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  1. #1
    Kenneth's Avatar ★ Elder ★ WTB XRP Authenticator enabled
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    "How to Hack the New ELO System"

    Athene put out this video today on how to basically abuse the new ELO system. Basically he says you can actually skip divisions if your hidden ELO is high enough because essentially your ELO is still there. Some ways of doing this is dodging. Dodging lowers your LP but he believes does not lower your hidden ELO which everything is still based off of. Therefore when you win your next game after a dodge your LP is not as high as it would be if you just won the original dodged game but your ELO is still just as high. He also mentions dodging series games. If you start off 0-1 in a series it is better to just dodge and cancel the series to keep your ELO up but your LP down that way you can possibly skip a division.

    Video Link Here : How To Hack The New Elo System - YouTube

    My opinion: This definitely seems interesting and I am definitely going to keep my eyes on this. This could save you from a lot of games just by dodging trolls and shitty comps. Losing LP seems like such a hard hit but if what Athene says is true than it is actually a bigger benefit than loss. If you work this hard enough and it turns out to be the truth than you definitely can abuse this and skip divisions. BTW some people think LoLking's ELO is correct it is not. I have a feeling some people are going to include that in their response but LoLking's ELO is not your actual hidden ELO it is just what your ELO would be based off your league and division. Meaning any Gold 4 player at 63 LP will have the same ELO as any other Gold 4 player at 63 LP because it is just based off where you are not actually what it is.

    Hope this helps some you ranked fiends like myself.

    "How to Hack the New ELO System"
  2. #2
    pit1's Avatar Active Member CoreCoins Purchaser
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    As a long time lol player this is actually very abusable as it will allow you to lose while keep your "elo" high and allow you to now fall in the "elo hell" threshold.
    +1 for future dodges :P

  3. #3
    shogun2456's Avatar Corporal
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    not working

  4. #4
    Willy's Avatar Elite User
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    Originally Posted by shogun2456 View Post
    not working
    Care to elaborate?

  5. #5
    furias's Avatar Member
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    you do lose "ELO" when u dodge...

  6. #6
    pqs's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by furias View Post
    you do lose "ELO" when u dodge...
    Proof? Only thing that can be proven that you lose is -3 LP

  7. #7
    VinylScratch's Avatar Member
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    There's some confusion here and I'll try to give how I've analyzed all of this.

    There are two things, you have LP, and your MMR. ELO is still within the system but it's now pretty much your MMR. Take the number 1850 for example. That used to be the entry point for Platinum in the old system for NA. If your MMR says you belong in Platinum, but your LP placement puts you in say Silver, you'll lose little LP for games, but you'll also gain a ton. This is why you gain so much at the beginning and begin to gain/lose little. And why placement matches happen in a decent amount, it's to get a general idea of where to throw you. It's because the more games you play, the more accurate your MMR thinks it is. They want to get you at a point where you win or lose 50% of the time, because ideally that's how you'll improve as a player and be able to naturally raise your MMR in line with your placement.

    The way these interact is: When you're in a lobby, or queue, the people you get matched with are based on your MMR (MatchMaking Rating) hence the name. Now you also have LP which is just for a little more accurate placements. Saying I'm Silver can mean S1, or S5, which there is actually a big gap inbetween. LP you get for a game is based on your placement, and what your MMR says. The game naturally will try to make your placement equal to your MMR.

    Your MMR is determined based on winning and losing games whereas your LP is based on that also, but is not used for matchmaking. Your MMR can also rise quickly on winning streaks. The more you win in a row begins to add other factors to the formula. If you win say seven games in a row, you gain more than just seven wins worth of MMR. Because the game system view this as "He's stomping these people, he doesn't belong here, he's above this level." and proceeds to add to your MMR. Because Riot doesn't believe in luck, or they do but just don't want to add a failsafe to prevent actual good players from rising faster. This can be proven by on my account I queued with a friend in Bronze 4, lost a ton of games and off habit, I lolking'd people in my lobby to see where they were at. Eventually I noticed instead of getting people around my level in the 1400-1550 range, I was instead getting people in low silvers to mid Bronze with LKS ratings of 1000, while mine was still at 1400-1450. LKS or those unsure is Lolking's number generated via formula to give you an idea of your MMR.

    So what Athene I think is saying is that given how these two systems function, the idea is to dodge games to lose LP, but dodging while losing LP, does not affect your actual MMR because you didn't win or lose a game. So you keep your placement low, while winning sure-fire games to raise your MMR which will lead to attaining inflated LP amounts for wins because the game thinks you belong far above where you are.

    My concern with that is if MMR is used and you have a high MMR but don't play at the level the MMR says, you potentially have a chance to cripple your team unless you play something with very little impact on the game. Basically you'll be matched with players out of your league (no pun intended) and have a higher chance to lose the game.

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