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    zys924's Avatar Active Member
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    Town Portal?

    Solved. SNOPowerId.UseStoneOfRecall with the current position. Thank you guys!

    I have already got UsePowerToActor & UsePowerToPosition working. I thought that it might be just a call to these 2 functions to use town portal.

    However, I have tried several skills searched in the SNO enumeration by keywords "Portal" "Town", "Teleport" ...etc without success.

    Would any one plz help me point out which skill SNO ID is for town portal. Or should I find some other way?

    Thanks in advance.

    Attached is the enumeration of skills I use

    public enum PowerIds : int
                AI_FollowWithWalk = 1728,
                AI_Wander = 1729,
                Barrel_Explode_Instant = 1736,
                CryptChildEat = 1738,
                Templar_Heal = 1747,
                Scavenger_Leap = 1752,
                UseItem = 1759,
                Wizard_Electrocute = 1765,
                Wizard_SlowTime = 1769,
                ZombieKillerGrab = 1771,
                AI_Circle = 29986,
                AI_Circle_Long = 29987,
                AI_Close = 29990,
                AI_Close_Long = 29991,
                AI_Follow = 29993,
                AI_FollowPath = 29994,
                AI_Follow_Close = 29995,
                AI_Idle = 29996,
                AI_Idle_Long = 29997,
                AI_Idle_Short = 29998,
                AI_ReturnToPath = 30000,
                AI_RunAway = 30001,
                AI_RunAway_Long = 30002,
                AI_RunAway_Short = 30003,
                AI_RunInFront = 30004,
                AI_RunNearby = 30005,
                AI_RunNearby_Short = 30008,
                AI_RunTo = 30009,
                AI_WalkTo = 30013,
                AI_WanderRun = 30014,
                AI_Wander_Long = 30015,
                Axe_Bad_Data = 30020,
                Axe_Operate_Gizmo = 30021,
                Axe_Operate_NPC = 30022,
                Trait_Barbarian_Fury = 30078,
                Barbarian_GroundStompEffect = 30080,
                BareHandedPassive = 30145,
                BeastCharge = 30147,
                BurrowOut = 30157,
                BurrowStartBuff = 30158,
                ChampionClone = 30166,
                ChampionTeleport = 30167,
                Cooldown = 30176,
                CorpulentExplode = 30178,
                CritDebuffCold = 30180,
                CryptChildLeapOut = 30185,
                CryptChildLeapOutBuff = 30186,
                DebuffChilled = 30195,
                DestructableObjectChandelier_AOE = 30209,
                DrinkHealthPotion = 30211,
                EatCorpse = 30214,
                GenericArrow_Projectile = 30242,
                Ghost_Melee_Drain = 30243,
                Ghost_SoulSiphon = 30244,
                GizmoOperatePortalWithAnimation = 30249,
                Goatman_Lightning_Shield = 30251,
                Goatman_Moonclan_Ranged_Projectile = 30252,
                GraveDigger_Knockback_Attack = 30255,
                GraveRobber_Dodge_Left = 30256,
                GraveRobber_Dodge_Right = 30257,
                graveRobber_Projectile = 30258,
                HealingWell_Heal = 30264,
                Hearth = 30265,
                Hearth_Finish = 30266,
                ImmuneToFearDuringBuff = 30283,
                ImmuneToRootDuringBuff = 30284,
                ImmuneToSnareDuringBuff = 30285,
                ImmuneToStunDuringBuff = 30286,
                Interact_Crouching = 30287,
                Interact_Normal = 30288,
                InvisibileDuringBuff = 30289,
                InvulnerableDuringBuff = 30290,
                Knockdown = 30296,
                Laugh = 30307,
                MagicPainting_Summon_Skeleton = 30313,
                Monster_Ranged_Projectile = 30334,
                Monster_Spell_Projectile = 30338,
                NPC_LookAt = 30342,
                OnDeathArcane = 30343,
                OnDeathCold = 30344,
                OnDeathFire = 30345,
                OnDeathLightning = 30346,
                OnDeathPoison = 30347,
                Operate_Helper_Attach = 30348,
                Templar_Inspire = 30356,
                Templar_Loyalty = 30357,
                Templar_Guardian = 30359,
                Templar_ShieldCharge = 30360,
                Proxy_Delayed_Power = 30385,
                Punch = 30391,
                RangedEscort_Projectile = 30394,
                Resurrection_Buff = 30424,
                Rockworm_Web = 30431,
                RootTryGrab = 30433,
                SandsharkBurrowIn = 30440,
                ScavengerBurrowIn = 30450,
                ScavengerBurrowOut = 30451,
                Scoundrel_Anatomy = 30454,
                Scoundrel_Bandage = 30455,
                Scoundrel_Multishot = 30458,
                Scoundrel_PoisonArrow = 30460,
                Scoundrel_Vanish = 30464,
                ScrollBuff = 30469,
                SetMode_EscortFollow = 30471,
                ShieldSkeleton_Shield = 30473,
                Shield_Skeleton_Melee_Instant = 30474,
                Shrine_Desecrated_Blessed = 30476,
                Shrine_Desecrated_Enlightened = 30477,
                Shrine_Desecrated_Fortune = 30478,
                Shrine_Desecrated_Frenzied = 30479,
                SkeletonArcher_Projectile = 30495,
                SkeletonKing_Summon_Skeleton = 30496,
                skeletonMage_poison_death = 30501,
                SkeletonSummoner_Projectile = 30503,
                SkeletonKing_Cleave = 30504,
                SnakemanCaster_ElectricBurst = 30509,
                Snakeman_MeleeStealth = 30512,
                Snakeman_MeleeUnstealth = 30513,
                SporeCloud = 30525,
                StealthBuff = 30527,
                StitchExplode = 30529,
                StitchMeleeAlternate = 30530,
                StitchPush = 30531,
                Suicide_Proc = 30538,
                Summoned = 30540,
                Summon_Skeleton = 30543,
                Summon_Skeleton_OnSpawn = 30545,
                Summon_Skeleton_Orb = 30546,
                Summon_Triune_Demon = 30547,
                Summon_Zombie_Crawler = 30550,
                Thorns = 30554,
                TransformToActivatedTriune = 30563,
                TriuneBerserker_Hit = 30567,
                TriuneSummoner_Projectile = 30570,
                TriuneSummoner_Shield = 30571,
                TriuneSummoner_SplitSummonCast = 30572,
                TriuneVesselCharge = 30573,
                TriuneVesselOverpower = 30574,
                Unburied_Knockback = 30580,
                Unburied_Melee_Attack = 30581,
                UntargetableDuringBuff = 30582,
                UseHealthGlyph = 30584,
                UseManaGlyph = 30585,
                Walk = 30588,
                Warp = 30589,
                Weapon_Melee_Instant = 30592,
                Weapon_Melee_Instant_BothHand = 30593,
                Weapon_Melee_Instant_OffHand = 30594,
                Weapon_Melee_Obstruction = 30595,
                Weapon_Melee_Reach_Instant = 30596,
                Weapon_Ranged_Instant = 30598,
                Weapon_Ranged_Projectile = 30599,
                Weapon_Ranged_Wand = 30601,
                Witchdoctor_Gargantuan = 30624,
                Witchdoctor_Hex = 30631,
                Wizard_ArcaneOrb = 30668,
                Wizard_Blizzard = 30680,
                Wizard_EnergyShield = 30708,
                Wizard_FrostNova = 30718,
                Wizard_Hydra = 30725,
                Wizard_MagicMissile = 30744,
                Wizard_ShockPulse = 30783,
                Wizard_WaveOfForce = 30796,
                WoodWraithSummonSpores = 30800,
                Trait_Monk_Spirit = 52753,
                TreasureGoblinPause = 54055,
                TreasureGoblin_ThrowPortal = 54836,
                AI_Orbit = 55433,
                Generic_Taunt = 60777,
                Generic_SetUntargetable = 62666,
                Generic_SetInvulnerable = 62731,
                TarPitSlowOn = 67106,
                Witchdoctor_Firebomb = 67567,
                Witchdoctor_MassConfusion = 67600,
                Witchdoctor_SoulHarvest = 67616,
                Witchdoctor_Horrify = 67668,
                Monk_BreathOfHeaven = 69130,
                Witchdoctor_GraspOfTheDead = 69182,
                Wizard_Meteor = 69190,
                Monk_MantraOfRetribution = 69484,
                Monk_ResistAura = 69489,
                Monk_MantraOfHealing = 69490,
                Witchdoctor_CorpseSpider = 69866,
                Witchdoctor_Locust_Swarm = 69867,
                BurrowInSetup = 69949,
                Barbarian_AncientSpear = 69979,
                Weapon_Melee_NoClose = 70218,
                MonsterAffix_Vampiric = 70309,
                Knockback = 70432,
                Witchdoctor_AcidCloud = 70455,
                Barbarian_Rend = 70472,
                MonsterAffix_ExtraHealth = 70650,
                MonsterAffix_Knockback = 70655,
                MonsterAffix_Fast = 70849,
                MonsterAffix_Shaman = 70959,
                MonsterAffix_Puppetmaster = 71023,
                MonsterAffix_Puppetmaster_Minion = 71024,
                MonsterAffix_Illusionist = 71108,
                MonsterAffix_Healthlink = 71239,
                Wizard_SpectralBlade = 71548,
                Brickhouse_Enrage = 72713,
                Witchdoctor_FetishArmy = 72785,
                Wizard_IceArmor = 73223,
                HelperArcherProjectile = 73289,
                SkeletonKing_Whirlwind = 73824,
                Witchdoctor_ZombieCharger = 74003,
                Wizard_StormArmor = 74499,
                BurrowOut_NoFacing = 75226,
                DemonHunter_SpikeTrap = 75301,
                Wizard_DiamondSkin = 75599,
                DemonHunter_EntanglingShot = 75873,
                Generic_SetInvisible = 76107,
                Wizard_MagicWeapon = 76108,
                Spider_Web_Slow = 76961,
                Wizard_Hydra_RuneLightning_Prototype = 77065,
                Wizard_Hydra_RuneAcid_Prototype = 77066,
                Wizard_Hydra_RuneArcane_Prototype = 77067,
                Wizard_Hydra_DefaultFire_Prototype = 77068,
                Wizard_EnergyTwister = 77113,
                Goatman_Shaman_Lightningbolt = 77342,
                DemonHunter_FanOfKnives = 77546,
                DemonHunter_BolaShot = 77552,
                DemonHunter_Multishot = 77649,
                Barbarian_Frenzy = 78548,
                Barbarian_Sprint = 78551,
                Barbarian_BattleRage = 79076,
                Barbarian_ThreateningShout = 79077,
                Barbarian_Bash = 79242,
                SkeletonKing_Teleport = 79334,
                Barbarian_GroundStomp = 79446,
                UninterruptibleDuringBuff = 79486,
                Barbarian_IgnorePain = 79528,
                Barbarian_WrathOfTheBerserker = 79607,
                Barbarian_HammerOfTheAncients = 80028,
                Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients = 80049,
                Barbarian_Cleave = 80263,
                MonsterAffix_Electrified = 81420,
                SkeletonKing_Teleport_Away = 81504,
                Barbarian_WarCry = 81612,
                Wizard_Hydra_RuneFrost_Prototype = 83040,
                Witchdoctor_Haunt = 83602,
                Wizard_Hydra_RuneBig_Prototype = 84030,
                Enchantress_Cripple = 84469,
                Laugh_SkeletonKing = 84699,
                g_levelUp = 85954,
                DamageAttribute = 86152,
                EscortingBuff = 86241,
                DemonHunter_Grenades = 86610,
                Barbarian_SeismicSlam = 86989,
                Wizard_EnergyArmor = 86991,
                Hireling_Callout_BattleCry = 87093,
                SkeletonKing_KillSummonedSkeletons = 87523,
                Wizard_ExplosiveBlast = 87525,
                MonsterAffix_Frozen = 90144,
                MonsterAffix_Molten = 90314,
                MonsterAffix_Plagued = 90566,
                MonsterAffix_MissileDampening = 91028,
                CopiedVisualEffectsBuff = 91052,
                MonsterAffix_Ballista = 91098,
                CalldownGrenade = 91155,
                MonsterAffix_DieTogether = 91232,
                trout_tristramfields_punji_trap_aoe = 91261,
                Wizard_Disintegrate = 91549,
                Wizard_RayOfFrost = 93395,
                Barbarian_Leap = 93409,
                ActorDisabledBuff = 93716,
                Leah_Vortex = 93831,
                Barbarian_WeaponThrow = 93885,
                Templar_Onslaught = 93888,
                Templar_Intimidate = 93901,
                Templar_Intervene = 93938,
                Templar_Intervene_Proc = 94008,
                Summon_Zombie_Vomit = 94734,
                Ghost_A_Unique_House1000Undead_Slow = 94972,
                trout_tristramfields_punji_trap_mirror_aoe = 95387,
                Monk_MantraOfConviction = 95572,
                Scoundrel_CripplingShot = 95675,
                Scoundrel_PowerShot = 95690,
                DOTDebuff = 95701,
                Monk_FistsofThunder = 95940,
                Monk_DeadlyReach = 96019,
                Monk_WaveOfLight = 96033,
                Monk_SweepingWind = 96090,
                Monk_DashingStrike = 96203,
                Monk_Serenity = 96215,
                Barbarian_Whirlwind = 96296,
                Monk_CripplingWave = 96311,
                Monk_SevenSidedStrike = 96694,
                Monk_WayOfTheHundredFists = 97110,
                Monk_InnerSanctuary = 97222,
                Monk_ExplodingPalm = 97328,
                Barbarian_FuriousCharge = 97435,
                Scoundrel_DirtyFighting = 97436,
                GoatmanDrumsBeating = 97497,
                Wizard_MirrorImage = 98027,
                Barbarian_Earthquake = 98878,
                Goatman_Iceball = 99077,
                GhostWalkThroughWalls = 99094,
                Wizard_Familiar = 99120,
                AIEvadeBuff = 99543,
                Scoundrel_Ranged_Projectile = 99902,
                Scoundrel_RunAway = 99904,
                trOut_LogStack_Trap = 100287,
                DebuffSlowed = 100971,
                DebuffStunned = 101000,
                DebuffFeared = 101002,
                DebuffRooted = 101003,
                Enchantress_FocusedMind = 101425,
                Enchantress_PoweredArmor = 101461,
                Enchantress_ReflectMissiles_Proc = 101867,
                Enchantress_ForcefulPush = 101969,
                Enchantress_Disorient = 101990,
                Enchantress_Charm = 102057,
                Enchantress_ReflectMissiles = 102133,
                Cain_Intro_Swing = 102449,
                Witchdoctor_Sacrifice = 102572,
                Witchdoctor_SummonZombieDog = 102573,
                Witchdoctor_PoisonDart = 103181,
                DebuffBlind = 103216,
                Quest_CanyonBridge_Player_RevealFootsteps = 103337,
                Quest_CanyonBridge_Enchantress_RevealFootsteps = 103338,
                AI_Follow_MeleeLead = 104514,
                TreasureGoblin_Escape = 105371,
                TreasureGoblin_ThrowPortal_Fast = 105665,
                Witchdoctor_Firebats = 105963,
                Witchdoctor_SpiritWalk = 106237,
                AncientSpearKnockback = 106281,
                Witchdoctor_PlagueOfToads = 106465,
                Witchdoctor_PlagueOfToads_BigToadAttack = 106592,
                Witchdoctor_CorpseSpider_Leap = 107103,
                Witchdoctor_Hex_Fetish = 107301,
                QuillDemon_Projectile = 107729,
                Witchdoctor_Hex_Fetish_Heal = 107742,
                Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage = 108506,
                Beast_Weapon_Melee_Instant = 109289,
                Barbarian_Revenge = 109342,
                Barbarian_Revenge_Buff = 109344,
                Trait_Witchdoctor_ZombieDogSpawner_Passive = 109560,
                MonsterAffix_Electrified_Minion = 109899,
                ZombieFemale_Projectile = 110518,
                DemonHunter_Vault = 111215,
                Monk_LashingTailKick = 111676,
                Weapon_Melee_Reach_Instant_Freeze_Facing = 115624,
                Hireling_Callout_BattleFinished = 117323,
                Witchdoctor_BigBadVoodoo = 117402,
                Summoning_Machine_Summon = 117580,
                HellPortalSummoningMachineActivate = 118226,
                Witchdoctor_FetishArmy_Shaman = 118442,
                Witchdoctor_FetishArmy_Hunter = 119166,
                MonsterAffix_VortexCast = 120305,
                MonsterAffix_VortexBuff = 120306,
                MonsterAffix_Pheonix = 120655,
                Monk_TempestRush = 121442,
                Witchdoctor_Gargantuan_Cleave = 121942,
                Witchdoctor_Gargantuan_Slam = 121943,
                UnholyShield = 122977,
                SetItemBonusBuff = 123014,
                Goatman_Cold_Shield = 123158,
                Monk_MysticAlly = 123208,
                Frenzy_Affix = 123843,
                DemonHunter_Preparation = 129212,
                DemonHunter_Chakram = 129213,
                DemonHunter_ClusterArrow = 129214,
                DemonHunter_HungeringArrow = 129215,
                DemonHunter_Caltrops = 129216,
                DemonHunter_Sentry = 129217,
                Generic_SetCannotBeAddedToAITargetList = 129386,
                Generic_SetObserver = 129393,
                Generic_SetTakesNoDamage = 129394,
                Generic_SetDoesFakeDamage = 129395,
                DemonHunter_Sentry_TurretAttack = 129661,
                DemonHunter_SmokeScreen = 130695,
                DemonHunter_MarkedForDeath = 130738,
                DemonFlyer_Projectile = 130798,
                DemonHunter_ShadowPower = 130830,
                DemonHunter_RainOfVengeance = 130831,
                DemonHunter_RapidFire = 131192,
                BodyGuard_Teleport = 131193,
                DemonHunter_ElementalArrow = 131325,
                DemonHunter_Impale = 131366,
                GoatMutantEnrage = 131588,
                GoatMutantGroundSmash = 131699,
                PickupNearby = 131976,
                Charmed_Weapon_Melee_Instant = 132695,
                Charmed_Monster_Ranged_Projectile = 132698,
                WarpInMagical = 132910,
                DemonHunter_Companion = 133695,
                DH_Companion_ChargeAttack = 133887,
                DemonHunter_Strafe = 134030,
                DemonHunter_EvasiveFire = 134209,
                Callout_Cooldown = 134225,
                DemonHunter_EvasiveFire_Flip = 134280,
                Banter_Cooldown = 134334,
                Wizard_ArcaneTorrent = 134456,
                CoreElite_DropPod = 134816,
                Witchdoctor_WallOfZombies = 134837,
                Wizard_Archon = 134872,
                Wizard_Archon_ArcaneStrike = 135166,
                Wizard_Archon_DisintegrationWave = 135238,
                Wizard_Archon_SlowTime = 135663,
                Monk_BlindingFlash = 136954,
                Monk_ResistAura_RuneC_Fire = 143382,
                Monk_ResistAura_RuneC_Lightning = 144188,
                Monk_ResistAura_RuneC_Cold = 144197,
                Monk_ResistAura_RuneC_Poison = 144202,
                MastaBlasta_Steed_Combine = 144289,
                Monk_ResistAura_RuneC_Arcane = 144312,
                Monk_ResistAura_RuneC_Holy = 144322,
                PlagueOfToadsKnockback = 147876,
                DH_rainofArrows_shadowBeast_bombDrop = 150075,
                Camera_Focus_Buff = 151595,
                Camera_Focus_Pet_Buff = 151604,
                Unique_Monster_Generic_Projectile = 152540,
                DemonHunter_Passive_Vengeance = 155714,
                DemonHunter_Passive_Sharpshooter = 155715,
                DemonHunter_Passive_CullTheWeak = 155721,
                DemonHunter_Passive_Perfectionist = 155722,
                DemonHunter_Passive_Ballistics = 155723,
                DemonHunter_Passive_HotPursuit = 155725,
                MonsterAffix_TeleporterBuff = 155958,
                MonsterAffix_TeleporterCast = 155959,
                MonsterAffix_DesecratorCast = 156105,
                MonsterAffix_DesecratorBuff = 156106,
                Monk_Passive_ChantOfResonance = 156467,
                Monk_Passive_NearDeathExperience = 156484,
                Monk_Passive_GuidingLight = 156492,
                Barbarian_Overpower = 159169,
                AI_WalkTo_Guaranteed = 163333,
                AI_WalkInFront_Guaranteed = 163334,
                AI_SprintTo_Guaranteed = 163335,
                AI_SprintInFront_Guaranteed = 163336,
                AI_RunTo_Guaranteed = 163338,
                AI_RunInFront_Guaranteed = 163339,
                DemonHunter_Passive_SteadyAim = 164363,
                UseArcaneGlyph = 165553,
                Wizard_ArcaneTorrent_RuneC_Mine = 165598,
                Wizard_Archon_Cancel = 166616,
                Wizard_Archon_ArcaneBlast = 167355,
                Wizard_Archon_Teleport = 167648,
                Summon_Skeleton_Jondar = 168212,
                Wizard_Teleport = 168344,
                Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients_Cleave = 168823,
                Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients_FuriousCharge = 168824,
                Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients_Leap = 168825,
                Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients_SeismicSlam = 168827,
                Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients_WeaponThrow = 168828,
                Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients_Whirlwind = 168830,
                Monk_MysticAlly_Pet_Weapon_Melee_Instant = 169081,
                Monk_MysticAlly_Pet_RuneA_Kick = 169155,
                Monk_MysticAlly_Pet_RuneB_WaveAttack = 169325,
                Monk_MysticAlly_Pet_RuneC_GroundPunch = 169715,
                Monk_MysticAlly_Pet_RuneD_AOEAttack = 169728,
                a2dun_Cave_Goatmen_Dropping_Log_Trap_attack = 175069,
                a1dun_Leor_Fire_Gutter_fire = 175159,
                ZombieEatStart = 178483,
                ZombieEatStop = 178485,
                BannerDrop = 185040,
                EmoteFollow = 185042,
                EmoteGive = 185081,
                EmoteThanks = 185082,
                EmoteSorry = 185083,
                EmoteBye = 185085,
                EmoteDie = 185087,
                EmoteHelp = 185093,
                EmoteRun = 185598,
                EmoteWait = 185600,
                EmoteGo = 185629,
                trOut_LogStack_Short_Damage = 186138,
                Enchantress_RunAway = 186200,
                trDun_Cath_WallCollapse_Damage = 186216,
                Witchdoctor_SpiritBarrage_RuneC_AOE = 186471,
                Witchdoctor_Gargantuan_Smash = 186851,
                Barbarian_CallOfTheAncients_Basic_Melee = 187092,
                EmoteYes = 188251,
                EmoteNo = 188252,
                EmoteStay = 188253,
                EmoteAttack = 188254,
                EmoteRetreat = 188255,
                EmoteHold = 188256,
                EmoteTakeObjective = 188257,
                EmoteLaugh = 188258,
                Witchdoctor_Hex_Explode = 188442,
                UseStoneOfRecall = 191590,
                Monk_MantraOfEvasion = 192405,
                AI_ReturnToGuardObject = 193411,
                DualWieldBuff = 193438,
                Hireling_Dismiss_Buff = 196103,
                Hireling_Dismiss = 196142,
                Hireling_Dismiss_Buff_Remove = 196251,
                Witchdoctor_Hex_ChickenWalk = 196974,
                EnterStoneOfRecall = 200036,
                ExitStoneOfRecall = 200039,
                Scoundrel_Hysteria = 200169,
                Enchantress_MassCharm = 201524,
                EnterRecallPortal = 201538,
                ExitRecallPortal = 201570,
                Unburied_Wreckable_Attack = 202344,
                Weapon_Melee_Instant_Wreckables = 202345,
                PvP_DamageBuff = 202701,
                Barbarian_Passive_BoonOfBulKathos = 204603,
                Barbarian_Passive_NoEscape = 204725,
                Barbarian_Passive_Brawler = 205133,
                Barbarian_Passive_Ruthless = 205175,
                Barbarian_Passive_BerserkerRage = 205187,
                Barbarian_Passive_PoundOfFlesh = 205205,
                Barbarian_Passive_Bloodthirst = 205217,
                Barbarian_Passive_Animosity = 205228,
                Barbarian_Passive_Unforgiving = 205300,
                Barbarian_Passive_Relentless = 205398,
                Barbarian_Passive_Superstition = 205491,
                Barbarian_Passive_InspiringPresence = 205546,
                Barbarian_Passive_Juggernaut = 205707,
                Barbarian_Passive_ToughAsNails = 205848,
                Barbarian_Passive_WeaponsMaster = 206147,
                Wizard_Passive_Blur = 208468,
                Wizard_Passive_GlassCannon = 208471,
                Wizard_Passive_AstralPresence = 208472,
                Wizard_Passive_Evocation = 208473,
                Wizard_Passive_UnstableAnomaly = 208474,
                Wizard_Passive_TemporalFlux = 208477,
                Wizard_Passive_PowerHungry = 208478,
                Wizard_Passive_Prodigy = 208493,
                Wizard_Passive_GalvanizingWard = 208541,
                Wizard_Passive_Illusionist = 208547,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_ZombieHandler = 208563,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_RushOfEssence = 208565,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_BloodRitual = 208568,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_SpiritualAttunement = 208569,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_CircleOfLife = 208571,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_GruesomeFeast = 208594,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_TribalRites = 208601,
                DemonHunter_Passive_CustomEngineering = 208610,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_PierceTheVeil = 208628,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_FierceLoyalty = 208639,
                DemonHunter_Passive_Grenadier = 208779,
                Wizard_Passive_ArcaneDynamo = 208823,
                Monk_Passive_ExaltedSoul = 209027,
                Monk_Passive_FleetFooted = 209029,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_VisionQuest = 209041,
                Monk_Passive_BeaconOfYtar = 209104,
                Monk_Passive_Transcendence = 209250,
                Monk_Passive_SixthSense = 209622,
                Monk_Passive_SeizeTheInitiative = 209628,
                Monk_Passive_OneWithEverything = 209656,
                DemonHunter_Passive_Archery = 209734,
                Monk_Passive_TheGuardiansPath = 209812,
                Monk_Passive_Pacifism = 209813,
                MonsterAffix_ChampionBuff = 210333,
                MonsterAffix_EnrageExecute = 210335,
                DemonHunter_Passive_Brooding = 210801,
                DemonHunter_Passive_ThrillOfTheHunt = 211225,
                Monk_Passive_Resolve = 211581,
                ActorLoadingBuff = 212032,
                Taunted_Monster_Ranged_Projectile = 212952,
                Taunted_Weapon_Melee_Instant = 212953,
                MonsterAffix_ArcaneEnchanted = 214594,
                MonsterAffix_ArcaneEnchantedCast = 214791,
                MonsterAffix_Mortar = 215756,
                MonsterAffix_MortarCast = 215757,
                SelectingSkill = 217340,
                AI_TownWalkTo_Guaranteed = 217618,
                Barbarian_Passive_NervesOfSteel = 217819,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_BadMedicine = 217826,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_JungleFortitude = 217968,
                Wizard_Passive_Conflagration = 218044,
                Wizard_Passive_CriticalMass = 218153,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_GraveInjustice = 218191,
                DemonHunter_Passive_NightStalker = 218350,
                DemonHunter_Passive_TacticalAdvantage = 218385,
                DemonHunter_Passive_NumbingTraps = 218398,
                Monk_Passive_CombinationStrike = 218415,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_SpiritVessel = 218501,
                Witchdoctor_Passive_FetishSycophants = 218588,
                MonsterAffix_ArcaneEnchanted_New_PetBasic = 219671,
                ActorInTownBuff = 220304,
                UseDungeonStone = 220318,
                Enchantress_ScorchedEarth = 220872,
                Witchdoctor_PlagueOfToads_BigToad_TongueSlap = 220908,
                MonsterAffix_ArcaneEnchanted_Champion = 221130,
                MonsterAffix_DesecratorBuff_Champion = 221131,
                MonsterAffix_VortexBuff_Champion = 221132,
                MonsterAffix_ArcaneEnchanted_Minion = 221219,
                SkillOverrideStartedOrEnded = 221275,
                MonsterAffix_Jailer = 222743,
                MonsterAffix_JailerCast = 222744,
                MonsterAffix_Jailer_Champion = 222745,
                Monk_CycloneStrike = 223473,
                WorldCreatingBuff = 223604,
                ActorGhostedBuff = 224639,
                CannotDieDuringBuff = 225599,
                MonsterAffix_Avenger_Champion = 226289,
                MonsterAffix_Avenger_Buff = 226292,
                MonsterAffix_Waller = 226293,
                MonsterAffix_WallerCast = 226294,
                Wizard_Passive_ColdBlooded = 226301,
                Wizard_Passive_Paralysis = 226348,
                MonsterAffix_Shielding = 226437,
                MonsterAffix_ShieldingCast = 226438,
                MonsterAffix_Linked = 226497,
                Witchdoctor_FetishArmy_Melee = 226690,
                Witchdoctor_ZombieDog_Melee = 226692,
                IdentifyWithCast = 226757,
                DH_Companion_MeleeAttack = 227240,
                trDun_Cath_WallCollapse_Damage_offset = 227949,
                DebuffBleed = 228423,
                Manual_Walk = 229128,
                Enchantress_Melee_Instant = 230238,
                Templar_Melee_Instant = 230239,
                g_killElitePack = 230745,
                MonsterAffix_ReflectsDamage = 230877,
                AI_Follow_MeleeLead_Pet = 231004,
                MonsterAffix_PlaguedCast = 231115,
                MonsterAffix_WallerRare = 231117,
                MonsterAffix_WallerRareCast = 231118,
                MonsterAffix_FrozenCast = 231149,
                MonsterAffix_FrozenRare = 231157,
    Last edited by zys924; 06-26-2012 at 10:37 AM.

    Town Portal?
  2. #2
    miceiken's Avatar Contributor Authenticator enabled
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    Teleport to town isnt a skill, it's a seperate function.

  3. #3
    Jens's Avatar Contributor
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    SNOPowerId.UseStoneOfRecall or call 0x00BAC190

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