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    googlebee's Avatar Contributor PQR Profile Developer CoreCoins Purchaser
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    [PQR] - Googlebee's [ThePerfectBear] Updated for MoP - Ultimate Bear Profile

    Cheers! Latest Update: 1-19-2014

    Version >>3.4-5.4<< is now Live! - Please be sure to +rep if you find this Profile helpful!

    Added Range Checks to pertinent abilities.

    Players should no longer cast melee abilities or AOE abilities when not in range of there current target. This should eliminate lockups. Post if they still persist!

    All Functions working 100%.

    If this is your first time using this profile, I would highly suggest reading all of the Change-log notes on this post, from at least Version 2.3 to Current.

    There is a total of 11 Change-Logs since 5.4 has been released on 9-10-13.

    This profile supports the talents:

    Dream of Cenarius
    and Heart of the Wild, along with Mighty Bash, Ursol's Vortex, and others.

    To Download: Click the Large Link Below. Follow the instructions on that page.

    [ThePerfectBear] Version 3.4-5.4 - Updated for MoP Patch 5.4 - Ultimate Bear Profile

    You can also Delete the Old 5.2 Rotations and Abilities from your profile folder in PQR if u do not want it Cluttered. (5.4 is the same and better)

    Please be sure to read the ! notes on each Rotation in this download upon loading them into PQR.

    Do Not Have Faerie Swarm Talent or this Profile Will Not Work as is. You Can Edit the Spell Id under Ability Editor if you must have Faerie Swarm. It is primarily only viable for PVP as it does Not stack with Infected Wounds. Rare occasions can be used to Kite with it.

    For those that are new to Bear Tanking:

    SD>FR rotation should be used for most raid encounters
    (aside from any that primarily deal bleed or magic dmg)

    FR>SD should be used when solo primarily, or for self healing and high spell damage encounters.

    Change-log: Version 3.2-5.4 (new additions marked with **)

    **Added a new ability: *Misc Abilities*
    This new ability is composed of numerous smaller abilities in an effort to consolidate, and increase speed of the profile. Added in IsMounted() checks to Auto Mark of the Wild as well.

    **Added a new ability: *Auto Taunt
    This new ability checks for harmful auras on a select few boss encounters. Aside from a few old ones, the more important being the following:
    Immerseus: PQR will now auto taunt when Immerseus' target has 1 application of Corrosive Blast, so long as the player (you) do not.
    Sha of Pride: PQR will now auto taunt when Sha of Pride's target has 1 application of Wounded Pride, so long as the player (you) do not.

    **Added a new ability: *Auto Ravage*
    This new ability will now have PQR automatically cast Ravage, so long as:
    1) Player has Prowl active and is in Cat Form and In combat.
    This is very useful for 2 tank fights, where one tank isn't needed on the pull. Excellent Burst!

    **Cleaned up some additional code, optimized rotation priority, and removed some old abilities from this profile.

    Version 3.2-5.4
    (new additions marked with **)

    **Made some adjustments:

    **1.) Cat:QuikBurst ability. I automated the use of Berserk and Heart of the Wild if IN Cat Form and the spells are available and off cool-down.
    There *may* be the slight chance that HOTW does not trigger due to the speed (Yea i know i should have put in a throttle). I ran out of playtime (Had 2 minutes left when i logged) and don't have any desire to re-sub anytime soon. SO.... keep an eye on that if it does not trigger HOTW , you will need to manually.

    **2.) Fixed Frenzied Regen T15+ ability as well as Frenzied Regen 100% ability. They will no longer cause any errors or hangups.

    **3.) Fixed an issue with locking up on BEAR: Healing Touch (DOC) ability. This should no longer happen.
    (Knock on wood)

    **4.) Fixed BEAR: RejuvRaid (HOTW) Ability. There should no longer be any conflicts at all. (Thanks to Firepong pointing out the obvious lol -- I had quotes on my spell id lol DERP!)

    **5.) Added Checks for all DOC and HOTW Abilities. There should no longer be any conflicts.

    **6.) Bear Auto Taunt does not work yet - do not use it! ( I will check into it when I have time )

    7.) Cleaned up some other code.

    Change-log: Version 3.1-5.4 (new additions marked with **)

    **Revised the ability: Cat QuikBurst. This is now pre-loaded into both single target rotations.

    When using Right Alt to switch into Cat form, with any talents, PQR will now automate an optimal rotation as a Guardian Druid in Cat form.

    This includes 100% up-time on Rake and 5CP Rips, with 5CP Ferocious Bites when Rip is present on target.

    Other Features:

    1) Auto Switch back to Bear Form when the player becomes the Target's target.
    2) Auto Switch back to Bear Form when Heart of the Wild Buff is under 2 seconds remaining.

    Players will need to manually activate Heart of the Wild and Berserk due to situational purposes.

    Version 3.0-5.4
    (new additions marked with **)

    **Made changes to Maul, Savage Defense, and Frenzied Regen in the SD>FR Rotation.

    1) Maul will now be used with the Threat Detail check and in conjunction with a timer for Savage Defense duration. It is about as fully automated as it can get. Manual Maul will not conflict with this ability.

    EXAMPLE. If not tanking, PQR will use Maul 100% of the time to dump Rage, or so long as > 2 seconds remain on Savage Defense, Tooth and Claw Buff is active, and Rage is over 80% when tanking.
    (This has given a very noticeable increase in dps.)

    2) Savage Defense will not be used when the player is not tanking.

    3) Frenzied Regen will still be used however if the player drops below 75% total health, when not tanking or tanking so long as there is > 2 seconds remaining on Savage Defense, or T15 2 Piece Buff is present on the player.

    Version 2.9-5.4
    (new additions marked with **)

    **Rejuv will now be cast in the following priority while in Bear Form, and Heart of the Wild Buff is active on player.
    1) On Self
    2) On group or raid so long as Rejuv Buff is not active on
    player(Self), or on any group or raid member, or player(Self) is not channeling a spell (I.e. Tranquility)

    Version 2.8-5.4
    (new additions marked with **)

    **Added a new ability, Cat: QuikRip. This ability is loaded by default into both single target rotations.
    Upon pressing Right Alt to shapeshift into Cat Form, QuikRip will apply Rake, 3 Mangles, and another Rake, followed by Rip.
    Once Rip has been applied, you will automatically shift back into Bear Form.
    This can be used when not tanking for added DoT damage (Tank swap fights), or for added damage in PVP Environments.
    If you prefer to use the old Cat: QuikBurst ability, you will need to, using the rotation editor in PQR, swap places with QuikRip.

    Change-log: Version 2.7-5.4 (new additions marked with **)

    **Thrash has been reworked in Single Target Rotations to re-apply less often, with a 100% uptime on Weakened Blows (10% Dmg Reduction).
    This in turn has significantly increased single target DPS output.
    ( It has such been re-labeled *Thrash ST* ) - *Thrash AOE* is used in the AOE Rotation now.

    **Added in auto support for Maul, to be used on targets when Tooth and Claw Proc is available to the player, Rage is above 80%, and player life is above 75%. This will not conflict with manual Maul.

    **Added in combat checks for Tranquility and Stampeding Roar. Players should no longer see accidental triggers of these abilities when out of combat.

    Version 2.6-5.4
    (new additions marked with **)

    **Left Alt will now toggle between SD>FR and FR>SD Rotations when pressed. These 2 rotations must be placed in the top 2 slots in PQR. Place Trash AOE in the 3rd slot for easy switching to AOE Mode. (I use Z as a hotkey for 3rd Slot)
    Click Example Image Below)

    [PQR] - Googlebee's [ThePerfectBear] Updated for MoP - Ultimate Bear Profile-pqr_setup_screen_tpb-jpg

    **Added in a *Pause* Ability to all rotations. This should stop attacks when the debuffs are present on Nazgrim (Defensive Stance) and on Thunderlord (Conductive Shield)

    Fixed and issue with Cat/Bear Switcher and Cat QuikBurst abilities conflicting.

    Version 2.5-5.4
    (new additions marked with **)

    **Changed the Way Mark of the Wild Auto Buffs. It will now automatically Buff in a Party or Raid when a member of the party or raid is missing Mark of the Wild. This will not execute while in Combat.
    **Made some minor adjustments to Healing Touch ability. Players should see less overhealing.

    Change-log: Version 2.4-5.4 (new additions marked with **)

    Changed the way Healing Touch is applied by adding in a Priority with Threat Detail.

    Top Priority: The Druid will apply Healing Touch to himself, if he is the top threat on the current target or under 80% health.
    Secondary Priority: The Druid will apply Healing Touch to any party or raid members that are below his health Percentage so long as he is NOT top of threat on current target.

    Version 2.3-5.4
    (new additions marked with **)

    Added full automated healing support when the player has chosen the Dream of Cenarius Talent. PQR will now automatically Heal the Druid when the Guardian Version Buff of DoC is present on the player, or it will heal anyone in your party or raid if they are below your health percentage.

    Dream of Cenarius is a passive talent, and is completely automated through use of this profile.

    Change-log: Version 2.3-5.2 (new additions marked with **)

    **Added full Symbiosis Support for all Spells granted to the Druid in Guardian Spec.
    (You can view the full druid granted spell abilities in the wow bots and maps section of ownedcore.)
    Mouse Button 4 is the default keypress for all abilities. Some however, are automated with the option to use the keypress.

    **Added Ability with Mouse Button 5 for Mighty Bash, or automated if you are the primary threat target.

    Added In Combat Checks for all abilities, with spellknown checks. Your Bear will no longer be auto attacking when enabled. Additionally, Bear Form Return will now only activate in combat, by request.

    **Added a refined version of the T-15 2 pc Frenzied Regeneration ability to have an option if you do not have at least 2 pieces of Tier. You no longer need to switch out this ability.

    **Added a CatBurst Ability if you are not tanking. This will automatically begin when in Cat Form.

    **Added a Manual Shapeshifter. Simply Press Alt to shapeshift into cat, or bear form respectively.

    **Added Ursol's Vortex. Left Control is the default keybind to activate this - Credits to taran32

    **Cleaned up the code significantly.

    Enjoy! - and Read the Notes!

    Change-log: Version 2.2 (new additions marked with **)

    **Added support for 3 Symbiosis Spells - Bone Shield, Frost Armor, and Lightning Shield.
    -Bone Shield can be applied by pressing left alt
    -Frost Armor will automatically be cast if not present on the player.
    -Lightning Shield will automatically be cast if not present on the player.
    -Note: You will still need to manually acquire the gifted spell from your target. Cast Symbiosis on either a Death Knight, Mage, or Shaman to achieve this. I suggest using the addon *Symbiosis*.

    **Added Auto Accept for LFR - LFD - BG's - When your que pops u will instantly accept. (Any of the 3 Rotations must be enabled)

    **Removed old abilities that are no longer used.

    : Version 2.1 (new additions marked with **)

    **Added Frenzied Regen Ability for T15 2 piece.
    ^ This should be used in the SD>FR Rotation and placed above Savage Defense in Priority, replacing the standard Frenzied Regen ability within that rotation.

    : Version 2.0

    Removed old rotations, and have limited this latest release down to 3 total.
    1) Trash AOE
    2) FR>SD
    3) SD>FR

    The rotations themselves are much the same as the 1.5 versions, with a few tweaks.

    Newest Additions to Version 2.0 are:

    **Support for Tranquility - Simply press left shift to use tranquility when off cool-down.

    Support for Stampeding Roar - Simply press right shift to use Stampeding Roar when off cool-down.

    Support for Rebirth - Simply hover your mouse over the group or raid frame of a fallen player, and left click your mouse to use Rebirth.

    Support for Auto Buff Mark of the Wild - So long as *Enable combat to execute rotation* is not checked, PQR will auto cast MOTW if not present on the player. Exceptions to this are if mounted, or Swift Flight Form is present. We don't want u falling from the sky!

    Support for Bear Form Auto Return - After using any of the above abilities, you will automatically return to Bear Form. Exceptions to this are: If mounted, Swift Flight Form, Travel Form, Cat Form, or Aquatic Form are being used.

    Support for Auto Targeting - PQR will automatically select a HOSTILE target ONLY if one is not currently present.

    Support for Anti Root - Simply press the Bear Form Ability to instantly shape-shift out and back in to erase any movement restrictions.

    **All Glyph requirements have been removed.

    **5.04-5.1 Boss Events have been added.

    I am leaving the 1.5 version up below for those that prefer it.

    DOWNLOAD [ThePerfectBear] Version 2.0 HERE!
    The above Link is a uploaded copy and not updated any longer. For Manual updating within PQR, copy the following url and paste it into the *Download from URL* option under rotation editor within PQR. This will give you the most recent updates.

    : Version 1.5 (new additions marked with **)

    -**Updated to have Savage Defense automatically cast when player is over 59 Rage, and re-applied when the Buff drops from player. - Frenzied Regeneration acts as a *Rage Dump* now, and will be used if Rage is over 80 and Savage Defense is present on the player. Alternatively, you can Hold Right Control down to override Savage Defense with Frenzied Regeneration [ 1 Version Available - 10/25M SD>FR - Read the Notes for Each Rotation - Talents: Renewal and Heart of the Wild required! - Soul of the Forest is optional, but recommended for Improved Rage Regeneration]

    -**Updated to have Frenzied Regeneration
    automatically cast when player is over 59 Rage, and re-applied when the Buff drops from player. - Savage Defense acts as a *Rage Dump* now, and will be used if Rage is over 80 and Frenzied Regeneration is present on the player. Alternatively, Maul Can be used as a Rage Dump by Holding Right Control.[ 1 Version Available - 10/25M FR>SD - Read the Notes for Each Rotation - Glyph of Frenzied regeneration required! Talents: Cenarion Ward and Heart of the Wild required! - Soul of the Forest is optional, but recommended for Improved Rage Regeneration]

    -**Added 2 new Rotations:

    -**Dungeon/LFR - This Rotation will be a balance fit for any 5 man or LFR, prioritizing Savage Defense > Frenzied Regeneration. Holding Right Control will prioritize Frenzied Regeneration instead of Savage Defense.

    Talents: Renewal and Heart of the Wild required! - Soul of the Forest is optional, but recommended for Improved Rage Regeneration]

    -**10/25M Gara'Jal - This Rotation will prioritize Savage Defense over Frenzied Regeneration. Frenzied Regeneration will be used automatically when Rage is in excess of 80. Holding Right Control down will prioritize Maul instead of Savage Defense. (To be used when NOT Tanking i.e. No Voodoo Debuff) for added DPS.
    Talents: Renewal and Heart of the Wild required! - Soul of the Forest is optional, but recommended for Improved Rage Regeneration]

    -**Updated the Trash AOE Rotation. Players should see a nice improvement in AOE DPS.

    -**Updated all Rotations base abilities and priorities, to be used more effectively. Players should notice a decent DPS improvement.

    -**Added Ability Support for Cenarion Ward - This ability is used exclusively in the FR>SD Rotation only. It will automatically keep Cenarion Ward up on the player if Below 95% health, and the Frenzied Regeneration Buff is Active.

    -**Added Ability Support for Might of Ursoc - This ability is automatically used when the player is below 20% health only. This has been applied to all Rotations.

    -**Added a Improved Enrage Ability - Enrage will now be used when off cool-down, and when player is below 80 Rage. This improves up-time on the spell and overall Rage generation.

    -Updated to have Rejuvenation cast on player while in Bear Form, so long as the Heart of the Wild Talent is active.
    [ Heart of the Wild Talent Required! - Heart of the Wild will need to be activated manually ]

    -Updated to use Renewal when at Low Health, and off cool-down. This ability is used in all Rotations EXCEPT FR>SD!
    [ Renewal Talent Required! This can be edited to your desired Health Percentage. Set to 35% By Default. ]

    -Updated to Use Healthstone at 30% Health. Item Count included, and will use when off cool-down so long as there is enough charges remaining.

    -Updated to use Alchemist Rejuvenation Potions at 25% health. - Item count included.
    You will need to be an Alchemist to utilize this ability.
    [**Added Ability support for Non-Alchemists with the Master Healing Potion (set to default in all rotations)]

    There are 5 Total Rotations in this download. They are self-explanatory if you read the Notes.

    Things to come:
    Feral Integrated Support on the Fly. (For when you are NOT tanking!)

    Any questions, feel free to post, and as always + rep if you find this helpful!

    DOWNLOAD [ThePerfectBear] Version 1.5 HERE!
    <-- Old version
    Last edited by googlebee; 01-22-2014 at 12:48 PM. Reason: Updated to version 3.4-5.4 - 01-19-2014

    [PQR] - Googlebee's [ThePerfectBear] Updated for MoP - Ultimate Bear Profile
  2. #2
    Ninjaderp's Avatar Banned
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    I like the name Though Im Balance this expansion I'd better farm some OS-gear to try this out!

    Edit: Damn! You've got some great features in there I can see! +rep!
    Last edited by Ninjaderp; 10-27-2012 at 10:08 AM.

  3. #3
    TehVoyager's Avatar I just love KuRIoS
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    Googlebee i suggested this to Gabbz, but you might like it for your bear profile too.

    Gabbz, in regard to the Guardian Active mitigation thing, i think a toggle would work best.
    The Three states for Active mitigation could be Savage Defense Prefered, Frenzied Regen prefered, Balanced mode

    SD prefered: useful for fights like Galajal, Spirit Kings, and other Primary melee damage fights.
    uses SD while you are the primary boss target, uses SD again whenever SD falls off as long as theres rage. after the 45 sec that you can guarenteed keep SD 100% up it will use it on CD.

    FR Prefered: for fights like Stone Guard where unavoidable or magic damage is the primary damage source.
    Uses FR at x%, where X could be a calculation based on your HP% and your Vengance stack, so that you are maximizing your FR usage based upon your vengance!

    Balanced would work like the poster above suggested, making use of SD and FR dependant on HP and rage %'s, and maul to not cap rage. would be used for dungeons or raid trash.

    Additionally, a AOE / ST toggle would be nice. i think FirePong had one in his Cataclysm profile. tap left ctrl to switch between AOE and ST.

    (don't post things I post to Patreon.)

  4. #4
    Sovietbobcat's Avatar Corporal
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    Testing Done, Sha H's and both LFR's done. 1 with FR, 1 w/No FR.

    Nice not having to worry about Savage Defense.

    No issues with the 3 rotations.
    Last edited by Sovietbobcat; 10-27-2012 at 06:46 PM. Reason: Testing done.

  5. #5
    googlebee's Avatar Contributor PQR Profile Developer CoreCoins Purchaser
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    @ Sovietbobcat: Glad u liked it.

    Will be working on revisions and improvements in the future. This is a limited version 1 release. Covering the basics of bear tanking.

    @ Tehvoyager : Thanks for the suggestion! I also thought of doing this, but have come up with a simpler way to utilize priority with SD or FR. This will be one of the first improvements made to this profile.

    Updates and changes to come:

    Priority SD FR on the fly
    Symbiosis Buff
    Feng Encounter Special Events
    Gara'Jal Smart Cooldown during Voodoo Special Events.
    Elagon Smart Cooldown Special Events.
    Will of the Emperor Gas Phase Special Events
    Last edited by googlebee; 10-27-2012 at 07:59 PM.

  6. #6
    TehVoyager's Avatar I just love KuRIoS
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    i've been doing world questing and farming. rotation works fine

    but i can tell you, your Active mitigation solution will NOT work for Normal mode and Heroic mode raiding.

    examples: Gala'jal: you dont want to waste rage on FR for this fight. SD only.

    Stone guard: You dont want to waste rage on SD on this fight. FR only.

    Look @ my suggestion a few posts up. implement that and this will truly be the "Perfect" rotation.

    EDIT just saw u post above me. lol. we must have been typing simultaneously xD

    (don't post things I post to Patreon.)

  7. #7
    googlebee's Avatar Contributor PQR Profile Developer CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by TehVoyager View Post
    i've been doing world questing and farming. rotation works fine

    but i can tell you, your Active mitigation solution will NOT work for Normal mode and Heroic mode raiding.

    examples: Gala'jal: you dont want to waste rage on FR for this fight. SD only.

    Stone guard: You dont want to waste rage on SD on this fight. FR only.

    Look @ my suggestion a few posts up. implement that and this will truly be the "Perfect" rotation.

    EDIT just saw u post above me. lol. we must have been typing simultaneously xD
    LOl yea. I actually posted 15 min ago but got a interal error and had to retype.

    Your suggestions are good ones, but I too have thought of this. I wanted to get this out in a limited release for the basics of Bear Tanking asap.

    As noted above, I have a simpler idea that will again prioritize our top 2 defensive abilities. (FR and SD) rather than just a toggle for rotations, I will be using a keypress for FR use.

    SD is primarily 90% Uptime on every boss less Stone Guard atm. This however can change in Heart Of Fear/Terrace

    Currently, The preferred rotation to use in normals and Hm's (Less Stone Guard) is the FR one. This grants SD uptime at around 80% in my logs, and when dropping below 45% health, grants u a healing buff that will aid your healers in getting u back up quickly.

    When I implement the changes to a keypress for FR keeping SD up otherwise, it will really optimize the players ability to have the FR Buff on them before a critical moment. (Example, Breath from Elagon)

    Using FR non glyphed,(NO FR ROTATION) really is only good for 5 mans, Solo and LFR. Currently even with a boatload of Stamina, the healing versus the dodge, is not a fair trade off. 40% Healing done to you far surpasses that. Add in that if you have decent rage regeneration in gearing strategies, keeping FR buff on you about 20% of the time isn't difficult to do at all, while maintaining 80% up-time on SD.

  8. #8
    snowhawk's Avatar Contributor
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    Love this profile! very nice job.

  9. #9
    e264kk's Avatar Member
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    A very solid profile! +rep!!

  10. #10
    FrostDKsFTW's Avatar Sergeant Major
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    I was JUST thinking about leveling my druid but I wanted to level through dungeons with a quick queue time (tank queue ftw!!) but I knew there was no good bear profiles, then I check the main PQR thread to catch up and there you are!! <3 Will give it a try later and let you know!! Rep+

  11. #11
    Lookin's Avatar Member
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    Hi there!

    Googlebee, Welcome back!

    I used your profile(s) exclusively last patch. Your coding and general understanding of druid tanking are top-notch. When the new patch hit and yours stopped working I was hoping you'd be back.
    Thanks alot for your efforts and good to see you again. If there's anything you need from a lowly but dedicated profile user. Please don't hesitate to ask. I look forward to your future releases.

  12. #12
    expunge's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Trying to level with this in dungeons and I'm losing aggro constantly

    Not sure what to remove.

  13. #13
    firepong's Avatar Elite User
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    Originally Posted by expunge View Post
    Trying to level with this in dungeons and I'm losing aggro constantly

    Not sure what to remove.
    Profile not for leveling, obviously for 85+ C.c

  14. #14
    googlebee's Avatar Contributor PQR Profile Developer CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Originally Posted by expunge View Post
    Trying to level with this in dungeons and I'm losing aggro constantly

    Not sure what to remove.

    Firepong is correct, in the profiles current state it will not work for leveling, basically due to you probably not even having any of the abilities yet per your characters level.

    I will add in some abilities for leveling brackets in the future if it is requested. Watching the World Series but can do that after easily enough.

  15. #15
    expunge's Avatar Knight-Lieutenant
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    Originally Posted by googlebee View Post
    Firepong is correct, in the profiles current state it will not work for leveling, basically due to you probably not even having any of the abilities yet per your characters level.

    I will add in some abilities for leveling brackets in the future if it is requested. Watching the World Series but can do that after easily enough.

    I realize it's for 90 only. I have been messing with it to get it working with 85+ but have had far too many adult beverages. Also watching the world series

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