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  1. #1
    Obama's Avatar Legendary
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    Happy Holidays from MMOwned!

    Well, it's that time of the year again. Time to share your time with family and take a break from WoW for a day or two. Time to rejoice and celebrate for whichever religion you believe in. Time to get in on all the special holiday events in WoW also .

    During the holidays MMOwneds members are even more enthralled to contribute and spread the holiday cheer. Let's take a seat with some members of our community and see what their holidays have in store for them.

    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?

    I'm fine, currently in the car to the church where my grand folks got burried and eventhough it's a lil boring I'm happy to go there

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas,

    please explain some of the things you do for celebration.

    Except for church... Not really, I am not christian and I do not believe in what christmas stands for... I celebrate 2 weeks of freedom hehe

    Are you going anywhere for the holiday?

    No.. Well... Northrend

    What do you hope to get for presents?

    Nothing we dont do presents.

    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    Yes merry Xmas to Dragon[sky], Matt, 2dgreengiant and the rest of MMOwned


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?

    Doin' fine.

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration.

    Absolutely nothing!

    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?


    What do you hope to get for presents?

    Uh, an iTouch, a new computer, cash... things like that.

    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    Why the **** would I do that? Lol just kidding, Happy holidays everyone! Oh, and enjoy your "Holiday Tree"

    Don't you mean a chris- DON'T SAY IT.
    Its a "holiday tree" calling it a... THAT is insensitive.

    But... most people call it a christmas tree, so if you force everyone to call it a holiday tree, aren't YOU being insensitive?

    <3 Oxhorn


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?

    Good, all the grand parents are at my house (pretty much my whole family), and my eldest cousin is coming down in a few days from college. I can't wait xD

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration.

    I am celebrating Christmas, and I have to go to church on Christmas Eve, and it sucks, probably shouldn't say that. :P
    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?

    No, I was going to go snowboarding for the first time, but I will probably go in Feb. now. Usually people just come to my house while I sit on the ole' PC getting fat.

    What do you hope to get for presents?

    I want a new monitor, but I think I am too late to tell Santa I want on (lol). I am pretty sure I am getting an iTouch, so that's cool with me.
    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    Hmm, leetspec because he is powerleveling me, Apoc because he is awesome and I need to talk to him, also anyone who hangs out in the scam section, holla guys! Peace!


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?

    This holiday I'm doing various things. Apart from buying presents I'm hanging out with friends, finally getting a break from school and sleeping more then needed unlike during the rest of the year, since I finally sleep more then 6 hours. I am also finally going back to work. I work as a ski instructor in grouse mountain, one of the various mountains in greater Vancouver and I get payed to ski all day with any aged group I want. If I'm lazy that day, I take 4 year olds on a mini slope and just chill while they practice exercises. If I'm in the mood for some hardcore skiing i ask for teenagers and usually end up doing at least blues if not the black runs. Very slack job as no one is always on my ass, and pays very well.

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration.

    I actually celebrate 2 things, Christmas and Hanukkah. This is due to the fact that my dad's side of the family are all European Jews, and my moms side is christian. So you can say I celebrate chrismukkah. Pretty much we light the candles each day and have a tree. Too bad I don't get the presents from both, that'd be sweet since you get a present each of the 8 days for Hanukkah and also presents on christmas.

    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?

    Apart from going out with friends, sleeping over at some, and various chrismas parties I pretty much am going nowhere. I had plans to go to a ski resort with some friends for a whole weekend but work got in the way.

    What do you hope to get for presents?

    Frankly, I dont really need anything but I definitely wouldn't mind getting an xbox 360. Other then that I guess a new snowboard or new ski boots would be pretty sweet.

    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    Not really anyone in particular, just to everyone in general. Happy holidays everyone.


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?:
    I'm doing good thanks, work is steady. Family is well, I'm well and I'm generally in a good mood these days.

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration. :
    I am celebrating Christmas and I'll be spending it with my wonderful family. I have gotten my nephew a very special gift as this is his first christmas

    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?:

    Nah, just staying local about the house taking the time off my feet. Relaxing abit and having a good beer sounds perfect for me.

    What do you hope to get for presents?:
    I doubt alot but thoughtful gifts mean alot to me, clothing goes down well but either way it's the party afterwards what I look forward to

    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays? :

    Ahh, well everyone really. I really do wish EVERYONE a very merry christmas or other religous holiday

    Take care,


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?-

    Hello Obama, I am doing really good this holiday.

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration. -

    I'm celebrating Christmas, but where I live it's not all that snowy and stuff like you would picture Christmas would be. It never snows where I live so that is kind of a bummer. But other then that we can throw dirt at people. Just kidding

    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?

    Usually I don't go anywhere because all my family lives around me, So usually we have a big party on Christmas Eve and open up some of the grandparents, and cousins presents and stuff. But I'm not going anywhere besides going from my moms to my dads.

    What do you hope to get for presents?

    For one of my presents I hope I get a nice Touchscreen digital camera that's 8 Gigs. Because I want to record funny videos, such as skits and stuff on my Camera and put them on Youtube. But a camera is always a good thing to have anyways. And I am also expecting to get a lot of money. Usually I get about $400 and I get a lot of gifts. I'm pretty sure I am getting some Xbox 360 games also.

    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    I would like to wish the MMOwned staff (2d, Errage, Jchunx, and KuRIos) a BIG and HAPPY holidays. Because they are doing a lot of work and a great job during the holidays. And I would like to give out a shoutout to Hellgawd, Greed, and all them making HeroicWoW a great server. Other then that shoutout to all of my friends on MMOwned. And Happy Holidays to all.


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?

    I'm doing great, enjoying my time off school and spending probably more time than I should on Mmowned.

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration.

    We do celebrate Christmas in my house, but the only ones that really believe in the Jesus story would be my grandma and one of my uncles. None-the-less we still think of it as a time to spend time with each other and give lots of a gifts. Did I mention food?

    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?

    Unfortunately no, we just arn't in the financial position to do so.

    What do you hope to get for presents?

    Money money money money, or clothes. I got an iPod touch already from my mom already but I had to pay $100 for it so it didn't feel very presenty. That's all she is getting me so oh well.
    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    Abosolutly, all the mods, admins, and everyone else that contributes on this site gets my warmest seasons greetings.


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?

    I'm doing just great, actually. How about you Obama?

    I'm doing great Hell, thanks for asking. So, re you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday? If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration.

    I celebrate Christmas.
    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?

    Staying home!

    What do you hope to get for presents?

    I hope that get something awesome. I usually don't put much thought into it.

    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    OF COURSE NOT. Kidding! Happy Holidays everyone.


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?

    I've been better, my G/F is emo because I wouldnt go to her wackass mothers house. MMO'ers are acting cheap and want damn near free power leveling, I owe Obama $50 and Neth is never on MSN so I can work out that deal and on top of that. Errage gave me the anger eye today. Other than that, it is still cold outside and yeah.

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration.

    On Christmas, when else? Dur. Plan on waking up, waking my son up walking him into the living room and having him tear apart all the presents he has. He is only 18 months so I'm sure the whole process will take seven hours. After that, I'll listen to my gamily be a bunch of emotional twits and fight. Yup, thats life.

    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?

    Prolly to my parents, about it. Oh.. and the liqour store.

    What do you hope to get for presents?

    Lol. I havent gotten shit for like, six years. I want these idiots online to fall for this xbox scam thats what I want. 10k Microsoft points.

    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    Everyone who's name isn't orange or non color. Lol.
    *Does Contributor Dance*


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?

    Good, other than my sleep schedule being a bit unbalanced at the moment.

    How about you Obama?

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration.

    Well, since I moved out in Calgary with a friend, and we do not have any family here. It's more of a "Drink and play wow around the fire pit" than Christmas. Hahaha.

    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?

    Unfortunately, my financial situation is not stable, so other than the restaurant, I can't go anywhere! The family is kind of sad about not seeing me this year, but there's nothing I can do about that. =)

    What do you hope to get for presents?

    72 virgins. No, really, what I'd like is a unique MMOwned rank! Wouldn't that be awesome? I will not get any present this year. I can always dream, can't I? lol

    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    Indeed! *takes a long breath*

    First, the staff that has been keeping the site as clean as possible, juggling with Moderating and dealing with their social lives:

    Matt, KuRIoS, Ket, Herog, Kuiren, Alkhara ( I know you're lurking! ), Errage, Dragon[Sky], Fault, Kuiren, Marlo, 2dgreengiant, Jchunx, merfed, Apoc.

    And other close friends on MMOwned:

    Parog ( Hey, you have to love yourself to go somewhere in life! ), [Soul Eater], Darkhon, Serrai, 1n5an3, Goshujinsama, Gogobananas, Tobii and of course, merry christmas to you too Obama!

    To everyone that posts to help someone once in a while, and isn't here just to leech, I wish you all a merry Christmas!


    Hi there, how are you doing this fine holiday?

    Just as awesome as usual

    Are you celebrating Christmas or a different holiday. If not Christmas, please explain some of the things you do for celebration.

    Christmas all the way baby , eat lots of food and play some wii games

    Are you going anywhere for the holidays?

    ofc not :P ima sleep/eat/toilet

    What do you hope to get for presents?

    Money mainly as i can buy things with it instead of getting useless gifts that i may not want

    Would you like to wish anyone on MMOwned a happy holidays?

    All of MMOwned a happy holiday but especially the staff as there so awesome and do a great job at mawding (myself included haha).

    Happy Holidays everybody!

    Last edited by Obama; 12-25-2008 at 02:17 PM.

    Donator 6/2008.
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    Happy Holidays from MMOwned!
  2. #2
    p0ke's Avatar Contributor

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    yeah.. Happy Holidays everyone. =)

    Hope ya'll have a great time!

  3. #3
    RyeRye's Avatar Contributor
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    Woot I'm in there

    Happy Holidays Everyone!

    Thanks Obama

  4. #4
    Bird Is The Word's Avatar Contributor
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    Everyone who isn't a orange or non-color. Lol.
    Not all donators are leechers :[...

  5. #5
    Hellgawd's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Happeh Holidaisz

  6. #6
    project anthrax's Avatar Contributor
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    Merry Christmas < yeah I put christmas sue me! lol
    removed by Unholy

  7. #7
    Igzz's Avatar ✬✬✬✬✬✬✬✬✬✬ CoreCoins Purchaser
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    Have a safe and happy holiday everyone!

  8. #8
    Mr. Moose's Avatar Member
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    Happy holidays people !

  9. #9
    Fireblast's Avatar Contributor
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    Merry Christmas!

  10. #10
    {CoReY}'s Avatar Botting Since 2008
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    Merry Christmas guys

  11. #11
    Maree's Avatar Contributor
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    Merry Christmas A Happy New year Guys.
    Lets hope are dreams and prays come true as we start out our new year with a new clean slate.

    Make right choices, be safe, and be glad your here
    Happy holidays!

  12. #12
    stakler's Avatar Member
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    Happy Hoildays

  13. #13
    Obama's Avatar Legendary
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    now that half the thread is deleted....

    holidays are over!

    hope you had a good one.

    thanks everyone who participated in the 'questionnaire' and kept holiday cheer abundant in this thread.

    Last edited by Obama; 12-26-2008 at 02:03 PM.

    Donator 6/2008.
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