[REQUEST] LF farm bot - classic cata menu

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    Holymind27's Avatar Member
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    [REQUEST] LF farm bot - classic cata


    I am looking for a PRIVATE bot for Cataclysm Classic wow. Purpose is for mining/herbing. Should be updated and safe bot!
    I can pay one time for a Lifetime access or If you have an invite-only low users bot which has subscription mode - I can do that aswell!

    (I am serious buyer and have money to pay - of course you will need to have some sort of rep/verification)

    Please contact me through ownedcore DM if you can help.

    Thank you for reading through!

    [REQUEST] LF farm bot - classic cata
  2. #2
    Darkshott's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    DM or join and open ticket. Have what you are looking for. 🔷U.Community 🔶

  3. #3
    Darkshott's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Anonymous envy hater

  4. #4
    nooberang's Avatar Member
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    Neither anonymous, nor hater. Just a dissatisfied customer. Please tell me how you're not selling an overpriced SIN bot that barely supports a class or two for each expansion, where all the bots follow the exact same path, without any smoothing and everything is in chinese. Just stop offering that garbage everywhere. There's exactly one safe bot right now and thats PM.
    You can't even call that a bot.

  5. #5
    Darkshott's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Currently, ironically as it may sound to you, the only undetected bot is actually SIN (atleast of popular ones).... The fact that you used it a long time ago, when there were raw profiles, doesn't mean that everything stands still in this world. You have at least very outdated information from 4 months ago. And by private bot, I didn't mean SIN at all. But overall, SIN is a great bot now. Don't see any problems with it. In cata 3 days played to get 85, 1-525 profiles archeology, mining, herbalism, good rotations, and cheap too. I also know who are you, by the way you type, i remember you now. You were the one who started two mages and got banned in SoD at phase 1, back then these profiles weren't really good, expecially on human side. Now its all different. You can also create custom profile easily now (which wasnot possible back then)
    Last edited by Darkshott; 06-20-2024 at 04:13 PM.

  6. #6
    nooberang's Avatar Member
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    RD might be undetected, but the fact that every bot is running the exact same script and has the exact same pathing leads to an enormous amount of reports. Probably belf pala is the only decent thing to run, cause the starting zones are infested by paladins running the exact same pathing, or getting stuck on the hut roofs in Zangarmarsh. Don't even try to tell me, I know enough people running SIN, also buying it for MUCH cheaper than you're offering. Everything you sell is overpriced as fuck.
    Your SIN is overpriced, your Ozan was overpriced back when it was a thing and now your app is again way more expensive than other means of buying cheap subs.
    You're one very, very greedy individual.
    Good that you remember who I am, now you don't have to claim I'm anonymous. I bought SIN, bought Ozan and am dissatisfied with both, thus giving my thoughts on the matter so people don't make the same mistake.

  7. #7
    Darkshott's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Great And where is the proof of what you are writing?

    95% of what you write is complete nonsense.

    1. I sell SIN at the minimum price, as indicated by the developers. Don't lie that my price is so much higher than others.

    2. I sell the application that let people buy the cheapest subscriptions, and i sell it very cheaply. Prove to me that my price is expensive or that it is waaaaay higher than others. Stop throwing empty words around and misleading people, Mr. Evil Bobipudkata, this is your Discord, right? I'm sure of it, only because you're the only super-unhappy person I've met in all this time. Plus, you're also a liar by telling that Sin is a shit bot right now

    About Sin - I repeat, if you don't want to use ready-made profiles, make your own, there's such option now. Plus, this bot already includes everything for a small amount pf money, you don't need to buy anything separately, and it works great. Don't believe me - that's your problem, I'm not going to prove anything to you, just stop lying to people and misinforming them. If you're not lying - then throw proof that the application that I'm selling now as well as SIN is much higher in price than others sellers, I'm waiting.

    And yes, the application has a six-month warranty, and none of the people who bought it from me have had any problems. And this is not Ozan.

    In my community, people can buy absolutely everything they need for botting, and not a single bad review in all this time, except for you. Well, apparently you're like that, you're unhappy with everything and everyone is greedy and bad, only you are writing the truth and there's no other way.
    Last edited by Darkshott; 06-20-2024 at 04:38 PM.

  8. #8
    nooberang's Avatar Member
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    1) You sell it for 18$ or something and 14-15 with thr ViP PaCkAgE. I know people who get it for 12$, used to be 11.50$.
    2) Like I said in your other thread that got deleted, gamesupp sells personal VCCs for less than a dollar, with almost zero fees, legit and bound to your personal number. VCCs from a Turkish bank. Don't have to use any emulators and pray the app doesn't get patched like Ozan.
    3) I don't give a fuck how many happy customers you got. If they are unhappy you just kick them from the discord, so how would one know either way.

    I'm definitely not going to buy a SIN key to prove anything to you.

  9. #9
    Darkshott's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    1) False

    2) And like i already answered in other thread, gamesupp card you said its 1$, while in my app is 0.03$, see difference? 0 Fee at all. Also you know that these cards are created by you and never got used before. And its easy to manage them. so buying 50 gamesupp cards is already 50$ + you said there's fee.. Even if small. And you don't know if these cards are fresh or been used in the past, as you are not the one who create them.
    3) You are the only one who got kicked, because you started to act all toxic in chat. So you got kicked for a reason not because you were unhappy with the way you got banned on your mage

    We're going in circles here, let's just sum things up.

    You bought a SIN key a long time ago (4 months ago if not more) set up mages, got banned right away. Unfortunately, it happens, that's botting.

    You bought Ozan, got banned there too - you were offered a free replacement. You responded by being aggressive and dissatisfied with everything, what can I do about that? And now you feel it's your duty to comment on every post of mine, I created a store for people who can get into botting, get best softwares, get support without spending dozens or even hundreds of hours of their time searching and making mistakes. There are products there that are very difficult to find for anyone, especially a newcomer. And there is also a lot of useful stuff for big botters. Like it or hate it, but that's how is it.
    Last edited by Darkshott; 06-20-2024 at 05:12 PM.

  10. #10
    nooberang's Avatar Member
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    1) ...Ok
    2) Why would someone need 50vccs? One is enough. Why would they not be "fresh"? You are not making any sense
    3) You were all but saying that SIN being shit is because I "don't know about botting" and that it was my fault Ozan got banned.

    You made a store to make money, not to help people. How can yoi say that? You were selling Ozan for 25$. I also got told by a friend that you were selling it for an even higher price before that!
    I got Ozan afterwards from the Russians for 6-7$.
    On top of that I received the number AND the turkish ID. Not a preinstalled, pre-registered one on a Nox emu...
    Pretty sure you were getting those Ozans from Zelenka for 6bucks and reselling them.

  11. #11
    Darkshott's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    "You made a store to make money, not to help people." By your logic, then Blizzard created the game to only make money, and bots were created to make money off people like you, and products are produced to make money, and in general, everything in the world is done to make money. But besides that, my store is beneficial for people. Like Blizzard benefits players by providing entertainment to players, bots benefit people by providing an opportunity to make money, just like my store which has goods and tools that people need, otherwise no one would buy them. I think that's clear enough. Also everything i sell, i use myself too
    2) Good luck paying all accounts with 1 card, unless you are botting on 2 accs.

    3) I assumed, not asserted, that you don't know how to bot. Just judging by the fact that you got 2 bans, and acting like you got a farm of 100 bots banned, it looks very strange. That's the behavior of a newbie.

    Ozan used to cost much more than 25$, Zelenka dump devaluated it later, but doesnot mean it used to be 6-7$ from beginning. Also you got virtual 1-time number, which means after log-out you lose app forever and no replacement. And no, mine weren't from zelenka. " Not a preinstalled, pre-registered one on a Nox emu..." It was done for the comfort of buyers, log and use without bothering with registration. In any case, for $7 you were buying a single-use product with a one-time sms.

  12. #12
    nooberang's Avatar Member
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    Like I said in my initial review, I don't care about the accounts. I care that you said it's 100% afk, fully automated. And it turned out to be shit.
    You can pay for 200 accounts if you want, with that VCC.

    And yewh, Blizzard totally made this game to make money. If that wasn't the case, the game wouldn't be in such a sorry state right now.

    And I don't pay for bots. Paid once for SIN, ain't payin again. My pixel bot has better navigation with WASD movement than SIN does with ctm. Absolute garbage of a bot.
    And don't even start on "mAkE yOuR oWn RoUtEs". That shouldn't be needed, just like 2 bots shouldn't follow the exact same path.

    Gabouche is providing much better "farming tools" than you. His bot might be so so, but the turkish VCC cannot be beat.

    edit: I had 3 Ozans fron Zelenka and I was able to log in and out with all of them, the numbers were not temporary, don't lie.

    Tell me how it's more comfortable to download a preinstalled emulator in a zip from a random Russian than installing it yourself and having the Number + ID, which by the way could be used to register elsewhere too.
    Last edited by nooberang; 06-21-2024 at 06:52 AM.

  13. #13
    Darkshott's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    You're crazy, nobody will sell you a phone number and a bank account for $7. One eSIM costs at least $45 on the same Zelenka. Don't tell me you could log out and log in again, because there's an SMS that nobody will give you a second time. If this is not the case - I'm waiting for a video proof, otherwise you're a liar.

    I'm not even talking about your Pixelbot, is there a 1-85 quester in there? Or are you leveling up by grinding? 😂

    And yes, Sin is now one of the top bots, anyone who bots knows this. Both in price and quality. Your words are based on information from 6 months ago. Anyone who wants to buy software from me can personally see the showcase of my farm, and see the /played, and you're just a guy who's butt is burning from two bans, well, keep botting on your Pixel.

    Gabouche is providing much better "farming tools" than you. His bot might be so so, but the turkish VCC cannot be beat. - You're only writing this because you were kicked out of the Discord, we don't keep such toxic people, sorry
    And so, I'm sure you don't even know what goods I have. 😂
    Last edited by Darkshott; 06-21-2024 at 07:42 AM.

  14. #14
    nooberang's Avatar Member
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    Why level when you can boost? With a turkish account it's dirt cheap.
    Ozan has been dead for like 3 months...
    Your /played doesn't matter, since you have to babysit the bot.
    Maybe I'm the only one who cares about people getting fucked over. Just like I confronted the pi staff about Daemonic being detected, but they kept insisting it's safe, till they all got banned. Now the same thing with NN.
    Yall just trying to make money off people.

  15. #15
    Darkshott's Avatar Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    I'm Not babysitting anything, that's the point. If you do - you do it wrong.
    Why level when you can boost? With a turkish account it's dirt cheap. - 1-85 takes 3 days and cost me 6$. Vs your 28$ and chance of getting banned is the same.
    So for 20 bots you spend 560$. I spend 120$. Chance of bans are same, i do have my custom routes on sin, so doesnot matter if pixel or not pixel. And btw, one private bot got banwaved few days ago, while sin didn't. But then again, sin is not the only option i have, just that it works right now, and its fine

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