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    s_e_a_n_66's Avatar Member
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    Automated dungeon queue / Justice Point leecher(Auto-it source)

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    What this bot does:

    This bot will queue you for a dungeon(waits for deserter if present), wait for the queue to pop, then enter the dungeon. Once inside, it will auto-follow a party member of your choice and attack the tank's target while in combat. It also automatically Greeds on loot, and while the bot is in a dungeon group, it will monitor the health bars of party members and leave party if they are missing(everyone died, or everyone left the group)
    This bot only works as the dps role.
    How to Use:
    -Make sure you are running WoW in "Windowed" or "Windowed(fullscreen)" mode
    -Make sure your UI scale is turned OFF, if unsure "/console set useuiscale 0"
    -Make sure you turn off any addons which modify your user interface(specifically you must have the default mini-map and party frames visible)
    -Set up the following macros

    MACRO #1 melee works best to follow party1, ranged follow party2
    /follow party1
    /assist party1
    /assist party2
    MACRO #2 Make your class specific DPS macro
    (add your attacks here)
    MACRO #3 Leave party / teleport out of dungeon.
    /script LeaveParty() 
    /run LFGTeleport(IsInLFGDungeon())
    MACRO #4 New greeding method, could make another for DE, but you would have to make the script spam another key(this is 254/255 characters).
    /click GroupLootFrame1GreedButton
    /click StaticPopup1Button1
    /click GroupLootFrame2GreedButton
    /click StaticPopup1Button1
    /click GroupLootFrame3GreedButton
    /click StaticPopup1Button1
    /click GroupLootFrame4GreedButton
    /click StaticPopup1Button1
    -Make sure your dungeon role is set to dps, and that you are queuing for what you want.
    -Run the provided .exe or .au3
    -If you want to run the .au3 file, it will require autoit , the .exe is standalone and will run without additional software.
    The script will pause automatically when focus is lost on the WoW window, you can exit from the tray icon.

    Video: First test runs for my hunter (got stuck once on the zig-zag passage in OK), I will hopefully upload some more vids of more classes soon. As you can see, the hunter is the most problematic, often facing the wrong way, or attacking targets with melee. I never got kicked though, just looked like I was really fail.

    -Does not handle deaths. If you die, it will get stuck. (hopefully fixed in next version)
    -Right now there is no UI for the bot, any optional features(such as greeding) have to be changed from code for now. So if you want to change any options, don't use the compiled version. The bot will pause automatically when focus is lost from the WoW window, and it can be exited from the tray icon.
    -It uses pixel searching, so it is possible to fool the bot in some scenarios(A bright yellow light where your deserter debuff would be will make the bot think you have deserter, or green grass may make it think you are queued when you are not) Just be careful where your character is positioned and it should not be a problem
    -It is still terribly inefficient, it runs a bit slow and probably eats up more cpu cycles than it should.

    Testing this takes forever because of long queue times for dps, I have tested it as much as I can, please let me know of any other issues you may have.

    I will not be pasting the code directly on the site anymore, but it is still included in the .zip file
    [12/3/2010]UPDATED!!! Version 0.11
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    Version 0.11 changes
    -changed greeding to be done with a macro, as a side effect, confirmation boxes may now also accept automatically, but looting will be MUCH more reliable.
    -added basic attacking functionality(I still need a way to face the target, I don't think it can be done with pixelsearch)

    This is basically the same thing for more legit players that don't intend to AFK an entire dungeon. Autopop will also queue you for a dungeon(waiting for deserter), wait for the queue to pop, then enter the dungeon. Once inside, it will auto-follow a party member of your choice, and print the message in party "I will brb real quick". While inside the dungeon, it will make a pulsing beeping noise(not too annoying I hope) to alert you that your dungeon group is ready and waiting for you.
    This bot should work for any role, you can find it in the zip for V0.1
    I will be keeping all old versions linked here in case I mess something up
    Version 0.1
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    Original version
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    Last edited by s_e_a_n_66; 12-04-2010 at 12:43 PM.

    Automated dungeon queue / Justice Point leecher(Auto-it source)
  2. #2
    givemhell's Avatar Site Donator CoreCoins Purchaser
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    i love the idea of this script,
    if you could have it detect in and out of combat (and you can enable that in the options to disp)
    in combat, target and assist the tank stating the dps process
    ouf of combat, follow dps or heals (im sure you can detect class's via code or an addon that disp class icons in the party screen)

    if you really wanta get hardcore you need to find a way to determine if your ranged or melee
    and base off the spec and class of other toons who you should follow

    im sure if someone could get LUA ninja working it might be easy todo the detecting

    if codeing this shit was as easy as ti83's id so help you with this project

    and good luck to you man! il be watching this thred

  3. #3
    natt_'s Avatar Contributor
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    Or just read from the memory which is 100% accurate compared to pixelsearch.

  4. #4
    s_e_a_n_66's Avatar Member
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    edit: removed so people don't get confused about UI scale.
    Last edited by s_e_a_n_66; 11-18-2010 at 12:35 PM.

  5. #5
    ultragigatank's Avatar Member
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    By the way after reading the edits, UI scale sliders are still in the game. I know I missed it after the 4 patch but they are there.

    Last edited by ultragigatank; 11-14-2010 at 08:44 AM. Reason: image wasn't showing up....

  6. #6
    s_e_a_n_66's Avatar Member
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    Should now work in all windowed resolutions and "windowed(fullscreen)" mode
    Turn OFF your UI scale to use the bot (/set useuiscale 0)
    D/E and Greeding on loot now works.
    There is now a compiled version available, as well as a "lite" version that does nothing but click "Enter Dungeon" while you are afk. (Great when you have to get up 9 min into your queue)

  7. #7
    Heretic's Avatar Member
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    nice bot, but whu u cant do a BG fir farm some HONOR!!

  8. #8
    jjnamed's Avatar Private
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    well its a pretty rudimentary script, but after running for 5 hours i did get a few hundred JP. The only problem was it would sometimes get stuck if it happened to make it all the way to end of the instance, so i would have to come back and leave dungeon manually. MOstly works OK though, you usually get kicked after the first or second boss, so it will keep going on its own. Im not gonna use it more now because im not sure if blizzard has some way of seeing that you always get kicked for afk in your queues.

  9. #9
    ingettejag's Avatar Member
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    This wont work it just choose lfg then it cancel it.. Then choose again then cancel and spaming that.. have i done something wrong or just the script are &@#¤ed?

  10. #10
    s_e_a_n_66's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by ingettejag View Post
    This wont work it just choose lfg then it cancel it.. Then choose again then cancel and spaming that.. have i done something wrong or just the script are &@#¤ed?
    Sounds like the pixel search is not finding the dungeon tool icon, make sure the green dungeon tool eye is visible on the edge of your minimap(not covered by something else) Also make sure you disable all addons that would modify your UI and make sure UI scale is turned OFF(uncheck the box next to UI scale slider in the video options), and make sure you are running in windowed mode(auto-it pixel search won't work in fullscreen)
    -Make sure you are running WoW in "Windowed" or "Windowed(fullscreen)" mode
    -Make sure your UI scale is turned OFF, if unsure "/console set useuiscale 0"

    edit: here is a screenshot to clarify

    When UI scale is turned off, the icon will be the the same number of pixels from the edge of the screen regardless of the resolution. If you continue having problems, take a screenshot and make sure everything is scaled right.

    Originally Posted by jjnamed View Post
    The only problem was it would sometimes get stuck if it happened to make it all the way to end of the instance, so i would have to come back and leave dungeon manually.
    I am aware of this problem, its difficult to decide when to leave group without memory reading, I will eventually get around to fixing this.
    Last edited by s_e_a_n_66; 11-18-2010 at 12:32 PM.

  11. #11
    ingettejag's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by s_e_a_n_66 View Post
    Sounds like the pixel search is not finding the dungeon tool icon, make sure the green dungeon tool eye is visible on the edge of your minimap(not covered by something else) Also make sure you disable all addons that would modify your UI and make sure UI scale is turned OFF(uncheck the box next to UI scale slider in the video options), and make sure you are running in windowed mode(auto-it pixel search won't work in fullscreen)
    -Make sure you are running WoW in "Windowed" or "Windowed(fullscreen)" mode
    -Make sure your UI scale is turned OFF, if unsure "/console set useuiscale 0"

    edit: here is a screenshot to clarify

    When UI scale is turned off, the icon will be the the same number of pixels from the edge of the screen regardless of the resolution. If you continue having problems, take a screenshot and make sure everything is scaled right.

    I am aware of this problem, its difficult to decide when to leave group without memory reading, I will eventually get around to fixing this.
    Thanks i had the addon sexymap.. That was the proplem.
    Thanks again!

  12. #12
    s_e_a_n_66's Avatar Member
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    UPDATED!!! Version 0.1

    I fixed some minor problems and added a feature which should drop group when the dungeon is over(or the tank and healer both die).
    Added Autopop, basically the same thing for players that don't intend to AFK an entire dungeon.(works with all roles, has audio alert when dungeon is ready)
    Now I just need to work in some basic attacks and find a way to handle deaths.

    I am not going to copy the code directly to the forum anymore (makes editing the post messy). The source is still included in the .zip download.
    Last edited by s_e_a_n_66; 12-04-2010 at 11:48 AM.

  13. #13
    s_e_a_n_66's Avatar Member
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    [12/3/2010] UPDATED!!! Version 0.11 New setup instructions, please read first post
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    Version 0.11 changes
    -changed greeding to be done with a macro, as a side effect, confirmation boxes may now also accept automatically, but looting will be MUCH more reliable.
    -added basic attacking functionality(I still need a way to face the target, I don't think it can be done with pixelsearch)
    -Leaving group should now work properly
    I made a video so people know what to expect(and not to expect) from this bot.

    Please, no comments on this toon's bad UI.
    New setup instructions, please read first post
    Last edited by s_e_a_n_66; 12-04-2010 at 11:48 AM.

  14. #14
    archonbr's Avatar Member
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    Wen i try to use it, he get me out party;
    i use the same sequence is post here, 1,2,3,4

  15. #15
    s_e_a_n_66's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by archonbr View Post
    Wen i try to use it, he get me out party;
    i use the same sequence is post here, 1,2,3,4
    Are you saying that it drops group after you have entered the dungeon? Please make sure all your party bars are visible. If you are saying it drops you from group while waiting for a queue, it will do that. This bot is not designed to be used with a pre-made group, you must queue alone(for now at least). If you need a workaround, just leave macro #3 blank, and it will not try to leave group automatically.

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