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    jontebs's Avatar Member
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    [Resolved] Dispute with BERAccounts


    So for a few months ago I bought a druid with Mage Tower appearances and Mists of Panadaria Challange mode gear from BERA Accounts.

    Everything went really smooth and I paid both the seller and BERA for the druid.

    Time went on and suddenly I recieved an email from the previous owner that claimed that he wanted the account back (by buying it back). This is what was in the email:

    "Hey man!
    How are you doing?

    I'm the guy you bought the druid from (mop cm, wod cm and mage tower skins), via bera as middleman.

    I hope everything is fine with the druid and you are enjoying the character.
    I do have a question though. I already asked Bera to contact you for this aswell, but just in case he forgot: Would you be interested in selling the druid back to me? The reason is, that my girlfriend recently started playing WoW and really likes druids...
    Bera told me, that you are mainly interested in unlocking the skins on your main account and would then maybe sell the character again?

    Please let me know if you are interested in selling (once you have unlocked the skins)! I know that we would have to wait a bit first, due to 30 day cooldown on account transfers, but I just want to know, if I should look for a different druid or if you are interested.


    I replied back nicely and said that it would be no problem to sell it back to him once I got it to my own account. Then I contacted BERA Accounts on Skype and told him that he contacted me and posted screenshots of the email. BERA told me to ignore his emails. So I did..

    Here's a screenshot of the conversation:

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    After a few weeks went on and I recieved an email from Blizzard saying this:

    BERA replied that he was trying to reach out/contact the previous owner and he confirmed that it was him taking back the game time and the character boost. With the reason that he had some problem with his bank (I did not really understand this part).

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    I said that I did not really care about the money of the level boost and the gametime, I just wanted the druid transfered to my own account.
    Time went on and BERA told me that the live chat for transferring the character was closed since 2 months back (I did not get any information about this at all when I bought the account btw).
    I accepted it and waited for it to open. I told BERA that I was scared of losing the account since the previous owner sent me emails about that he wanted it back. BERA told me "dont worry he cannot reclaim the account anyway".

    Today, when I arrived at home from my parents house, I was going to check so that the druid was still there (I've checked the mail every second day or so just to see everything is alright since I was worried as you can tell).
    When I log onto my email I see an email has been sent out from Blizzard Customer Support 2 days ago, here's a screenshot of the email:

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    I immediately wrote to BERA on Skype saying that someone took the account. He replied that he does not understand.
    We had a conversation where my frustration was growing bigger and bigger when I realized that he cannot do anything about it. He started to call me a a liar and that I made up the story since no one has the ID proof for this account since it's a fake account with a fake name. Our conversation did not end nicely, I called him a scammer and out of my frustration I called him bad things (bad on my part).

    And here I am, stuck with a transcation I did to BERA accounts and his customer for 450Euro, with no account and this email from Blizzard.

    My conversation with BERA ended with that I got really angry for getting accused for lying when I'm the one that lost the money.

    So please, either suspend this guy or I'm going to keep making posts on the account from different IP adresses to warn about BERA Accounts because his replies got me 100% sure that he is involved in this scam. I lost my money and my account, and I got nothing but being called a liar. I find that very unprofessional and I'm extremely offended by all of this.

    Also I still lack an explanation of HOW someone can recall an account that has no real persons name on it. I also have no reason of lying about this since I cannot get the money back anyways. All I want is the account back that I bought from him. I have no clue about how to prove myself in this situation I'm put in since it's an account that is created by BERA himself and I had no details about the account other than my email that was put on it.

    Some screenshots from my conversation with BERA (there is alot more, I got nothing to hide):

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    The persons name on the account was David Герасимов which when I translate it using a cryllic translator is David Gerasimov
    Last edited by jontebs; 06-20-2020 at 08:24 PM.

    [Resolved] Dispute with BERAccounts
  2. #2
    BERAccounts's Avatar Active Member Premium WoW Account Vendor
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    I haven't read Jonteb's comment. I will try to keep my answer as short as possible.

    Buyer was trying to sell his character since few weeks and he also tried to chargeback previous owner of the account via Paypal but, he lost the dispute. Just two days later, magically, his account has been recalled by a mysterios person according to his claims. First of all, it was a character only sale which means he purchased a character and we moved it to a brand new account.

    Character has been purchased from a Russian seller. I made a brand new account by using 'David' as first name and 'Герасимов' as last name. Character has been moved to this brand new account that is created 'specifically' by me. So in this case, account was registered under fake ownership details. According to Jonteb's claim, account has been recovered by someone via Blizzard Support Service which is not even realistic. If he would say that character is disappeared, I would say it is possible even after few months. But an account that is registered under fake ownership details getting recalled, not even a possibility. It is just delusional.

    1- Original owner never had access to the account that is created by me. New account has been registered with 'Different First Name' - 'Different Country (Germany)' - 'Different Birth Date' - 'Different Mail Adress and Secret Answer'. That means, original owner of the character doesn't have matching identification documents for perform a recall via Blizzard Customer Support.

    2- Previous owner's first name is 'P***' and last name is 'M***'. This can be confirmed by Jonteb's Paypal history since he paid to him directly. That means, previous owner of the account doesn't have matching identification documents for perform a recall via Blizzard Customer Support.

    Last edited by BERAccounts; 06-20-2020 at 05:59 PM.

  3. #3
    jontebs's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by BERAccounts View Post
    I haven't read Jonteb's comment. I will try to keep my answer as short as possible.

    Buyer was trying to sell his character since few weeks and he also tried to chargeback previous owner of the account via Paypal but, he lost the dispute. Just two days later, magically, his account has been recalled by a mysterios person according to his claims. First of all, it was a character only sale which means he purchased a character and we moved it to a brand new account.

    Character has been purchased from a Russian seller. I made a brand new account by using 'David' as first name and 'Герасимов' as last name. Character has been moved to this brand new account that is created 'specifically' by me. So in this case, account was registered under fake ownership details. According to Jonteb's claim, account has been recovered by someone via Blizzard Support Service which is not even realistic. If he would say that character is disappeared, I would say it is possible even after few months. But an account that is registered under fake ownership details getting recalled, not even a possibility.

    1- Original owner never had access to the account that is created by me. New account has been registered with 'Different First Name' - 'Different Country (Germany)' - 'Different Birth Date' - 'Different Mail Adress and Secret Answer'. That means, original owner of the character doesn't have matching identification documents for perform a recall via Blizzard Customer Support.

    2- Previous owner's first name is 'P***' and last name is 'M***'. This can be confirmed by Jonteb's Paypal history since he paid to him directly. That means, previous owner of the account doesn't have matching identification documents for perform a recall via Blizzard Customer Support.

    What is really frustrating is that you say that it's not realistic that the account was recalled, yet here I am with a mail from Blizzard that someone reclaimed the account with an email that does not even show in the email, k***@gmail.com

    I'm put in a situation where I feel extremely scammed and all BERA does is laugh at me on Skype and call me a liar. Why would I even come up with something like this? what do I get out of it? I already paid for the account and it's simply lost. There was no proof at all about the account being put in a non-realistic name either. I got nothing at the purchase other than the login details.

    Also, according to the screenshots BERA himself says that he "know what this is", where he explains that this is a Blizzard Recovery ticket, which requires an ID as a proof, which clearly shows that I'm not making up this story - after all I already paid for the account and had it until 2 days ago when it was taken from me. Why would someone even lie about that? what would the benefit for me be for doing so? I can't get any money back either way, so telling me that I make up the whole thing just does not make any sense and there is literally 0 logic to it.

    I'm a 31 year old guy with a stable job, the money for the account is not anything I care about at all - what I do care about though is being scammed and STOLEN on this money and the account itself from a guy that is trying to protect himself by selling accounts that are recalled.

    What is even more strange is that if it was a fake name there would be absolutely 0 chance that someone could recall it, yet here I am without an account, while BERA is telling me that because of this I am lying. Put yourself in my situation where I'm left without any details about the account owner or anything when I recieved it from BERA, and one day it's just gone. How do I even know there was no person under this name? All of that just points towards him being involved in the scam.

    So refering to what he stated in the last post:

    "I made a brand new account by using 'David' as first name and 'Герасимов' as last name. Character has been moved to this brand new account that is created 'specifically' by me."

    If it was made by BERA account, then he is 100% involved in recalling the account since there seems to be a guy with EXACTLY that name, otherwise they wouldn't be able to recall the account.
    I already provided a screenshot that shows it was changed without my approval. Here it is again:

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Also him not really being cooperative is really frustrating.. all I get is him laughing in my face, telling me no one would every believe me and claiming that I made up the whole story, for what reason? why would I make up a story of an account that I already paid for? I can't get the money back either way. So his arguments really fails.

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    And then he blocked me on Skype.

    There are also multiple reports on BERA on epicnpc and he even got suspended/banned there due to similar scenarios. There has been people messaging me on epic NPC about being scammed by this guy as well. He needs to be stopped, right now.

    Oh btw I did not try to recharge back my money without talking to BERA - I simply followed the instructions from BERA after the account was recalled, which he told me to try to make a dispute/charge back on Paypal. They simply answered they couldnt help me. Here's a screenshot as proof of that he told me to dot his (so him saying I tried to take it back is absolutely abrsurd when it was his own instructions I was following, that is no argument at all.. he is simply trying to trick us into thinking he's the good guy here and to put the blame on me):

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet
    Last edited by jontebs; 06-20-2020 at 08:22 PM.

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    jontebs's Avatar Member
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    I opened a ticket on the blizzard customer support without logging into an account (didnt know this worked).

    They are asking me to send a photo of the ID of the account owner, which I did not get from BERA. According to him there is no photo ID since there is no one that has the name on the account (he claims it was a fake name, but there is no proof of that), and it seems someone has sent in a photo of an ID since the account is taken back via account restoration somehow. So clearly BERA is lying about the name being fake in the first place, otherwise none of this would have happened.

    I'm now stuck with a blizzard mail where they want me to provide a photo of the ID which I never got since BERA claimed the name was fake.

    Please see attached screenshot.

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    Guys, THIS GUY IS A SCAMMER, please do something about it, perma ban him and shut down his business! He is also banned on EpicNPC and there are several disputes pointing towards him being a scammer. I recieved multiple messages in my inbox on epicnpc too saying they were too scammed by this guy. It is clear this is a pattern he is continueing with since there has been no action against him.

  5. #5
    BERAccounts's Avatar Active Member Premium WoW Account Vendor
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    Another dramatic & emotional message. I am holding my tears by force.

    Before I start, I have to mention that I have never been suspended because of being a fraudster. I have been suspended two months due to providing name change service to my customers. Not because these reasons that you are talking about for make your claims look more believeable. I have been disputed only 3 times in past 2.5 years and all of these cases were resolved one way or another. I always honored my Warranty & Terms without any hesitation when I needed to do. There is a reason behind my reputation.

    Account has been created specifically for you and registered under fake ownership details. After payment, I have delivered this brand new account to you and you have changed details immediately. You were going to purchase name change service and move this character to your own account, that was your purpose.

    No need to mention that transfer cooldown is 30 days while you have this account since past 3 months. Probably you have already moved this character to another account before coming up with this non-sense claim. Where is the proof of this character still being inside of the account that I have created? Where is the proof of this account has been recovered by some magical figure? I am running this business on highest level since 2017. I was born at night but not last night.

    If you would say that character has been disappeared from the account, I would say that it might be possible even after months. But a brand new account that is registered under fake details and created only for you getting recalled via Blizzard Customer Service? You must be 15 IQ if you are going to stick with that story.

    Registered Full Name: David Герасимов (First Name in Latin Alphabet & Last Name in Cyrillic Alphabet)
    Country: Germany
    Account's Age: 3 Months

    Everybody who in this business can easily determine this account has been registered under fake ownership details and there is no way for this account getting recalled by a magical figure. You should pick a better excuse kiddo.
    Last edited by BERAccounts; 06-21-2020 at 07:57 AM.

  6. #6
    BERAccounts's Avatar Active Member Premium WoW Account Vendor
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    Originally Posted by jontebs View Post
    They are asking me to send a photo of the ID of the account owner, which I did not get from BERA. According to him there is no photo ID since there is no one that has the name on the account (he claims it was a fake name, but there is no proof of that), and it seems someone has sent in a photo of an ID since the account is taken back via account restoration somehow. So clearly BERA is lying about the name being fake in the first place, otherwise none of this would have happened.
    Currently, you are comfirming what I am defending for. In this world, there are nobody who can provide ID for this account. Everybody can determine that 'David Герасимов - Germany' combination is fake even by smelling these letters from their screens.

    Originally Posted by jontebs View Post
    I'm now stuck with a blizzard mail where they want me to provide a photo of the ID which I never got since BERA claimed the name was fake.
    How I can provide ID for an account that is registered fake ownership details? EU Name - RU Last Name - EU Country. While creating a new Battle.net account for these type of character only sales, you have to have matching last names on both new and main account. Since seller was from Russia, I had to use his last name which is 'Герасимов' on his own alphabet. Then I filled the rest of the blank areas with latin alphabet randomly.

    Originally Posted by jontebs View Post
    Guys, THIS GUY IS A SCAMMER, please do something about it, perma ban him and shut down his business! He is also banned on EpicNPC and there are several disputes pointing towards him being a scammer. I recieved multiple messages in my inbox on epicnpc too saying they were too scammed by this guy. It is clear this is a pattern he is continueing with since there has been no action against him.
    15 IQ. I repeat, I haven't been suspended by any reason that is connected with fraud. I have temporarily suspended for 2 months because of providing name change services.
    Last edited by BERAccounts; 06-21-2020 at 08:36 AM.

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    monkaS's Avatar Active Member
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    really strange that new account have been recalled? yes character transfer can be reversed even after monthes, but only person who paid for game and registered account can recall account, even with the fake name. it's bera, but i dont think he had a reason to do it, since his large business over there

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    BERAccounts's Avatar Active Member Premium WoW Account Vendor
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    Originally Posted by monkaS View Post
    really strange that new account have been recalled? yes character transfer can be reversed even after monthes, but only person who paid for game and registered account can recall account, even with the fake name. it's bera, but i dont think he had a reason to do it, since his large business over there
    Even on accounts with fake ownership details, you have to provide identification documents. If account would have registered under imaginary name and last name such as 'WoW Player1', you could maybe perform a recall with prepaid codes that has been used on the account and you could also confirm your identity with IP adress that you were logging to the account constantly.

    But in this case, it is a fake name with real names combined. Literally no way to pull a recall without identification documents.

    TIMELINE: I created a brand new account > Seller transferred his character to the new account > I comfirmed product is there > Buyer paid to seller directly > I have delivered account to the buyer

    I had this account under my possession for like maybe 30 minutes or less. No need to mention that he had this account without any issues since past 3 months. But lately, buyer was asking to me if he can sell this account since he wasn't playing Druid anymore. If I would have wanted, I could get account details from buyer just in few seconds.

    Product was a basic MoP CM + Legion Mage Tower Druid. No point of me performing a recall for this below average product for my tier.

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    jontebs's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by monkaS View Post
    really strange that new account have been recalled? yes character transfer can be reversed even after monthes, but only person who paid for game and registered account can recall account, even with the fake name. it's bera, but i dont think he had a reason to do it, since his large business over there
    Exactly.. strange that someone recalled the account? Why would I ever make up something like this, I cannot get my money back either way. You have screenshots as proof. He is telling me I made up the whole story to act innocent. I get absolutely 0 out of making a dispute/posting this here since the money is already gone and Paypal wont give me the money back.

    I dont see the point in posting this if I was not telling the truth, I get nothing at all out of it.

    Also check: Scammed on account bought from BERA Accounts | EpicNPC Marketplace

    Several other users have reported being scammed by BERA aswell. Are we all liars then? Are we all making this up for fun or what?
    Last edited by jontebs; 06-21-2020 at 01:14 PM.

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    jontebs's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by BERAccounts View Post
    Even on accounts with fake ownership details, you have to provide identification documents. If account would have registered under imaginary name and last name such as 'WoW Player1', you could maybe perform a recall with prepaid codes that has been used on the account and you could also confirm your identity with IP adress that you were logging to the account constantly.

    But in this case, it is a fake name with real names combined. Literally no way to pull a recall without identification documents.

    TIMELINE: I created a brand new account > Seller transferred his character to the new account > I comfirmed product is there > Buyer paid to seller directly > I have delivered account to the buyer

    I had this account under my possession for like maybe 30 minutes or less. No need to mention that he had this account without any issues since past 3 months. But lately, buyer was asking to me if he can sell this account since he wasn't playing Druid anymore. If I would have wanted, I could get account details from buyer just in few seconds.

    Product was a basic MoP CM + Legion Mage Tower Druid. No point of me performing a recall for this below average product for my tier.
    There still is no proof that this was a fake name. How can you prove it? if you stand by your point that it's a fake name - prove it. It is recalled, and as you say, no one can recall it unless they have a photo of the ID, yet it has been recalled. Which is why this proves you are lying about it and you know it.

  11. #11
    BERAccounts's Avatar Active Member Premium WoW Account Vendor
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    Originally Posted by jontebs View Post
    Exactly.. strange that someone recalled the account? Why would I ever make up something like this, I cannot get my money back either way. You have screenshots as proof. He is telling me I made up the whole story to act innocent. I get absolutely 0 out of making a dispute/posting this here since the money is already gone and Paypal wont give me the money back.

    I dont see the point in posting this if I was not telling the truth, I get nothing at all out of it.

    Also check: Scammed on account bought from BERA Accounts | EpicNPC Marketplace

    Several other users have reported being scammed by BERA aswell. Are we all liars then? Are we all making this up for fun or what?
    There is only one 15 IQ person named Rushing who claims to be a doctor with uploading his diploma to his posts. Story is, he purchased a character from me in the past. He managed to getting banned after a successful name change. Even tho I was right, admin found me guilty for providing name change service even via third party providers. I refunded to this person (Rushing) in full. There is only one person who did a comment against me and even he has been fully refunded in the past. But yeah several people commenting in your eyes because you are seeing things double/triple. Go to an eye doctor immediately.

    Originally Posted by jontebs View Post
    I dont see the point in posting this if I was not telling the truth, I get nothing at all out of it.
    When having a free vanity character without payment became nothing? You had an account which is registered under fake details and you are having ownership of it since 3 months. You can fake this situation with many ways because I don't even know if it is the same account or not. So if you get a refund from me, character comes for free. Don't say you are not getting anything from it.

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    monkaS's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by jontebs View Post
    Exactly.. strange that someone recalled the account? Why would I ever make up something like this, I cannot get my money back either way. You have screenshots as proof. He is telling me I made up the whole story to act innocent. I get absolutely 0 out of making a dispute/posting this here since the money is already gone and Paypal wont give me the money back.

    I dont see the point in posting this if I was not telling the truth, I get nothing at all out of it.

    Also check: Scammed on account bought from BERA Accounts | EpicNPC Marketplace

    Several other users have reported being scammed by BERA aswell. Are we all liars then? Are we all making this up for fun or what?
    Well its very strange thing thats account have been recalled i mean. Because if original druid owner taked his druid back it should be like you druid just dissapeared from the new account, or with a little chance just permament banned. not like your account recalled, because druid owner dont have rights to this account, he don't know payment methods, first email which blizzard asking to recall account. Герасимов its real russian second name, maybe its not fits with druid owners paypal but it still real, maybe it was his friend/girlfriend paypal account. But druid owner still can't recall this account, he can take back druid but not your fresh account, no way. maybe his surname fits with this new account but he didn't know other details which needed to recall. And if bera was a middleman, why you blaming him? he just maked sure that each of you received money and account. Go to your bank and try return your payment, its druid owner blame that character or account missing for sure, even he sended you this emails that he wanted account back. Ye bera had several disputes against him i read them, but it was because of original owners of account that went scam and recalled their accounts, or because of blizzard bans for account selling/sharing. Its a very hard rule that seller takes full response of it, and its hitting hard when you need full compensate buyer when original owner became a dick or blizzard banned for account selling cause its illegal, if you were a seller you could understand, so i dont think bera is a natural scammer like recall account and sell it one more tim, then again, he just facing problems with owners or with blizzard ban machine, also customers can abuse fake recalls too

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    BERAccounts's Avatar Active Member Premium WoW Account Vendor
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    Originally Posted by jontebs View Post
    There still is no proof that this was a fake name. How can you prove it? if you stand by your point that it's a fake name - prove it. It is recalled, and as you say, no one can recall it unless they have a photo of the ID, yet it has been recalled. Which is why this proves you are lying about it and you know it.
    Everybody can see that this account registered under fake details. First name is in latin alphabet, last name is in cyrillic alphabet and country is Germany. How this can be real? Even alphabets that has been used doesn't matches.

    I don't need to prove anything to you. You have purchased a character from us and it has been moved to a brand new account 3 months ago. You receive an account that is registered under fake details and having ownership of this account since day 1. It is very clear that whatever happened to this account (if it's happened), it has been caused by you.

    I won't bother with your lowkey time-wasting messages. Your claim shows that you are doing this intentionally for get a refund or cover your loss if you managed to getting scammed by a third party. There is no way that someone else would be able to perform a recall on this account because 'NOBODY KNOWS THE REGISTERED DETAILS OF THE ACCOUNT'. If you have shared with a third party, then it is not my problem or fault either.

    Stop writing messages with your non-sense logic and wait till someone appears to review this case.
    Last edited by BERAccounts; 06-21-2020 at 02:07 PM.

  14. #14
    jontebs's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by BERAccounts View Post
    Everybody can see that this account registered under fake details. First name is in latin alphabet, last name is in cyrillic alphabet and country is Germany. How this can be real? Even alphabets that has been used doesn't matches.

    I don't need to prove anything to you. You have purchased a character from us and it has been moved to a brand new account 3 months ago. You receive an account that is registered under fake details and having ownership of this account since day 1. It is very clear that whatever happened to this account (if it's happened), it has been caused by you.

    I won't bother with your lowkey time-wasting messages. Your claim shows that you are doing this intentionally for get a refund or cover your loss if you managed to getting scammed by a third party. There is no way that someone else would be able to perform a recall on this account because 'NOBODY KNOWS THE REGISTERED DETAILS OF THE ACCOUNT'. If you have shared with a third party, then it is not my problem or fault either.

    Stop writing messages with your non-sense logic and wait till someone appears to review this case.
    When searching for David Герасимов it translates into David Gerasimov. I'm not born yesterday BERA.. if you google David Герасимов it will automatically show David Gerasimov, here's a screenshot of the result:

    Imgur: The magic of the Internet

    And since he's from russia, the russian passports are translated into normal characters, a quick google is providing me with examples of russian ID's. Go check for yourself. So on this guys passport it would say David Герасимов / David Gerasimov

    He could have a latin First Name ofcourse, it's not unrealistic at all since his parents could be from Europe or whatever.

    Example taken from googling russian passport on google:


    There is no other way that the account could be recalled if not from the person registered on it.
    BERA is trying to use methods to hide truth and to act innocent when it's crystal clear he's the one doing the scam. Why would the email otherwise be changed without my approval?

    ALSO, on top of that, BERA himeself is offering name change services which sends illegal documents which are faked into other names, so there is a high possibility they did just that for this account so he could resell it again since it's a high demand account from BERA trying to save his own skin as usual.

    Also if you check his attitude he's clearly acting as he does not care at all. His bad mouth does not really help with the situation either. The guy has problems.

    Sending his friends to try to defend him is just pathetic. He is guilty for this scam 100%, I'm in contact with Blizzard right now and will get more evidence that a photo ID was sent in to change the email of this account. I will provide more evidence as soon as/if I get anything useful out from the conversation with Blizzard.

    I also spoke to other middlesmans which are claiming this is a real name nad can be used to recall the account. Also I did not share any details with anyone, nor do I have used any third party whatsoever, this is a pathetic argument.
    Last edited by jontebs; 06-22-2020 at 02:17 AM.

  15. #15
    BERAccounts's Avatar Active Member Premium WoW Account Vendor
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    Thanks G/R
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    Don’t embarrass yourself anymore.
    Last edited by BERAccounts; 06-22-2020 at 04:02 AM.

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