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  1. #1
    hellscum's Avatar Member
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    [Wotlk] Hit rating

    This post will (hopefully) be usefull for finding the optimal amount of hit you would want for a raid, even though hit rating becomes less usefull for some classes after a certain %.

    (Nevermind the | that are placed between the numbers, they are only there to make it easier to separate them, taking the digits away for formatting issues. shoulden`t matter alot anyhow since you cant get them since all stats and gems are whole numbers.

    26|1%| 52|2%| 78|3%| 104|4%| 131|5%| 157|6% 183|7%| 209|8%| 236|9%| 262|10%| 288|11%| 314|12%| 341|13%| 367|14%| 393|15%| 419|16%| 445|17%|

    NOTE: 17% is hit cap for level 83 mobs OR bosses in raid instances, 6% for heroic instances and 4% for pvp.

    You can skip some hit rating with talents or raid buffs post or PM if you got other talents you want to me to add.

    You can skip 26 hit rating(1%)if you are sure to be with a draenei in your raids.

    Fire and frost mages with Elemental Precision, arcane mages with Arcane Focus, shamans with Elemental Precision, Destruction warlocks with Cataclysm, Affliction warlocks with Suppression, shadow priests with Shadow Focus can all skip 78 hit rating(3%) from those talents.
    Balance druids can skip 104 hit rating(4%) with balance of power.

    And all of you can skip 3% if your in raid with a shadowpriest or a moonkin with proper spec(alot of moonkins do not include improved faerie fire in theyre builds) through misery and imp faerie fire.

    That was it for the spell hit guide, if you got any questions feel free to leave a comment or post a PM, also don`t be afraid to point out typos(there are probarly alot of them, as english is not my native language and i`m really tired atm)

    Might do something alike for melees, but that would have to be for tomorrow, and if there is a demand for it at all.

    [Wotlk] Hit rating
  2. #2
    AngryLlama's Avatar Member
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    this is a pretty nice guide. i play a mage with a crit stacking build gearwise.

    I was 16% capped with hit but my DPS was fairly low.. however after i started to stack crit (38% self buffed w/ improved molten armor glyph) i was down to about 160 hit.. Sure I did miss but it was a rare.

    Now I am up to 250 hit with about 36.xx% crit and I never miss so imo for mages just get to 250 hit and start stacking that crit!

    36 + 10(imp scorch) + 5 (boomkin) = 51% crit

  3. #3
    Muzikfreak's Avatar Member
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    Oh, thanks. Nice to have that for reference.

  4. #4
    childjulia's Avatar Member
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    This post is old but i have bookmarked this so I can come back and read up. This was some great info.

  5. #5
    BritneyRickman's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by hellscum View Post
    This post will (hopefully) be usefull for finding the optimal amount of hit you would want for a raid, even though hit rating becomes less usefull for some classes after a certain %.

    (Nevermind the | that are placed between the numbers, they are only there to make it easier to separate them, taking the digits away for formatting issues. shoulden`t matter alot anyhow since you cant get them since all stats and gems are whole numbers.

    26|1%| 52|2%| 78|3%| 104|4%| 131|5%| 157|6% 183|7%| 209|8%| 236|9%| 262|10%| 288|11%| 314|12%| 341|13%| 367|14%| 393|15%| 419|16%| 445|17%|

    NOTE: 17% is hit cap for level 83 mobs OR bosses in raid instances, 6% for heroic instances and 4% for pvp.

    You can skip some hit rating with talents or raid buffs post or PM if you got other talents you want to me to add.

    You can skip 26 hit rating(1%)if you are sure to be with a draenei in your raids.

    Fire and frost mages with Elemental Precision, arcane mages with Arcane Focus, getaway shootout is a frantic and fun online game where you race to the getaway point while blasting away your opponents with crazy weapons and navigating wacky physics. shamans with Elemental Precision, Destruction warlocks with Cataclysm, Affliction warlocks with Suppression, shadow priests with Shadow Focus can all skip 78 hit rating(3%) from those talents.
    Balance druids can skip 104 hit rating(4%) with balance of power.

    And all of you can skip 3% if your in raid with a shadowpriest or a moonkin with proper spec(alot of moonkins do not include improved faerie fire in theyre builds) through misery and imp faerie fire.

    That was it for the spell hit guide, if you got any questions feel free to leave a comment or post a PM, also don`t be afraid to point out typos(there are probarly alot of them, as english is not my native language and i`m really tired atm)

    Might do something alike for melees, but that would have to be for tomorrow, and if there is a demand for it at all.
    This is a valuable resource for casters in WoW. With some minor improvements and additional information, it could become even more helpful and informative. I encourage you to keep refining it and potentially create a melee guide if there's interest.

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