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  1. #1
    Horizonseller's Avatar Member
    Join Date
    May 2024
    Thanks G/R
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    Horizon Xi Account

    Quit playing awhile ago, gave away anything I could trade to friends before I quit.

    Account has a ton of endgame ex gear. maats cap, 9x75s, oclub, all ex sky drops, 9/10 limbus pieces,4/5 hecatomb (no legs), sprinters belt, almost all dyna drops (except dyna lord), etc. about 200k in gil left on it as well.

    TH4 for farming thief ready just need to pickup a weapon to go with your oclub. or mnk (destroyers + blackbelt), rdm/blm/smn/brd for easy invites to endgame.

    Horizon Xi Account

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