept" Succubus. - If not in Interrupt Range and "Charge" is on Cooldown.

    - "Intervene": If "Scatter Shot" is up on Party1-2 You will "Intervene" to him.

    - "Shadowfiend": If "Shadowfiend" is an existing/ranged Arena1-3Pet You will "Fear" it.

    - "Charge"/"Intercept": If Your current Target is about to die:

    * "Charge" Arena1-3 Healer to break his current Healing Spell;

    * "Intercept" back to Your Main-Target.

    * "Disarm" on "Bladestorm" ("Intervene" being used, if needed)

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    D R U I D - F E R A L _ R O T A T I O N :

    - Stopcasting "Cyclone", if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Fearie Fire" it.

    - "Instant Cyclone" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Spell Reflection"/etc. is up.

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - 'Remove Curse" being used to dispel "Hex" on Party1/2.

    - AutoRotation:

    * DMG-Rotation

    * "Cyclone" being used to counter Heal- and CC-Spells

    * "Maim" being used to counter Heal-Spells

    * "Cat Form" being used on Slow-Effects.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    M A G E:

    - "Counterspell" Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph".

    - "Counterspell" not Usable if: "Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up.

    - "Deep Freeze" not Usable if: "Anti-Magic: Shell"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up.

    - Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Ice Lance" it.

    - Stopcasting "Polymorph", if "Shadow Word: Death" is Casted on You or any friendly ArenaTarget.

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - "Ice Barrier": Being used if it's not up anymore and Arena1-3 can't Dispel it.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    P R I E S T :

    - "Shadow Word: Death" (Including StopCast) for: "Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Scatter Shot"/"Blind".

    - "Inner Fire": Being used if PlayerHP is 80%+. Else PartyMessage: "Missing: Inner Fire".

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    * "Vampiric Touch" on "Spell Reflection".

    - Pet:

    * "Shadowcrawl": Being used on PetTarget as soon as it's off Cooldown;

    * "Fear Ward": Being used on Pet if Arena1-3 Warrior exists.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    W A R L O C K_U L T R A:

    - Stopcasting, if Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up then "Curse of the Elements" it.

    - If any Arena1-3 Rogue has "Shadow Dance" up, is in Meele-Range and has You as Target:

    * "Demonic Circle: Portal" (Avoiding "Cheap Shot" 99%).

    - "Spell Lock" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells;

    * CC Spells.

    - "Spell Lock" not Usable if: "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/etc. is up.

    - Destruction: If You get kicked on Fire-Spells then "Shadow Bolt" will be casted instead.

    - Affliction: If You get kicked on Shadow-Spells then "Searing Pain" will be casted instead.

    - Seduction-FakeCast: If Succubus getting SWD'd it will stop the "Seduction"-Cast.

    - "Death Coil": Not Usable into:

    * "Divine Shield"/"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Detterence"/"Bladestorm"/etc;

    * In "Grounding Totem"/"Spell Reflection" it will use "Curse of the Elements" instead.

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Mouseover "Tremor Totem" for PetAttack at it.

    D E A T H K N I G H T :

    - "Mind Freeze" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * Healing Spells

    * CC Spells

    * Important Dps Spells ("Vampiric Touch", "Immolate", etc.).

    - "Mind Freeze" not Usable if:

    * "Aura Mastery"/"Divine Shield"/"Ice Block"/"Grounding Totem"/etc. is up;

    * Target is not Casting/Channeling.

    - "Horn of Winter": Being used if it's not up anymore.

    - "Anti-Magic: Shell" on "Death Coil".

    - "Lichborne": Being canceled if "Anti-Magic Shell" is not up and a Paladin is in range to "Turn Evil".

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Auto update "Bone Shield".

    - Pet auto kill totems: tremor,graunding.

    - Auto Leap party1-party2 when hunter gives scatter shot.

    S H A M A N :

    - "Grounding Totem" on "Hex".

    - "Tremor Totem": Being used if a ranged Party1-2 Member is under any "Fear"-Spell.

    - Stopcasting, if your Target has "Spell Reflection"/"Grounding Totem" up and "Purge" it.

    - "Cleanse Spirit": Being used to Dispel "Hex"/"Curse of Tongues" off a ranged Party1-2 Member.

    - "Water Shield"/"Lightning Shield": Being used if it's not up anymore and (NoCast).

    - "Wind Shear" in First/Last Second for Arena1-3. Interrupted Spells:

    * CC Spells: "Hex"/"Polymorph"/"Seduction"/"Fear"/"Cyclone";

    * Healing Spells: Just if Arena1-3 is not a Warlock/Shaman/Druid or Mage.

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Auto update totems.

    P A L A D I N :

    - "Turn Evil"/"Holy Wrath" on Arena1-3Pet's (Succubus) "Seduction"-Cast, if it's casted on You.

    - "Hammer of Justice": Not Usable into /"CoS"/"Ice Block"/"Bladestorm"/"Spell Reflection"/etc.

    - "Turn Evil": Being used on any ranged Arena1-3 DK with "Lichborne" up.

    - "Turn Evil": Not Usable into "Grounding Totem".

    - "Divine Sacrifice" on "Scatter Shot" "Repentance" "Blind" "Gouge".

    - FakeCast:

    * "Kick" on "Shadowstep".

    * "Pummel".

    - Combat: If Arena1-3 Rogue exists, You will Buff any ranged Mate to enter Combat aswell.

    - Auto "Divine Plea". (Protection)

    - Unstealth "Vanish" with "Divine Storm". (Retribution)

    - Auto dispel all cc.

    - Auto Judgment in Vanish.

    - Auto Judgment in totems "Tremor" "Grounding"

    Still i have many pqr profiles and pvp, pve best rotation.


    GCD HACK - Reducing most of the Spell's cooldowns by 0,4. Work all server 3.3.5

    Range HACK - Allows you to gain 7 yards range more on all your spells and basic attacks. Work "Warmane","Sulvus","Uwow.biz". On others server no testing.

    Auto-Hotkey Script: this script reduces your GCD by approx 10%-15%, increasing your gaming speed by a lot. Basically instead of typing like, FOR EXAMPLE, "1" with keyboard when you press 1, it will type "11111111111111111111111".

    Gagarin (.exe) - Allows you to move in roots, being immune to knockbacks and more. Modified undetectable premium version.

    WTT scripts hack 3.3.5
  2. Thanks Leonardo550 (1 members gave Thanks to Sinxlegend for this useful post)
  3. #2
    dealerx's Avatar Member
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    What about posting a video proof? As far as I know some of the functions you wrote are not working on most servers, for example fake cast pummel, or swd blind are not working.

  4. #3
    jimmys96's Avatar Legendary
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    GCD HACK - Reducing most of the Spell's cooldowns by 0,4. Work all server 3.3.5
    ^ Fake, fixed by Trinitycore years ago
    Range HACK - Allows you to gain 7 yards range more on all your spells and basic attacks. Work "Warmane","Sulvus","Uwow.biz". On others server no testing.
    ^ reduced to ~3 yards on all large servers, this just abuses lag compensation through a modified .mpq file. Easily detectable serverside.
    Auto-Hotkey Script: this script reduces your GCD by approx 10%-15%, increasing your gaming speed by a lot. Basically instead of typing like, FOR EXAMPLE, "1" with keyboard when you press 1, it will type "11111111111111111111111".
    ^ Fake, only way this would improve something is if you're slow as hell pressing an ability.
    Gagarin (.exe) - Allows you to move in roots, being immune to knockbacks and more. Modified undetectable premium version.
    ^ Gagarin itself isn't detectable, since it doesn't hook anywhere that warden scans. If you have modified all of the hack functions to work differently, you would've written a new hack instead of using this. Would very much like to see proof.

    Be wary of this person.

  5. Thanks bynike (1 members gave Thanks to jimmys96 for this useful post)
  6. #4
    Poper21's Avatar Member
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    i have most of this PQR profiles(maybe except the warrior, but there are plenty similiar warrior profiles like PQRdealers etc). if anyone want, just pm me...they are kinda public...ill upload them somewhere if more ppl interested.

  7. Thanks jimmys96 (1 members gave Thanks to Poper21 for this useful post)
  8. #5
    bynike's Avatar Member
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    GCD HACK? u r funny, i dont think it work in 2017... is fking old shit.

    btw @jimmys96 , ty for ur info.
    Last edited by bynike; 07-29-2017 at 08:14 PM.

  9. #6
    dealerx's Avatar Member
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    The only pqr worth is warrior's one. There are a lot of profile, and obviously you can create your own, all u just need is istant overpower and script kick/reflect/intervene, but for other classes there's almost no point in making pqr, everything is fixed so forget vanishing blind, swd repentance, aura mastery silence, teleport cheap shot and other similar shit.

    If you have to use pqr to auto refresh Horn of Winter or Inner Fire you should change game honestly...

  10. #7
    bynike's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by dealerx View Post
    The only pqr worth is warrior's one. There are a lot of profile, and obviously you can create your own, all u just need is istant overpower and script kick/reflect/intervene, but for other classes there's almost no point in making pqr, everything is fixed so forget vanishing blind, swd repentance, aura mastery silence, teleport cheap shot and other similar shit.

    If you have to use pqr to auto refresh Horn of Winter or Inner Fire you should change game honestly...
    exactly. everything fixed atm.

  11. #8
    snowaway's Avatar Member
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    Bro can u upload for me ? im new in the game this maybe help me -> sorry for my bad english

  12. #9
    darvisbauta's Avatar Member
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    Subeme el scrip de war de reflejar polis y cc
    Last edited by darvisbauta; 01-20-2023 at 11:00 PM.

  13. #10
    Chriscarol's Avatar Member
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    I got too much interesting stuff on your blog. I guess I am not the only one having all the enjoyment here! Keep up the good work. If you want to take Cheap Dedicated Server Hosting so you can contact us.

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