Cant find a DB setup that works menu

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  1. #1
    IChangedMyUsername's Avatar Contributor Dance! ;^) CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Cant find a DB setup that works

    Been trying a lot of profiles and plugins that claim to be updated to 2.1 but still not getting results. Theres no log to post either, my bots just crashing as soon as I press start. And yes I've reinstalled countless times. Does anyone have a working DB setup and would be willing to guide me real fast ?

    Cant find a DB setup that works
  2. #2
    Shameless's Avatar Elite User JD's Master CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Seek help on the actual DB forum. You'll have more luck.

  3. #3
    nohackson's Avatar Corporal
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    What I got best results with:

    Installed a fresh DB (from ZIP).

    Installed Armory plugin (from the Plugins section) - optional I guess.

    Installed EZUpdater plugin and copied the DLL in DB root folder.

    Ran DB once and closed it after everything was updated.

    Downloaded rrix's latest R-Rift profile (it knows about the new system of opening rifts).

    Ran with both bounty profiles (Act I) and rift profile without any issue.

  4. #4
    kt777777711's Avatar Member
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    When it comes to academic assistance, finding a reliable service is crucial. That's why I turned to a platform where I could pay for research papers . Their professionalism and dedication were evident from the start. They not only delivered top-notch papers but also ensured that all my requirements were met. If you're looking for a hassle-free way to get your research papers done, I highly recommend paying for them through this service.

  5. #5
    ariacarter's Avatar Member
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    Unleash Your Essay Writing Help: Professional*for Students

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