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    Hellgawd's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    New. Xbox. Experience.

    The New Xbox Experience

    Article Notices:
    This article will be updated on a bi-daily basis with all the new CONFIRMED information about the New Xbox Experience. I will not be reporting any UNCONFIRMED or RUMORED features; only the things that have been 100% confirmed by Microsoft, E3 Videos, or leaked game developer conferences. Press releases will only be trusted by valid sources, as well.
    Thank you for reading my article; any suggestions can be directly Private Messaged to me if you want me to respond as soon as possible, and if you think I am missing any important confirmed information, please link me the source and it will be added here with a credit.
    The actual release date of the New Xbox Experience was originally RUMORED to be September 29th, after the massive 24 hour XBL downtime. Obviousally, this was not true, and Microsoft has not yet released the OFFICIAL date. Stay tuned!
    This update is mandatory and will be installed as soon as you login to Xbox Live.

    NetFlix - The Most Widely Known Addition
    Alright, first I'm going to get rid of the piece of horsedung that is following NXE everywhere. Mostly everyone knows by now that Netflix, the online video rental store, has teamed up with Xbox and Microsoft to allow direct streaming of any Netflix movie to your Xbox 360 console. But, only if you are a Netflix subscriber; if you already are, then huzzah! But for many people, it's just another thing to dish out money for uselessly.

    With LIVE Party, bring your favorite games, TV shows, movies, and pictures to life by sharing those experiences with friends, wherever they are around the world. (Quote stolen from an official press release.)
    Live Party is apparently integrating with all features of the 360's interface - including exactly what the above statement said, plus more.
    However, the other looming fact is that it will be functional in ALL ONLINE 360 GAMES. How this works seems impossible, as all games are not functional with a party system. Microsoft has obviously taken precautions, because they have guaranteed that E V E R Y S I N G L E online game will be supporting by LiveParty, and games that currently include party modes will be 'seamlessly engulfed and integrated, without removing any of the independent features.'

    For all those Wii and 360 players out there, rejoice!
    Microsoft has wonderfully teamed up with legendary game developer RARE (makers of the N64 games GoldenEye, Conker, and the 360 games PD:Z, Viva Pinata, and more) to design what they call '360 Avatars'. Here is the official statement by Microsoft.
    With the new Xbox 360 experience, personalize your entertainment like never before. Create your own avatar, designed exclusively by Rare, and jump into a party with friends from around the world. [imgr][/imgr]

    Marketplace Advancements
    Some under-publicized and recently added features to NXE include the Xbox Live Marketplace additions. One of the main features is when you hover over a theme or gamer picture package / download in the marketplace, a translucent preview will hover over your screen (Albeit after a small waiting period, which is understandable to preview unnecessary transitions).
    As well,'s 'Marketplace' will now be functional, meaning you can buy things on via your computer or MOBILE DEVICE (confirmed by Microsoft, but no information given) and then it will be automatically downloaded to your console the next time you sign into Live.

    Other Tidbits
    Some more new features have popped up recently.
    -Whenever you hover over your 'Personal 3d Avatar', your Gamertag motto will appear in a small text bubble overhead the avatar. Confirmed by Microsoft, but still unknown how it looks in action.
    -All of the 'game information', including screenshots, videos, features, and statistics are now available under the new 'Games Library' category on your new interface, as well as in the Games category in the Marketplace.
    -While in a LiveParty, your gamer picture and/or your shrunken 3d avatar will be displayed on the top right corner of your gamertag.

    Shocking News! Buy your big hard drives now!
    One of the most shocking pieces of information released JUST YESTERDAY by Microsoft is making many people scrambling to buy larger harddrives, especially those with the 20gb harddrives, or even none at all. Not to mention, even LARGER (1000gb hard drives, anyone?) hard drives are going on the market soon after the new experience launches. But, here is the news.
    - All disc-based games can be saved to your hard drive, so you can launch it at any time from there. However, Microsoft still requires a disc, making the entire process useless; they are still unconfirmed on whether or not they might install a rights management system to prevent fraud, rather than require the disc. Seen in action here: [ame=""]YouTube - New Xbox Experience Game Installation Process[/ame]

    Today's Conclusion!
    That's all for now folks. Let me leave you with this youtube NXE preview trailer, glimpsing many of the awesome features.

    Last edited by Hellgawd; 10-09-2008 at 11:00 PM.

    New. Xbox. Experience.
  2. #2
    Obama's Avatar Legendary
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    Very informative

    Donator 6/2008.
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  3. #3
    Hellgawd's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Thank you

  4. #4
    Stinja1's Avatar Member
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    oo pretty cool.
    looks neat too

  5. #5
    PBALLER325's Avatar Contributor
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    sigh i wont be buying a bigger hard drive unless games dont need teh discs (i realize the piracy issue)

  6. #6
    Ket's Avatar Legendary
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    I agree with Pballer325, that would be great to put my top games on the HD but to require a disk is retarded. As for the "new experience" I am not so sure on. Seems to me they are going for the Wii audience which I am not so cool on. I want my 360 to stick to a more mature audience, not a family experience...grrr.

  7. #7
    olemortenm's Avatar Active Member
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    This is Microsoft's attempt at reaching out to a wider audience. This might get a good reception some places, but the "hardcore" 360 gamers are gonna feel pissed, left out, and neglected just so MS can try to compete with Wii sales.(Yeah, right...)

    I don't know if they are trying to reach the younger audience, or the older audience. Perhaps both. But at the moment the majority of 360 users are very hardcore gamers and teenagers. I deliberately play PSN more often than XBL purely because of the fact that people are more mature and willing to co-operate. Try calling different Gamestop's, etc, and tell them that you are buying a birthday present for your son who just turned 20/25, but you have no idea which console to go for AT ALL. Most will say PS3 ( Or wii, some might ask questions like "Does he have children?" etc). HOWEVER, change that number to 15, and almost everyone will say 360.

    Point is, the 360 is a hardcore gaming console/one for teens meant for mature games. (Yes, I know I just said that it's for teens and mature games in one sentence - but lets face it, who DIDN'T play GTA before they were 18? Or any other game for that sake. ) Microsoft is trying to shake that reputation off, something which might possibly harm them more than i helps them.

    And to that last bit - wtf!? Deliberate attempt to make people purchase bigger hard drives (by MS).
    Besides, if they do implement it's use without a disk, it will not be useful for very long. Games like MGS4 for PS3 filled a whole blu-ray disc (50gb), and the 360 will have to follow up with something else than DVD's soon. Bye bye disk space.

  8. #8
    ReidE96's Avatar Archer Authenticator enabled
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    You got the Mii thing right about the Avatars. Just an attempt to appeal to the Wii's market, and they honestly don't have a chance of outdoing the Wii on sales. Wii is just too damn popular.

    If they had some way of making it so you DIDN'T need the disks once it was on the drive it would be awesome, but as it is it's pretty much pointless.

    That said, though, at least they're trying to bring out some new stuff. The Marketplace is good, at any rate.

  9. #9
    Hellgawd's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    Hopefully they find another method of protecting the games so that you will be able to launch them directly off the hard drive without using the disc. At the moment, it seems EXTREMELY pointless, but again, it's still unresolved as to Microsoft's decision.

  10. #10
    Hellgawd's Avatar Account not activated by Email
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    kataldt's Avatar Active Member
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    This is pretty cool. Although the avatars are a ripoff of Miis... As previously stated.

    I'll like the NetFlix deal, since I currently use the cable DVR system of paying for new movies.. but those are usually at least a few weeks after DVD release. Netflix is very quick, as quick as say.. blockbuster.

  12. #12
    Ease's Avatar Member
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    Wii idea stealaz

  13. #13
    olemortenm's Avatar Active Member
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    Originally Posted by TheNlghtmare View Post
    That reputation only exists within the confines of television networks and stupid gaming websites (which by no means, never trust, and I don't classify MMowned as a gaming website, it's a gaming forum ). All three major mainstream consoles are aimed at all audiences. Microsoft and Nintendo do aim for casual gamers, but they DO NOT aim at a particular audience. Remember, it's not the first party who makes all the games, therefore they have no control over the rating system and how to change the games on their released consoles.

    That reputation - while it might be something unintentional - often dictate the sales. Consider yourself a Gamestop (or any other gaming store) employee. If a father in his 30's asked you what console he should get for his 8 year old boy, what would you say? The Wii, of course! While I believe the motion controls are somewhat of a gimmick, there's no denying the fun a child can have with it.

    Compare the interfaces of the 3 consoles, the Wii has the most user-friendly interface by far. Of course the PS3's/360's are extremely usable once you get to know them, but it's just an example of how the Wii aims more for the casual gamer.

    Loose the flag on XBL, and you'll be called a fag the rest of the game. Loose the flag on Wii-fi and... Well, let's not talk about the Wii's online support... (If you could even call it that)

    Microsoft hasn't been trying very hard to reach out the the casual gamer this far, there's no denying the fact.
    It's not only about which gamers are on what console, it's more about the core of the console. No "casual" gamers wants to pay for online play. And when the Wii is advertised with Wii Sports, and the 360 is advertised with FPS' such as Halo 3, there's no question which console reaches out to the casual gamer's heart.

    To be quite honest, I don't think this will help MS very much. They might get a few casual gamers, but the lump of the "old" fans will fell somewhat left out.

  14. #14
    TheNlghtmare's Avatar Member
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    Originally Posted by olemortenm View Post
    That reputation - while it might be something unintentional - often dictate the sales. Consider yourself a Gamestop (or any other gaming store) employee. If a father in his 30's asked you what console he should get for his 8 year old boy, what would you say? The Wii, of course! While I believe the motion controls are somewhat of a gimmick, there's no denying the fun a child can have with it.
    Maybe in the 90s. But now the generation that had video games all their life understand video games and consoles (for the most part) and would know what to get their 8 year old son. I am going on 20 in a few months and I know if in ten years I had a son, and a similar system to the wii came out and a similar system to the 360 came out, I would allow my 8 year old son to test out both consoles before purchasing on of them (or both of them). It's up to the child if he or she finds it fun.. not an employee.

    And I KNOW gamestop employees... they're too bias... only fanboys work at gamestops.. and non-fanboys that work at gamestop (eb games etc...) usually quite right away.

    Too further this... There is a specific gamestop located in Edgewater, New Jersey. It is FULL of sony fan boys. In fact, they try to push only sony sales. So if a father walks in (and I've seen this before) they will push the sony psp or sony ps3 on the child and his/her father! This isn't the only case. I travel a LOT, and I've seen this everywhere with different video game and electronic stores. Don't trust an employee because they will push what they like, especially if they are young.

    My original posts were deleted because I think we have a fanboy mod ;-]>!

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