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  1. #76
    Casperx's Avatar Member
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    Why don't some of you just get it? Blizz does what they want, they want to change lore? they will.

    World of Warcraft: Cataclysm
  2. #77
    ViND_'s Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by Casperx View Post
    Why don't some of you just get it? Blizz does what they want, they want to change lore? they will.

    Yes, they can do whatever the **** they want to with the lore, but why would they do something stupid risking players to lose interest in the game then?

    It's not that simple.

    Yeah you can climb a mountain, and you are at the edge. You can sit on the edge, watch the horizon, or you can jump from the edge. You can do whatever the **** you want to, right? So why don't you jump from the edge?

    Think of the consequences of Blizzard creating stupid lore. Lots of players lose interest in the game and leave = low profit for Blizzard.

    Think of the consequences if Blizzard created something cool, new and addictive = no players leave, more players come = more profit for Blizzard.

    I doubt the leak is true at all, because Blizzard would never risk losing profit. Why would they do that? There's no reason at all.

    All of this is just something some guy thought up, it's no real information.

    And here are everyone with their Blizzard Friends which shared them info and they can confirm it.

    What a load of crap.

  3. #78
    Emilie Autumn's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by jimei View Post
    Yes, they can do whatever the **** they want to with the lore, but why would they do something stupid risking players to lose interest in the game then?

    It's not that simple.

    Yeah you can climb a mountain, and you are at the edge. You can sit on the edge, watch the horizon, or you can jump from the edge. You can do whatever the **** you want to, right? So why don't you jump from the edge?

    Think of the consequences of Blizzard creating stupid lore. Lots of players lose interest in the game and leave = low profit for Blizzard.

    Think of the consequences if Blizzard created something cool, new and addictive = no players leave, more players come = more profit for Blizzard.

    I doubt the leak is true at all, because Blizzard would never risk losing profit. Why would they do that? There's no reason at all.

    All of this is just something some guy thought up, it's no real information.

    And here are everyone with their Blizzard Friends which shared them info and they can confirm it.

    What a load of crap.
    yes the consequences so going from Vanilla to BC the "broke lore" and increased for 2 to 10 million players, during WOTLK so far they "broke lore" and have 13 million players. so where is there jump off the cliff? well if they are then they are gonna land into another pile of money because nobody will take Aion serious enough to let it win is a P2P Korean game, there ahve been so many "wow killing" P2P korean MMO's and they all burn. to take the market off wow they need to haev a truly creative idea that will attract the social comunity away from blizzard, untill then blizzard will do this sorta shit over n over.

    death knights where new weird lore, and they bought the money, flyign in azeroth and a giant new dragon = sillly gimmicky thing that keeps ppl goin on.
    Interview: Is it all behind the face?
    Emilie: No, it's all beneath the skirt.

  4. #79
    Viter's Avatar Elite User
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    This might be fake...
    But it's damn good convo starter :P

  5. #80
    Javirero's Avatar Member
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    Blood Elf druid have more sense than a Troll Druid... :S -_- And they even are more pretty

  6. #81
    Phoebe_empath's Avatar Member
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    Worgen for alliance? would be cool but not a good idea and great fail to the lore (not that it would be the first time)

  7. #82
    Cimerii's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by Javirero View Post
    Blood Elf druid have more sense than a Troll Druid... :S -_- And they even are more pretty
    Are you ****ing retarded? Learn your lore.
    If any race should have druids, it'd be troll.

  8. #83
    Kalzor's Avatar Member
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    You should put at the top of this post none of this is actually confirmed until this Friday/Saturday....

  9. #84
    dokhidamo's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by -JD- View Post
    Holy shit Blizzard has been lazy...

    No new classes
    No new content
    Just bringing out unreleased stuff they were gonna bring out anyway
    I'm going to take a long post here and break down the current cataclysm rumor and explain why each point is good or bad.

    Level Cap
    85? Someone get out the book on how blizzard has made WoW run....
    battlegrounds are broken into 10 level long brackets
    Each expansion adds a new talent (that adds a new skill) every 10 levels (2tiers)
    And not to mention that where are these 5 levels coming? Hyjal? New barrens? It's not like we have a continent or enemy to fight here. At least open some of the south seas.

    New Classes
    Human Hunter - I can see this coming from a mile off. Only regret with it is it's just fanservice, and you can bet we'll see a dozen argorn and streider out there.

    Orc Mage - This one is obvious as well. Since Dalaran opened the door for everyone to be a mage, and orcs have magic abilities (usually manifest in warlock form). It's just another thing to sheep me in PvP.

    Night Elf Mage - Can anyone say LORELOL? At the end of the war of the aincents, the night elves swore never again to use arcane power. Obviously this means they shouldn't have mages, unless blizzard can do some very fancy lore-weaving with the moonwells.

    Dwarf Mage - While it doesn't make much sense, I hear this was around in beta, so blizz must have lore on file for it.

    Blood Elf Warrior - I can't say anything bad about it, they should ahve had them in BC anyway.

    Dwarf Shaman - All I can say here is WHAT DA F***!? Since when did the dwarves care about the elements. We see from the tauren that dwarves don't care for "mother earth", and the draenei tore up azuremyst and made the elements go crazy, why would they aid the dwarves who have done that for ages? I know this is just a bunch of balance crap, and I swear I'll ignore every dwarf shaman on sight.

    Undead Hunter - If humans get it, undead get it. End of story. Unless it's a story about paladins.

    Tauren Paladin/Priest - Lumping these two together, since they are basically the same. I forsee this being more about Tauren Druids who came to follow the "sun" instead of the "moon".

    Gnome Priest - "gnomes need a healer". nuff said

    Troll Druid - Why? I thought the Cenarian Circle was a stickler about who they let in. Tauren and Night Elves only. And where's the ally druid, or has blizz decided to break that balance?

    New Races
    Also, why is thrall on an alliance ship? Does blizz really feel like screwing up another major lore point, thrall's escape? There's an entire instance about it and now they want to say he was saved from a ship by a bunch of goblins? The lore for it isn't gonna work, and the idea of another isolated starting zone isn't gonna work when you realize that 1-20 is a long way to go without interaction with anyone but goblins.

    Worgen - Lore gets a win for Worgen. We know the curse could have spread into gilneas, and breaking down the wall seems plausable enough. The cure is even in lore, look up Alphus Wordwill.
    However, the use of the phasing system will require them to level very fast, since (like goblins) 1-20 is a long time to be without interaction with anyone but low level worgen.
    The two forms are scaring this gonna create an army of werewolves or will this act like a druid form system. You can flip between human (caster-ish, with better caster stats) and worgen (more melee-oriented) forms like a skill.

    Classic Revamp.
    Can anyone say fanservice? This is because of all the whiners on the forums wanting us to go back to vanilla. End of story there.
    Barrens Split - Totally expected. We see two different barrens in WoW: north and south. North is where the lowbies level 10-15ish, south is where the 20s go to level 20-23. Splitting it up will allow players a better time, they'll know when they cross the line into higher or lower level territory.

    Azshara Revamp - Wait, there's a zone in the game called Azshara? This place has been so underused, a revamp was expected. But how will it be a 10-15 zone, and for what race? Goblins? I suppose this will be the opening zone for the azshara storyline.

    The Flood - Biblical reffrence aside in my title for it. This is a bad idea in the making. First of all, you're going to need to replace those zones with something, or suffer major consequences. (no 1k needles = everyone hordeside levels in hillsbrad = major EK lag). I also don't think that will work well without a way to swim faster.

    Destruction of Durotar - Sure, I'll give it to you as possible. But the orcs will need a new city immediately, not over the course of 1 year real life time, players will not like having 1 less main capital than alliance, and you can bet it'd be hotfixed overnight.

    GNOMERgan - Glad to hear gnomes might finally reclaim it, problem is, that will unbalance the number of capitals in the alliance (worse yet if org is destroyed and not rebuilt).

    Wailing Caverns - I'll hand it off, since I'm getting tired of typing. :P

    New Blackrock Spire - well since it is a major zone for vanilla, it's nice to know it'll be revamped. Lets hope Ragnaros remains a raid boss.

    Flying in Azeroth - This is good, but it opens the door to a situation something like....
    Basic riding free to all characters, mount costs 1S
    Epic Riding 1G at level 20
    basic flying 10G at level 40
    Epic flying 100G at level 60.

    Classic Dungeon Revamp - Careful there, we don't want to remove all instances for level 1-60, do we blizz?

    Newly released zones - sure. whatever.

    Deathwing/Azshara - no comment. They seem logical for our next step on the road to Argus

    The Cataclysm - sounds like our two idiotic friends might have been trying either to raise Sergeras into Azeroth, or revive an Old God, given the results. Detailed information on the effects can be seen above.

    Guardian of Tirisfal - First, why malfurian? It was the high elves and humans that created the first Guardians, not malfurian. As for Thrall, again I ask, why him? I guess I'm glad it isn't Med'an the almighty christ in disguise (pardon the christianity reffrence, it's my pet title for Med'an since I hate him that much).

    New New Horde - Garrosh taking over sounds likely, but I'm sure some people will whine it's not Saurfang. I can see the open war declaration coming as an effort to fix the PvP situation in the game, and I suport that idea. Carine being killed sounds like blizz is making good on their promise to play up the political tension in the horde.
    I like L.

  10. #85
    Mitron's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by KuRIoS View Post
    It is a copy paste, why write something entirely new when the info is gonna be the same?
    MMOchamp doesnt give us credit when they copy paste from us (US top guild cheating incident and other articles) so why should we give credit to them.. anyways put a "False" on the stuff that is not confirmed
    meh i said that false thing first !


  11. #86
    Mitron's Avatar Contributor
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    Originally Posted by jimei View Post
    Emilie Autumn, until now I was looking at your posts and you were totally against all of this. You saw that you lost the argument with that guy in the other thread (or was it this one) and now you are "switching sides" just so that you don't look bad?

    And no, Thrall CANNOT become the Guardian. The Guardians are a bloodline, Medivh was the last of them. The LAST Guardian.

    So no, it isn't true, as a lot of stuff in this "leak" aren't.
    here in sweden we got a king. What happens if hes daughter (crown princess or wtf its called) dies ?? or well all his daughters/sond they r three... he must give away the throne to someone OUTSIDE the bloodline the same thing as Medivh maybe have to do :P


  12. #87
    popo222's Avatar Member
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    hmm i kinda got the feeling blizz is putting us on a dead end by leaking fake content it doesnt realy look loreish i mean a tauren paladin?!

  13. #88
    Vixxi's Avatar Active Member
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    To all "News Reporters"

    Please stop making news articles about useless crap, we already have one dedicated to the new expansion. We don't need another one wasting space on the site.

    If you must spam this everywhere, make a thread in the general section next time and wait until Blizzcon is over before making a new article (which i know one of you will).

  14. #89
    lothaer's Avatar Member
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    no official link leads me to believe this is BS

  15. #90
    ota-kun's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by dokhidamo View Post
    Gnome Priest - "gnomes need a healer". nuff said

    Troll Druid - Why? I thought the Cenarian Circle was a stickler about who they let in. Tauren and Night Elves only. And where's the ally druid, or has blizz decided to break that balance?
    I think there will be Worgen druids out there.

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