100% External undetected fishing bot (Source Code) 3.3.5 menu

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    dlablo's Avatar Active Member Authenticator enabled
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    100% External undetected fishing bot (Source Code) 3.3.5

    Note: I no longer play WoW. I just never paid attention how easy it is to create a fishing bot. And i did it only for the experience, not that i will use it. But let's not throw the resources to waste. Here is the download for my source code. But read this post before you download.


    This bot is for WoW Wotlk 3.3.5 (Not retail). The source code is not entirely mine. I used the WTS function copy pasted from Lazy Bot. As i said i only wanted to do it for the experience, i paid no attention to quality ect. So i quickly copy pasted the WTS function that is not even accurate.

    If a noob reads this post/source code, then i will explain here how the bot works.
    Here is the loop that loops the entire object manager.
                        // This is your character guil
                        // As we loop through the object list, we identify our character by this guid
                        playerGuide = lib.ReadUlong(ObjectManager + 0xC0); 
                        while ((FirstObject & 1) == 0 && FirstObject != 0)   //  we read all objects till we see 0 result
                            var guid = lib.ReadUlong(FirstObject + 0x30); // Object GUID
                            var type = lib.ReadInt(FirstObject + 0x14); // Object type
                            var x = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0x79C); // Moving Object X Y Z
                            var y = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0x798); // Moving Object X Y Z
                            var z = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0x7A0); // Moving Object X Y Z
                            // Check if the current object is our character
                            if (playerGuide == guid)
                                // Entering the unit fields to check if our character is channeling a spell
                                var localPlayerUnitFields = lib.ReadUInt(FirstObject + 0x8);
                                var channelingSpell = lib.ReadInt(localPlayerUnitFields + 0x58); // Channeling spell ID
                                // If channeling spell ID is 0, means our character is not casting
                                if (channelingSpell == 0)
                                    // Pressing the Key F
                                    // In game you must set the hotkey for your fishing as F
                            // Checking the object type
                            switch ((Constants.TypeId)type)
                                case Constants.TypeId.Object:
                                case Constants.TypeId.AiGroup:
                                case Constants.TypeId.AreaTrigger:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Container:
                                case Constants.TypeId.DynamicObject:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Corpse:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Unit:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Item:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Player:
                                case Constants.TypeId.GameObject:
                                    // GameObject is the type of all mines/herbs/player created objects.
                                    // Player created objects, that also means fishing hooks that were
                                    // created by your fishing ability.
                                    // Getting the X Y Z position of the object
                                    var x_obj = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0xE8); // Static Object X Y Z
                                    var y_obj = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0xEC); // Static Object X Y Z
                                    var z_obj = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0xF0); // Static Object X Y Z
                                    // Unit Fields
                                    var obj_structure1 = lib.ReadUInt(FirstObject + 0x8);
                                    // Creator
                                    var obj_creator = lib.ReadUlong(obj_structure1 + 0x18);
                                    // Display ID
                                    var obj_id = lib.ReadInt(obj_structure1 + 0x20);
                                    // Flags
                                    var obj_flags = lib.ReadInt(obj_structure1 + 0x24);
                                    // Check if the object is a fishing hook
                                    // And also check if the object creator is our character
                                    if (obj_id == 668 && obj_creator == playerGuide)
                                        // 0 - Fish is not ready
                                        // 32 - Fish is ready
                                        if (obj_flags == 32)
                                            rightClickObject(x_obj, y_obj, z_obj);
                            var nextobj = lib.ReadUInt(FirstObject + 0x3C);
                            if (nextobj == FirstObject)
                            FirstObject = nextobj;
    There are all types of objects, players,npcs ect. The fishing hook that is being created after you cast your fishing ability is also object.
    It's type is GameObject. In the object manager you have 2 sets of xyz cordinates.

    Those are for objects that are moving (Players,Npc..)
                            var x = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0x79C); // Moving Object X Y Z
                            var y = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0x798); // Moving Object X Y Z
                            var z = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0x7A0); // Moving Object X Y Z
    And those are for static objects, objects that are not moving.

                                    var x_obj = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0xE8); // Static Object X Y Z
                                    var y_obj = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0xEC); // Static Object X Y Z
                                    var z_obj = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0xF0); // Static Object X Y Z
    Since our fishing hook is not a moving object, we read the static cordinates.
    We will use those cordinates later to translate them to screen cordinates so we can move our mouse to that position and RIGHT CLICK to auto loot the fish.

    How do we detect the fishing hook object?
    The hook object has data stored in the unit fields.
    We access the data like so..

                                    // Getting the X Y Z position of the object
                                    var x_obj = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0xE8); // Static Object X Y Z
                                    var y_obj = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0xEC); // Static Object X Y Z
                                    var z_obj = lib.ReadFloat(FirstObject + 0xF0); // Static Object X Y Z
                                    // Unit Fields
                                    var obj_structure1 = lib.ReadUInt(FirstObject + 0x8);
                                    // Creator
                                    var obj_creator = lib.ReadUlong(obj_structure1 + 0x18);
                                    // Display ID
                                    var obj_id = lib.ReadInt(obj_structure1 + 0x20);
                                    // Flags
                                    var obj_flags = lib.ReadInt(obj_structure1 + 0x24);
                                    // Check if the object is a fishing hook
                                    // And also check if the object creator is our character
                                    if (obj_id == 668 && obj_creator == playerGuide)
                                        // 0 - Fish is not ready
                                        // 32 - Fish is ready
                                        if (obj_flags == 32)
                                            rightClickObject(x_obj, y_obj, z_obj);
    So, before the object manager loop starts, we already read our character guid from memory.
    We will use this guid to identify who is the creator of the fishing hook.

                        // This is your character guild
                        // As we loop through the object list, we identify our character by this guid
                        playerGuide = lib.ReadUlong(ObjectManager + 0xC0);
    So in the end, when the object manager loop hits object of type GameObject
    Here is how we are gonna identify if this is the hook.

    From the unit fields of the object, we read 3 values. The display ID, the creator of the object, and flags.
                                    // Unit Fields
                                    var obj_structure1 = lib.ReadUInt(FirstObject + 0x8);
                                    // Creator
                                    var obj_creator = lib.ReadUlong(obj_structure1 + 0x18);
                                    // Display ID
                                    var obj_id = lib.ReadInt(obj_structure1 + 0x20);
                                    // Flags
                                    var obj_flags = lib.ReadInt(obj_structure1 + 0x24);
    This is all we need to identify the fishing hook. The caster must be your character, the display ID of the hook is 668, and the flags identify if the fish is ready to be hooked or not(Ready to loot). We are doing the check here.

                                    // Check if the object is a fishing hook
                                    // And also check if the object creator is our character
                                    if (obj_id == 668 && obj_creator == playerGuide)
                                        // 0 - Fish is not ready
                                        // 32 - Fish is ready
                                        if (obj_flags == 32)
                                            rightClickObject(x_obj, y_obj, z_obj);

    That's enough. The bot is far from perfect. As i said, i don't aim for quality. I just did it for the experience. The source code is yours to improve it or do whatever you want with it. This was coded for like 1 hour. So there are several issues with the code. The world to screen function is not accurate. You must find your own way to move your mouse to the position of the hook, or call internal function from wow ect. Besides that, the bot is working. But my initial idea was to make this a smart fishing bot. You can count the players for example in the object manager, and you can prevent the bot from fishing if there is any player around. Just something like that...

    public int players = 0;
                            switch ((Constants.TypeId)type)
                                case Constants.TypeId.Object:
                                case Constants.TypeId.AiGroup:
                                case Constants.TypeId.AreaTrigger:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Container:
                                case Constants.TypeId.DynamicObject:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Corpse:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Unit:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Item:
                                case Constants.TypeId.Player:
                                    // Make sure the current player is not our character
                                    if (guid != playerGuide)

    100% External undetected fishing bot (Source Code) 3.3.5
  2. #2
    dlablo's Avatar Active Member Authenticator enabled
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    Forgot to say, the bot only works well when your resolution is 1280x1024 and your camera is perfectly looking at the horizon when you are fishing(not looking down or up). It uses the F key to cast your fishing ability. It's up to you to improve the source code.

  3. #3

  4. #4
    dlablo's Avatar Active Member Authenticator enabled
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    1. Those are not external.
    2. I made this topic for future reference in case someone wants to make 100% external fishbot so he can have idea how it works.

    Also if the user wants to develop fishbot for a specific WoW version then he can better understand which offsets should use or what to seek in memory. And also let me repeat something i said early.

    "But my initial idea was to make this a smart fishing bot. You can count the players for example in the object manager, and you can prevent the bot from fishing if there is any player around. Just something like that..."
    Last edited by dlablo; 12-12-2023 at 04:16 PM.

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