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  1. #1
    jenkins21's Avatar Member
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    Another AFK bot & requeue technique!

    Ok first of I tried the other afk bot & requeuers...but i was to noob to install it + use it so i decided to make one on my own.

    This might seem very long, but that is becuse it gives lots of little detail to make this as easy as possible.

    1)First off download Battle Bot 1.0:
    (credit to gravisoft)

    2)Unzip the WoW_NoAFK file in there

    3)In the unzipped folder take the WoW_NoAFK progam and drag it to another new folder of your choice. (close all the other folders so you just have your new folder up)

    4)Now download MouseClicker:
    (credit to gravisoft)

    5)Unzip AutoMouserClicker file in there

    6)In the Unzipped Folder drag the AutoMouseClicker(purple mouse image) and drag it to the same open new folder. Also drag the AutoMouseClicker.txt file to the new folder. (Again close all the other folders so just you new one is up)

    7)Now with only your folder open, click on the AutoMouseClicker(purple mouse image)

    Ok with this program now open, click the the Options button and at the very botom you will see Configure Mouse Events...,click it.

    9)Now, a new window will come up named Mouse events. You will see 4 bars where you will enter numbers.

    10) Before you enter the numbers i should let you know that your size of you moniter might be different, if so then i will explain what to do farther down.
    In the first bar (the one all the way to the left) enter the number 521. The second bar to the right of that enter 553, on the third bar enter 4000, and on the fourth enter 1. (In between the 3rd and 4rth bar, uncheck the check.)

    11) At the bottom on this you will see a buttom called Add event, click it, you will notice it make another 4 bars.

    12)On the next 4 bars enter 130(bar one), 258(bar two), 4000(bar three),1(bar four). And olso make sure the unchecked box is checked.

    13)Repeat Add Event and type 198(Bar one), 525(bar two), 4000(bar three), 1(bar four) And also make sure the unchecked box is checked.

    14)Repeat Add Event and type 448(Bar one), 177(bar two) 4000(bar three), 1(bar four). And also make sure the unchecked box is checked.

    15)Ok, now you are done with this, downsize but dont close.

    16) Open World Of Warcraft, log into acc, then log into char.

    17)Press Esc and then procede to Key Bindings. Under the movement keys look for turn left (fourth one down)

    1 Change the Key 2 (Left Arrow) to spacebar

    19) Now with WoW open and AutoClick program open, downsize and open the WoW_NoAFK.exe that is in your folder you created. Maximize WoW again and join a AV,WSG,AB.

    20)Once down sized maximize Mouse events and press Start Events(botom Left) And quickly re open WoW. (BTW to stop this mouse moving program click STOP! on the AutoMouseClicker program)

    21)Finaly with your mouse randomly moving around on the screen, Zoom your char in all the way.

    Congrats! you will now have your computer keep you from going and afk and will auto join you for another game.


    The program Automouseclicker.exe make it so youre mouse automaticly moves at a certain time in a certain direction. (The numbers from 10,11,13,14 make the mouse click the battle master, join battle, enter queue, join battle)

    The program WoW_NoAFK.exe make your charecter jump every 10-30 seconds, but by changing the turn left binding to the spacebar, it makes it turn left every 10-30 seconds, which also help becuase it causes you to face the battle master when you leave the battle ground.


    The only problem for this method i have found so far is that if you get disconected you are stuck there for the time of you being away.

    For those with diff screen sizes:

    You will have to find the cords of where the battle masters neck is(Put this number in the first and second box) (Also the 3rd and 4th boxes will stay the same, and the checks will stay the same to.)
    Find the cords of where the I would like to go to battle button is, Place these number in a new first and second box (3rd & 4rthare same)
    Find the cords of where the Join battle button is, Place these numbers in a new first and second box (3rd & 4th stay the same)
    Find the cords of where the join the battle button is, place these numbers in a new first box and second box (3rd & 4th stay the same)
    With you new cords finish steps after 14

    I have been using this method since last night and i have had no problem except for one disconnection. I hope you all have a good time enjoying some real life instead of farming honor.

    ALSO if you put on "Click to move" it will move you every once in a while and add more realisticness.
    Last edited by jenkins21; 12-17-2006 at 12:25 AM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

    Another AFK bot & requeue technique!
  2. #2
    Hounro's Avatar Active Member
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    Re: Another AFK bot & requeue technique!

    not sure, but i think this has been posted :S

    yep just about the same
    Last edited by Hounro; 12-17-2006 at 12:56 AM. Reason: Auto-merged Doublepost

  3. #3
    Altf4's Avatar Member
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    Re: Another AFK bot & requeue technique!

    Not sure how stupid u are, but this is exactly what the other methods do, but with more useless junk.

  4. #4
    lilsavalex's Avatar Member
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    Re: Another AFK bot & requeue technique!

    Thanks man +1rep this is easyier to understand and im nusein it right now!

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