[Release] LUA-Commands as SQL DB-Table menu

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    sheepking's Avatar Banned
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    [Release] LUA-Commands as SQL DB-Table

    Hey Guys I wrote (all by hand and by myself!) a SQL Table named "lua_commands"

    It includes all LUA commands from - LuaAppArc Command Library -
    With descriptions. You can simply execute this as batch file and then you will have the data in your Database Here it is:

    -- ----------------------------
    -- Table structure for lua_commands
    -- ----------------------------
    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `lua_commands`;
    CREATE TABLE `lua_commands` (
      `Command` text,
      `Syntax` text,
      `Usage` text,
      `ID` int(11) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',
      PRIMARY KEY (`ID`)
    -- ----------------------------
    -- Records 
    -- ----------------------------
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GossipCreateMenu', '', 'Creates a GossIP Menu', '1');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GossipMenuAddItem', null, 'Adds an Item to a GossIP Menu', '2');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GossipSendMenu', null, 'Sends the GossIP Menu to the Players Screen', '3');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GossipComplete', null, 'Completes the GossIP Request', '4');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GossipSendPOI', null, 'Sorry I dunno, please complete', '5');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetMainTank()', null, 'Returns the Maintank (Target with highest threat)', '6');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetAddTank()', null, 'Returns the Addtank (Target with second-highest Threat)', '7');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetX()', null, 'Returns Unit\'s X coordinate', '8');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetY()', null, 'Returns Unit\'s Y coordinate', '9');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetZ()', null, 'Returns Unit\'s Z coordinate', '10');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetO()', null, 'Returns Unit\'s Orientation', '11');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetTauntedBy()', null, 'Gets the Target the Unit was taunted by', '12');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetSoulLinkedWith()', null, 'Returns the Unit that is soullinked with', '13');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetItemCount(XXX)', null, 'Get the Amount of the \"XXX\" items in the inventory of the player (replace XXX with the Item ID)', '14');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetName()', null, 'Returns the Name of the Unit', '15');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetHealthPct()', null, 'Returns the Percentage of the units Health Points (90% -> 90)', '16');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetManaPct()', null, 'Returns the Percentage of the Mana the unit has (90% -> 90)', '17');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetInstanceID()', null, 'Gets the InstanceID of the Unit', '18');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetClosestPlayer()', null, 'Returns the closest Palyer', '19');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetSpellID()', 'Inactive', 'Inactive', '20');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetRandomPlayer(flag)', 'flags: 0 = Any Player 1 = Close to Unit 2= in Midrange to Unit 3 = Far away from the Unit 4= Someone with Mana 5= Someone with Rage 6= Someone with Energy 7= Not Maintank', 'Gets random Players (Look in syntax for the flags)', '21');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetRandomFriend()', '', 'Gets a random Target friendly to the unit.', '22');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetRandomEnemy()', null, 'Gets a ranomd Enemy not friendly to the unit', '23');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetUnitBySqlId(SQL-ID)', null, 'Used to return a Unit by SQL ID (This ID is UNIQUE for every Mob. Can be found in the Creature_Spawns table)', '24');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetUnitByGUID(GUID)', null, 'Returns Unit with that GUID', '25');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetPlayerClass()', null, 'Returns Players class as a Number', '26');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetHealth()', null, 'Returns EXACT Points of Health (No Percantage)', '27');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetMaxHealth()', null, 'Returns the Exact points of the Maximum Health the Unit has.', '28');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetCreaturesNearestCoords()', null, 'Selfdescribing, isnt it?', '29');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetCreatureGuid()', null, 'Returns the GUID of the Creature', '30');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetGameObjectGuid()', null, 'Returns the GUID of the GameObject', '31');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetPlayerCountInRadius()', null, 'BUGGED. DONT USE!', '32');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetGameObjectNearestCoords(x,y,z,gameobjectid)', null, 'Used to change the State of a Gameobject located at x, y, z with that ID', '33');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetDistance(target)', 'Target can be found for example with Command #21', 'Used to get the Distance to the Target', '34');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetGUID()', null, 'Returns a unique uint64 Guide Number', '35');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetZoneId()', null, 'Returns the ZoneID the Unit is currently in', '36');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetMaxMana()', null, 'Returns the Maximum Mana the Creature can have in an exact Number', '37');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetMana()', null, 'Returns the Mana the Unit currently has as exact Value', '38');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetCurrentSpellId()', null, 'If the Unit casts a Spell this will return its spellID', '39');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetSpawnX()', null, 'Returns the X Spawn Coord', '40');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetSpawnY()', null, 'Returns the Y Spawn Coord', '41');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetSpawnZ()', null, 'Returns the Z Spawn Coord', '42');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetSpawnO()', null, 'Returns the Spawn Orientation', '43');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetInrangePlayersCount()', null, 'Returns the Number of Players in Range', '44');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetAIState()', null, 'Returns the AI State the unit is in as Number', '45');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetAITargets()', null, 'This will return a threat table', '46');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetInRangeObjects()', null, 'Returns a table with a list of the Objects wich are in range', '47');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetInRangeObjectCount()', null, 'Returns count of the Objects in Range', '48');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetAITargetsCount()', null, 'Returns the number of the AI Targets (Count of the Members in the Threat Table)', '49');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetPowerType()', 'Strings: \"Health\", \"Mana\", \"Rage\", \"Energy\"', 'Returns the Power Type in STRING FORM!!', '50');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetInRangeFriends()', null, 'Used to return Units friendly to the Unit (Returns in a Table)', '51');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetPlayerLevel()', null, 'Returns the Level of the Player (Target)', '52');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetStealthLevel()', null, 'Returns the Skilllevel of the Stealth', '53');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetFaction()', null, 'Returns the Faction as Number', '54');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetNextTarget()', null, 'Returns 2nd Target in the ThreatList', '55');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetUInt32Value(field)', null, 'Please check the Core to see how they are specified.', '56');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetUInt64Value(field)', null, 'Please check the Core to see how they are specified.', '57');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetMapID', null, 'Returns the MapID', '58');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetTarget()', null, 'Returns the Targetted Unit (Only for Players)', '59');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':GetSelection()', null, 'Returns the Selection of the Player (Only available for players)', '60');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES ('', 'Now the Bool Commands. They will return a boolean value (Only True or False nothing more is possible)', null, '61');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsPlayer()', null, 'Returns True if the Target is a Player', '62');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsCreature()', null, 'Returns True if the Target is a Creature', '63');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsInCombat()', null, 'Returns True if the Target is in Combat', '64');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsCasting()', null, 'Returns True if the Target is casting', '65');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsAlive()', null, 'Returns True if the Unit is Alive', '66');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsDead()', null, 'Returns True if the Unit is dead', '67');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsInWorld()', null, 'Returns True if the Unit is spawned', '68');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsPlayerMoving()', '', 'Returns True if the Player is Moving', '69');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsInFront(target)', null, 'Returns True if the Unit is in front of the \"target\"', '70');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsCreatureMovin()', null, 'Returns True if the Creature is Moving', '71');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsInBack(target)', null, 'Returns True if the Unit is in the Back of the Target', '72');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsPacified()', null, 'Returns True if the Unit is Pacified', '73');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsInWater()', null, 'Returns True if the Player is in Water', '74');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':NoRespawn()', null, 'Set this to 1 to disable respawn', '75');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsStealthed()', null, 'Returns True if the Unit is stealthed', '76');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':IsPlayerAttacking()', null, 'Returns True if the Player is attacking', '77');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES ('', 'Other Kind of Commands', null, '78');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SendChatMessage(type, language, message)', null, 'Sends a Chat Message (Google for the types and languages)', '79');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':MoveTo(x, y, z, o)', null, 'Move to a location with the Coords x, y, z and the orientation o', '80');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':CastSpell(spellid)', null, 'Casts spell with specified with \"spellid\"', '81');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':CastSpellOnTarget(spellid, target)', null, 'Casts spell (spellid) on target (Must be specified!)', '82');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':FullCastSpell(spellid)', null, 'Casts spell with spellID with the full casting length', '83');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':FullCastSpellOnTarget(spellid, target)', null, 'Casts spell with spellID with the full casting time on Target (Must be speciefied!!)', '84');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SpawnGameObject(entry_id, x, y, z, duration)', 'The \"duration\" is a Time value, specified in seconds.', 'Spawns a GameObject with entry_id at x, y, z for duration seconds.', '85');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SpawnCreature(entry_id, x, y, z, faction, duration)', null, 'Spawns creature \"entry_id\" at \"x, y, z\" with the faction \"faction\" for \"duration\" seconds', '86');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RegisterEvent(name, delay, repeats)', null, 'Registers a Function in LUA (Like a Timer for an Event)', '87');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveEvents()', null, 'Has no Arguments. Removes all registered Events (87)', '88');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SendBroadcastMessage(message)', null, 'Displays a Message for a Player', '89');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SendAreaTriggerMessage( message)', '', 'Sends a Message across the Screen', '90');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':KnockBack()', null, 'Knocks the Player back', '91');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':MarkQuestObjectiveAsComplete(questID, objective)', null, 'Marks the objective of a Quest as completed (for example killed 12/12 gnolls)', '92');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':LearnSpell(spellid)', null, 'Player-Only command. Teaches a Player the spell with the ID \"spellid\"', '93');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':UnlearnSpell(spellid)', null, 'Removes a known Spell from the Spellbook of a Player', '94');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':HasFinishedQuest(questid)', null, 'This is a boolean. Returns True if Quest \"questid\" is finished', '95');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ClearThreatList()', null, 'Set every Aggro to 1', '96');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ChangeTarget(target)', null, 'Changes target to \"target\"', '97');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':Emote(emoteid)', null, 'Makes the Unit making emote \"emoteid\"', '98');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':Despawn(delay, respawn)', null, 'Despawns a creature after the given delay. If you fill a value for respawn it will respawn after \"respawn\" seconds', '99');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':PlaySoundToSet(soundid)', null, 'Plays Sound \"SoundID\"', '100');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveAura(spellid)', null, 'This will remove the Aura of the defined spellid (If a spell has an Aura you can look on wowhead.com)', '101');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':StopMovement(time)', null, 'This will make the Creature stop moving for \"time\" seconds', '102');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':AddItem(itemid)', null, 'Adds Item \"itemid\" to the Inventory of the Player.', '103');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveItem(itemid)', null, 'Removes Item \"itemid\" from the Inventory of the Player.', '104');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':CreateCustomWayPointMap()', null, 'Creates a Waypoint', '105');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':DestroyCustomWayPointMap()', null, 'Destroys all set Waypoints', '106');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':CreateWayPoint(x, y, z, waittime, moveflags, displayid)', 'moveflags: 0 = walk 256 = run 768 = fly displayid = how the waypoints will be displayed to you', 'Creates a waypoint at x, y, z with waittime seconds to let the character wait there and moveflags and displayid', '107');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':MoveToWayPoint(waypointid)', null, 'Move to waypoint #\"waitpointid\"', '108');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':TeleportUnit(mapid, x, y, z)', null, 'Teleports a Player to the map \"mapid\" at x, y, z', '109');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ClearHateList()', null, 'Same as ClearThreatList()', '110');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':WipeHateList()', null, 'Removes all Threat from the NPC. (Will cause it to leave combat and walk to its spawnpoint)', '111');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':WipeTargetLust()', null, 'Same as WipeHateList()', '112');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':WipeCurrentTarget()', null, 'Will reset the aggro of the current player. NPC targets new Player', '113');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':CastSpellAoF(x, y, z, spellid)', null, 'BUGGED', '114');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveAllAuras()', null, 'Removes all auras (Positive aswell as negative)', '115');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':StopChannel()', null, 'If the unit is channeling a spell this will abort it.', '116');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ChannelSpell(guid, spellid)', null, 'Channels spell \"spellid\" on target \"guid\"', '117');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ReturnToSpawnPoint()', null, 'Makes the Unit go back to its SpawnPoint', '118');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':HasAura(auraid)', null, 'Returns True if Unit has Aura \"auraid\"', '119');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':Land()', null, 'Used to let Units Land wich are flying', '120');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':CancelSpell()', null, 'Cancels the Casting of a Spell', '121');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':AdvanceSkill(skillid, amountofincrease)', null, 'Used to make a Skill higher (Like Weapon Skill)', '122');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':AddSkill(skillid)', null, 'Adds Skill \"skillid\"', '123');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveSkill(skillid)', null, 'Removes Skill \"skillid\"', '124');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':PlaySpellVisual(guid, spellid)', null, 'NOT WORKING', '125');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveThreatByPtr(target)', null, 'Removes all threat on the target specified', '126');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':EventCastSpell(target, sp, delay, repeats)', null, 'This a spell over and over on the specified target', '127');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':AttackReaction(target, dmg, spell)', null, 'Creates a fake Threat to the target, with damage \"dmg\" and as Spell \"spell\"', '128');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':Root()', null, 'Disables Movement', '129');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':Unroot()', null, 'Enables Movement again', '130');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':Heal(target, spellid, amount)', null, 'Heals target \"target\" with spell \"spellid\" for \"amount\" healthpoints', '131');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':Energize(target, spellid, amount, type)', 'types: mana, rage, focus, energy', 'Restores the \"target\"s \"energybar\" with spell \"spellid\" and the amount \"amount\"', '132');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':Strike(target, dmg, sp, adddmg, exclusivedmg, pct_dmg_mod)', null, 'Sorry, I dont know what this exactly does.', '133');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':Kill(target)', null, 'Kills target \"target\"', '134');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':DealDamage(target, amount, spellid)', null, 'Deals \"amount\" damage to target \"target\" with spell \"spellid\"', '135');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RessurectPlayer()', null, 'Ressurects you (Player Only command)', '136');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveFromWorld()', null, 'Used for Units and GameObjects to remove them from the World', '137');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ModThreat(target, amount)', null, 'Modifies the threat of the specified Target by amount', '138');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':AddAssitTarget(target)', null, 'Sorry I dont know what this does', '139');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveAuraByMechaninc(mechanicid, hostileonly)', null, 'This removes all auras depending on what mechanic,(sleep,fear,etc), hostileonly is a bool, put 1 to remove only hostile auras, 0 for all pos and nega auras', '140');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveStealth()', null, 'Removes Stealth if unit is in Stealth', '141');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RegisterAIUpdateEvent(time_in_miliseconds)', null, 'Creates AI Update Event', '142');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ModifyAIUpdateEvent(newtime)', null, 'Changes the previous time to the new specified time.', '143');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':RemoveAIUpdateEvent()', null, 'Removes all AI Update Events.', '144');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':DeleteWaypoint(waypointid)', null, 'Deletes waypoint \"waypointid\"', '145');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':DealGoldCost(amount)', null, 'Returns true if the amount of copper was successfully taken from the player (If the player has not enough silver it will return false, else it will take the money from him and return true)', '146');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':DealGoldMerit(amount)', null, 'Adds an amount of copper to the players backpack and returns nil', '147');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':PerformCharDBQuery(querystring)', 'Disabled', 'Performs a Query for the Database like (SQL-Commands)', '148');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':PerformWorldDBQuery(querystring)', 'Disabled', 'Performs a Query for the Database like (SQL-Commands)', '149');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (null, 'Set Commands', null, '150');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetMana(amount)', null, 'Set the Mana to \"amount\"', '151');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetMaxMana(amount)', null, 'Set the maximum Mana to \"amount\"', '152');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetHealth(amount)', null, 'Set the Health to \"amount\"', '153');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetMaxHealth(amount)', null, 'Set the maximum Health to \"amount\"', '154');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetFieldFlags()', null, 'Absolete, use SetUInt32/64Value(field,value)', '155');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetFlying()', null, 'Set the unit to look hovering', '156');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetCombatCapable(1/0)', null, '1 Disables Combat 0 enables(re-enables) combat', '157');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetCombatMeleeCapable(1/0)', null, '1 disables melee ability 0 re-enables it', '158');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetCombatRangedCapable(1/0)', null, 'You know, 1 disables 0 reenables', '159');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetCombatSpellCapable(1/0)', null, '1 inactive 0 active', '160');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetCombatTargetingCapable(1/0)', null, '1 Disables targeting the Unit', '161');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetNPCFlags(value)', null, 'Sets the NPC flags to \"value\"', '162');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetModel(displayid)', null, 'Sets the DisplayID of the unit to \"displayid\"', '163');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetScale(newvalue)', null, 'Sets the Scale of the Unit to \"newvalue\"', '164');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetFaction(newvalue)', null, 'Sets the Faction of the Unit to \"newvalue\"', '165');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetStandState(newvalue)', '', 'Sets the Standstate of the Unit to \"newvalue\"', '166');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetTauntedBy(target)', null, 'Set the unit to be taunted by \"target\"', '167');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetSoulLinkedWith(target)', null, 'Sorry I dont know what this does', '168');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetInFront(target)', null, 'Set the Target in Front of the Unit', '169');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetOutOfCombatRange(value)', null, 'This sets the \"out of combat\" range to value', '170');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetMovementType(type)', 'types: 0 = walk; 256 = run; 768 = fly', 'Sets the Movement Type to either walk, run or fly', '171');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetHealthPct()', null, 'Sets the Percent of the HP', '172');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ModifyRunSpead(value)', '7 = standard run', 'Sets the Units Runspead to \"value\"', '173');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ModifyWalkSpeed(value)', null, 'Sets the Units Walkspeed to \"value\"', '174');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':ModifyFlySpeed(value)', null, 'Sets the Units Flyspeed to \"value\"', '175');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetOrientation(Newvalue)', null, 'Sets the Units Orientation to \"Newvalue\"', '176');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetFacing(value)', null, 'Sets the Units Orientation to \"value\"', '177');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetNextTarget(target)', null, 'Makes the Unit targeting the Next Target', '178');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetStealth(amount)', null, 'Set the Stealthrank of the Unit to \"amount\"', '179');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetPowerType(value)', 'value = health; mana; rage; focus; energy', 'Sets the Powertype to \"value\"', '180');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetDeathState(value)', null, 'Sets a new Deathstate', '181');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetPlayerStanding(faction, value)', null, 'Set the Reputation from the player to the faction \"faction\" to \"value\"', '182');
    INSERT INTO `lua_commands` VALUES (':SetPlayerLevel(level)', null, 'Sets the level of the Player to \"level\"', '183');
    Have fun

    [Release] LUA-Commands as SQL DB-Table
  2. #2
    stoneharry's Avatar Moderator Harry

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    Well I'm going to +Rep just because you went and spent time doing this, what was the point though when the website is right there I will never know.

  3. #3
    sheepking's Avatar Banned
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    Its because its better to organize. Also you dont have to search minutes for the link of the Website. ofc you could write it in an word document and set some tabstops but that wouldn't look nice, wouldn't it?

    Also you can access them from somewhere else through queries or whatever, but thank you

  4. #4
    stoneharry's Avatar Moderator Harry

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    I always have FF open and I keep it as a tab Takes about 3 seconds to open + ctrl F a commad if I'm unsure for whatever reason.

    I don't always have my DB open and if I did I would have to find the table then click table data, which imo takes longer. This is just me though, other people will be different.

  5. #5
    maxlmongo's Avatar Banned
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    Too bad that the Ban Hammer hitted me critically for NO REASON D: Posting this on my other Brothers account lol

    @Moderators, reactivate my account and I'm going to donate

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    By Shao111 in forum World of Warcraft Emulator Servers
    Replies: 12
    Last Post: 01-23-2008, 03:03 PM
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